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The Good Birth Guide

South Australia

The World Health Organisation recommends that all hospitals should provide statistics on their
outcomes and services so that people in their area can use this information if they want in
making choices about where to go for their health care. Birth Matters SA and the Maternity
Coalition SA Branch have compiled this guide to help maternity consumers in South Australia
make more genuinely-informed decisions about their care for pregnancy, labour and birth.

Brought to you by
Birth Matters SA Maternity Coalition SA Branch
NOTE: Will be copied onto A3 sheet to be double-fold into A4.

Same carer
Midwife Caesarean Caesarean VBAC
through Waterbirth Birth Spontaneous Ventouse Attempted
as lead overall first mums success Episiotomy
pregnancy available Centre Vaginal Birth /forceps VBAC
carer 2006 2006 2006
labour & birth

Yes, reduces 5% or
Best practice Should be a choice 85%- 90% Less than 15% - 75 to 85%
intervention less

Ashford Private No No Maybe No 54%*

Burnside Private No No No No Declined

Calvary Private No No No No Up to 49%
30%** - no 8% to 17%
Flinders Private No No No No Unknown individual 14% average
49%* data given

N.Eastn Community No No Maybe No Declined


Birth Centre/ Midwifery

Group Practice
(Women’s & Children’s,
Maybe Yes Maybe Yes 76% 16% Unknown 8% Unknown Unknown Unknown
Lyell Mc. Flinders Med

Home Yes Yes Yes - 92% 6% Unknown 2% Unknown Unknown Unknown

Flinders Medical Centre
labour ward No No No No 31% 17%
Unknown 31%
Women’s & Children’s average
labour ward No No Maybe No 29% 24%

Gawler Hospital No No No No

Lyell McEwin lab.ward ? ? Maybe No 31% 21% 10%

Modbury - no birthing ? ? - - - - - - - - -

Mt Barker Hospital ? ? No

Mt Gambier Hospital ? ? No

Unknown 27% Unknown Unknown 9%

Whyalla Hospital ? ?

Murray Bridge No No No

Northern Women’s
Yes Yes Yes Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Community Midwifery

Pt Lincoln


Unless otherwise stated, all data from SA Dept of Health (2007) Pregnancy Outcome in South Australia 2006
* Published data in The Advertiser (date??)
** Information provided by phone to Birth Matters

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