Setari Utorrent

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Tutorials & Guides > Setari "Torrent" v.1.8.

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Setari "Torrent" v.1.8.1
Options => Preferences
[*] Port used for incoming connections [ setati unul intre 20000 - 65000 ]
[*] Deifati !nale "PnP Port #apping
[*] $ifati %dd u&orrent to 'indo(s )ire(all e*ceptions
[*] +loal ma*im numer of connections [ 500 - sau mai mare , depinde ce cone*iune a-eti ]
[*] #a*imum numer of connected peers per torrent [ 250-500 , depinde ce cone*iune a-eti ]
[*] .umer of upload slots per torrent [ la fel ca la #a*imum numer of connected peers per torrent ]
[*] /estu 0#a* upload1do(nload rate puneti 0=unlimited
[*] Deifati !nale D2& .et(or3
[*] Deifati !nale D2& for ne( torrents
[*] Deifati !nale Peer !*c4ange
[*] Outgoing5 selectati !naled
[*] $ifati %llo( incoming legac6 connections
[*] #a*imum numer of acti-e torrents [ 700 sau mai mare , depinde de cone*iune ]
[*] #a*imum numer of acti-e do(nloads [ 700 sau mai mare , depinde de cone*iune ]
[*] net8lo(9cpu = false
[*] net8ma*94alfopen = :;
[*] peer8disconnect9inacti-e9inter-all = 500
[*] dis3io8sparse9<les = =>?&%=false
@P = true
[*] peer8laA69it<eld=true
4dvan!ed/5is. #a!"e
$OT6 * a-eti ne-oie de patc4-ul pt modi<carea nr8 de &BP->P de ai!i 8?etati intre :; - 700 de cone*iuni
aic i = 4ttp5114alf-open8com1do(nload9en84tm

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