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Location : Black Point

Date : 244 cycles A.R

Scribe : Sandu

Status report for Gold Point Opir
Sandu of Black Point reportin! :
Supplie "uble reported LOS#$ sendin! %&L tea' to in(esti!ate$ Red Point is sendin!
a tea' also.
)e can 'ana!e anoter t*o cycles *itout supplies$ but after tat *e need ur!ent
+orps sent to Opir$ esti'ated arri(al se(en cycles.
Supplies report :
, sield
-. rations of food and idratients
4// *ood lo! for 0re
1// k! of iron
2etal*ork station
+o''unication station
.- +lotes
,. 'edical rations
&ndin! report:
#e 'en present nor'al 'orale.
Sandu out.

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