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Welcome to French!

I am excited to have you for the 2014-2015 school year and look forward to
sharing my passion of the French language with you.

As a student of French, you goal is to effectively comprehend the language by
speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The course will progressively become
difficult as we move
from speaking partially
in English and French
to fully in French
dont worry, the goal is
comprehension, so the
material will be
covered thoroughly to
ensure you completely

Madame Lawler MYP 2014/15

Be respectful---show this by not interrupting others or your
teacher, especially when Im in the middle of explaining a concept!
Be on time.
Raise your hand to ask a question or leave the room, etc.
Come fully prepared! This means use the restroom before coming
to class, sharpen your pencil before class starts, if youre asking to
borrow materials do so before the class starts (or within the first
ten minutes).
Only use cell phones when prompted, otherwise put them away!
School policy dictates a warning and then I take it!
Participate, dont prohibit! If you refuse to participate (class
participation is a grade!), dont prohibit others around you from
learning by being disruptive or distracting.
Sign in and Out when going anywherepersonal accountability!
You are responsible for all of your work, including make-up work. I
will not remind you!
20/20 Rule for Bathroom. You will not be allowed to use the
restroom the first or last 20 minutes of class.

Phase 5 reading is all about analyzing! So instead of just translating (interpreting), now you're interpreting
and telling me what it means! Do you think the character meant to say that? Oh, why do you think so? Show
Grammar is very important in French. Here, you're going to focus on communicating appropriately by
expressing your ideas and opinions in both rehearsed scenarios and a random scenario I'll give you to see
how quick you are on your feet! Expect to write no less than 300 words per essay!
Our goal is to understand and analyze. You'll focus on how to be informal and formal as well as speaking to a
target auridence. We'll work on your pronuncation and intonation and we'll practice those in scenarios which
will allow you to express you opinions and ideas; however, your responses will be more in depth.
Speaking and Listening
You're big goal here is to analyze which means looking at picture and picking it apart to better understand it.
Then you'll have to show that understanding by speaking or writing about it completely in French.
Madame Lawler MYP 2014/15
Grade Percentages
Tests Classwork Quizzes and Projects Homework

1st Offense: Warning and Correction.
Offense: Written Essay (graded) OR zero recorded for daily work along
with immediate parent phone call.
Offense: Parent Conference
Offense: Referral/PASS
Please note, that it is mandatory teachers contact parents weekly. I prefer
positive phone calls opposed to negative!
If you are blatantly disrespectful or disruptive an immediate phone call to your
parent will be made. If necessary, an office referral will be written first, you will
be removed from class, a parent phone call will be made, and you will still be
responsible for all work covered that day.

Grading scale: 10 point base
100-90A 89-80B 79-70C 69-60D 59-0No Fly Zone!

What you really need to know about the grade breakdown:
Madame Lawler MYP 2014/15
Class participation counts as classwork and so does everything we do in
class. Dont think its for a grade because I dont take it up or you dont
see a mark? Ohit most definitely is!
Homework doesnt seem like much, but it really adds up! Dont skimp on
this. It could mean the difference between a couple points which might
mean a pass or a fail!
We will have between two and four tests per 9 weeks. The fewer of
something, the heavier they weigh. That means study, study, study!
What you should know about my grading policy:
I will only accept late work for the first semester and the
assignment will only receive half credit. No exceptions.
After December, NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Its extremely
important this be understood immediately to save yourself from a poor
I dont do extra credit. If such an opportunity ever presents itself, grab it!
Youll never know when you need that cushion.
Make-Up Work is your responsibility. Usually, the homework assignment
will be on schoology. Any notes taken in class you must get from a
classmate. Any handouts, assignments, and worksheets you may collect
from the makeup bin located within the classroom. I expect these
assignments our next meeting period. School policy dictates three days
from absence (if youre absent Monday, I must have the assignment
Friday). It is advised you attend tutoring if you are absent.

Paper, Pen, Highlighters of varying colors
Notebook with dividers (minimum 8 tab)
Notebook for journaling (this must be a separate notebook.)
Miscellaneous items such as white out (Useful, but not required)
**A dictionary is not required for this course. If your child has one, they
are welcome to bring it for reference, but it is an unnecessary purchase**
Useful Applications I use in and outside of class:
Madame Lawler MYP 2014/15
Schoology *Required*
o You will become quickly familiar with this website as many
teachers utilize it. Here your child will find homework assignments,
quizzes, and various assignments such as blog posts. Your child is
required to sign up (its free) and use this tool.
Remindme 101
o Remindme 101 is a great app to remind students of assignments.
Its something parents can sign up for too! Its completely free and
functions as a third party, one way messaging app. I send out
short reminders and it texts you that reminder. Students/Parents
cannot use this number to contact me. If youre interested, I
encourage you to sign up!
o Text @ibii to 601-707-8000. Itll immediately text you back and ask
for your name. Simply put your childs last (in case there are
multiple Jonathans, etc) name and then mom or dad. Example:
Lawler Mom. And voila! Youre finished! Now youll know whenever
I send out a reminder to your child.

If you would like 24 hour, up to date information on assignments, etc please
feel free to take a look at my website:
Simply click on MYPI and youll have a list of upcoming assignments and even
what were talking about in class in case youd like to engage your child in a
little French session.
My Contact Information:
School Phone Number: (601) 960-5354
Tutoring Sessions Available Every Tuesday OR by Appointment.
Please schedule a day in advance.

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