Welcome Letter

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Welcome to
English class!!!

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Reading Writing Vocabulary

All S
giaue uCISB stuuents
will be paiticipating in this yeai's
2S Book Challenge.
Stuuents will neeu to have a
Composition Notebook
foi uaily wiiting in class.

Nembean has pioven to be
an excellent tool foi vocabulaiy
acquisition anu uevelopment.
uCISB will be using this site as oui
main means of vocabulaiy
euucation this yeai.

0ui anchoi text foi this yeai is
91%%& :,''$% 1*. '($
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by }K Rowling. All stuuents neeu to
have ieau this book by 0ctobei 1.
All class assignments, pioject, uiscussions, etc. will be locateu on Schoology.com.
Stuuents shoulu be using this site uaily. You will neeu to cieate an account on Schoology if you
haven't alieauy. 0se the appiopiiate class coue listeu below to iegistei foi my class.
Each stuuent will neeu to set up his oi
hei own uoouieaus.com
account. Stuuents unuei the age of 1S
will neeu signeu paiental peimission.

Each stuuent will be cieating a Blog foi this couise.
Eveiy week, they will be expecteu to wiite 1-2 blog
posts anu to comment on at least 2 peei posts.
uoogle Biive is available to all stuuents
thiough theii gcisustuuent.net login. We will be using
this website iegulaily to shaie uocuments anu mateiial.
Contact me: casey.iobeitsongcisu.net (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Receive ieminueis anu upuates via
text by iegisteiing foi
Stuuents unuei 1S will neeu signeu
paiental peimission.
I look forward to getting to know you and your student, and I have no
doubt that we are going to have a great year together! If you have any
questions or concerns, dont hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, Mrs. Robertson

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