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(Template for Letter to Parents)

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I am writing to tell you about an exciting project we are about to do in our class.
As you might know, in our school we use the teaching method o Project !ased "earning,
or P!", to help students learn better. A project moti#ates students to gain knowledge, and
they remember it longer. Projects gi#e students the chance to apply the skills they learn in
school to personally rele#ant and real$world situations. %our child also learns skills in
P!" such as how to think critically, sol#e problems, work in teams, and make
presentations. &hese skills will help students succeed in the uture, both in school and in
today's work world.
(ur project is called )name of project* and it will last about )duration*. +tudents will
learn about )content, topics, standards information*. &he project's Dri#ing ,uestion,
which ocuses our work, is )Driving Question*. +tudents will be in#ol#ed in )researching
on the Internet, interviewing community memers, preparing an oral presentation,
creating a video, etc!*. %our child will work in a team, guided by me. -e will be working
with )other teachers, schools, organi"ations, e#perts, etc!*. -e will be going outside the
classroom to )do field wor$ at %%%%, meet with %%%, etc!*.
At the end o the project students will make presentations to )audience*. &his presentation
will take place in )location* and is scheduled or )date* at )time*.-e hope you will be able
to attend.
+tudents will be assessed indi#idually on their content knowledge, their collaboration
skills, and their presentation skills. I ha#e attached the rubrics we will use to guide the
creation o )product* and assess students' work. %ou may ind these helpul in
understanding what we are asking students to do, and supporting your child during the
project. As parents or guardians, you can discuss the project at home, encouraging your
child to think hard and ask .uestions about the topic. %ou can also support the project by
)helping in the classroom, ta$ing students on field wor$, providing e#pertise and
resources, etc!*.
Please do not hesitate to contact me i you ha#e any .uestions about the project/
)&ame of Teacher*
)'ontact Information*
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