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California Junior Scholarship Federation

CJSF Membership Application

Trimester 1, 2014---7
Grade ONLY
Name: ____________________________, ______________________________
(Last) (First)
Homeroom:______ Grade 7 Grades from 3
trimester of 6

1. To qualify for CJSF member this trimester, follow these guidelines:
a. All grades earned the previous trimester must be equal to a C or better grade average.
b. Grades in academic course will only be counted. (Math, Language Arts*, Religion,
Science, and Social Studies) PE is not counted.
*Since there are three grades given in Language Arts, the grades will be averaged
into one grade. To give equal credit to both periods of Language Arts, the
averaged grade will be counted twice.
c. CJSF points are granted as follows:
A earns 3 CJSF points
B earns 1 CJSF point
C or pass earns 0 CJSF points
d. A D or F grade will debar from membership if received in ANY class.

2. Also remember:
a. Trimester membership is based on work done in the previous trimester.
b. You must re-apply EACH trimester for membership

3. List classes and grades below:
(Attach a copy of your report card to this application)

Class Grade Received Points Earned
Religion __________ = __________
Language Arts
Reading __________ = __________**
Language __________ __________
Spelling __________ __________

**1. Add all the points earned from reading, language and spelling: _____.
2. Divide that number by 3= ______,
3. Multiply by 2= _______. That is the average points earned for Language Arts.

Math __________ ___________
Social Studies __________ ___________
Science __________ ___________

Total Points Earned: ___________
Grades not counted for points, but must be above a C:
Conduct ______
Effort ______
Homework ______

A student much earn a total of 12 CJ SF points to be eligible for membership

Application and Dues are to be turned in NO LATER THAN:
Friday, August 29
, 2014
___CJSF Application (this form)
___Copy of Report Card
___Dues (back of this sheet)

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