August Newsletter

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We have been
learning about
diferent communities.
We are going to be
part of a postcard
exchange with the
other 49 states. I
dont have all the
details et! but I will
"eep ou posted.
#I$%&' (#namic
Indicators of $asic
%arl &iterac '"ills)
assessments are
going on this wee".
*rade + students are
as"ed to read ,
passages for accurac
and -uenc. .he
also do a retell about
each passage.
.he /rst homewor"
activit board is going
home this wee" and is
due on 0rida. .here
is a homewor"
expectation page
attached to the
1pcoming %vents2
3ugust ++
4icture #a
3ugust ++ 5. permission
slip due
3ugust +6! +784 9o 'chool
Contact Information :oni;ue .emple <7,=,,+=<4>8
http2?? Chec" us out on 0aceboo"@
$e 'afe! Aind! Besponsible and
Notes from the teacher:
'ome of the assignments on the homewor"
activit board are technolog based. I
understand that not everone has the internet at
home. I will sta after school on .uesda
afternoons until ,2,7 if students would li"e to use
the computer lab to do some of these
assignments. I "now that bus students will not be
able to sta after school. I am willing to sta
with these students during recess on .uesdas.
.hat is the best I can ofer at this time.
3fter school sessions will begin the wee" of
3ugust +<! +784.
C We started reading and math
C Completed 4$I' plaground rollout!
which earned us an extra recess@
C 4resented -ap boo"s on rural!
suburban and urban areas.
C :r. % was in for + das as a
C Bead our /rst eboo" from Beading
'treet on the ipads@
C 4laed D%lf on the 'helfE as a
communit building activit
C 'tarted writing personal narratives

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