Lean Manufacturing Calculations Questions

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1). Take a look at the following data for two production shifts.

Which shift is performing

better? What changes if any would you recommend?
OEE Factor hift 1 hift !
"#ailability $%.%& $'.%&
(erformance $'.%& $'.%&
)uality $$.'& $*.%&
OEE +'.1& +*.*&
!)The table below contains shift data, to be used for a complete OEE calculation-.i) .alculate
the OEE using the factors of Availability, Performance, and Quality .ii)What is the T"/T time
for the shift?
0tem 1ata
hift 2ength + hours 3 4+% min.
hort 5reaks ! 6 1' min. 3 7% min.
8eal 5reak 1 6 7% min. 3 7% min.
1own Time 49 minutes
0deal :un :ate *% pieces per minute
Total (ieces 1$,!91 pieces
:e;ect (ieces
4!7 pieces

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