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NPHS Dance Web page: http://nphsdancedepartment.weebly.

North Port High School Mrs. Michelle Slay
Dance Department Office Phone: !"#!$%#&''& ())$"$
*oom +$#"" michelle,slay-sarasota.."$.fl./s
Planning: !th bloc. "0:$0#"":00
Dance Choreography/Performance I
1o/rse Description:
Students explore key concepts of dance making with a focus on improvisation, composition, and choreographic processes and
principles. Students study the works and creative techniques of highly respected choreographers in varied performance
genres. They also examine the social, political, and cultural forces that influenced significant or exemplary works, and consider
the innovations that came out of them. Public performances may serve as a culmination of specific instructional goals.
Students may be required to attend and/or participate in rehearsals and performances outside the school day to support,
extend, and assess learning in the classroom. Students in this class may need to obtain e.g., borrow, purchase! appropriate
footwear and/or dance attire from an outside source.
" " Sarasota #ounty School board policies require students to maintain a minimum $.% grade point average for participation in
performances and other school&related activities such as field trips, and master classes. Students who do not follow
attendance policies, directions, and prove themselves untrustworthy will not be allowed to attend overnight field trips and may
be removed from performances.
2tems St/dents need for class:
'. #lothing/shoes to dance in cost will vary.
$. (tems to hold hair securely up. )obby pins, hair ties * hair nets
+. $,%&page spiral notebook or -ournal book * + ring binder with clear page protectors for Portfolio.
.. Pen or pencil for notes and classwork.
,. /$.%% 0ental fee for a 1ance 0oom 2ocker
#horeography Student 1ress #ode3
45air3 (f, Shoulder length or longer should always be pinned up or pulled back neatly and secured. Ponytails,
braids, or clips work great6
47ewelry3 (s never worn in class, rehearsals, or performances. Please leave it in your locker6
4Students may wear sweat pants, and T&shirts or workout wear. Please no midriff tops6! 8eep in mind that you
might be outdoors for this class at times.
3Students are responsible for their own belongings. All personal items should be kept securely in your
4rading Percentages
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The total average of written assignments over a semester will constitute this portion of the final grade. 9ritten
assignments may include but are not limited to homework assignments, readings, -ournal writings, written
choreography, research pro-ects and portfolio. 9ritten and physical assessments will also be factored in the
portion of the students: grade.

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4 !' points per @/arter 7ttendance unexcused absences will result in the loss of one point per
occurrence.! ;nexcused absences will count as a <ero for participation that day. =xcused absences
and field trips will not be counted against students. 5owever, all students must take responsibility for
themselves in getting copies of notes turned into the student office, assignments, and homework
given on the days! the student was out. 1on:t assume you missed nothing6
4 !' points per @/arter 5ardy unexcused tardiness will result in the loss of one point per occurrence.!
Tardy means that you are not in the door frame )=>?0= the bell rings.
4 !' points per @/arter Dress code # @ll students must follow the dance dress code as outlined in
their syllabus. Please pay special attention to the requirements expected by all students for each
class. (f, you are in more than one dance course, make sure you comply with the dress code for each
period. Students who are not properly dressed for class will lose their dress out point for that day.
4 !' points per @/arter 6ti@/ette St/dents are expected to exhibit proper dance etiquette at all
times. Points will be deducted for each infraction. (t is possible to lose more than one point per day.
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@ll Students are expected to participate in class lesson or self&guided lessons every day6 (t is important for you to
understand that you must stay on task daily. >or this reason refusing to participate will result in a low grade and
removal from this course. Students will be graded on a '%pt scale per day. @AB&'%ptsC )ADptsC #AEptsC 1AFptsC
2NA9*> 7ND 2==N6SS Students who are unable to participate in class due to an in-ury or illness must have a
parent or guardian personally contact the department faculty by phone, email, or written notification. Please leave
a contact number in case the teacher has questions. Students who do not follow these guidelines are expected to
dance, and will receive a <ero for each day they do not participate. (f, a student feels ill during the school day, they
should request a clinic pass from their teacher. Students who are healthy enough to stay at school will be
expected to dance unless the nurse contacts Grs. Slay asking that the student be allowed to complete an
alternative assignment for that one day.
Students who are observing class due to a documented illness or in-ury are H?T to use it as a time to work on
assignments for other classes, and will result in a <ero for the day. Those who are unable to participate in dance
classes will not be allowed to participate in after school rehearsals or performances for their own safety. Students
who sit out for three +! consecutive days must be under the supervision of a medical doctor or a physical
therapist. @ copy of your doctors: instructions must be given to your teacher.
2ong&term in-uries and illnesses are handled on an individual basis. @ny student who is in-ured under a doctor:s
care must also get proper forms from the school Hurse or they will not be allowed to participate in class or
complete alternative assignments. (f, a doctor determines that a student must not dance for more than four weeks,
( would suggest that a schedule change be completed to remove the student from class that semester so that they
have time to heal properly and remain out until they are healthy enough to return to dance with proper doctor
7ssignment 4/ide $0"!#$0"'
8/arter one
III0esume typed and printed week one!
III 2essons on #horeography and structures week two!
III 2essons on (mprovisation week three!
III 2esson on how to cut music * Solo Song picked week four!
III 1uo/Trio Song #ut at B% seconds week five!
III 1uo/Trio first +% seconds done week six!
III 1uo/Trio first F% seconds done week seven!
III 1uo/Trio full B% seconds finished with written feedback from two dancers not
in your group * your thoughts about their feedback. week eight!
III 1uo/Trio written in each dancer:s -ournal with counts week nine!
8/arter two
III #horeographer picked for research pro-ect week one!
III 0esearch outline shown to Grs. Slay week two!
III Power Point or Pre<i shown to Grs. Slay week three!
III 0esearch presented to class week four!
III 2essons on creating 1ynamics week five!
III 2essons on creating 1ynamics week six!
III week seven!
III week eight!
III week nine!

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