Homework Term 3 Week 5 2014

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Homework. Term 3.

5, 2014 Current Events:
Choose an event that has happened
over the past few weeks in the local,
national or international news. In your
book DRAW a picture of the current
events story you have chosen. You could
include symbols, and pictures to
represent the story. You need to be
able to eplain W!Y you have included
the thin"s you have and have a "ood
understandin" of the story so you can
eplain it to others.
Write this para"raph into your homework
books with capital letters, other punctuation
#two dashes$ and full%stops in the correct
place. &ook out for spellin" errors also.
everyone yawns babys kids teena""ers adults sum
birds reptiles and most mammals also yawn
however the reason why we yown is a bit of a
mistery so why do we yawn 'ome su""esstions
are that we yawn to remove ecess carbon dioide
from our bodys cool our brains or that its a
conta"ious thin" and we cant help yawnin" once
one person starts
Language Skills:
&istenin" carefully.
(elow are some words which when looked at don)t make much sense.
*ronounce the words as they are written. As you listen to the sounds, you will hear there
is another meanin" to the words. +his could be a person, ob,ect etc. &ook at the clue to
"ive you a hint.
-. ./W (0AD !IC1 #2a book2$
3. +!4.( I&& 10Y WA10 /W& &IC1' !0 #2a place2$
5. A60 A7+ !4( (&/W' !0A807 #2a fictional character2$
9. &adle Rat Rottin" !ut #2 a fictional character$
:. &awn 'and ;ealous #2place$
<. CAR0'' +/46!0R C&4.* 4' #2 a person$
=. !aul .ay Die 'cream #2 a food$
>. !aystack up hank aches #2 food$
?. &aw duff there inks #2 a movie$
-@. 7o""in hock ooAe their #2 a sayin"B"ame$
--. (ill even years elf #2 a sayin"$
-3. *ea sank Why at #2 a sayin"$
Write the answers out neatly into your homework book
You must record the headin" for each activity into your book. 4nderline this also. .ake
sure you remember to fill in your readin" lo". *ractice your spellin" and make sure you
understand the meanin" of your words.

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