APADRequirementsv1 0

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AAD kequ|rements SepLember 4, 2012

need SLaLemenL: 1o prevenL deaLh of human passengers locaLed ln Lhe lnLerlor of a vehlcle (max 10
passengers) due Lo hlgh LemperaLures resLrlcLed Lo norLh Amerlcan vehlcles only
1) 1he AAu sysLem shall deLecL unsafe hlgh LemperaLure ln Lhe lnLerlor of vehlcle
2) 1he AAu sysLem shall deLecL Lhe presence of a mlnlmum of one or more human passenger(s) ln
Lhe lnLerlor of Lhe vehlcle
3) 1he AAu sysLem shall alerL Lhe auLomoblle operaLor of Lhe unsafe condlLlon
4) 1he AAu sysLem shall alerL Lhe surroundlng envlronmenL lf operaLor does noL respond Lo
unsafe condlLlon ln speclfled amounL of Llme
3) 1he AAu sysLem shall alerL local auLhorlLles of Lhe condlLlon and locaLlon of Lhe vehlcle lf Lhe
unsafe condlLlon perslsLs
6) 1he AAu sysLem shall allow manual alerL Lo local auLhorlLles by passenger ln Lhe lnLerlor of Lhe
7) 1he AAu sysLem shall record Lhe mosL recenL hlsLory of evenLs of a speclfled duraLlon
8) 1he AAu sysLem shall malnLaln a record of Lhe mosL recenL hlsLory of evenLs of a speclfled
9) 1he AAu sysLem shall be adapLable Lo old and new vehlcles
10) 1he AAu sysLem shall dlsplay measuremenL parameLers
11) Lach AAu sysLem shall have a unlque ldenLlflcaLlon
12) 1he AAu sysLem shall be compaLlble wlLh wlreless Lechnologles
13) 1he AAu sysLem shall be affordable Lo lndlvldual users
14) 1he AAu sysLem shall be Lransferrable beLween vehlcles/users
13) 1he AAu sysLem shall have Lechnlcal supporL
16) 1he AAu sysLem shall have onllne accounL
17) 1he AAu sysLem shall operaLe aL exLreme envlronmenLal LemperaLures
18) 1he AAu sysLem shall be secured
19) 1he AAu sysLem shall lnlLlaLe Lhe lowerlng of wlndows lf LemperaLures exceed safe lnLernal
20) 1he AAu sysLem shall mlnlmlze power consumpLlon
1 | age

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