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Solon seeks amendment to SSS Law

to encourage pensioners to be productive

Pensioners of Social Security System (SSS) may look forward to putting up
lucrative businesses or getting re-employed without fear of having their pensions
suspended and become SSS contributors again.
A lawmaker is pushing for the amendment to provisions in Republic Act !! or the
SSS "aw# which discourages these pensioners from becoming productive or employed
Rep. $velio R. "eonardia ("one %istrict# &acolod 'ity) filed (ouse &ill )*+, that
seeks to amend Section -!-& paragraph (') of RA !!.
Section -!-& (') states ./he monthly pension shall be suspended upon the
reemployment or resumption of self-employment of a retired member who is less than
si0ty-five (*,) years old. (e shall again be sub1ect to Section $ighteen and his employer
to Section 2ineteen of this Act.3
"eonardia said the e0isting law# if not amended# will have an absurd effect of being
anti-productive and discriminatory to retiree-senior citi4ens.
./he very purpose of their retirement is to reali4e and en1oy the harvest of their
long years of hard work and sustained contribution to the SSS and to be denied of their
pension or have their pension suspended because of this provision is frustrating to the
pensioners#3 "eonardia said.
(e further said the present law discourages productivity and tends to create
dependence of retiree5s means of support solely from the SSS.
"eonardia said if these pensioners are allowed to engage in their productive
activities either by employment or business# their e0tra-income aside from their pension
could certainly be a contribution to the economic activity in a larger scale.
/he &acolod 'ity solon proposed that the monthly pension should not be suspended
upon reemployment or self-employment of a retired member who is at least *6 years old.
7urthermore# he shall not again be sub1ect to Section - and his employer to Section -+ of
this Act# which mandate SSS contributions. (86) mvip
NR # 3555
AUG 11, 2014

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