Tips On Essay Writing

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Parts of an Essay
Supporting Paragraphs
Summary Paragraph
How to Write an Essay
Prewriting Essays
Writing Essays
Editing Essays
Publishing Essays
Kinds of Essays
Compare and Contrast
Introduction Paragraph
What is an introduction paragraph?
The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of your essay.
What does it do?
It introduces the main idea of your essay. good opening paragraph captures the interest of
your reader and tells why your topic is important.
How do I write one?
!. Write the thesis statement. The main idea of the essay is stated in a single sentence called
the thesis statement. "ou must limit your entire essay to the topic you ha#e introduced in your
thesis statement.
$. Pro#ide some bac%ground information about your topic. "ou can use interesting facts&
'uotations& or definitions of important terms you will use later in the essay.
(oc%ey has been a part of life in Canada for o#er !$) years. It has e#ol#ed into an extremely
popular sport watched and played by millions of Canadians. The game has gone through
se#eral changes since hoc%ey was first played in Canada.
Supporting Paragraphs
What are supporting paragraphs?
Supporting paragraphs ma%e up the main body of your essay.
What do the" do?
They de#elop the main idea of your essay.
How do I write them?
!. *ist the points that de#elop the main idea of your essay.
$. Place each supporting point in its own paragraph.
+. De#elop each supporting point with facts& details& and examples.
To connect your supporting paragraphs& you should use special transition words. Transition
words lin% your paragraphs together and ma%e your essay easier to read. ,se them at the
beginning and end of your paragraphs.
Exampes o# transition words that can hep "ou to in$ "our paragraphs together!
%or isting di##erent points %or counter exampes
-irst (owe#er
Second E#en though
Third .n the other hand
%or additiona ideas To show cause and e##ect
nother Therefore
In addition to Thus
0elated to s a result of
-urthermore Conse'uently
*i%e all good paragraphs& each supporting paragraph should ha#e a topic sentence&
supporting sentences& and a summary sentence.
Summar" Paragraph
What is a summar" paragraph?
The summary paragraph comes at the end of your essay after you ha#e finished de#eloping
your ideas. The summary paragraph is often called a 1conclusion.1
What does it do?
It summari2es or restates the main idea of the essay. "ou want to lea#e the reader with a
sense that your essay is complete.
How do I write one?
!. 0estate the strongest points of your essay that support your main idea.
$. Conclude your essay by restating the main idea in different words.
+. 3i#e your personal opinion or suggest a plan for action.
Exampe! .#erall& the changes that occurred in hoc%ey ha#e helped to impro#e the game.
(oc%ey is faster and more exciting as a result of changes in the past !$) years. -or these
reasons& modern hoc%ey is a better game than hoc%ey in the !45)s.

Prewriting Essa"s
What is the prewriting stage?
The prewriting stage is when you prepare your ideas for your essay before you begin writing.
"ou will find it easier to write your essay if you build an outline first& especially when you are
writing longer assignments.
Six Prewriting Steps!
&' Thin$ care#u" a(out what "ou are going to write' s% yourself6 What 'uestion am I
going to answer in this paragraph or essay7 (ow can I best answer this 'uestion7 What is the
most important part of my answer7 (ow can I ma%e an introductory sentence 8or thesis
statement9 from the most important part of my answer7 What facts or ideas can I use to
support my introductory sentence7 (ow can I ma%e this paragraph or essay interesting7 Do I
need more facts on this topic7 Where can I find more facts on this topic7
)' *pen "our note(oo$' Write out your answers to the abo#e 'uestions. "ou do not need to
spend a lot of time doing this: ;ust write enough to help you remember why and how you are
going to write your paragraph or essay.
+' ,oect #acts reated to "our paragraph or essa" topic' *oo% for and write down facts
that will help you to answer your 'uestion. Timesa#ing hint6 ma%e sure the facts you are
writing are related to the exact 'uestion you are going to answer in your paragraph or essay.
-' Write down "our own ideas' s% yourself6 What else do I want to say about this topic7
Why should people be interested in this topic7 Why is this topic important7
.' %ind the main idea o# "our paragraph or essa"' Choose the most important point you are
going to present. If you cannot decide which point is the most important& ;ust choose one point
and stic% to it throughout your paragraph or essay.
/' *rgani0e "our #acts and ideas in a wa" that de1eops "our main idea' .nce you ha#e
chosen the most important point of your paragraph or essay& you must find the best way to tell
your reader about it. *oo% at the facts you ha#e written. *oo% at your own ideas on the topic.
Decide which facts and ideas will best support the main idea of your essay. .nce you ha#e
chosen the facts and ideas you plan to use& as% yourself which order to put them in the essay.
Write down your own note set that you can use to guide yourself as you write your essay.
Writing Essa"s
What is the writing stage?
The writing stage is when you turn your ideas into sentences.
%i1e Writing Steps!
!. -or the introduction& write the thesis statement and gi#e some bac%ground information.
$. De#elop each supporting paragraph and ma%e sure to follow the correct paragraph format.
+. Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning.
<. -ocus on the main idea of your essay.
=. ,se a dictionary to help you find additional words to express your meaning.
Editing Essa"s
What is the editing stage?
The editing stage is when you chec% your essay for mista%es and correct them.
Editing Steps!
Grammar and Speing
!. Chec% your spelling.
$. Chec% your grammar.
+. 0ead your essay again.
<. >a%e sure each sentence has a sub;ect.
=. >a%e sure your sub;ects and #erbs agree with each other.
?. Chec% the #erb tenses of each sentence.
@. >a%e sure that each sentence ma%es sense.
St"e and *rgani0ation
!. >a%e sure your essay has an introduction& supporting paragraphs& and a summary
$. Chec% that you ha#e a thesis statement that identifies the main idea of the essay.
+. Chec% that all your paragraphs follow the proper paragraph format.
<. See if your essay is interesting.
Pu(ishing Essa"s
What is the pu(ishing stage?
The publishing stage is when you produce a final copy of your essay to hand in.
Pu(ishing Steps!
!. >a%e a paper copy of your essay.
$. Show your wor% to your teacher& tutor& or parents.
+. s% them for hints on how to impro#e your writing.
2e#inition Essa"
When you are writing a definition essay& you ta%e a term or an idea and write about what it is.
.ften& definitions are combined with classification or other forms of organi2ation in the essay.
"ou need to gi#e a careful definition of the %ey term before going on to discuss different types
or examples.
Example 'uestion6
Write an essay defining energy resources and discuss the
different types.
Introduction6 Define the %ey term energy resources.
Supporting paragraphs6 !. Define one type of energy resources6 renewable resources.
$. Define another type of energy resources6 nonArenewable
Summary paragraph6 Summari2e energy resources.
,assi#ication Essa"
In a classification essay& you separate things or ideas into specific categories and discuss
each of them. "ou organi2e the essay by defining each classification and by gi#ing examples
of each type.
Example 'uestion6 Write an essay discussing the three types of go#ernment in
Introduction6 3i#e bac%ground information about go#ernment in Canada.
!. Define and describe federal go#ernment.
$. Define and describe pro#incial go#ernments.
+. Define and describe municipal go#ernments.
Summary paragraph6 Summari2e go#ernment in Canada.
2escription Essa"
In a description essay& you write about what a person& place& or thing is li%e. "ou organi2e the
essay by describing different parts or aspects of the main sub;ect.
Example 'uestion6 Write an essay describing the polar bear.
Introduction6 Introduce what a polar bear is.
Supporting paragraphs6 !. Describe where the polar bear li#es.
$. Describe the body of the polar bear.
+. Describe what the polar eats.
Summary paragraph6 Summari2e what a polar bear is.
,ompare and ,ontrast Essa"
In a compare and contrast essay& you write about the similarities and differences between two
or more people& places& or things. "ou can organi2e the essay by writing about one sub;ect
first and then comparing it with the second sub;ect. more effecti#e way is to organi2e the
essay by comparing each sub;ect by category.
Example6 Write an essay comparing the weather in Bancou#er and (alifax.
Introduction6 Introduce weather in the cities of Bancou#er and (alifax.
!. Compare weather in spring and summer for both cities.
State how they are similar or different.
$. Compare weather in fall and winter for both cities.
State how they are similar or different.
Summary paragraph6 Summari2e the similarities and differences.
Expanation Essa"
In an explanation essay& you explain how or why something happens or has happened. "ou
need to explain different causes and effects. "ou should organi2e the essay by explaining
each indi#idual cause or effect.
Example 'uestion6 Write an essay explaining why so many Europeans mo#ed
to Canada during the early nineteenth century.
Introduction6 3i#e bac%ground information on European immigration during this
!. Explain first reason6 poor economy in Europe.
$. Explain second reason6 better li#ing conditions in Canada.
Summary paragraph6 Summari2e main reasons.

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