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Week of August 20
August 27

To Ban Bevoie anu Ryan Fiitz foi theii woik in putting togethei the
Sophomoie 0iientation anu BS 1u1. Theie is a lot of time to piepaie a full
uay of time foi a whole class anu school. Thank you!!
To Steve Snyuei anu his staff foi theii effoits ovei the summei in
piepping oui builuing foi the school yeai. As always, the builuing looks
excellent! Thank you!!
To the Class of 2u14 (leu by Kylee Winn) foi theii uonation of watei bottle
filleis to two uiinking fountains in the school. As soon as it was up, kius
anu auults weie using it. Thank you!!
Bienua Baenulei, Kinuee Weluon, Bebie Towe, }ackie Fossum, anu Lauia
Fishei foi theii woik in iegisteiing stuuents anu always taking caie of the
questions that come in thioughout the summei. These lauies know
eveiything theie is to know about the school! Thank you!!

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Building Improvement Goals for 2014-2015:

Through i mpl ementi ng research-based i nstructi onal strategi es, we wi ll

uoal 1. By the end of the year, 85% of all students final grades will be C or higher.
uoal 2. By the end of the year, our graduation rate will be at least 90%.

To staff with biithuays this week:
o Aug 2S - Cheiyl Ponu
o Aug 2S - Eiik Columbus

To oui Bus Supeivision Ciew foi this week. Enjoy the vest anu the WARNTB.
o BS Aumin will covei the fiist week
! Please read through the CSIP and building goals above. Consider how you are
helping our kids attain these goals.
! Essential Standards charts should be completed before the unit takes place. These
will be used to guide our Dept PLC work.
! Soph Orientation is on Tuesday. Sophs will be here by 9 am in the S Gym. All
teachers should be in the S Gym by 8:45. All triad teachers are to be with the soph
HR teachers throughout the day. Please bring them your powerwheel so they can charge
student computers.
! HS 101 is Wednesday, the first day of school. You will be getting copies of all you
! If you need anything (desks, books, pencil sharpener, etc.) let me know. I will do
whatever I can to help you have a positive start to this school year.

o As we build a Culture of Greatness, understanding our core curriculum is
essential. Attached is a white paper written by Tom VanderArk, a
nationally renowned speaker on the connectivity of students with
technology within their curriculum. There are some great thoughts and
suggestions for apps of all different kinds within the article. Hearing
him this summer, his overwhelming point is that literacy should be
enhanced through students having computers, not stifled by it. Writing
should be mandatory in every class, every day. Interesting thought

Enjoy the week Prairie Hawks! As always, if you
have any question or concerns stop in and see me.
Take care of yourself, take care of each
other, and take care of Prairie.
Nonuay August 18:
12:Su pm - Boys vaisity uolf Touiney vs the lie LinnNai
Tuesuay August 19:
9 am - Sophomoie 0iientation

Weunesuay August 2u:
BS 1u1 scheuule

Thuisuay August 21:
Fiist uay of classes

Fiiuay August 22:

Satuiuay August 2S:

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