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Plants and animals are those generally common to middle Europe. Beeches, oaks, and other
deciduous trees constitute one-third of the forests; conifers are increasing as a result of
reforestation. Spruce and fir trees predominate in the upper mountains, while pine and larch are
found in sandy soil. There are many species of ferns, flowers, fungi, and mosses. Wild animals
include deer, wild boar, mouflon, fox, badger, hare, and small numbers of beavers. The blue
cornflower was once a German national symbol

Motor vehicles, machinery, chemicals, computer and electronic products, electrical equipment,
pharmaceuticals, metals, transport equipment, foodstuffs, textiles, rubber and plastic products
Machinery, data processing equipment, vehicles, chemicals, oil and gas, metals, electric
equipment, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs, agricultural products

Standard German
Recognized minority first languages:
Sorbian 0.09%
Romani 0.08%
Danish 0.06%
North Frisian 0.01%

Apple, pear,cherry,grape and melon.
Various Germanic tribes have occupied what is now northern Germany and southern Scandinavia
since classical antiquity. A region named Germania was documented by the Romans.
Occupied during the Napoleonic Wars, the rise of Pan-Germanism inside the German
Confederation resulted in the unification of most of the German states in 1871 into the German
Empire, which was dominated by Prussia.
After the German Revolution of 19181919 and the subsequent military surrender in World War I,
the Empire was replaced by the parliamentary Weimar Republic in 1918 and lost some of its
territory in the Treaty of Versailles.
After 1945, Germany was divided by Allied occupation, and evolved into two states, East Germany
and West Germany. In 1990, the country was reunified.

*Germany has the world's fourth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the fifth-largest by
purchasing power parity. As a global leader in several industrial and technological sectors, it is
both the world's third-largest exporter and third-largest importer of goods. It is a developed
country with a very high standard of living, featuring comprehensive social security that includes
the world's oldest universal health care system.

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