Assignment 3200

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Summary of Numerical Values of Parameters

Student Number: 3415737

M (kg)

C (Ns/m)

k (N/m)

F0 (Ns)

Program(s) Used: MATLAB 7.9.0 (R2009b)

p (N)

n (N/s)

Question 2.
The Block Diagram is as shown below

Question 3.
The magnitude of the impulse, F0 = 7 Ns.
The displacement in the s domain becomes:
X(s) = 7/(70*s^2 + s + 33)
Now taking the inverse laplace to transform the s domain displacement into time
x(t) =
Plotting this function

And by inspection (red circle) we can determine time value at which the door closes.
It is at this instance that we require the kinetic energy value.
The approximated time is
t = 4.576 s

To determine kinetic energy we need to differentiate x(t),

v(t) = cos((9239^(1/2)*t)/140)/(10*exp(t/140)) (9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*t)/140))/(92390*exp(t/140))
And so the value of kinetic energy (KE = Mv^2) is
q3KEval =
0.3279 J
Plotting the result

Question 4.
Similar to question 3 however the input is now a step function of magnitude p,
followed by a ramp function of slope n.
The input force for question 4 in the time domain
heaviside(t - 25/9)*(9*t - 25) - 9*t + 25
By taking the Laplace transform, the input force in the s domain now becomes
9/(s^2*exp((25*s)/9)) + 25/s - 9/s^2
Multiplying the input force by the Transfer Function yields x(t) for Question 4
x(t) = 9*heaviside(t - 25/9)*(t/33 + (exp(5/252 t/140)*(cos((9239^(1/2)*(t - 25/9))/140) (4619*9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*(t 25/9))/140))/9239))/1089 - 278/3267) - (3*t)/11 (25*(cos((9239^(1/2)*t)/140) +
)) - (cos((9239^(1/2)*t)/140) (4619*9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*t)/140))/9239)/(121*exp(
t/140)) + 278/363
Plotting the resulting function of x(t) along time,

Once again by inspection we can determine the value at which the door closes.
The approximated time is
t = 5.492 s

Differentiating x(t) to produce v(t),

v(t) = ((4619*cos((9239^(1/2)*t)/140))/140 +
) - (25*(cos((9239^(1/2)*t)/140)/140 (9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*t)/140))/140))/(33*exp(t/140)
) - 9*heaviside(t - 25/9)*((exp(5/252 t/140)*(cos((9239^(1/2)*(t - 25/9))/140) (4619*9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*(t 25/9))/140))/9239))/152460 + (exp(5/252 t/140)*((4619*cos((9239^(1/2)*(t - 25/9))/140))/140 +
(9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*(t - 25/9))/140))/140))/1089
- 1/33) + 9*dirac(t - 25/9)*(t/33 + (exp(5/252 t/140)*(cos((9239^(1/2)*(t - 25/9))/140) (4619*9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*(t 25/9))/140))/9239))/1089 - 278/3267) +
(5*(cos((9239^(1/2)*t)/140) +
0)) + (cos((9239^(1/2)*t)/140) (4619*9239^(1/2)*sin((9239^(1/2)*t)/140))/9239)/(16940*ex
p(t/140)) - 3/11
And so the value kinetic energy is
q4KEval =
6.5748 J

Plotting the kinetic energy

Question 5.

Question 6.
For the door to close as quickly as possible requires the system to be critically
damped. This means that smallest value for C in question 5 is now the value of C for
this question
Q6CValue =


Question 7.


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