Salem State University Geography Department GPH 945 - GIS Project Implementation Spring 2014

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Geography Department
GPH 945 - GIS Project Implementation
Spring 2014
Instructor: Prof. Keith A. Ratner Office:Meier Hall, Room 326D
Office Hours: Mon. 12:30 - 1:40; Wed/Fri 10:40-12:15; e!. 4:00-5:00
an! "# a$$ointment
E-mail: %ratner&'alem'tate.e!(
Phone: )*+,- 542-6226
Class Time: e!ne'!a# 6:00 . *:20 $m, Meier Hall 321
Online: /e0eral 1la''e' 2ill "e 1on!(1te! online ('in3 /alem /tate4'
5an0a' online tea1hin3 $ro3ram. /ee 1o(r'e o(tline for
tentati0e '1he!(le.
Catalogue Course Description
6hi' 1o(r'e $re$are' the 't(!ent to !e0elo$, im$lement an! maintain 7eo3ra$hi1
8nformation /#'tem' )78/-. /t(!ent' are e9$o'e! to 78/ anal#'i' an! !e'i3n em$lo#in3
a 'tr(1t(re! metho! a$$roa1h. :(rther, the 't(!ent i' 'ho2n ho2 to i!entif#, tra1% an!
1orre1t '#'tem error' thro(3ho(t the 78/ im$lementation $ro1e''. /t(!ent' 3ain ;han!'
on< e9$erien1e "# !e0elo$in3 a 78/ $rotot#$e.
Required Text
6omlin'on, Ro3er. Thinking about Geographic Information System Planning for
Managers, 5
e!ition =/R8 Pre'', Re!lan!', 5A )2011-
Course Goals
6o o"tain an in !e$th (n!er'tan!in3 of ho2 78/ i' an! 1an "e inte3rate! into the
o$eration of man# !ifferent entitie' an! a3en1ie'
6o o"tain a 1om$lete (n!er'tan!in3 of the im$lementation of 78/ ;information
$ro!(1t'< at the enter$ri'e, a3en1# an! in!i0i!(al a$$li1ation le0el'
6o !e0elo$ a 1om$lete 78/ im$lementation $lan for a real-2orl! entit#
6o !e0elo$ a 78/ im$lementation $lan for the 5it# of >o'ton Par%' an!
Re1reation De$artment
Course Objectives
?$on the 1o(r'e 1on1l('ion, 't(!ent' 2ill "e a"le to:
!etermine !ifferent metho!' an! '1ale' for ho2 real-2orl! entitie' 1an inte3rate
78/ into their o$eration'
!e0elo$ a 78/ nee!' a''e''ment an! re@(irement' anal#'i' for a real-2orl! entit#
!e0elo$ an im$lementation $lan for a 'in3le 78/ a$$li1ation
!etermine the '$atial an! attri"(te !ata re@(ire! for im$lementation of a 78/ into
a real-2orl! entit#
!e'i3n a "a'i1 78/ !ata"a'e '1hema for im$lementation of a 78/ into a real-2orl!
!etermine an! 'ele1t the '#'tem re@(irement' nee!e! to im$lement a 78/ into a
real-2orl! entit#
$lan for the a1t(al im$lementation of a 78/ into a real-2orl! entit#
!etermine the "enefit' an! 1o't', mi3ration i''(e' an! ri'%' that ma# re'(lt 2ith
the im$lementation of a 78/ into a real-2orl! entit#
$ro!(1e a $rofe''ional @(alit# re$ort an! $re'entation of a 78/ $roAe1t
im$lementation $lan
8n!i0i!(al 8m$lementation Plan 45B
>o'ton Par%' an! Re1 ProAe1t 30B
Cther A''i3nment' 15B
Atten!an1eDParti1i$ation 10B
6otal 100B
Course Outline/Readings
1D22D14 5o(r'e intro!(1tion
6he 2ho, 2hat, 2here, 2h# )1ha$ter 1-
78/ for Par%' an! Re1reation !i'1(''ion
1D2*D14 78/ im$lementation $lan metho! )1ha$ter 2-
5o(r'e a''i3nment
:in!in3 a 1lient !i'1(''ion
2D5D14 =nter$ri'e 78/ in >o'ton )5laire Eane, >o'ton 78/ Mana3er-
78/ for the >o'ton Par%' an! Re1reation De$artment
2D12D14 7ettin3 the Par%' an! Re1 $roAe1t ($ an! r(nnin3
7ettin3 #o(r 2on $roAe1t' ($ an! r(nnin3
6he 'trate3i1 $(r$o'e )1ha$ter 3-
2D1*D14 7ettin3 ($ an! r(nnin3 )1ont.- . ONLINE
2D26D14 5(rrent en0ironment anal#'i' )1ha$ter' 4, 5-
3D5D14 De'1ri"e the information $ro!(1t' )1ha$ter 6-
3D1*D4 Data"a'e !e'i3n an! !ata"a'e mo!el' )1ha$ter' +, ,-
3D26D14 Determine '#'tem re@(irement' )1ha$ter *-
4D2D14 Determine '#'tem re@(irement' )"enefit-1o't, mi3ration, ri'%- . ONLINE
)1ha$ter 10-
4D4D12 Plan the im$lementation )1ha$ter 11-
4D*D14 :inaliFin3 the $lan'
4D16D14 :inaliFin3 the $lan'
4D23D14 >o'ton Par%' an! Re1 $re'entation an! final re$ort
4D30D14 8n!i0i!(al 8m$lementation Plan $re'entation'
5D+D14 :inal e9am an! 1la'' refle1tion
5o(r'e Poli1ie'
1. /t(!ent' are re'$on'i"le for all material fo(n! in the re@(ire! rea!in3', e9er1i'e'
an! 1la'' le1t(re'. /t(!ent' are re'$on'i"le for all 2or% an! le1t(re' !(e to
a"'en1e'. Atten!an1e i' $art of #o(r final 3ra!e an! 2ill "e re1or!e! thro(3ho(t
the 'eme'ter.
2. All a''i3nment' han!e! in late ma# re1ei0e a ma9im(m of G 1re!it, (nle''
!i'1(''e! 2ith the $rofe''or BEFORE the !(e !ate.
3. /t(!ent' 2ho ha0e @(e'tion' a"o(t rea!in3', le1t(re' or a''i3nment' are 'tron3l#
en1o(ra3e! to "rin3 them to the attention of the $rofe''or in 1la'', after 1la'', or
!(rin3 offi1e ho(r'.
4. /alem /tate 5olle3e i' 1ommitte! to $ro0i!in3 e@(al a11e'' to the e!(1ational
e9$erien1e for all 't(!ent' in 1om$lian1e 2ith /e1tion 504 of the Reha"ilitation
A1t of 1*+3 an! the Ameri1an 2ith Di'a"ilitie' A1t an! to $ro0i!in3 all a1a!emi1
a11ommo!ation', ai!' an! a!A('tment'. An# 't(!ent 2ho ha' a !o1(mente!
!i'a"ilit# re@(irin3 an a11ommo!ation, ai! or a!A('tment 'ho(l! '$ea% 2ith the
$rofe''or imme!iatel#. /t(!ent' 2ith Di'a"ilitie' 2ho ha0e not $re0io('l# !one
'o 'ho(l! $ro0i!e !o1(mentation to an! '1he!(le an a$$ointment 2ith the Cffi1e
for /t(!ent' 2ith Di'a"ilitie' an! o"tain a$$ro$riate 'er0i1e'.
5. 8n the e0ent of a 1olle3e !e1lare! 1riti1al emer3en1#, /alem /tate 5olle3e re'er0e'
the ri3ht to alter thi' 1o(r'e $lan. /t(!ent' 'ho(l! refer to 'alem'tate.e!( for
f(rther information an! ($!ate'. 6he 1o(r'e atten!an1e $oli1# 'ta#' in effe1t (ntil
there i' a 1olle3e !e1lare! 1riti1al emer3en1#. 8n the e0ent of an emer3en1#,
$lea'e refer to the alternati0e e!(1ational $lan' for thi' 1o(r'e lo1ate! on
Profe''or Ratner4' !oor. /t(!ent' 'ho(l! re0ie2 the $lan' an! 3ather all re@(ire!
material' "efore an emer3en1# i' !e1lare!.
6. Cell phones are to "e turned off 2hile in 1la'' . . . NO TEXTING ALLOWED!
7. The instructor reserves the right to change the course content and syllabus at
any time during the semester.

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