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14 Aug 2014

Sh Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India
Prime Ministers Office (PMO)
New Delhi 110 001
Dear Prime Minister,
1. We draw your attention to your statement at Leh on 12 Aug 2014 regarding OROP. You have
said that the budget caters for the demand of OROP. Sir, this is erroneous as the Draft Govt Letter
(DGL) prepared by Service HQs in continuation of the meetings in Feb and March, foresee
requirement of Rs 5000 crore while the budget caters to only 1500 crore, and hence the DGL is
being blocked to bring in line with the limited budget.
2. It has been six months since the OROP was approved. In a meeting chaired by the then RM Mr.
AK Antony on 26 Feb 2014,the approved definition with its implication was directed to be implemented
with effect from 01 Apr 2014 ( copy of the letter enclosed) However, the Govt letter has not seen the light
of the day till date.
3. (a) The OROP as approved,implies that uniform pension be paid to the Armed Forces
personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service irrespective of their date
of retirement and any future enhancement in the rates of pension to be automatically
passed on to the past pensioners. This implies bridging the gap between the rate of pension
of the current pensioners and the past pensioners, and also future enhancements in the rate
of pension to be automatically passed on to the past pensioners.
(b) It further implies that Pensions of past defence retirees will be equal to that of
a person with same rank and length of service retiring wef 01 Apr 2014,
future enhancement in the rates of pensions will be automatically passed to the
past pensioners.

4. The service HQs have prepared the Draft Govt Letter (DGL) which is in sync with the above
definition. The same needs to be approved and Govt letter issued at the earliest please. You had
personally assured the defence personnel that actual OROP will be implemented.
5. The Defence personnel are eagerly waiting for their long pending demand to be implemented for
which they had believed in the assurance given by the BJP before the LS elections.The same was
included in its manifesto and the President in his address to both houses of Parliament also mentioned that
the OROP will be implemented .
6. The undue long delay in the implementation of the main demand of OROP is causing serious
concern to the defence personnel who are feeling dejected with the apathy of your Govt like all previous
7. We know you to be a man of honour, integrity and one who keeps his word. The
Veterans, who have given their prime to the nation, expect you to honour your word given to the
Armed Forces on various occasions. I am sure you do know that "Justice delayed is Justice
8. May we request you to kindly issue directions to the MoD for immediate implementation of
OROP strictly as per its approved definition as above. Any dilution of the definition or implication of
OROP as approved will not be acceptable to the Defence Fraternity

With regards,
Maj Gen (Retd) Satbir Singh, SM
Chairman IESM
Mob: +919312404269, 0124-4110570
Email ID:
Copy to
Sh. Arun Jaitley,
Honble Raksha Mantri
Ministry of Defence
South Block,New Delhi-11001
For Information please.
General Dalbir Singh
Chief of the Army Staff
Integrated HQs of Ministry of Defence (Army)
South Block, New Delhi-110011
Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha
Chief of the Air Staff & Chairman,
Chiefs of Staffs Committee (CoSC),
Integrated HQs of Ministry of Defence ( Air
Force) Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi 110011
Admiral R K Dhowan
Chief of the Naval Staff
Integrated HQs of Ministry of Defence (Navy)
South Block, New Delhi -110011

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