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Comit Central Secretaria de Relaes Internacionais

Rua Rego Freitas, 192, - Repblica - cep: 01220-907 - So Paulo SP Fone: 55 11 3054-1822/1821/1800
Fax: 55 11 3051-7738 Internet: Correio Eletrnico:

So Paulo, 15
August 2014.

Dear comrades of Communist Party of Burma,

The Communist Party of Brazil, PCdoB, sends its warmest
salutation the 75th anniversary of the Communist Party of Burma,
the oldest one in the country, with a rich history of resistance against
British colonialism, Japanese invasion and fascism, facing hard
moments under a military dictatorship, supported by imperialism.

The Communist Party of Burma has a common history with PCdoB.
We struggled against fascism, military dictatorship and we had a
very important contribution to democratization of Brazil, after a large
period of illegality and clandestineness.

We hope that CP of Burma remains in the correct way of Marxism-
Leninism, struggling as a reference for the working class of the
country, with many years of life in the future.

Long live to CP of Burma!

Ricardo Alemao Abreu
Secretary of International Relations of PCdoB

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