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FIG. 10-26. Typical recommended living-room luminaires. a. Semi-indirect,

ceiling-mounted (for incandescent-filament lamps), b. Semi-indirect, ceiling-
mounted (for fluorescent lamps), c. Semi-indirect, suspended, d. Semi-indirect,
multiple-arm. e. Wall urn. f. Decorative wall bracket, g. Recessed element,
h. Window cornice, i. Side-wall valance.
Ceiling fixtures. A ceiling center fixture similar to the types shown in
Fig. 10-26 provides for the modest home (1)
soft background lighting for
more visually comfortable use of portable lamps,
lighting for game
tables in center of the room without need to move portables,
over-all room light upon entering, and
flexibility in the room's atmos-
phere for varying occasions. The recommended types distribute light to
the ceiling and side walls and diffuse light throughout the room. The re-
commended minimums (14-inch diameter and 150-watt lamp) for the types
shown in Figs. 10-26a and c will be adequate for rooms of 150 to 200 square
feet or less. Large luminaires close to the ceiling are less consipcuous than
small low mounted ones. Generally, they should be mounted not less than
7 feet 6 inches above the floor. In small rooms with ceilings over 9 feet
high, suspended types such as shown in Figs. 10-26c and d often are used.

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