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Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Inovării

Centrul Naţional pentru Curriculum şi Evaluare în Învăţământul Preuniversitar

SUBIECTUL II ( 30 de puncte) Varianta 075

1. Choose the correct answer and, on your exam sheet, write the corresponding letter next
to the number indicating each sentence. 4 points

1. Helen worked …
A. hard yesterday at school. B. yesterday at school hard.
C. at school yesterday hard. D. hard at school yesterday.
2. She decided to buy herself a dog after her house …
A. has been broken. B. had been broken.
C. had been broken into. D. was broken into.
3. Far be it from me … her!
A. that I harm B. that I should harm
C. to harm D. to have harmed her
4. They refused to let her leave for fear she …on them.
A. might tell B. shall tell
C. can tell D. may tell

2. Use the words in capitals at the end of each gap line to form a word that fits in the space
in the same line. 6 points

1. We were greeted politely but without any ... WARM

2. People are worried about the ... of nuclear energy. SAFE
3. The groom was very ... CHARM

3. Fill in the gaps with only one word, so that the text makes sense. 10 points

Perhaps the most popular food (1) … the world, the sandwich was named (2) … an English
aristocrat (3) … spent most of (4) … time gambling. He didn’t have time to eat (5) … , but with this
snack, he could still play cards with one hand.

4. Each of the following sentences contains an error. Identify the errors and write the
correct sentences on your exam sheet. 6 points

1. Your work has been satisfactory done, so you will be given a raise.
2. Very little money were spent on decorating my flat.
3. Under no circumstances you should accept his offer.
4. “It’s time you go to bed!” she told her children.
5. She wanted to know what time did the bus leave.
6. He was brought out by his parents.

5. Rephrase the following sentences, beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the
same. 4 points

1. The only way you can reach the top is by working hard.
Only ………………………
2. He’s an extremely dangerous driver.
He ………………………………
3. It’s a pity you can’t come along!
If only ……………………………
4. They will have repaired the roof by next week.
The roof …………………………

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