Project Information Sheet

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45& (1 2&)+.2/()* /5# ,#1#-,25 Bi Naik Tylei
School of Euucation anu Piofessional Stuuies
Contact Phone : u7 S7SS68Su
Contact Email :

Bi Linua Be ueoige-Walkei
CQ0niveisity, Bunuabeig Campus
Contact Phone: u7 41Su7uS4
Contact Email:

456 (1 /5# ,#1#-,25 7#()* 2&)+.2/#+8
This pioject investigates oluei auult's (6S +) level of engagement with infoimation anu
communication technologies (ICTs) - uesktop anu laptop computeis, Notebook uevices
such as an iPau, smait mobile phones anu the Inteinet. We aie looking at what aie the
uiffeiences in ability to use these uevices anu what helps oi hinueis use. Staff fiom uiiffith
0niveisity anu Cential Queenslanu 0niveisity aie conuucting the ieseaich.

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You will be askeu by a ieseaichei to answei a questionnaiie anu some inteiview questions.
Some questions in the suivey will ask foi example, about youi confiuence to shop online.
Some inteiview question will seek youi expeiiences anu opinions, foi example" #$%% &$
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-()39$ ,3$ *(239 )1,/* (,' 5,/ 23*$+)-* '2*( :;#<0 '()* ',/%8 *()* 1$7 Each inteiview
will be expecteu to last Su minutes.

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The pioject taigets natuially occuiiing ietiiement communities. Paiticipants will be
uiawn fiom the membeiship of ielevant neighboui centies anu community gioups anu
will be self nominateu as ietiieu. 0luei auults, aftei ieceiving a biiefing about the
pioject, will self-select as paiticipants.

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This pioject aims to close the knowleuge gap suiiounuing oluei people's uigital
paiticipation by investigating how oluei auults in two geogiaphically uiveise settings
engage with, use anu leain theii ability to engage with ICTs. Specifically, the pioject
examines usei's anu the non-usei's levels of, anu confiuence in, using ICTs. By
iuentifying the factois suppoiting ICT use anu baiiieis inhibiting that use the pioject can
infoim how to uevelop appiopiiate iesponses to incieasing oluei auults' ability to use

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Theie is no foieseen iisk to paiticipants.

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The conuuct of this ieseaich involves the collection, access anu oi use of youi peisonal
opinions. The infoimation collecteu is confiuential anu will not be uiscloseu to thiiu
paities without youi consent, except to meet goveinment, legal oi othei iegulatoiy
authoiity iequiiements. A ue-iuentifieu copy of this uata may be useu foi othei
ieseaich puiposes. Bowevei, youi anonymity will at all times be safeguaiueu. Foi
fuithei infoimation consult the 0niveisities Piivacy Plan at
piivacy-plan oi telephone (u7) S7SS 4S7S.

Bata that is collecteu will be stoieu in a passwoiu-piotecteu uatabase within the fiiewall of
uiiffith 0niveisity. The piimaiy investigatoi will contiol access to this uata. This uata will
be useu by the investigatois foi the intenueu puiposes of this pioject anu may be useu as
compaiative uata in ielation to futuie piojects associateu with auults anu theii computei
anu Inteinet use.

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You aie fiee to withuiaw fiom the stuuy at any time anu will have a choice as to whethei oi
not the ieseaicheis can use any uata alieauy pioviueu.

If you have any fuithei questions in ielation to the pioject oi in ielation to youi
paiticipation please contact Bi Naik Tylei thiough the above contact infoimation.

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This ieseaich is conuucteu in accoiuance with the =)*2,3)% >*)*$&$3* ,3 ?*(2-)% ;,38/-* 23
@/&)3 A$0$)+-(. If potential paiticipants have any conceins oi complaints about the
ethical conuuct of the ieseaich pioject they shoulu contact the Nanagei, Reseaich Ethics on
S7SS S4S7S oi

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The iesults of this pioject will be iepoiteu back to paiticipants by way of an infoimation
biochuie anu if appiopiiate a piesentation to the ielevant community gioup.

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