Sol 3.7 - Sol 3.8 - Sol 3.9 - Sol 3.10

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SOL 3.7

SOL 3.8

SOL 3.9

SOL 3.10

To trade one thing for another.
Example: !ant to trade in m"
green di#$ for a %l&e one.

The exchange of good# or #er(ice
!itho&t mone".
Example: )ll gi(e "o& m" ca$e for
"o&r ice cream.

Three *ind# of
,a#h ,hec$# ,redit ,ard#

-eed# (#. .ant#

-eed# / !hat people

m&#t ha(e to li(e.

.ant# / the thing# !e

!o&ld li$e to ha(e1
%&t can li(e !itho&t.

Economic ,hoice
2o& ma$e an economic choice !hen "o& onl" ha(e mone"
for certain item#1 not all.
do not ha(e eno&gh mone" for %oth popcorn and a pret3el. m&#t
choo#e1 #o %&" the popcorn. That i# m" economic choice.

Opport&nit" ,o#t
Opport&nit" co#t !hat "o& m&#t gi(e &p
!hen "o& ma$e an economic choice.
cho#e the popcorn1 #o ha(e to gi(e &p the pret3el.
That i# m" opport&nit" co#t.

S&ppl" and 4emand

S&ppl" i# the amo&nt

of a good or #er(ice

4emand i# !hat
people are !illing and
a%le to %&".
!o&ld li$e to %&" one cand" cane1 plea#e.

Scarcit" 5 Sometime# there i# not eno&gh of
#omething to go aro&nd. That item i# #carce.
Oh no6 ce cream i# #carce6
7 #cream1 "o& #cream1 !e all #cream
for ice cream6 La1 la1 la1 la1 la68
The ce

.hat can do !ith m" mone"9

Spend it

Sa(e it

n(e#t it :i(e people mone" to &#e to

ma$e more mone"#1 li$e in #toc$#
and %ond#.

:ood# and Ser(ice#



Three t"pe# of re#o&rce# !or$ together in o&r
;&man <e#o&rce#
,apital <e#o&rce#
-at&ral <e#o&rce#

-at&ral <e#o&rce# are thing# !e get from nat&re.
Oil ,oal Tree# .ater

;&man re#o&rce# are =o%# done %" h&man# at

,apital re#o&rce# are the machine#1 tool# and
%&ilding# needed to do a =o%.

>rod&cer# ma$e good# or pro(ide #er(ice#.

,on#&mer# &#e or %&" good# and #er(ice#.

Economic Speciali3ation
ndi(id&al# or gro&p# !ho concentrate on
one t"pe of good or #er(ice.
?pple farmer ,arpenter

>eople need each other for good# and
The ?ncient :ree$# traded their good# acro## the
+editerranean Sea.

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