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Hi, My name is Mrs.

Sislo and Im going to be your FIRST GRADE

Teacer . I am !ery e"cited about being your teacer and to sare te many
stories , games, and acti!ities I a!e #lanned $or you% Also, &e &ill learn to read
and a!e lots o$ $un, sing songs , and ma'e ne& $riends .
(ou and your $amily may come to scool and !isit our room. Wednesday
August 27
from 5:30-6:30 will be Open ouse ! "ome get your
spe#ial $
grade treat from %rs!&islo' when you use the words please and than(
)e sure and bring your ne& scool su##lies , so you can #ut tem in your DES*
and be ready $or te $irst day o$ +
grade. Scool &ill start on
Tuesday, Se#tember ,
at -.,/ am. )elie!e it or not, e!en toug I am a##y
, I am also a little bit ner!ous. As soon as &e are all in scool , I 'no& te
ner!ousness &ill go a&ay. I 0ust cant &ait to get to 'no& you.

I am sure you are eager to 'no& a little bit about me too% I a!e been a
teacer $or ten +/ years, I li'e s#ending time &it my $amily, #laying 123 , eating
and #laying &it my dog Daisy

I am so a##y you are in my class% I &ill be seeing you !ery soon4 I can ardly
5o!e and Smiles, Sislo56&& best &ay to get contact me
Mrs. Sislo As' 7uestions or say 8HE5539.

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