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Hotel Reservation System

Project Management Plan

CEN 3031, Fall, 2009

Modifcation history:
Version Date Who Comment
v0.0 08/15/00 G. H. Walton em!late
v0.1 0"/#"/0" $ndon M.
%nitial ince!tion
v0.11 10/0&/0" $ndon M.
'!dated dates( doc)ment standards( ris*s
v0.1# 10/0+/0" Christo!her
'!dated a-le o. Wor* /ac*a0es.
v0.# 10/0+/0" $ndon M.
Created /12 chart( )!dated standards(
com!leted team or0ani3ation.
v0.4 11/04/0" Christo!her
'!dated lin*s

eam 5ame: $6$C ,ystems
eam Mem-ers:
$n7i Chen achen8ea0le..0c).ed)
6in 9on0 :an ;.an8ea0le..0c).ed)
$ndon M. Coleman amcolema8ea0le..0c).ed)
Christo!her ,teiner csteine8ea0le..0c).ed)
Contents o t!is "oc#ment
/ro;ect <vervie=
2e.erence Doc)ments
$!!lica-le ,tandards
/ro;ect eam <r0ani3ation
,o.t=are 9i.e Cycle /rocess
ools and Com!)tin0 1nvironment
Conf0)ration Mana0ement
>)ality $ss)rance
2is* Mana0ement
a-le o. Wor* /ac*a0es( ime 1stimates( and $ssi0nments
/12 Chart
echnical /ro0ress Metrics
/lan .or trac*in0( control( and re!ortin0 o. !ro0ress
Project $vervie%
he Hotel 2eservation ,ystem is intended to !rovide a small to mid?si3e hotel
=ith com!)teri3ed reservation ca!a-ilities. %nitial ince!tion limits the .)nctionality to
em!loyees creatin0 and dis!layin0 reservations( ho=ever( the !ro;ect is !ro;ected to
!rovide -illin0( chec*?in/chec*?o)t( and 0)est?centric re!orts. %t =ill -e develo!ed in
small increments( and de!loyed immediately )!on com!letion o. each develo!ment
cycle. $s s)ch( .)nctionality =ill 0rad)ally 0ro=.
Reerence "oc#ments
Conce!t o. <!erations
Doc)ment em!lates
&''lica(le Stan)ar)s
Codin0 ,tandard
o C@@ code =ill closely resem-le the G5' standard( =hile -orro=in0 the
doc)mentation and comment standards defned -y 6avadoc.
Deviations .rom and additions to G5' / 6avadoc:
/rivate mem-er varia-le names -e0in =ith a ABC character
a-s =ill -e re!laced =ith t=o s!aces( and line len0th
limited to +" characters.
9ocal and mem-er varia-les =ill -e com!letely lo=ercase
=ith )nderscores DABCE se!aratin0 =ords.
/)-lic and /rotected :)nctions -e0in in lo=ercase( =ith
additional =ords -ein0 ca!itali3ed.
/rivate :)nctions -e0in =ith ca!ital letters.
Frac*ets -e0innin0 on a ne=line have the same indentation
as the frst character o. the !revio)s line.
Doc)ment ,tandard
o 1ach doc)ment .ollo=s the corres!ondin0 tem!late .o)nd here.
o Doc)ments develo!ed =ith Microso.t <Gce m)st -e stored in <Gce
#004 com!ati-le .ormats Di.e. no .docH( .!!tH( etcIE or /orta-le
Doc)ment :ormat D/D:E.
o $ll modifcations are to -e recorded in the Modifcation history that
heads every !ro;ect doc)mentJ they sho)ld descri-e any action ta*en
and the !ortion o. the doc)ment it !ertains to.
o he )se o. frst?!erson is .or-iddenJ doc)ments are intended to -e
!ro.essional 7)ality( =ith m)lti!le a)thors.
o $ 10 !oint .ont is c)rrently )sed( -)t may chan0e i. reada-ility is
aKected. ,)ch a chan0e =ill -e retro?active( a!!lyin0 to all com!leted
doc)ments as =ell.
$rti.act ,i3e Metric ,tandard
o /ro0ress is meas)red in terms o. data-ase com!leHityJ =hich is a
com-ination o. the n)m-er o. felds and the n)m-er o. .orms.
Project *eam $rgani+ation
here is no de?.acto !ro;ect mana0er .or this !ro;ect( each mem-er is
eH!ected to re!ort his or her !ro0ress to the entire 0ro)!( and to .ollo= the !ro0ress
o. every other mem-er. Lee!in0 everythin0 in the o!en =ill hel! to ens)re that
!ro;ect mana0ement does not -ecome a cho*e?!oint. hat said( =e eH!ect each
mem-er to have his or her o=n stren0ths and =ea*nesses( so individ)al tas*s may
have a mana0er assi0ned to them.
$.ter the frst iteration com!letes( =e =ill have a -etter !ict)re o. =ho is -est
s)ited .or each ty!e o. tas*. /resently( the team -rea*do=n is as .ollo=s:
o Christo!her =ill -e res!onsi-le .or mana0in0 -oth o)r !ro;ect =e-site(
and o)r a!!lication =e-site D0ra!hical .ront?endE( as =ell as servin0 as
technical director .or data-ase develo!ment.
o $n7i =ill head est /lannin0 and >)ality $ss)rance
o 6in 9on0 =ill -e in char0e o. 2e7)irements ,!ecifcation and 'se Case
o $ndon =ill .)nction as 1ditor and echnical Director .or C@@ and !h!
com!onents( s)ch as -illin0.
$ll other tas*s are ta*en oK o. the <D< !ile as disc)ssed in 2is*
Mana0ement section o. this doc)ment.
Feca)se o. co)rse sched)le conMicts and trans!ortation( .ace?to?.ace
meetin0s =ill -e )sed s!arin0ly. %t is eH!ected that most comm)nication =ill occ)r
thro)0h 1?Mail or in -rie. meetin0s -et=een classes. 1?Mail is =ell s)ited to this
!ro;ect -eca)se 'M9 dia0rams can .ollo= directly .rom =ritten =ordJ the team =ill
not have eno)0h !revio)s eH!erience to develo! 'M9 dia0rams on a =hite-oard
d)rin0 .ace?to?.ace meetin0s.
&rtiact *entative "#e "ates
Meetin0 Min)tes 11/0N/#00"
%ndivid)al 9o0s 11/0N/#00" <ne entry !er?teammate
Gro)! /ro;ect Mana0ement 2e!orts 11/0N/#00" <ne entry !er?=ee*
Con<!s 11/0N/#00"
/ro;ect /lan 11/0N/#00" D'!dated 1very
,2, 11/0N/#00"
Hi0h?9evel Desi0n 11/0N/#00" D'!dated 1very
Detailed Desi0n 11/0N/#00" D'!dated 1very
est /lan 10/0+/#00" D'!dated 1very
'serOs Man)al 1#/0#/#00"
:inal est 2es)lts 1#/0#/#00"
,o)rce( 1Hec)ta-le( F)ild
/ro;ect 9e0acy 1#/0#/#00"
Sot%are ,ie Cycle Process
he iterative model is ideal .or this !ro;ect( -eca)se it ra!idly cycles thro)0h
2e7)irements( $nalysis and Desi0n( %m!lementation and estin0. Lee!in0 each o.
these cycles reasona-ly small ens)res that common lan0)a0e is !ic*ed?)! early on
and that it is constantly rein.orced. %t also ens)res that the entire team has time to
criti7)e one anotherCs =or*( ma*in0 .)t)re cycles more eGcient.
Critically( the iterative model 0)arantees that even i. !rod)ction slo=s( a.ter
each small cycle com!letes( there is a de!loya-le !rod)ct. %. the =ater.all model
=ere .ollo=ed( there =o)ld -e a hi0h !ro-a-ility that no =or*in0 system =o)ld -e
!rod)ced -e.ore the non?ne0otia-le !ro;ect deadlineJ !artic)larly since the team
does not have eno)0h eH!erience =ith this sort o. !ro;ect to 0et 2e7)irements and
Desi0n ri0ht in a sin0le attem!t.
Diagram Courtesy of Wikimedia
Initial planning consists of determining the operating environment, and a set of required and
optional features. $t the start o. each cycle( a set o. related .eat)res =ill -e ta*en oK o.
the <D< list and a!!roHimately one to t=o days =ill -e s!ent !lannin0 and creatin0
ne= re7)irements aro)nd the .eat)res. he rest o. the cycle is dedicated to desi0n(
im!lementation and testin0. :inally( eval)ation ta*es !lace to determine the
a!!ro!riate set o. .eat)res .or the neHt cycle. Feca)se most o!tional .eat)res =ere
identifed d)rin0 initial !lannin0( cree!Q is *e!t to a minim)m.
*ools an) Com'#ting Environment
he !ro;ect has t=o main com!onents:
1. -ac./en)
Consists o. Microso.t ,>9 ,erver r)nnin0 on some variant o.
Microso.t Windo=s
#. Front/en)
Desi0ned )sin0 Microso.t $ccess( and accessi-le on any
device that has net=or* connectivity and a =e- -ro=ser.
$dditional com!onents( i. needed( =ill -e =ritten in C@@ and com!iled =ith
0cc. /h! may -e )sed
to !rovide a =e- inter.ace =ith com!onents =ritten in C@@.
$llo=a-le li-raries incl)de:
Com!ression: 3li-
Data-ase: My,>9
RM9 /arser: Rerces?C@@
Fillin0: /ay/al $/% D,and-oHE
Con0g#ration Management
,o)rce code =ill -e stored on an oK?site svn server( and each -atch o. chec*?
ins =ill re7)ire a short s)mmary in a CH$5G1, fle. $ndon =ill oversee the
administration o. and !ro!er !rotocol .or )sin0 the version control server.
Doc)ments have a !rimary a)thor( =ho ass)mes the res!onsi-ility o. ens)rin0
acc)racy and con.ormance. $ll team mem-ers are allo=ed to modi.y a doc)ment(
and are eH!ected to s)-mit the modifed doc)ment to its !rimary a)thor to commit
chan0es. $dditionally( chan0es sho)ld -e .or=arded to all team mem-ers .or
1#ality &ss#rance
estin0 =ill -e !er.ormed a.ter every develo!ment cycle( and res)lts =ill -e
recorded .or .)t)re re.erence. %n addition to ne= test cases( !revio)s test
cases sho)ld -e re)sed to !revent re0ression iss)es( es!ecially errant test
Doc)ment )!loads =ill -e .or=arded to $ndon .or editin0( to ens)re style and
.ormat consistency( and technical acc)racy.
5e= delivera-le doc)ments =ill -e .or=arded to the entire team -e.ore they
are )!loaded to the !ro;ect =e-siteJ mem-ers are eH!ected to loo* over the
doc)ment ens)rin0 sections related to their o=n assi0ned tas*s are acc)rate.
Code revie=s =ill -e !er.ormed =hen one or more team mem-ers have idle
time. his is not associated =ith any !artic)lar sta0e o. the develo!ment
Ris. Management
he sin0le 0reatest ris* .acin0 this !ro;ect is diGc)lty comm)nicatin0. he
team consists o. t=o mem-ers =ith 1n0lish as their native ton0)e( and t=o =ho
s!ea* Chinese. his can ma*e assi0nin0 and monitorin0 tas* !ro0ress a lo0istical
!ro-lem. Conse7)ently( t=o considerations have -een made to hel! -rid0e the
a.orementioned lan0)a0e divide.
:irst( tas*s are !ooled to0ether -ased on their level o. =ritten =ord and
a-straction. hat is to say( doc)ments and !roced)res that .ollo= strict !roced)ral
order or =hose !)r!ose is to vis)ally re!resent a conce!t are considered a!!ro!riate
.or any mem-er o. the team. he remainin0 tas*s are -est le.t to the 1n0lish
s!ea*in0 mem-ers. o !revent idle h)man reso)rces( 1n0lish mem-ers sho)ld
attem!t to com!lete all o. the ver-ose tas*s -e.ore ta*in0 on the a-stract !ile.
,econd( the =ater.all model =ill not -e )sed. Feca)se comm)nication is less
than ideal( i. lar0e tas*s .ollo=ed in loc*?ste! .ashion( the develo!ment !i!eline
=o)ld eH!erience .re7)ent clo0sJ re7)irin0 mem-ers to dro! =hat they are doin0 to
hel! )nclo0 it. he iterative model is not =itho)t these clo0s( ho=ever( they are
m)ch smaller and sim!ler to address S and i. they occ)r a0ain( a 0eneral sol)tion and
the lan0)a0e to descri-e it already eHists.
*a(le o 2or. Pac.ages, *ime Estimates, an) &ssignments
Task Name Duration Responsibility
Concept of Operations 7 days Christopher
Project Management Plan 7 days Andon
oft!are "equirements pecification 7 days #in$ong
%est Plan 7 days Anqi
&ata 'lo! &iagram ()igh $evel &esign* 7 days Andon
+ntity "elation &iagram ()igh $evel &esign* 7 days #in$ong
&etailed &esign ,- days Anqi, #in$ong
&ata.ase Creation /, days Christopher 'rontend 7 days Christopher
%esting 1 days Anqi, Christopher
%est "esults 1 days Christopher
2ser3s Manual 7 days Andon
4uild Instructions 7 days #in$ong
Project $egacy 7 days Anqi
PER* C!art

*ec!nical Progress Metrics
Meetin0 Min)tes
%ndivid)al 9o0 1ntries
5)m-er o. 'M9 class o-;ects
5)m-er o. 'M9 dia0rams
Data-ase :ields
Data-ase :orms
Data-ase 2e!orts
Com-ined man ho)rs Das re!orted in =ee*ly !ro0ress re!ortsE
5)m-er o. C@@ classes
5)m-er o. non?accessor / m)tator methods
o $ccessor and m)tator methods are a conse7)ence o. -lac*?-oH desi0n(
and re!resent the n)m-er o. varia-les( rather than act)al .)nctionality.
5)m-er o. so)rce/header !airs
Plan or, control, an) re'orting o 'rogress
1ach =ee*( every team mem-er is eH!ected to !rovide a -rie. !ro0ress
re!ort( to all other mem-ers via 1?Mail. his !ro0ress re!ort sho)ld incl)de any
diGc)lties enco)ntered Ds)ch as de.ects or )nantici!ated re7)irement chan0esE(
ma;or decisions made( doc)ments edited( and a ro)0h estimate time s!ent on and
time re7)ired to com!lete each tas*.
1ither $ndon or Christo!her =ill ta*e this in.ormation on no lon0er than a -i?
=ee*ly -asis and develo! a more detailed re!ort that incl)des the im!ortant !oints
.rom the individ)al re!orts( alon0 =ith !ro0ress metrics( >$ res)lts( and any chan0es
to ris*.
em!late created -y G. Walton DGWalton8mail.)c..ed)E on $)0 40( 1""" and last
)!dated $)0 15( #000
his !a0e last modifed -y Christo!her ,teiner Dcsteine8ea0le..0c).ed)E on
5ovem-er 4( #00"

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