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Anticipation/Reaction Guide Name____________________

Ch. 13 Age of Exploration
(Pre- Reading Activity)
An Anticipation/Reaction Gide i! !ed to a!!e!! a cla!!"! #no$ledge %efore
they %egin a le!!on.
&irection!' Re!pond to each !tate(ent t$ice' once %efore the le!!on and
again after reading it.
)rite A if yo agree $ith the !tate(ent.
)rite * if yo di!agree $ith the !tate(ent.
Re!pon!e *efore
+opic' Exploration dring the 1,--"!-1.--"! Re!pon!e After
+he de!ire for $ealth $a! a large part of
Eropean exploration. Eropean! hoped to find
precio! (etal! in A!ia and trade in !pice!.
Adventre and glory $ere other (otive! for
exploration. /God0 glory0 and Gold01 then $ere
the rea!on! for exploration.
Portgal too# the lead in Eropean exploration.
Chri!topher Col(%! %elieved he cold reach
A!ia %y !ailing $e!t.
2n 13450 Col(%! reached and explored C%a0
%t he %elieved that he had reached A!ia and
called the area the )e!t 2ndie!.
Eropean di!ea!e! ravaged the native
6erdinand 7agellan $a! the fir!t to
circ(navigate (!ail arond) the $orld.
African !lave! $ere i(ported to the Cari%%ean to
$or# on !gar cane plantation!.
+he ter( Triangular trade / de!cri%e! the
!lave trade %et$een Erope0 Africa0 and the
8hip! fro( Erope carried good! to Africa $here
they $ere traded for !lave!.
+he !lave! $ere !hipped to and !old in the
A(erica!. +hen to%acco0 (ola!!e!0 r(0 and
cotton $ere !hipped to Erope.
9p to ten (illion !lave! $ere !hipped fro(
Africa to the A(erica!.
7any !lave! died dring the Middle Passage0
the leg of the :orney fro( Africa to the

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