Furtado Curriculum Restaurant

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Lus Furtado

Personal Data


Date/Place of Birth
Lus Furtado
Novalisstrae 4,
10115 Berlin
14.08.1984 in So Jos dos Campos (Brazil)
0176 7588-5178


Im doing my PhD in mechatronic engineering. It can be a plus if you need to repair something.
I had no formal gastronomic lessons, except the uncountable barbecues and dinners with my
father, who taught me the secrets of the meat art and how to make caipirinhas. Nevertheless, Ive
worked in a cafeteria in Brazil for a year, so, I have some experience to deal with clients.

Experiences of a guy who loves to cook

Meat - I make my own fucking tasty burgers.
- Ive already prepared awesome barbecues for more than 40 people.
- Ask me to do my grandmas chicken once, and you will ask me that forever.
Pasta - When my grandfather was in his deathbed, he told how to make pizzas in his style.
Ill never forget that raining night when I learned one of the most important secrets
of the universe.
Vegans &
- I do magic with potatoes and I make a lot of German vegan people happy.
- My grilled- cheese-eggplant made a young lady cry once omg, its the best day of
my life!.
Drinks - Thanks to years of experience with lemons and cachaa, Im officially the
caipirinhas maker of all groups of friends that I have.
- This lemons experience also makes me able to prepare great margaritas. Im also
good to drop some lemons in a glass with ice, cola and rum, in order to prepare a
cuba libre.
Desserts - Im not good with that, sorry. I can learn, but generally I can eat it.
People - Im good with people, but I dont cook them. Im good to talk with people and put a
smile on their face.

Language Skills

English (fluent) ; German (good knowledge, B2) ; Portuguese (native language)

My other crazy skills who can maybe be useful

- I can do some magic tricks, twist my left arm in a very scary way and spit fire.
- I can swim. I used to do that professionally in Brazil when I was a teenager.
- I also can repair things, paint walls and make trustful electrical installations.
- Im good with photoshop and video edition.
- I can touch my chin with my tongue.
- Im training to juggle liquor bottles, but Im not 100% crash free yet.

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