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Ms. Erney Art Rm.118

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Rev: Aug 2015
Below is a description of expectations that will constitute satisfactory behavior and conduct within the
Art room. By reading this document and signing the acceptance sign off sheet, you acknowledge the
expectations and discipline structure for this class.
be seated promptly in my assigned seat, attentive, and ready to begin class when the
bell rings.
listen and follow directions during all lessons, in-class activities, and instruction.
respect Ms. Erney, my peers, and all art materials. Supplies are SHARED. They DO NOT
belong in your pocket, pencil bag, art bin, or locker. They STAY in the Art Room.
be disciplined. Discipline is actually behavior that creates an environment that enables
learning. The classroom discipline structure is in place to make learning possible for
everyone. If your choice to behave in a certain way impairs the learning of yourself or
others, you will enter the discipline structure. (See discipline structure section.)
bring a pencil to class daily (Leave them in your art bins!) A pencil is your daily material
requirement for class. A pen is appropriate for some things, but should be brought in
addition to a pencil.
clean up after myself. The art room is much like a machine. It cannot run well if it isnt
maintained properly. You will help to maintain the art room by returning materials to
their proper place, keeping your area, table, and art bin tidy.
be open-minded. There will be new topics and techniques covered that you may have
never done or learned before. Be patient with yourself and be open to learning new

**Ms. Erney reserves the right to enter any student into the following discipline
structure if any of the expectations on page 1 are not fulfilled on a daily basis.
The structure is progressive, which means that once you are in it, immediate change of
behavior is required in order to prevent moving forward within the structure.

Level 5: Office Referral
Level 4: Before/After School Detention
Level 3: Call Home to Parents
At great risk for before/after school detention
Level 2: Written Warning Sent Home on
3rd Verbal
Written warning requires parent signature
Level 1: Verbal Warning(s) 1-2-3 The following behaviors will be grounds for entrance into
the discipline structure:
Inappropriate Language
Defiance, disrespect, insubordination, non-compliance
Lying, cheating
Harassment, teasing, taunting (physical and/or verbal)
Disruption, excessive talking
Dress code violation
Not prepared for class
Abusive Language
Property Damage
Ms. Erney Art Rm.118

Page 2 of 2
Rev: Aug 2015

**PROJECTS will be graded in 4 general areas:
Studio Standards/Lesson Objective
Does the student understand taught concepts and fulfill student objectives?
Design/Visual Effectiveness
Were the elements/principles of design considered and used to maintain visual
Did the student come up with new ideas and/or concepts in specific design?
Did student strive for neatness? Does artwork look rushed?

LOT time will be assigned to a student for academic purposes only. This is NOT a
disciplinary measure, but simply a way to provide extra time for your child to complete
class work, if needed.
If a student has fallen behind on an in-class assignment or needs to make up a quiz,
LOT time will be used if need be.
If a student falls behind schedule on a project and needs extra time, they will be
permitted to come to the art room during IE (Intervention & Enrichment period).
Parents will be notified if their child needs to fulfill LOT time for art class either by
phone or email each time a LOT is given.
20% = Practice
In class Assignments / Skill building
Formative Assessments
Prior Knowledge Indicators/Quizzes
Project preparation activities
80% = Achievement
Project Grades**

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