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The subject of the tripartite nature of man has not been

understood by very many. Yet, I am convinced that it is one of the

essential keys to full maturation in the Christian faith. Paul Keith
Davis has not only found a key to understandin this issue, but he
has also turned the key to open a door that is as vast and panoramic
as one!s spiritual eyes can see. I believe Thrones of "ur #oul $ill
help us better understand $hat the apostle Peter meant $hen he
$rote that $e are %partakers of the divine nature.%
&'"() P*+, '*CK#")
#T-.*/# /I)I#T-I.#
In his simple yet po$erful $ritin style, Paul Keith Davis does in
this book $hat many nelect to do $hen authorin $hat the ,ord is
sayin to the church. In Thrones of "ur #oul , Paul Keith is
teachin the literal #criptures, the very truths tauht by Christ
(imself as to $hat it means to $alk the Christian life in these last
days. These very thins you $ill read are those that most offended
the reliious men of the day and caused them to be so filled $ith
hate that they $ould partner $ith #atan himself to crucify our ,ord.
(o$ could the Christian $alk be so simple and yet so
profoundly different than $hat $e $ould do, $hen left to our o$n
'esus Christ is speakin to the Church in this hour about his
kindom and the very principles that $ill cause it to ro$, flourish
and po$erfully chane the $orld.
Intimacy. (umility. #ervanthood. Preferrin one another.
1ecomin a habitation for the ,ord (imself. The most radical ideas
that the $orld has ever been tauht and the opposite of the
%teachins% of the %Prince of the po$er of the air.%
/ay the Church rasp fully $hat 2od is sho$in to Paul Keith
Davis in this hour. It can!t be said that $hat Paul Keith is teachin is
ne$. It can be said that $hat he has been sho$n by the (oly #pirit
about the kindom of 2od is revolutionary to the core.
&#T.3. #(+,T4
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I count it a reat honor to be able to endorse Paul Keith!s book. I!ve
had the privilee of kno$in Paul Keith and his $ife, 5anda, for
over a decade no$. 5e have ministered in numerous conferences.
Paul Keith Davis has been called to the kindom for such a time
as this. (is burnin passion for Christ!s kindom has brouht him to
a deep and intimate $alk $ith Christ 'esus. This book $ill help you
prepare to advance in your $alk $ith Christ. You too $ill huner
for the establishin of 2od!s truth and rihteousness. It is most
evident that here is a man $ho has spent years buildin a close
relationship $ith the (oly #pirit. (e is a man after 2od!s heart and a
man in $hom there is a pure heart and honest motives. This book
$ill be a reat help and blessin to all $ho are desperately seekin to
advance in their call to kno$ more about the prophetic destiny to
$hich they $ere born.
Paul Keith and his $ife, 5anda, are some of the purest, most
noble people I kno$. Your heart $ill be blessed and your life
radically chaned by the insihts released in this e6cellent book.
5ith reat honor I fully recommend this e6cellent book.
&1"11Y C")).-
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Thrones of "ur #oul is a clarion call to the thirsty believer $ho
$ants to be dra$n into the heart of 2od. If you $ant to o behind
the veil and discover some of the Kin!s hidden secrets then you $ill
need to eat at such a ban?uet table that Paul Keith has prepared. The
contents of this book contain open revelations from 2od (imself. It
is much more than a limpse into the secret places@ it is also a full
vie$ on ho$ to become an overcomer. You $ill find $ithin the
paes of this book $hy Paul Keith $alks in Christlikeness. I have
been stirred by his life and no$ I am stirred by his book.
&'"#.P( #C(+C(.-T
T(-").# "7 "+- #"+, by Paul Keith Davis
Published by Creation (ouse Press
* Part of #tran Communications Company
<99 -inehart -oad
,ake /ary, 7, A:B><
This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means
&electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recordin or other$ise&
$ithout prior $ritten permission of the publishers, e6cept as
provided by +nited #tates of *merica copyriht la$.
+nless other$ise noted, the #cripture ?uotations are from the )e$
*merican #tandard 1ible. Copyriht C 8D<9, 8D<:, 8D<A, 8D<;,
8DB8, 8DB:, 8DBA, 8DB=, 8DBB by the ,ockman 7oundation. +sed by
#cripture ?uotations marked )K'3 are from the )e$ Kin 'ames
3ersion of the 1ible. Copyriht C 8DBD, 8D;9, 8D;: by Thomas
)elson, Inc., publishers. +sed by permission.
#cripture ?uotations marked K'3 are from the Kin 'ames 3ersion of
the 1ible.
Copyriht C :99A by Paul Keith Davis
*ll rihts reserved
,ibrary of Conress Control )umberE :99A89><;=
International #tandard 1ook )umberE 8F=D8;=F:AAF8
9A 9> 9= 9< 9B & ; B < = > A : 8
Printed in the +nited #tates of *merica
$ould be e6tremely amiss if I did not initially ackno$lede, $ith
sincere thanks and affection, my $ife and fortifyin support,
5anda. The finerprint of her insiht and $isdom can be discovered
throuhout the book. I $ould also like to e6press my appreciation to
my children, *nnah, Caleb, )atalie, #cott and 1ridett, and to my
family for the stron support and $ords of encouraement.
)ick and 1onnie 1urkardt and 'oe and Karalyn #chuchert have
faithfully stood $ith 5anda and me in this endeavor providin loyal
friendship and devoted affirmation. 7or that $e are notably rateful.
It has been my reat privilee to have t$o men of considerable
anointin and iftin as mentors and friends. They are 1ob 'ones and
1obby Conner. It $as divine favor that allo$ed the many years of
encouraement and impartation from them and the bond of
commitment and fraternal affection that binds us toether. They
each share in the fruit of this ministry and the thins the ,ord is able
to achieve to (is lory.
/any thanks to 1ill ,ancaster for help $ith edits and advice and
also #teve Kenney and our friends at Kodiak Community Church for
their enerous support.
5e $ould also like to ackno$lede the many prayer supporters
and follo$ers of our ministry $ho read our material and often send
$ords of encouraement and blessin. 5e believe the ,ord is
providin a stron intercessory base to pave the $ay throuh prayer
for insiht $ith understandin and is assinin $arriors essential in
the battle $e are bein commissioned to enae. 1lessins to all.
Table of Contents
PART ITHE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS.............................16
Chaptr 1In th !"innin"...............................................1#
Chaptr $%aitin" on th Lord..........................................$&
Chaptr &Prpard '( th Anointin" )or Our *+tin(......&1
PART IITHRONES OF O,R SO,L...........................................&9
Chaptr -Parta.r+ o) Hi+ Naturth /i+ion................-1
Chaptr 0%a+hd '( th %ord........................................-#
Chaptr 6Th R)in1nt o) A'raha1............................0&
PART III/ESSELS OF LIFE....................................................0#
Chaptr #F2o3in" Li. a Ri4r........................................09
Chaptr 5For"ttin" %hat Li+ !hind............................69
PART I/P,T ON THE LOR* 6ES,S CHRIST.............................##
Chaptr 9Gar1nt+ o) Sa24ation and Ri"htou+n++........#9
Chaptr 17Pri+t+ and 8in"+............................................59
Chaptr 11Th 8(+ to th 8in"do1...............................90
PART /!EING CLOTHE* %ITH CHRIST................................17$
Chaptr 1$Th !att2)i2d /i+ion..................................17&
Chaptr 1&E9a1ind '( th %ord.................................179
PART /ITHE APOSTOLIC IS CO:ING...................................110
Chaptr 1-Our In4itation...............................................11#
Chaptr 10Th E9a1p2 o) Sa1u2................................1$0
Chaptr 16Fro1 th *un"on to th Thron..................1&0
Chaptr 1#8in"do1 Princip2+......................................1-#
Chaptr 156ohn G. Apo+t2 o) Faith..............10&
o 2*4. DI-.CT,Y into the face of 2od and, like *dam, $alk $ith
(im in the %cool of the day% $ithout shame or reservation&this
is our hih callin and lofty mandate for this hour. It is staerin to
the natural mind to contemplate such a virtuous ideal. )evertheless,
it is 2od!s intent to find a body of believers in $hom (e can take
full possession of their spirit, soul and body to accomplish kindom
purposes on the earth.
There are a number of scriptures often ?uoted and embraced in
our noble pursuit to be anointed for ministry. ,ike$ise, throuhout
the Church, there are many muchFneeded e?uippin ministries
dedicated to teachin Christians ho$ to $alk in the anointin of
2od!s po$er for ministry.
These vital ministries teach Christians ho$ to kno$ 2od!s race
for the ifts of the #pirit, for prophesy, for healin, for ministerin
salvation and deliverance to hurtin and needy people. The
#criptures clearly e6press that $e should earnestly and Gealously
desire spiritual ifts.
)onetheless, as once said, %The main thin is to keep the main
thin, the main thin.% That is, to kno$ (im intimately and
affectionately and $alk in the full measure of (is provision for our
Clearly, $e are livin at the da$nin of a ne$ day, and the
5ord of Truth is comin alive $ithin the hearts of radically
desperate saints $ho are settin their faces like flint to achieve the
heavenly mandate and hih callin established for our eneration.
Peter, 'ohn and Paul $ere considered pillars of the early Church
$ho hihlihted the revelation of the 5ord for their day. They
presented to the people the anointed promises and spiritual reality
Thrones of Our Soul
available to them. 5e also should be like the 1ereans and study the
#criptures to determine the revelation of (is 5ord for our day and
the lonFforetold promises for the rihteous eneration.
The nobility of the 1ereans
The 1ereans $ere described as a noble roup, inasmuch as they
readily received the #pirit of Truth $orkin throuh Paul and #ilas
and they searched the #criptures to affirm their messae in the
$ritten 5ord. Paul delivered %cuttinFede% truth that $as
contradictory to the previous understandin of the #criptures tauht
by the leaders of that day.
The brethren immediately sent Paul and #ilas a$ay by
niht to 1erea, and $hen they arrived, they $ent into the
synaoue of the 'e$s. )o$ these $ere more nobleF
minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the
$ord $ith reat eaerness, e6aminin the #criptures daily
Hto seeI $hether these thins $ere so.
&*c t s 8BE89F88
.ven so, Paul!s messae $as securely established in the $ritten
5ord and conferred the true application of the #criptures
concernin the promised /essiah and the kindom of 2od. This is
the virtuous e6ample $e should like$ise follo$.
1e dilient to present yourself approved to 2od as a
$orkman $ho does not need to be ashamed, accurately
handlin the $ord H l oos I of truth.
&: Ti mot hy :E8=
1y diliently studyin the #criptures, the 1ereans $ere able to
fully appropriate their faith in the messae of truth presented
throuh Paul and enter into its reality. *lthouh the kindom
messae entrusted to Paul $as unprecedented and forein to
previous understandin, it $as truth and the messae of the hour as
their inheritance. The same #pirit is bein deposited today to
establish the messae of truth for our day and the race to $alk in it.
Charles #pureon once spoke of the l oos sayin, %#o, brethren,
especially is it $ith the Incarnate 5ord. 5e are in the habit of
callin the 1ible the 5ord of 2od. I suppose that is accurate enouh
. . . of this incarnate 5ord, this everlastin ,oos, $e may say that
he standeth for ever. 'esus Christ, the same yesterday, today and
The 1ible is not simply the 5ord of 2od@ it is the
revelation of 'esus Christ.
Therefore, our ?uest is not simply to ac?uire kno$lede but to
kno$ the ,ivin Truth and $alk in the full revelation of the ,ord
'esus Christ. This position of spiritual enlihtenment transcends
ministry and finds its oriin in relationship $ith (im.
5ith that vie$ in focus, $e must invest ourselves to find the
place of intimate e6chane and sacred fello$ship $ith the ,ord and
be completely un$illin to compromise that relationship for any
purpose. )otice the heart!s cry of the apostle Paul, even after many
years of po$erful ministry, his passionate desire $as %to kno$ (im,
and the po$er of (is resurrection and the fello$ship of (is
sufferins% JPhilippians AE89K.
Those $ho kno$ their 2od
There is an imperative spiritual reality $e must not allo$
ourselves to divert from if $e are to become the royal priesthood and
holy nation promised in #cripture. The prophet Daniel foretold a
period of reat hardship and spiritual darkness that $ould permeate
a eneration kno$n as %the time of the end.% Yet, in the midst of the
darkness that $ould cover the earth and the people, there $ould be
a company $hoE
. . . kno$ t hei r 2od HandI shall be stron, and carry out
reat e6ploits.
&D*)I., 88EA: J)K'3, ./P(*#I# *DD.DK
3ery often $e emphasiGe the latter portion of this verse
concernin the manifestation of mihty e6ploits and po$er. -esidin
$ithin many is the yearnin desire to %display strenth and take
action% and $itness reat demonstrations of the #pirit and po$er.
Thrones of Our Soul
(o$ever, the most important aspect of this notable prophetic
promise is to kno$ (imE to kno$ our 2od intimately and
affectionately, and throuh that relationship do mihty e6ploits for
(is lory.
The insiht of /oses
.6odus AA describes the directive of 2od to occupy the ,and of
Promise follo$in the deliverance of Israel at the hand of /oses
from the bondae and oppression of .ypt. The covenant people of
2od $ere imminently facin the inheritance of their promises, thus
providin a perfect typical scenario for today!s eneration of the
/any $ithin the Church are presently positioned to inherit
countless $onderful promises. #ome have been called to a ministry
of healin, and that promise for the healin anointin is at the door.
"thers perhaps have been called to a prophetic ministry, and the
revelatory ifts are in vie$@ the promises of 2od are on the horiGon.
.ven so, /oses identified the reater purpose in verses 8= and 8<E
Then he said to (im, %If Your presence does not o $ith
us do not lead us up from here. 7or ho$ then can it be
kno$n that I have found favor in Your siht, I and Your
people0 Is it not by Your oin $ith us, so that $e, I and
Your people, may be distinuished from all the other
people $ho are upon the face of the earth0%
&.L"D+# AAE8=F8<
*lthouh /oses delivered Israel to the threshold of inheritin
their $onderful and reat promises, he nonetheless pleaded $ith
2od not to lead them from that place if (is presence did not
accompany them. "ther$ise, ho$ $ere they to be distinuished
from the other nations on the earth0
"ther nations, such as /oab under the hired leadership of
1alaam, $ere evidently offerin sacrifices and performin reliious
duties in the same manner as Israel. (o$ever, one notable difference
separated the t$o nationsE * cloud by day and pillar of fire by niht
accompanied Israel, representin the manifest presence of 2od.
It is in kno$in (im and abidin in (is presence that $e $ill
be distinuished from amon the people and belief systems
throuhout the earth. ,ike Israel, $e are to carry the cloud of (is
presence to a lost $orld and bein to fulfill our .ndFTime mandate.
7riendship $ith 2od
The (oly #pirit, throuh numerous visions, dreams and
revelations, has continued to emphasiGe this important issue on (is
heart, involvin intimate relationship and friendship $ith (im. (e
also hihlihts the stronholds and dominions that are preventin us
from this allFimportant hih callin. 5hen these spiritual fortresses
are identified, there is al$ays a correspondin release of race to
address the issues of (is heart $hen embraced throuh faith and
* number of the visions have e6pressed in a variety of forms our
need to be spiritually balanced and in harmony $ith the desires and
purposes of the 7ather. The last $ords our ,ord spoke before (is
sufferins bean statesE
. . . and I have made Your name kno$n to them, and $ill
make it kno$n, so that the love $ith $hich You loved /e
may be in them, and I in them.
&'"() 8BE:<
This reat (ih Priestly prayer $ill be ans$ered in its fullnessE
t o l ove t he ,ord $i t h t he l ove of t he 7at her. If $e are to love
the ,ord $ith the love $here$ith the 7ather loved (im, $e must
allo$ the (oly #pirit to achieve in us all that is re?uired to live in
such a blessed place.
5e can love the ,ord $ith the same love the 7ather had for
(im only $hen the (oly #pirit takes up residence in us in (is
fullness. That empo$erin presence then catapults us beyond the
realm of human reasonin and emotions and thrusts us into the
#pirit life, impartin the divine attributes of the 7ather and (is
Thrones of Our Soul
redemptive names revealed to us in 'esus.
The #criptures make it plainE ,iht and darkness cannot coe6ist.
5e cannot continue to embrace $orldly conformity and e6pect (is
(oly #pirit to rest in us $ith (is abidin presence. (is race is bein
e6tended to enable us to be free from the stronholds and dominions
of the enemy as $e yield to this allFimportant $ork of refinement.
Comin to (is people
The Church is not yet ready for the promised visitation of the
,ord as (e comes to (is people. In (is race, a continued span of
preparation is bein allo$ed. Certainly, one of the key messaes for
this season is the mandate concernin the soul of manE allo$in the
,ord to deal $ith the thrones and dominions $ithin us that remain
subject to the authority of our carnal nature and $orldly conformity.
These seeds of corruption $ere imparted into the soul of man at the
7all in the 2arden of .den.
The incredible promise for the restoration of all thins includes
the blessed hope and assurance that our soul can be restored to
purity and total submission to the 7ather. The po$er of redemption
is more than sufficient to overcome corruption and defilement in the
life of man and allo$s the intimate relationship $ith the ,ord that
*dam once enjoyed before the introduction of sin. "ne of the
reatest prophetic promises for the .ndFTime eneration is bein
imparted to the hearts of a hunry people desirin intimacy and
union $ith the ,ord 'esus.
The spotliht of the (oly #pirit is presently hihlihtin areas
that have not yet been subjected to (is ,ordship. (is ,iht is
searchin and e6posin those issues resident in us that are not in
conformity $ith 2od. It is sometimes a difficult and painful
e6perience. .ven so, it is of reat value $hen $e comprehend the
lofty desin of heaven in preparin a people for (is possession. 1ein
armed $ith this understandin allo$s the release of peace and
strenth needed for the battle.
"nce $e attain that sacred place, the po$erfully anointed
ministry $e all desire arises on its o$n, like Peter. (e merely
$alked the streets of 'erusalem, and the people positioned
themselves that the lory emanatin from him miht touch them,
providin transformin life. In such a place, $e do not have to
pursue ministry@ rather, $e $ill convey life every place $e o. 5e
$ill be the liht that $ill shine in the midst of dark places throuh
(is abidin presence.
P*-T I
Part I&T(. -.#T"-*TI") "7 *,,
Chapter 8
Chapter 8&
I) T(. 1.2I))I)2
) T(. 1.2I))I)2 all thins $ere obedient to 2od and e6isted in
perfect harmony $ith (is overnmental desin. Throuh the
prophetic promise for the restoration of all thins, $e can set our
faces like flint to see this desin established once aain. This $ill be
true both in the Church and $ithin us as individuals that $e may
kno$ the purity oriinally imparted to *dam $hen 2od breathed
into him the breath of life.
In this state of innocence, *dam $as allo$ed to $alk $ith 2od
$ithout veils of separation. There flourished in the 2arden perfect
fello$ship as *dam $as allo$ed to aGe directly into the face of 2od
$ithout reservation or shame. (e $as not over$helmed by the
purity of 2od. This ives us a portrayal of the oriinal desin for
man and the one to $hich $e must return.
There e6isted $ithin *dam the combination of both heavenly
and earthly material. 5ithin him d$elt the divine nature and
character of 2od veiled behind a body made from the dust of the
It $as 2od!s oriinal intent throuh *dam for man to live on
t$o levelsE the natural arena and the spiritual dimension $ith 2od.
In the latter, $e have a spiritual form that communes $ith 2od, no$
afforded throuh the process of redemption in Christ. It is the
%spiritual% form of man that the (oly #pirit is emphasiGin to brin
us to the place of oneness $ith (im, restorin $hat once $as lost.
*ll of creation is roanin for this reality.
It is the determination of the (oly #pirit to compel a company
of people $ho $ill allo$ their spirit, soul and body to be fully
sanctified and restored to the position of fello$ship and communion
Thrones of Our Soul
once enjoyed in the 2arden of .den.
*s 'ohn 2. ,ake once said, %-eal Christianity is in bein a
possessor of the nature of 'esus Christ% Jtriune salvationK.
In other
$ords, it is in bein Christ in character, Christ in demonstration,
Christ in aency and in transmission.
Initial salvation
5e bein to kno$ the e6perience of salvation $hen $e
surrender our spirit to the ,ord and the cleansin po$er of (is
blood. That is $hen $e receive a conscious a$areness that our sins
are foriven and that our citiGenship is no$ in heaven. "ur spirit has
been pured by the po$er of (is redemption, and the (oly #pirit
bears $itness $ith our spirit that $e are redeemed. (o$ever, that is
only the beinnin of the journey. 7ar too often many Christians fail
to reconiGe the farFreachin implications of our redemption and its
application to our soul and our physical body.
/uch has been $ritten about the differin vie$points and
positions of theoloians involvin the soul of man. (o$ever, for the
purposes of this book $e $ill embrace the teachin that the soul
constitutes the mind, $ill and emotions of man. It is considered to
be the seat of man!s feelins, desires, aversions and affections.
Careful biblical study of the terms s pi ri t and s oul $ill clearly
indicate a distinction bet$een the t$o. * number of different
terminoloies $ere used by the apostle Paul in his epistles $hen
teachin on the t$o individual aspects of our lives. It is $ithin the
spirit that the seed of life rests until it is ?uickened and made alive
by the #pirit of 2od brinin us into an a$areness of (im and our
spiritual life. The author of the 1ook of 'ob seemed to understand
this reality.
1ut there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the
*lmihty ives him understandin.
&'"1 A:E; J)K'3K
The soul is the seat of our personality and desires, and it must
In the Beginning
like$ise be transformed from an earthly to a heavenly focus. The
perfect e6ample provided by the ,ord 'esus demonstrates a fully
yielded life in every aspect of (is e6istence. (e freely surrendered
(is thouhts and desires to assume the 7ather!s. To be the ,ord!s
representation on the earth, $e must do like$ise.
The mature sons and dauhters of 2od $ill allo$ the (oly #pirit
to fully manifest the po$er of redemption $ithin their soul and
restore them to the place of purity oriinally inherent in *dam and
demonstrated in the life of the ,ord 'esus Christ, our last *dam. (e
$as a vessel fully yielded to the $ill of the 7ather.
There is an e6perience beyond the redemption of our spirit and
even the ind$ellin of the #pirit $ith (is ifts and callinsE It is the
yieldin of our $ill to the $ill of the 7ather that restores us back to
the fashion of (is oriinal intent.
The period of restoration
Peter, prophesyin follo$in the day of Pentecost, foretold a
reat redemptive promise that some eneration $ould come to kno$
in its fullness and reality. (e emphatically declared that heaven
must retain the ,ord 'esus until the period of restoration of all
thins. The (oly #pirit, speakin throuh this apostle, is not simply
describin the restoration of 2od!s chosen people to a place of
prominence and po$er.
. . . that (e may send 'esus, the Christ appointed for you,
$hom heaven must receive until the period of restoration
of all thins about $hich 2od spoke by the mouth of (is
holy prophets from ancient time.
&*CT# AE:9F:8
/ore importantly, (e is announcin the a$esome po$er of
redemption bein so reat and complete that a eneration of 2od!s
people $ill come to kno$ and e6perience the intimate fello$ship
$ith 2od formerly lost by *dam in the 2arden of .den. In fact,
heaven must retain (im until there is a remnant of people $ho $alk
$ith that ?uality of companionship and oneness $ith 2od.
Thrones of Our Soul
5isdom, kno$lede and understandin concernin all of
creation $ere readily available to *dam throuh his close
encounters $ith 2od as they $alked in the arden. There is comin
shortly a time $hen Christians $ill need to kno$ the deep mysteries
of the kindom that ultimately $ill prepare her $ithout spot or
$rinkle for the 1rideroom. It $ill be throuh the decisive
restoration of spiritual relationship that heavenly $isdom shall be
imparted to the 1ride, allo$in us to %taste the ood $ord of 2od
and the po$ers of the ae to come% J(ebre$s <E=K.
*s the ,ord beins to e6emplify (is overnmental rule and
authority, it $ill produce the justice of 2od. (is justice provides
blessins for those $ho $alk $ith (im in personal relationship and
renders judment on unrihteousness. *t that time the ,ord $ill
demonstrate (is favor and honor upon those $ho $alk intimately
$ith (im. ,ike$ise, it $ill be the time of retribution and veneance
upon those $ho do not kno$ (im and declined their opportunity
for ospel truth. *ccordin to the admonition iven by the (oly
#pirit throu"h th apo+t2 Pau1< +uch pop2 3i22 pa( th pna2t( +u))r
the punishment of everlastin ruin and eternal separation from 2od.
J#ee : Thessalonians 8ED.K
The restoration promises are for those $ho have embraced the
redemption of the ,ord 'esus throuh (is sacrificial offerin and
resurrection po$er. To reject (is redemption is eternal separation
from the presence of the ,ord and from the lory of (is po$er.
Deep $ithin the hearts of many Christians is the burnin desire
to enter that place of harmony, even if the cost is reat. It is our hope
that the (oly #pirit $ill utiliGe these important truths that $ill help
us to that end.
It is not simply a matter of ministry@ it is an issue of relationship
$i t h ministry as an overflo$ of the friendship $e have $ith the
,ord. *fter all, thouh $e are able to heal the sick and cast out evil
spirits, if the people are unable to see the ,ord in us and (is abidin
love throuh us, $hat lastin fruit does it enerate0 It is not merely
havin the #pirit move throuh us but restin i n us in (is fullness.
In the Beginning
The ,ord is determined in this eneration to have a people $ho
truly kno$ (i m and share in (is divine nature and holy character,
havin escaped the corruption of this $orld and its lusts. J#ee : Peter
8E>.K *ccordin to (is race, $e are livin in a season of continued
refinement and purification as the (oly #pirit appraises us as
individuals first before (e releases the anointin of po$er
There is comin a time $hen (e is oin to pour out (is #pirit,
and it $ill be as rain fallin on the just and the unjust alike. *t that
time, accordin to /atthe$ BE:8F:A, there $ill be some doin the
$ork of ministry $hose destiny is not the kindom of heaven but
outer darkness. 2od forbid that any should be us. ,et us $alk in that
place of priceless communion.
Doin the $ill of the 7ather
/atthe$ B contains one of the most dismal and unsettlin
passaes in all of #cripture. In it, $e are told of many $ho $ill kno$
reat po$er performin mihty e6ploits in the name of the ,ord.
They $ill prophesy in the ,ord!s name. They $ill heal the sick, cast
out demons and do tremendous miracles. #till, the ,ord $ill declare
to them, %I never kne$ you@ depart from /e, you $ho practice
la$lessnessM% These are perhaps the saddest $ords in #cripture.
)ot everyone $ho says to /e, %,ord, ,ord,% $ill enter the
kindom of (eaven, but he $ho does the $ill of /y
7ather $ho is in (eaven $ill enter. /any $ill say to /e
on that day, %,ord, ,ord, did $e not prophesy in Your
name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your
name perform many miracles0% *nd then I $ill declare to
them, %I never kne$ you@ Depar t f r om /e, you $ho
pr act i ce l a$l es s nes s . %
&/*TT(.5 BE::F:A J./P(*#I# *DD.DK
This passae clearly dictates that, althouh a person can have an
anointin for ministry, he can do so $ithout even kno$in the ,ord
or tastin (is salvation. Therefore, $hat is the most important
Thrones of Our Soul
matter on $hich $e must keep ourselves focused in this hour0 To
kno$ (im and the po$er of (is resurrection&even if it means the
fello$ship of (is sufferins. 5e must be conformed to (is death as
described in Philippians AE89.
The hihest object of endeavor in the mind of the Christian
should yearn to be fully ac?uainted $ith (im and (is nature,
character and desires as $e learn to love $hat (e loves and hate
$hat (e hates. This $ill allo$ (im to live out (is life throuh us as
$e $alk in union $ith th Lord 6+u+.
Chapter :
Chapter :&5aitin on the ,ord
IT("+T C")T-"3.-#Y, P*-T of our 2reat Commission is the
harvest of souls and the demonstration of the #pirit and (is
po$er in our eneration. There is the ministry of salvation and
deliverance to set the captives free and liberate prisoners from
spiritual duneons. There is also the ministry of healin that must be
carried to the people to restore the eyes of the blind, unstop deaf ears
and heal lame limbs. These are all reat and lofty purposes for $hich
$e devote ourselves in preparation and e?uippin.
)evertheless, in the process of pursuin the (oly #pirit!s po$er
and anointin, $e also discover an even hiher purpose for $hich
$e are created. It is to have intimate relationship and communion
$ith (im. 7ar too often $e have ascertained throuhout history
many devoted saints $ho ave themselves to the $ork of the
ministry but someho$ lost the intimacy and communion that
brouht them to that place of anointin and po$er.
Conse?uently, $e must invest ourselves to find the place of
intimate e6chane and sacred fello$ship $ith the ,ord and be
completely un$illin to compromise that relationship for any
purpose. )otice the heart!s cry of the apostle Paul. .ven after many
years of po$erful ministry, his passionate desire $as to %kno$ (im,
and the po$er of (is resurrection and the fello$ship of (is
sufferins% JPhilippians AE89K.
/ary and /artha
Throuh /ary and /artha the #criptures provide a compellin
e6ample of those $ho earnestly desire, more than life itself, the
opportunity to be joined $ith the ,ord and find rest for their soul.
Thrones of Our Soul
This $e can do $hen $e discover the art of %$aitin% upon the ,ord
and ministerin to (im.
1ut those $ho $ait on the ,"-D shall rene$ their
strenth@ they shall mount up $ith $ins like eales, they
shall run and not be $eary, they shall $alk and not faint.
&I#*I*( >9EA8 J)K'3K
The t$o roles portrayed by the ,ord!s friends, /ary and /artha,
illustrate a reat truth for $hich $e are compelled to pay careful
The term $ai t can have dual application. "ne meanin is %to
$ait upon someone in service@ to attend.% )evertheless, as utiliGed in
this passae it means, %to tarry, to look for, to hope $ith e6pectancy@
to bind toether@ to remain stationary in readiness or e6pectation@ to
look eaerly for someone.%
The Int ernat i onal #t andard .ncycl opedi a defines it
accordinlyE %It implies the listenin ear, a heart responsive to the
$ooin of 2od . . . a concentration of the spiritual faculties upon
heavenly thins . . . the patience of faith ... the earnest e6pectation
of the creation.% J#ee -omans ;E8D.K It describes an eaer anticipation
and yearnin for the revelation of truth and love as it is inherent in
the 7ather.
The adoration of /ary
/ary chose the hiher call and received her strenth from the
,ord as she admirinly $aited at (is feet to receive precious
enlihtenment. Perhaps it $as at (is feet that /ary received the
revelation of the ,ord!s approachin sacrifice and beautifully
illustrated her love by anointin (im $ith nard, symbolically
preparin (im for this reat purpose.
/ary therefore took a pound of very costly perfume of
pure nard, and anointed the feet of 'esus, and $iped (is
feet $ith her hair@ and the house $as filled $ith the
frarance of the perfume.
Waiting on the Lord
&'"() 8:EA
#he humbly presented herself at the ,ord!s feet, receivin from
(im the spiritual insiht to anoint (im for (is burial, an act fe$
others reconiGed or comprehended. 5ith only a little imaination
$e can visualiGe $hat it must have been like to present oneself at the
,ord!s feet and humbly anoint them $ith costly perfume. 5hat an
incredible demonstration of commitment and adoration.
Thankfully, $e can, in our eneration, present ourselves at (is
feet and ive e6pression to our devotion throuh the %perfume% of
commitment and $orship conveyed by sanctified hearts.
This esture of love and demonstration of spiritual vision $ill
reveal the hearts of many as it did throuh /ary. The keeper of the
money amon the ,ord!s disciples responded indinantly at her
beautiful presentation of love and selfFsacrifice. The reliious spirit
in this disciple rejected this form of $orship and e6pressed his
disust throuh a veiled attempt to hide his true character. #uch
obedience and perception of the 5ord $ill al$ays discern and jude
the thouhts and intents of people!s hearts. J#ee (ebre$s >E8:.K
There is al$ays a time and season for each purpose characteriGed
throuh /ary and /artha. There is a season to rest and $ait upon
the ,ord and receive sufficient uidance directin our efforts to$ard
the $ill of the 7ather and not our o$n inclinations. /any are
presently in such a process.
It is recorded in the #cripturesE (e did nothin e6cept $hat (e
sa$ the 7ather doin and spoke only truth (e heard proceed from
the mouth of the 7ather. ,ike$ise, $e should also receive our
instruction at t he ,ord! s f eet . *s /ary sat at the ,ord!s feet
admirinly embracin enrichin truth, so also did the ,ord sit at the
7ather!s feet, receivin (is counsel.
If $e faithfully follo$ the e6ample of /ary in this season of the
#pirit, $e $ill also receive counsel from the ,ord to accomplish the
$ill of the 7ather. The ,ord desires to chane our mindFset from that
of /artha to /ary so $e no loner labor f or (im but bein to $ork
$i t h (im.
Thrones of Our Soul
+ni?uely, very often those follo$in the e6ample of /artha $ill
seeminly persecute those sittin at the ,ord!s feet $aitin on (im.
It is very difficult to overcome the tendency to continually be busy
about reliious activity despite ood intentions. It is a vitally
important spiritual reality $e must e6perience by $aitin upon the
,ord durin the appointed seasons. It is in this place that intimacy is
developed and clear comprehension of the ,ord!s heart.
Discoverin freedom
5hen $e recline at the ,ord!s feet and $ait loninly for (im,
$e also discover freedom from our $orldly conformity as $e yield
our $ill to the $ill of the 7ather. *t this place of surrender $e
discern the thouhts and desires of the ,ord, displacin our o$n.
"ur thouhts are not (is thouhts, and our earthly $ays are forein
to (is. Yet, at (is feet $e can ascertain the path of rihteousness and
spiritual conformity accordin to the council of the (oly #pirit.
*lon $ith :ar(< 3 di+co4r in th Go+p2+ anothr prciou+ 3o1an
$ho lovinly $ashed the ,ord!s feet $ith her tears and dried them
$ith her hair in a sacrificial esture of respect and love. #he clearly
disrearded the reproach of men in order to fulfill this reat
demonstration of discernment and affection. The Church must come
to the same place.
*nd behold, there $as a $oman in the city $ho $as a
sinner@ and $hen she learned that (e $as reclinin at the
table in the Pharisee!s house, she brouht an alabaster vial
of perfume, and standin behind (im at (is feet, $eepin,
she bean to $et (is feet $ith her tears, and kept $ipin
them $ith the hair of her head, and kissin (is feet, and
anointin them $ith the perfume.
/any times in prophetic e6periences, a person!s hair is
representative of their lory or of their intellect. 5e lay our
thouhts and opinions JintellectK at the ,ord!s feet and bein to take
upon ourselves %the mind of Christ% throuh the impartation of the
Waiting on the Lord
(oly #pirit. This $oman fulfilled the responsibility of the la$ by
doin honor to this most acclaimed of uests, althouh the Pharisees
had failed to meet their leal obliations of $ashin and honorin a
distinuished visitor.
#he retrieved an alabaster bo6 containin all she had achieved in
her sinful and $orldly pursuits. #he unsparinly lavished this
substance of reat value upon the ,ord, disreardin the cost.
Previously, she had lived in darkness and pursued the desires of her
heart throuh unjust ain. (o$ever, no$ that ,iht had come into
the $orld, she emered from her dark stupor and repented by
abandonin all selfFreard and fear of man to disperse upon the ,ord
her resources.
This dear sister $ho $ashed the ,ord!s feet and dried them $ith
her hair had previously placed her security in the spirit of this
$orld. +pon reconiGin the divine ,iht that had entered the realm
of man, she rejected the security offered by the spirit of this $orld
and $holeFheartedly dispensed herself upon the ,ord in an
e6pression of affection and trust. #he found rest for her soul in (im
and abandoned all else to ive e6pression to her ne$Ffound life.
It is at (is feet that $e lay all of our ability and essence, humbly
ackno$ledin our reat need for (im and (is resources. It is at (is
feet that $e bein to bride the ap bet$een the vast and infinite
provision of heaven and the reat need of humanity.
Traditions of man
*lthouh this $oman $as reconiGed as an adulteress, reality
hihlihted that the Pharisees $ere uilty of a reater sin in their
spiritual adultery, althouh they $ere busily fulfillin the traditions
of the la$. Their sin blinded them to the spiritual ift directly before
them and nullified the race of 2od e6tended to them.
They $ere so preoccupied in reliious duty that they nelected
to receive the revelation of 2od. 1ecause of this nelience they
forfeited their ability to properly lead and prepare the people for
their divine visitation. They $ere absorbed in dutifully complyin
Thrones of Our Soul
$ith the precepts of man and follo$in human traditions, and they
$ere blinded to the very presence of 2od in their midst.
Additiona22(< th othr r2i"iou+ 2adr+ in th roo1 9pr++d thir
di+"u+t and di+1a( at thir prci4d notion that th Lord 2ac.d th
di+crn1nt to dtct thi+ 3o1an=+ Pr4iou+ charactr. Th Lord
r+pondd to th+ 2adr+ '( ++ntia22( di+c2o+in" that thir na1+
3ou2d not ' r11'rd a )3 (ar+ )ro1 that point< (t thi+ 3o1an=+
t+ti1on( 3ou2d ' r11'rd )or a22 "nration+.
The ,ord chastised the Pharisees for not reconiGin their reat
responsibility. It $as their duty to be the leaders of Israel and
discern the ,iht that had come into their dark $orld. -eardless,
because of their hardness of heart they $ere unable to ascertain the
day of their visitation or to prepare the people of their eneration for
the ,ord!s purpose.
Their pure e6ample
7e$ leaders of (is day $ere $illin to sit at the ,ord!s feet to
receive instruction. "nly those $ith humbleness of heart, like these
t$o $omen, could receive that edification. The e6ample of these t$o
$omen is an eternal illustration for all $ho are $illin to do
There is a time for $aitin and a time for e6ecutin. (o$ever,
the performin of reliious or spiritual endeavors is after $e have
$aited upon the ,ord to receive divine instruction and counsel and
bein to bear (is imae.
,ike$ise, /artha, althouh doin somethin that seemed
appropriate, failed to reconiGe the reater purpose of sittin at the
,ord!s feet absorbin every available impartation. There is a time to
$ait and a time to do. 5e must ask the ,ord for the discernment to
distinuish the t$o and take full advantae of the times of
preparation and refinement.
1y no means is this prophetic analoy intended to endorse
slothfulness. Instead, it is desined to encourae the Church to first
Waiting on the Lord
receive instruction at the ,ord!s feet by $aitin upon (im, then
employin the ifts and means available in the accomplishment of
these divine purposes. It is in ministerin to (im that $e distinuish
(is thouhts and $ays.
Chapter A
Chapter A&Prepared by the *nointin
for "ur Destiny
-.#.)T,Y /+C( "7 the Church is in a posture of $aitin upon the
,ord durin this season to receive from (im divine instruction
for the upcomin outpourin of the #pirit. There presently seems to
be sinificant importance placed upon the role of sittin at the ,ord!s
feet to receive the $ill of the 7ather.
)ot everyone $ho says to /e, %,ord, ,ord,% $ill enter the
kindom of heaven, but he $ho does the $ill of /y
7ather in heaven.
&Matthew 7:21 (NKJV)
There is approachin a time in $hich $e $ill be very busy
about the ,ord!s business. If $e $ill follo$ this standard of $aitin
upon the ,ord and ministerin to (im, it $ill allo$ (im to restore
us to a place of innocence. Then our efforts $ill be far more
profitable and achieve much more $ith considerably less e6tended
*ppreciable ain $ill be achieved in the realm of the #pirit
$hen operatin under the spirit of $isdom and understandin.
5hen $e receive the $isdom of heaven and the understandin of
that revelation, $e unlock divine principles essential for
accomplishin the $ill of the 7ather. 3ery often $e reconiGe an
end to be achieved, but $e o about it $ith our o$n understandin,
consumin reater enery and time to complete the assinment.
5aitin upon the ,ord has virtually been a lost art in the
corporate Church. It is imperative that $e bein to apprehend this
Thrones of Our Soul
reat spiritual principle in accomplishin the divine purposes
established for this period of Church history. The ,ord is far more
interested in our obedience than our human efforts. (e is much
more concerned $ith the development of our spiritual discernment
than our human Geal.
-estin in (im
In our call to minister the ospel to a lost $orld, $e are often set
apart and chared $ith a specific callin on behalf of the kindom of
heaven. (o$ever, it can sometimes be months or even years before
the commission or authority is released in the realiGation of those
Durin the interim, $e should follo$ the e6ample of Paul $ho
discovered the ,ord!s rest and separated himself unto the ,ord. It
$as in a place of separation that he allo$ed the (oly #pirit to
prepare him for the reat purposes ahead.
Paul $as called as an apostle to the 2entiles, but he $as not
e?uipped and commissioned for that purpose until many years later.
The time he spent faithfully $aitin upon the ,ord ?ualified him to
do the $ill of the 7ather in his life.
It $as many years later at *ntioch that the (oly #pirit
instructed the leaders to set apart 1arnabas and #aul for the apostolic
$ork for $hich they had been created. They $ere amon the
prophets and teachers, but the time had come for their hih callin
and ultimate mandate. The anointin in them had provided the
e?uippin and refinin necessary to be promoted to the apostolic
'ust as (e teaches you
The 1ible teaches that, $hen $e become Christians, $e receive
an anointin from 2od. It is throuh the impartation of (is
anointin that $e learn to d$ell in (im and $alk in the ministry of
the #pirit.
Prepared by the Anointing for Our Destiny
*nd as for you, the anointin $hich you received from
(im abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to
teach you@ but as (is anointin teaches you about all
thins, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has tauht
you, you abide in (im.
&8 '"() :E:B
There has been an ancient ?uestion e6istin amon men for
many centuries. 5hy am I here, and for $hat purpose have I been
created0 The ans$er can be discovered throuh the anointin of the
(oly #pirit resident in us. 5e can also ascertain our callin and
purpose $ithin the body of Christ and the divine destiny appointed
for us. That is our promise from this passae.
*ccordin to this scripture, the anointin $ill teach us all that
$e need to kno$ to fulfill our 2odFordained destiny in life. 5hen a
true prophetic $ord has been spoken to an individual concernin his
or her callin and future, an impartation of the anointin is released
to e?uip him or her to fulfill that purpose. The ,ord $ill perfectly
mold and fashion us to accomplish (is directive throuh the
anointin $e receive.
7ar too often, $e do not allo$ (is anointin to prepare and
direct us to the place of our fruitfulness in (im. "ftentimes, $e
observe a certain ministry or ministr that 3 rco"niGe is bein used
by the ,ord, and $e try to emulate them or mold ourselves into the
frame$ork of that ministry. (o$ever, that may not be the purpose
for $hich 3 ha4 been created, nor the direction for $hich the
anointin $ithin us is tryin to orchestrate.
,ike$ise, many educational institutions attempt to develop
leaders into a certain imae throuh theoloical indoctrination and
other patterns and formulas. (o$ever, this scripture points out that
(is anointin teaches us about all thins. 'ust as (e teaches us, so
shall $e abide in (im.
This is not to say $e do not follo$ the anointed teachin and
instructions iven throuh men. -ather, it dictates that the (oly
#pirit $ill lead us to the specific teachins and teachers that (e
Thrones of Our Soul
reconiGes $ill prepare us for our destiny. The ,ord has established
(is leadership and overnment to e?uip the body to do the $ork of
the ministry. This is accomplished in a variety of $ays ... but al$ays
by (is leadin.
5e are livin in the days identified as the t i me of t he end.
There is a specific and uni?ue destiny placed upon this eneration.
/any prophets of old foresa$ this day and the reat purposes of
heaven to be attained. /any patriarchs yearned for this day and
$ere not allo$ed to e6perience the unfoldin of 2od!s %rand
finale.% 5e, on our $atch, $ill have the privilee to see and
encounter incredible thins.
There is a specific anointin bein released from heaven $ith a
correspondin race to teach us ho$ to abide in (im for the uni?ue
mandate to our eneration. "nly by the (oly #pirit, throuh the
anointin resident in us, can $e be ade?uately prepared for the
unprecedented demands shortly to unfold.
The preparation of Paul
The ,ord met #aul on the road to Damascus and set him on the
path to achieve the hih callin and apostolic destiny placed upon
his life. The ,ord sent one of (is closest friends to the ne$ly
converted #aul to confer a prophetic $ord and callin that $ould
direct the remainder of Paul!s life.
*nd it came about that as he journeyed, he $as
approachin Damascus, and suddenly a liht from heaven
flashed around him@ and he fell to the round, and heard a
voice sayin to him, %#aul, #aul, $hy are you persecutin
/e0% *nd he said, %5ho art Thou, ,ord0% *nd (e said, %I
am 'esus $hom you are persecutin . . . %
)o$ there $as a certain disciple at Damascus, named
*nanias@ and the ,ord said to him in a vision, %*nanias.%
*nd he said, %1ehold, here am I, ,ord.% *nd the ,ord said
Prepared by the Anointing for Our Destiny
to him, %*rise and o to the street called #traiht, and
in?uire at the house of 'udas for a man from Tarsus named
#aul, for behold, he is prayin.%
&*CT# DE89F88
It is an interestin correlation to observe the t$o replies iven
by #aul and by *nanias in response to the open visions iven to
each. You can hear the distress in the voice of #aul as he e6claimed,
%5ho art thou, ,ord0% *lso notice the affection and devotion in the
$ords of *nanias, %1ehold, here am I, ,ord.%
*nanias had clearly encountered the ,ord in previous spiritual
e6periences and developed an open relationship and communion
$ith (im. This devoted saint $as bein iven the reat privilee of
pronouncin the callin and commission placed upon the life of Paul
and settin him on the course of his apostolic destiny.
The ,ord instructed (is consecrated friend, *nanias, to lay
hands on #aul and prophesy that he $ould kno$ the $ill 2od, see
the -ihteous "ne, and hear utterances from (is lips. Perhaps
*nanias did not initially reconiGe this as a distinuished privilee.
(e responded to the ,ord that he had heard about #aul and the
threats and oppressions he carried aainst those in the Christian
$ay. *s if that instruction $as not difficult enouh, he $as also told
that he must disclose to #aul all he $ould suffer for the sake of the
ospel. 5hat a difficult task this must have been for the obedience
of *nanias. Yet this loyal and devoted saint fully accomplished the
task iven to him.
Cooperatin $ith the anointin
7ollo$in the tremendous encounter and release of destiny, the
anointin that accompanied the prophetic directive bean to teach
Paul ho$ to abide in the ,ord and become an apostolic leader and
pillar of the Church. #o shall it be $ith us.
The anointin resident in us $ill prepare us for our place in the
mystical body of Christ and point us to our hih callin. It $ill be
the place of our authority and fruitfulness. 5e must cooperate $ith
Thrones of Our Soul
the (oly #pirit and fully yield to (is anointin. 5e are coFlaborers
$ith (im in the submission of our soul to (is aenda. 5hen $e
cooperate $ith 2od $e become %coFoperators% of (is provision and
purpose, and $e should never allo$ ourselves to remove (im from
the interal place of leadership.
5ithout controversy, the anointin that is resident $ithin many
Christians is presently invitin and beckonin them to a place of
intimate relationship and close communion not unlike the friendship
e6pressed bet$een the ,ord and *nanias. ,ittle is $ritten about this
notable saint after his encounter $ith Paul. "ne thin is certainE (e
may not have been $idely kno$n amon men, but he $as certainly
$ell kno$n in heaven.
*nanias! account illustrates that $e do not necessarily have to
be called as a prominent apostle or prophet $ith a lare ministry and
follo$in to have an intimate, faceFtoFface relationship $ith the
,ord and carry reat spiritual authority.
#ome historical documentation suests *nanias later became a
deacon in the church at Damascus. "ther$ise, little else is recorded.
"ur reatest attribute is to possess desire, an un$averin and
undeniable yearnin and huner to be a faithful friend to the ,ord
'esus and a trust$orthy ste$ard of the mysteries and po$er of 2od,
to stand before (im faceFtoFface and speak $ith (im as a friend
speaks to his friend. "ur sincere petition is to be endo$ed $ith a
pure heart and riht motives and clothed $ith a spirit of humility
that $e may kno$ (im as fully as (e may be kno$n&a desire to be
like (im that (e may rest in us.
Awakening to destiny
"ne of the reat mysteries to be fully realiGed durin the .ndF
Time eneration is that of Christ in us, the hope of lory. Christ, the
anointin and anointed "ne, resident in us, provides a
revolutioniGin po$er and divine vitaliGation that transforms and
a$akens us to our destiny. The ,ord 'esus has a purpose and desin
for each individual to reveal (imself in and throuh us.
Prepared by the Anointing for Our Destiny
The hih purpose of heaven is to brin all of the elements of our
bein and e6istence into harmony $ith (im and (is $ill for our
lives. This is true not only $ithin our spirits but also our mind, $ill
and emotions, that $e may fully possess the mind of Christ for us.
This is primarily true in our relationship $ith (im and also the
ministry $e are to carry to this eneration.
2od is not lookin for men and $omen to make replicas or
clones of themselves. (e is desirin to fully possess the spirit, soul
and body of (is people and utiliGe thir indi4idua22( and "od2(

inherent in them. The #criptures point out that $e $ere in
Christ before the foundation of the $orld. It is (is desire to e6press
th >ua2iti+ H has placed in each of us as individuals $ho $ill fully
constitute (is body. The ,ord is not lookin to destroy our
individuality, only the seeds of corruption that keep us from
becomin the full e6pression of (is ?ualities and attributes and the
uni?ueness for $hich $e have been created.
5hen a company of people is allo$ed to enter complete union
$ith Christ, it $ill provide the place in $hich heaven touches earth.
It $ill be the true 1ethel and house of 2od& the place in $hich
anels ascend and descend.
The heavenly 7ather is oin to unleash reat spiritual authority
$ith divine revelation as the hearts of men come into areement
$ith the purposes of 2od. This merer, or union, bet$een heaven
and earth $ill produce the reat miracles, sins and $onders
prophesied for this eneration. 5hen $e aree $ith 2od, $e are, in
actuality, areein to love.
Throuh compassion and bearin (is divine attributes, $e $ill
unleash the reat resources of heaven for the vast need of humanity.
The miracles, sins and $onders are not the end in themselves but
the byFproduct of the e6pression of divine love throuh (is people.
(ealin is al$ays birthed throuh compassion.
This defines the hih callin for our eneration. * reat race is
bein allotted to help us achieve this place of consecration and
purity. It $ill provide the cleansin of the earthly nature resident in
Thrones of Our Soul
us by the ind$ellin po$er of the (oly #pirit. It $ill facilitate the
transformin of our mind and nature into conformity $ith the mind
and nature of the ,ord 'esus.
Clearly, there is resident in the hearts of many sincere
Christians a yearnin desire to live free from the spirit of this $orld
and the compulsions of its lusts. (o$ever, to truly accommodate
that purpose $e must have resident in us (is empo$erin presence
and the fullness of the #pirit, $hich chanes our spiritual D)* and
internal makeup. The #pirit d$ellin in us is compellin us to a
hiher place in (im.
Part II&T(-").# "7 "+- #"+,
C(*PT.- >
Chapter >&P*-T*K.-# "7 (I# )*T+-.&T(.
(. *D/")ITI") "7 the (oly #pirit throuh the apostle Paul
chares us to be f ul l y sanctified in every department of life.
5e are triune beins, and our salvation must inherently be applied
To be delivered from our natural inclinations, thouhts and
$ays, $e must yield ourselves to the refinin $ork of the (oly #pirit
$ithin our soul or mind to possess the mind of Christ. 7rom this
place of surrender, $e embark on the spiritual journey to reflect the
imae of Christ and portray (is attributes and po$er.
This place of sanctification is the prophetic fulfillment of : Peter
8E>, makin us partakers of the divine nature and escapin the
corruption of this $orld and its lusts.
#eein that (is divine po$er has ranted to us everythin
pertainin to life and odliness, throuh the true
kno$lede of (im $ho called us by (is o$n lory and
e6cellence. 7or by these (e has ranted to us (is precious
and manificent promises, in order that by them you
miht become partakers of the divine nature, havin
escaped the corruption that is in the $orld by lust.
&: P.T.- 8EAF>
This reality $as portrayed in a prophetic e6perience that has left
a sinificant impact upon me and a huner to see it fulfilled in our
eneration . . . by the race of 2od.
Thrones of Our Soul
The e6perience
Durin the early part of 8DDD, my $ife, 5anda, and I entered a
season of prayer and intercession concernin the upcomin year and
the teachins $e $ere to deliver to 2od!s people as fresh manna.
5hile entreatin the ,ord in this manner, a ne$ arena of prophetic
teachins $as %do$nloaded% to help us enter the place of habitation
and intimacy $e passionately desire. #ome of the revelations $ere
iven throuh prophetic e6periences, $hich hihlihted convincin
portions of #cripture that are essential in this ?uest.
The follo$in is an alleorical e6perience raciously allo$ed to
convey important principles essential for our development and
trainin for the soonFcomin spiritual releases from heaven. In it,
much prophetic symbolism is utiliGed to communicate prominent
spiritual truths to help us advance to maturity and a deep place of
intimacy $ith the ,ord.
/any layers of understandin can be derived from revelations of
this nature. I hope to accurately share the vision and its scriptural
and historical foundation, and ask th Ho2( Spirit to lead each reader
to reater depths of understandin uni?ue to their specific
circumstances and level of maturity.
.ihteen thrones
In this e6perience, an anel standin to my riht took me into
the realm of the #pirit. Initially, this measureless and farFreachin
domain appeared vast and dark, in much the same manner $e $ould
e6pect empty space to appear. (o$ever, far above I could see a
limmerin liht to $hich $e traveled in an instant of time.
In this place I could see easily a circle, or rin, of thrones,
appro6imately eihteen in number and formin a perfect sphere.
These seats of authority did not have the appearance $e $ould
normally associate $ith thrones established on the earth. Instead,
they appeared to be ovalFshaped orbs of liht.
I $as taken to a place adjacent to the first throne and discovered
Partakers of His ature!the "ision
that an anel of the ,ord occupied it. The anel inhabited the throne
$ith authority and dominion, standin majestically as a soldier
$ould uard his post of duty.
I $as taken to the ne6t throne, $hich $as inhabited by an anel
of the ,ord like the first. (o$ever, $hen I $as taken to the ne6t
throne, a most disappointin and disturbin siht loomed. Instead of
the anel of the ,ord, the throne $as occupied by a hideous creature
usurpin a position rihtfully belonin to the ,ord. It is difficult to
fashion $ords to describe the rotes?ue, perverted appearance of the
evil bein. It is sufficient to say that he $as the opposite of
everythin pure and odly.
+pon makin this discovery, the anel standin to my riht
handed me an implement filled $ith $ater. I instinctively kne$ I
$as to bein pourin $ater on the creatur. Th 1o1nt I did< th
4i2 +pirit 2a+hd at 1 3ith hi+ pa3 a+ a 2ion 3ou2d +tri. its prey.
#tartled, I looked at my chest, e6pectin it to be torn to shreds.
Instead, I $as uninjured by the assault. .ncouraed, I bean to pour
the $ater freely until the creature bean to diminish and eventually
vanish from the throne. 5hen this occurred, the anel of the ,ord
emered, takin his residence on the throne.
*s I contemplated the remainin thrones, I noticed that many
$ere occupied by an anel of the ,ord, and many by repulsive
creatures. In each case $here the throne $as occupied by one of
these beasts, I $ould simply bein pourin $ater on the spirit until
it disappeared from the throne and an anel of the ,ord appeared.
The soul of man
I $as later instructed that the rin of thrones constituted the
soul of man. The term t hrone is defined as %the seat occupied by a
ruler or hih official.% It is considered to be the office, rank or
authority of a ruler or one havin dominion and authority $ithin a
In this symbolic revelation, each throne represented a
department of our individual lives that constitutes our mind, $ill
Thrones of Our Soul
and emotions. 7rom these dominions $ithin us, our actions,
e6pressions and meditations are overned. *ccordin to the oriinal
desin of heaven, each throne $as intended to be subjected to the
lordship of Christ. (o$ever, because of the curse of the fallen
nature, some of the thrones are iven over to the spirit of the $orld.
*nd do not be conformed to this $orld, but be
transformed by the rene$in of your mind, that you may
prove $hat the $ill of 2od is, that $hich is ood and
acceptable and perfect.
&-"/*)# 8:E:
In all of those areas $here $e had totally submitted ourselves to
the dominion and rulership of 2od, the anel of the ,ord occupied
the throne. ,ike$ise, in each realm $here $e not fully yielded
ourselves, the carnal nature ruled and had authority. The unholy
administration $as represented by the creature that $as iven
opportunity to occupy the throne. (e usurped a position rihtfully
belonin to 2od.
Throuh the redemptive process and the impartation of race,
these thrones are sanctified and brouht under the ,ord!s rulership.
7or complete union $ith Christ, each throne must be occupied by
the ,ord. +nfortunately, $e oftentimes allo$ the spirit of the $orld
to inhabit the thrones $ithin our soul, placin a veil over our %face%
that prohibits complete fello$ship $ith 2od.
)o$ the deeds of the flesh are evident, $hich areE
immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery,
enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of aner, disputes,
dissensions, factions, envyin, drunkenness, carousin,
and thins like these, of $hich I fore$arn you just as I
have fore$arned you that those $ho practice such thins
shall not inherit the kindom of 2od.
&2*,*TI*)# =E8DF:8
The #criptures report that the veil of the Temple $as rent from
top to bottom throuh the sacrificial offerin of the ,ord!s body.
Partakers of His ature!the "ision
Therefore, if $e are not seein the ,ord clearly, it is because the
veils remain over our soul. It is throuh the %$ater of the 5ord%
that the issues of our soul are e6posed and sanctified.
7or thou $ilt liht my candleE the ,"-D my 2od $ill
enlihten my darkness.
&P#*,/ 8;E:; JK'3K
*ll thins are open and laid bare before the eyes of the ,ivin
5ord. There is not a creature that e6ists $ho can conceal himself
from the penetratin vie$ of the ,ord. *s the #criptures plainly
point out, (e is alive, full of po$er, and sharper than a t$oFeded
s$ord&e6posin, analyGin and judin the very thouhts and
purposes of man!s heart.
7or the $ord of 2od is livin and active and sharper than
any t$oFeded s$ord, and piercin as far as the division of
soul and spirit, of both joints and marro$, and able to
jude the thouhts and intentions of the heart.
&(.1-.5# >E8:
Chapter =
Chapter =&5ashed by the 5ord
T is P-.#.)T,Y the desire of the (oly #pirit to create radical purity
essential for our enterin the secret place of the /ost (ih and
union $ith Christ. The emphasis of the #pirit is no$ fi6ed on the
cleansin and purifyin $ork necessary for believers to enter a
hiher dimension of anointin and relationship.
. . . that (e miht sanctify her, havin cleansed her by
the $ashin of $ater $ith the $ord, that (e miht
present to (imself the church in all her lory, havin no
spot or $rinkle or any such thin@ but that she should be
holy and blameless.
&.P(.#I*)# =E:<F:B
5hen the anointin of the (oly #pirit ?uickens the 5ord $ith
life and po$er, it allo$s truth to penetrate into the very fiber of our
bein, transformin us into the likeness of Christ. 5hen the
ultimate process of sanctification has been achieved, it $ill present
us to the brideroom in the fullness of (is reflectionE That is bein
$ashed by the $ater of the 5ord.
The (oly #pirit $ill identify issues $ithin us contrary to (is
nature and ?uicken the 5ord of Truth to provide a divine
alternative. 5hen $e embrace the revealed Truth $ith our arms of
faith, it $ill bein to chane our nature and character, creatin
purity and a Christlike mind.
The mark of enuine Christianity is clearly reconiGed in the
virtue of a consecrated life. This takes place $hen our thouhts and
$ays are made to be consistent $ith (is. It is in the possession of the
mind of Christ that $e discover the secrets of (is kindom and
Thrones of Our Soul
embrace the keys that unlock the vast resources of our promised
1e an6ious for nothin, but in everythin by prayer and
supplication $ith thanksivin let your re?uests be made
kno$n to 2od. *nd the peace of 2od, $hich surpasses all
comprehension, shall uar d your hear t s and your
mi nds i n Chr i s t ' es us .
&P(I,IPPI*)# >E<FB J./P(*#I# *DD.DK
There is available in 2od a place of peace and rest that serves as
a uard, or arrison, over our hearts and minds. The term %uard% is
taken from phroureo, meanin %to protect by a military uard or to
prevent hostile invasion or an un$anted besiein.% * spiritual
$atch is assined to overn and e6press the pure and po$erful
?ualities of 2od.
*n alternative teachin
+nfortunately, there is a prevailin messae bein tauht
throuhout the *merican Church that is rooted in the spirit of the
$orld, preparin people to $alk by an independent spirit rather than
bein led by the #pirit of 2od. /any people are bein trained to
deliver themselves throuh selfFreliance and humanistic preparation.
This mentality clearly rieves the (oly #pirit and actually $orks a
counterFproductivity in readyin the Church for $eihty milestones
comin to the earth. "ur preparation is a spiritual one, re?uirin a
spiritual provision that comes from the very heart of the 7ather.
/any books, journals and spoken messaes are bein directed at
maintainin a comfortable $ay of life instead of preparation to be
clothed in robes of rihteousness. /uch is bein distributed to teach
people various means of selfFpreservation and provisional hoardin.
(o$ever, the overcomin Church $ill clearly reconiGe that her
help comes from the ,ord, and (is abundant provision of race $ill
allo$ her to $alk closely $ith (im throuh the $ashin of (is
5hen Israel $as delivered from the bondae of .ypt, the ,ord
Washed by the Word
$as their source, faithfully providin for every need. (e
accompanied them by the pillar of fire at niht and the cloud by day.
(e is the same&yesterday, today and forever. "ur hihest purpose is
to return to the place of fello$ship and empo$erin presence once
lost throuh sin but no$ available throuh (is redemption. "ur role
is to reconiGe this mandate and cooperate $ith the (oly #pirit $ho
?ualifies us for union.
If a person truly desires to be prepared for the t$entyFfirst
century and utiliGed by the (oly #pirit to meet the needs of this
eneration, he should be doin all the ,ord $ould re?uire in order
to be clothed $ith Christ, havin a rihteousness that comes from
2od throuh faith. 5e must consider the loss of all thins for the
sake of ainin Christ, and $e should consider the loss as mere
rubbish compared to the surpassin value of union $ith the ,ord
'esus. J#ee Philippians AE;FD.K
"ur treasures must be stored in heaven $here neither moth nor
rust can destroy, nor thieves break in and steal it.
7or the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on
the #pirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the
flesh is hostile to$ard 2od@ for it does not subject itself to
the la$ of 2od, for it is not even able to do so@ and those
$ho are in the flesh cannot please 2od.
&-"/*)# ;E<F;
"ur hih callin can be discovered throuh emptyin ourselves
of our o$n inclinations and opinions throuh the $ashin of (is
anointed 5ord and relyin upon the faithful leadin of the (oly
#pirit. It is throuh the strippin process and assumin the heart of a
servant that true spiritual authority is reconiGed in heaven. *
bondservant is one $ho yields his $ill to the $ill of his master.
. . . H(eI emptied (imself, takin the form of a
bondservant, and bein made in the likeness of men. *nd
bein found in appearance as a man, (e humbled (imself
by becomin obedient to the point of death, even death on
a cross.
Thrones of Our Soul
&P(I,IPPI*)# :EBF;
* counterfeit messae
There are reliious spirits rovin to and fro seekin a forum to
impart lealism, opinion, debate, judment and criticism inherently
appealin to the needs of the flesh. The reliious spirit $ill produce
death and hostility to$ard 2od, $hile the (oly #pirit enerates life.
The benefits of the kindom of heaven are (is lory,
lovinkindness, mercy, rihteousness and peace produced throuh
the #pirit of Truth. If $e are oin to be fruitful, $e must be faithful
to the #pirit of Truth. It should be the heart!s cry of all 2od!s people
to see the lory abidin in the land.
7or Thy lovinkindness is before my eyes, and I have
$alked in Thy truth.
&P#*,/ :<EA
The #pirit of Truth $ill e6pose the deceptions and counterfeit
messaes introduced throuh the reliious spirit. It is only by this
spiritual impartation that true discernment is enerated.
The ,ord 'esus foretold that a false spirit $ould be released that
$ould characteriGe the time of the end so much like the enuine
article that it $ould deceive the very elect if possible.
7or false christs and false prophets $ill rise and sho$
reat sins and $onders to deceive, if possible, even the
&/*TT(.5 :>E:> J)K'3K
"nly by the ind$ellin presence of the #pirit of Truth can $e
discern the distinction. * careful e6amination of Church history
clearly identifies the po$er of this deception and its intent to steal
our inheritance. It $ill produce a form of odliness that denies the
po$er thereof.
5hen accomplished, reat conflict results bet$een the t$o
camps. 5e are confronted $ith makin difficult choices. The hih
Washed by the Word
road $ill re?uire submission in every arena of our bein and a
$illinness to bear the reproach that $ill come $hen $holly
consecrated to (im.
If $e embrace the correct commission, $e $ill be catapulted to
reater measures of lovinkindness and rihteousness and
e6perience heihtened e6pressions of (is lory.
Instead of reliious debate, $hich destroys faith and results in
an independent spirit, $e $ill become dependent totally upon the
,ord as a yielded vessel $ashed in the truth of (is 5ord. -ather
than livin by a judmental spirit of criticism, $e $ill so$ mercy at
every opportunity in order to receive mercy. J#ee 'ames :E8A.K
5hen $e allo$ race for the failures of others $e $ill also reap
race for our o$n shortcomins. Instead of criticism $e $ill look at
others throuh the %ne$ $ine% of race.
The ne$ $ine
The ,ord turned $ater into $ine at the $eddin of Cana,
embarkin on a ministry of miracles and preachin of rihteousness.
#o shall the %$ine% reserved for this eneration do like$ise. The
(oly #pirit is releasin a prophetic mandate, announcin (is desire
for (is servants to preach life, e6pectancy and preparation for
visitation from the ,ord and rehearsal for the $eddin celebration.
Instead of %stron drink,% the ,ord is brinin %ne$ $ine.%
The covenant in %ne$ $ine% allo$s us to look at 2od and our
fello$ man $ith an entirely ne$ perspective. The letter of the la$
kills, but the #pirit ives life. The reliious spirit desires the yoke of
the la$, $hile the (oly #pirit is a lifeFivin #pirit. The #pirit of
Truth $ill also serve as a tutor, leadin us into a life of purity and
holiness and uidin us to freedom from the carnal nature and
liberty in Christ.
,ealism is the opposite of rihteousness. )oah $as a preacher
of rihteousness and $as preserved in the day of judment. )o
humanistic counsel could have prepared him for the events that
unfolded. "nly divine revelation e?uipped him for the
Thrones of Our Soul
unprecedented events that ultimately destroyed the $orld.
/any of the events takin place in our eneration $ill be
unprecedented circumstances re?uirin counsel that $ill come from
behind the veil throuh the #pirit of 5isdom and revelation. 5e
must be $illin to pay the price to be cleansed and purified to be
joined $ith Christ and taken to the throne room of 2od to receive
our instruction and bein to comprehend the mysteries of the
Chapter <
Chapter <&The -efinement of *braham
(. 2-.*T P*T-I*-C( *braham e6perienced the purin process of
his soul for complete union $ith 2od. *fter the promise had
been fulfilled and Isaac $as born, the #criptures clearly e6press that
*braham loved his son $ith a reat love. #o intense $as his love for
Isaac that it actually became an idol, usurpin a position in *braham
that rihtfully beloned to 2od.
*braham $as re?uired to demonstrate the complete dedication
of his soul to 2od by $illinly submittin the life of Isaac to the
,ord. +pon the successful completion of this test, *braham $as able
to $orship 2od on an elevated level that he $ould not have kno$n
"ur %Isaacs% can be representative of many thins $e allo$ that
separate us from our hihest purpose in 2od. 3ery often, %Isaac% is
symbolic of our prophetic promises or ministry that $e enable to
occupy a place of preeminence belonin only to 2od. Thouh the
purin process is painful, it is necessary to become one spirit $ith
Christ. It is the literal fulfillment of 2alatians :E:9.
In the same $ay *braham $as provided an alternative so also
are $e bein supplied $ith a divine alternative from the ,ord our
provider. The ,ord 'esus has made provision for us i f $e follo$ (is
prescribed $ay. Those areas in us usurpin a position rihtfully
belonin to (im can be e6tracted and replaced $ith divine
attributes afforded by the po$er of (is resurrection.
,earnin from the past
Church history is filled $ith many honorable men and $omen
of the past $ho had po$erfully anointed ministries that ultimately
Thrones of Our Soul
ended in failure and humiliation. This is primarily true because
there $as some corruption or selfFservin motive that rerettably
emered at the pinnacle of their ministry.
7or the most part, these $ere ood, odly people $ho bean
their ministry $ith pure motives and paid a reat price in their
service to 2od. /any of the truths $e commonly $alk in today are
the result of their pioneerin $ork and sacrificial labor. #everal of
the healin evanelists of the 8D>9s and 8D=9s spent e6tended times
in prayer and fastin in their service to 2od and their ?uest to be
anointed $ith po$er. If $e could hear a messae from the cloud of
$itnesses, I am certain they $ould admonish us to learn from their
mistakes so $e can et it riht in our day.
1y studyin the healin revival of the t$entieth century, $e
discover that many of the ministries ended in ship$reck and
disillusionment. +nfortunately, seeds of corruption remained hidden
in their souls, into $hich #atan $as able to sink his hooks, causin
reat confusion and collapse. 5hen $e e6amine the successes and
failures of our Church fathers $e can derive important spiritual
"ne of our noble obliations is honorin 2od!s men and $omen
of the past as $e contemplate the lives of reat Church leaders.
There is a man $ho, in my estimation, $as one of the foremost of
this century, *le6ander Do$ie.
Do$ie $as a po$erfully anointed leader durin the years
precedin and follo$in the turn of the t$entieth century. (e $as
$onderfully used of the ,ord in the ministry of healin and $as a
prolific $riter of #criptural truth.
(is periodical, %,eaves of (ealin,% $as delivered to an
international audience, introducin the po$er of 2od to the
universal Church. +nfortunately, 1rother Do$ie is remembered
more for the %.lijah proclamation% than for the a$esome $ays in
$hich he $as used by the (oly #pirit in his eneration.
The hook
The #efine$ent of Abraha$
Do$ie records in his journal that t$o men re?uested an
audience $ith him to share the %$ord% they reportedly had received
from the ,ord. Durin the meetin, these Christian men prophesied
to 1rother Do$ie they had received a revelation disclosin that he
$as the prophesied .lijah. Clearly, these men $ere deceived.
*le6ander Do$ie $as so upset $ith their $ords that he
immediately e6pelled them from his office. (o$ever, Do$ie further
records that their $ords $ere %like a hook embedded% in his heart.
)o matter ho$ earnestly he tried, 1rother Do$ie $as unable to free
himself from the $eiht of this proclamation. In the years that
follo$ed, the demonically inspired lie re$ $ithin his soul until
Do$ie proclaimed himself %.lijah the -estorer.%
(o$ could such a traic mistake befall a precious man of 2od
$onderfully used by the (oly #pirit0 I recently posed that ?uestion
to a prophetic ac?uaintance $ho shared ho$ the ,ord had
specifically spoken on this very subject in a po$erful prophetic
In the revelation, the ,ord instructed that reat men of 2od
$ith a po$erful anointin of the #pirit fall prey to the traps of the
enemy because their souls are not fully pured of the carnal nature.
*s in 1rother Do$ie!s case, there $ere issues $ithin his soul that the
,ord desired to address but $as unable to e6tract for reasons kno$n
only to 2od. There $ere carnal thrones $ithin him that had not
been subjected to the ,ord!s dominion. This left opportunity for the
enemy to e6ploit the seeds of ambition or pride, resultin in spiritual
error and the collapse of his ministry.
It $as the seed of corruption that $as imparted into the soul of
man at the fall in the 2arden of .den. .6plicitly, the 1ible predicts
that all thins $ill be restored. (eaven must retain the ,ord until
there is the restoration of all thins promised throuh the prophets.
That is, a people for (is o$n possession $ith $hom (e can have
intimate relationship and throuh $hom (e can e6press (is divine
attributes and po$er.
5e are presently livin in a time characteriGed by 2od!s race,
Thrones of Our Soul
allo$in the restoration of our soul to the place $here $e can
e6perience the fello$ship $ith 2od that $as lost in the 2arden of
.den. The only thin hinderin us from that relationship is
ourselves. It is the dominion of the carnal nature residin in us from
$hich $e can be freed.
Part III&3.##.,# "7 ,I7.
C(*PT.- B
Chapter B&7,"5I)2 ,IK. * -I3.-
,, "7 us enjoy the convenience of havin $ater supplied to our
homes throuh modern plumbin systems. The $ater is
provided throuh pipes. The pipes themselves do not furnish the
$ater but merely provide the vessel throuh $hich the $ater flo$s.
*s the $ater continually streams throuh the pipes, they are
constantly kept clean by the circulation of $ater.
"n ,ike$ise, $e are the vessels throuh $hich the -iver of ,ife
flo$s, and $e are perpetually made clean throuh union $ith the
#ource of ,ife. *s $e abide in (im and (e in us, the -iver of ,ife
sures throuh us to those in need and provides a source of cleansin
and refreshin from (is presence.
The admonition in this hour is to so thorouhly allo$ the
purin and purification of our soul that there $ould be no veils to
separate us from the ,ord!s face. There $ould be neither hindrances
nor restraints in the relationship $e have $ith (im.
The triune salvation described in 8 Thessalonians =E:A relates
the full redemption of the spirit, soul and body of the believer. The
mind, $ill and emotions of man are made complete throuh the
,ord!s reat redemption, allo$in us to become one #pirit $ith (im
in perfect fello$ship.
)o$ may the 2od of peace (imself sanctify you entirely@
and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved
complete, $ithout blame at the comin of our ,ord 'esus
&8 T(.##*,")I*)# =E:A
/any thins are allo$ed to occupy the thrones of our soul and
Thrones of Our Soul
$ill vary $ith every individual. (o$ever, each can be traced to the
carnal nature of man and the elevation of %self.% * lorious
opportunity is bein offered to those $ho are $illin to pay the price
and e6perience the purin process for the joy of perfect fello$ship
after its completion.
5e should each pray that the (oly #pirit $ill reveal areas of our
souls that remain subject to the carnal nature. Throuh repentance
and the yieldin of our $ill, (e $ill e6tract $orldly passions and
impart the Divine )ature. 5e are iven the manificent opportunity
to come to the ,ord and take (is yoke upon us ... and f i nd res t f or
our s oul s .
#tronholds and dominions
The thrones and dominions under the jurisdiction of the enemy
are the result of seeds imparted throuh the fallen nature as the
result of sin oriinatin in the 2arden of .den. The prophet David
once saidE
1ehold, I $as brouht forth in ini?uity, and in sin my
mother conceived me.
&P#*,/ =8E=
/any individuals battle stronholds of the enemy that $ere
transferred throuh enerational bloodlines and are imparted in
birth throuh parents. These are sometimes called %enerational
curses.% Thouh $e $ere born $ith seeds of corruption, that does
not mean they should be allo$ed to remain. It is not necessary to
continue to battle the same spiritual enemies that plaued our father
and his father and his father before him.
The enerational curses can stop no$. 7reedom from the sins of
our fathers is at hand. #imply because our father or mother battled
depression, rejection or lust does not mean $e must live $ith these
same adversaries. Throuh repentance and prayer, race is bein
released to free us from the reproach of enerational afflictions so
the ,ord!s face can shine upon us, (is desolate sanctuary.
%lo&ing Like a #i'er
" ,ord, in accordance $ith all Thy rihteous acts, let no$
Thine aner and Thy $rath turn a$ay from Thy city
'erusalem, Thy holy mountain@ for because of our sins and
the ini?uities of our fathers, 'erusalem and Thy people
have become a reproach to all those around us. #o no$,
our 2od, listen to the prayer of Thy servant and to his
supplications, and for Thy sake, " ,ord, let Thy face shine
on Thy desolate sanctuary.
&D*)I., DE8<F8B
The time has no$ come for the Church to be free from the
dominion of the enemy and set on the course for liberty and
freedom throuh the (oly #pirit. 5e must not allo$ these thins to
separate us from 2od any loner. Thouh stronholds and
dominions can alienate us from the kno$lede and a$areness of (is
manifest presence, they cannot separate us from (is love.
(is love is aboundin and lavished to$ard us. #o reat is (is
love that (e $ill not allo$ us to continue on a path of destruction to
our o$n demise. It is (is mercy that brins correction and releases
race to liberate us from the stronholds and dominions of the
#tronhold defined
The term %stronhold% is taken from the $ord ochuroma
meanin, %a castle, stronhold, fortress, security or anythin on
$hich one relies.% It is used of the aruments and reasonins by
$hich a disputant endeavors to fortify his opinion and defend it
aainst his opponent. 5ebs t er! s Di ct i onary conveys the meanin
as %a fortified place or a place dominated by a particular roup
marked by a particular characteristic.%
7rom these meanins $e can discern that a stronhold is a
fortified place $ithin our soul dominated by a particular
characteristic that is contrary to the character and nature of 2od.
* dominion is like$ise defined as %the ability or strenth $ith
$hich one is endued, $hich he either possesses or e6ercises. It is the
Thrones of Our Soul
po$er of authority or influence and of riht and privilee, such as
authority over mankind or a thin subject to authority or rule $ithin
a jurisdiction.% 5ebs t er! s records a dominion as %a domain or
supreme authority and sovereinty.%
Therefore a carnal dominion can be understood as a sphere of
authority ranted that allo$s the e6ercise of influence over one!s
thouhts and actions opposed to the mandates of #cripture and the
representations of a rihteous life.
The ,ord alone is to occupy the thrones of our soul, havin
complete dominion and authority over the purchase of (is blood.
*ny other po$er usurpin that place of authority rihtfully
belonin to (im creates conflict $ithin us and a veil over our soul,
separatin us from the fullness of (is Presence.
,ovin the ,ord $ith all our heart
If $e are to fulfill the biblical mandate to love the ,ord our 2od
$ith all our heart, soul and strenth, $e must e6perience the reality
of yieldin our $ill to the $ill of the 7ather and apprehendin the
purification and refinement in each area of our lives.
You shall love the ,"-D your 2od $ith all your heart, $ith
all your soul, and $ith all your strenth.
&D.+T.-")"/Y <E= J)K'3K
The foundation for this principle resides in his abundant love for
us and our love and appreciation to$ard (im for (is reat $ork of
redemption. This $ar is presently rain in the souls of those bein
prepared to be used mihtily of the #pirit in our day.
. . . I see a different la$ in the members of my body,
$ain $ar aainst the la$ of my mind, and makin me a
prisoner of the la$ of sin $hich is in my members.
5retched man that I amM 5ho $ill set me free from the
body of this death0 Thanks be to 2od throuh 'esus Christ
our ,ordM
&-"/*)# BE:AF:=
%lo&ing Like a #i'er
The $ar is rain
5ho $ill set us free from the body characteriGd '( +piritual
death0 The soul and body are the scene of this spiritual
confrontation. #in livin in our members, imparted $ith the fall of
man in the 2arden of .den, brins spiritual death and separates us
from our stronest desireE intimate fello$ship $ith the ,ord. *s a
result, man becomes a$are that his strenth alone is insufficient to
$in this $ar.
Paul appealed for the deliverance of his soul from the spiritual
opposition $orkin contrary to the true desire of his heart. The
fallen nature of man is characteriGed by spiritual death&the
performance of those thins in opposition to his hiher desire to do
that $hich is ood.
#et your mind on thins above, not on thins on the earth.
7or you died, and your life is hidden $ith Christ in 2od.
&C","##I*)# AE:FA J)K'3K
Thanks be to 2od throuh 'esus Christ our ,ord@ $e can be free
and e6perience victory in this battle as $e surrender to the fortifyin
$ork of 2od. Those $ho do are called %overcomers.% The ,ord $ill
have (is overcomin victorious army $ho inherit the reat promises
reserved specifically for them. "ur race is the impartation of (is
heart of desire to be fully submitted to the $ill of the 7ather and
liberated from the veils of separation.
1e slo$ to aner
The (oly #pirit has e6plicitly identified one of the reat
stronholds of the enemy in the *merican Church to be aner.
*ner is enerally the offsprin of aravation and irritation
promoted throuh the 5estern lifestyle permeatin this nation. The
modern media fuels this fortress by promotin a robust and stressful
lifestyle, creatin frustration and pressure, even $ithin Christian
homes $hen allo$ed to succeed.
Thrones of Our Soul
This you know !y beloved brethren. 1ut let everyone be
?uick to hear, slo$ to speak and slo$ to aner@ for the
aner of man does not achieve the rihteousness of 2od.
&'*/.# 8E8DF:9
The stronholds must be identified and dealt $ith throuh our
biblical promises. To yield to these enemies is not simply
e6periencin un$anted emotions. /ore seriously, it admits demonic
spirits assined to create havoc and confusion at every opportunity.
+nresolved aner, left unaddressed, $ill become bitterness and $ill
pervert our thinkin on every level. 1itterness $ill defile.
Thankfully, $e have a remedy to free us from this snare that $e
may stand before the ,ord $ith our soul sanctified. (o$ever, the
spirit of aner $ill run rampant throuh the unsanctified soul as
conditions in the earth become too much for many to handle.
/ultitudes of misuided people $ill turn to drus, alcohol and
prescription medication as a counterfeit remedy to settle their
turbulent emotions.
+nresolved aner leads to depression and a spirit of confusion.
5e d$ell in confusion continually $hen this evil opposition
prevails. 5hen unresolved aner, $hether kno$n or unkno$n,
resides in our heart it causes us to hear communications throuh a
demonic filter distortin comprehension and perception. It makes
our hearin of the discourse and admonitions from others perverted
and misconstrued, precipitatin the hearin of one thin $hile $e
are e6pressin another.
These $ron perceptions amplify the division and separation of
brothers that only fuel unresolved aner. It is imperative that $e
develop the spiritual insiht that allo$s us to see Christ in each other
and the important contributions $e each make to the $hole.
5ithout one another functionin in the 1ody in our appointed
place, the 1ody $ill be framented and incomplete.
Clear communication
If these stronholds are allo$ed to persist, it not only distorts
%lo&ing Like a #i'er
our perception and communication $ith our brethren, but also
misinterprets our vie$ of the ,ord and spa$ns an inaccurate imae
of Christ. 5e must see (im $ith an unveiled face in order to
%behold and become.%
1ut $e all, $ith unveiled face, beholdin as in a mirror
the lory of the ,ord, are bein transformed into the same
imae from lory to lory, just as from the ,ord, the #pirit.
&: C"-I)T(I*)# AE8;
+nresolved aner, depression and bitterness are deepFseated
veils cloudin our vie$ of the ,ord and restrictin our ability to be
transformed into (is imae. These are areas of identification the
,ord is desirin to address in (is people durin the comin season.
"ver time, unresolved aner can actually mature into a root of
bitterness $hich $ill completely defile. *ll manner of evil $orks
result from a root of bitterness resultin in the depletion and
destruction of our fruit.
Presently, there is an impartation of race that allo$s us to
identify the areas of unresolved aner, thus producin divinely
ranted repentance that frees us from the distortions and divisions
created by this stronhold. It is important to point out that these
identifications of enemy fortresses re?uire a response on our part. It
is by resistin and fleein evil desins and callin upon the race of
2od to e6tract carnal issues that the $ork of the #pirit is allo$ed to
be complete.
The end result is open e6chane $ith the ,ord and true fraternal
affection to$ard our brethren of every race, color and creed. This
paves the $ay for the unity of the brethren that produces the
oneness and $holeness reatly pleasin to the ,ord. It opens the
corridor that allo$s the release of (is anointin from the resources
of heaven.
+nity of the brethren
There is a specific and uni?ue anointin that accompanies
Thrones of Our Soul
fraternal affection and unity of the brethren.
1ehold, ho$ ood and ho$ pleasant it is for brothers to
d$ell toether in unityM It is like the precious oil upon the
head, comin do$n upon the beard, even *aron!s beard,
comin do$n upon the ede of his robes. It is like the de$
of (ermon, comin do$n upon the mountains of 4ion@ for
there the ,"-D commanded the blessin&life forever.
&P#*,/ 8AAE8FA
It is a noble pursuit for us to set our affections on heaven and
petition the ,ord for an outpourin of (is anointin. It is an even
hiher purpose $hen brethren join toether in unity and affection as
a corporate body havin one voice and askin for the intervention of
2od in the affairs of men. This $ill produce a spirit of revival that
$ill rejuvenate a church or community $ith spirit and life.
The ,ord $ill bless harmony amon men even if diversity and
individuality e6ists. * state of perfection is not re?uired for the
anointin to be imparted, only a heart of sincerity and love. 5hen a
roup becomes united in heart and in (is purposes, the (oly #pirit
$ill deposit favor and blessin amon them.
"ur divine purpose
5e are livin in the harvest eneration. *ll the seeds deposited
in the 2arden of .den are comin to full maturity. 1oth the seeds of
darkness and the seeds of liht are developin and re?uirin an
active response on our part. This $ill cause some $ho have straddled
the spiritual fence to take one side or the other.
5e must be blisterin hot, or else $e $ill find ourselves
overcome by darkness. The times $ill no loner allo$ for luke$arm
Christianity. The spirit of *ntichrist is comin to full maturity in the
earth. ,ike$ise, the #pirit of Christ is developin maturity in the
hearts of many $ho $ill demonstrate the overcomin victory (e
achieved throuh mihty e6pressions of spiritual authority and
%lo&ing Like a #i'er
The ,ord has promised (e is oin to establish a biblical
overnment $ith apostolic authority necessary for the preparation of
(is .ndFTime Church. That is the purpose for the identification of
$orldly fortresses $ithin us and the e6traction of their influence.
* reat opportunity of race is bein released to the Church, if
$e $ill embrace it. This $ill bein the process of separatin the
precious from the $orthless. The ,ord can only trust us $ith the
fullness of (is po$er and authority $hen our character and nature is
consistent $ith (is.
The (oly #pirit is also stressin the importance of understandin
spiritual authority if $e are to fully comprehend the unfoldin of
(is plan and the eminent release of (is anointin. (is overnmental
desin $ill provide a ne$ holy canopy of po$er and race $ithin
the Church as the apostolic anointin and authority bein to be
revealed $ith maturity. The true sin of maturity is found in the
e6pression of (is lory and (is manifest %oodness.% There $ill be a
tanible presentation of (is Person.
The apostolic anointin $ill function as a %cloud by day% and
$ill serve as a %flamin fire% by niht, providin a canopy of lory
over believers $ho have been $ashed and pured by the %spirit of
judment% and the %spirit of burnin.% The prophet Isaiah foresa$
this day and spoke of it.
5hen the ,"-D has $ashed a$ay the filth of the
dauhters of 4ion, and pured the bloodshed of 'erusalem
from her midst, by the spirit of judment and the spirit of
burnin, then the ,"-D $ill create over the $hole area of
/ount 4ion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even
smoke, and the brihtness of a flamin fire by niht@ for
over all the lory $ill be a canopy. *nd there $ill be a
shelter to ive shade from the heat by day, and refue and
protection from the storm and the rain.
&I#*I*( >E>F<
The canopy of lory $ill provide shade from the heat of
Thrones of Our Soul
judment and a refue and protection from the rain storms of
persecution and accusation. The ,ord $ill be the liht of the canopy,
and (is lory $ill provide divine insulation from the assaults of the
The victorious leaders in $hom the refinin process is complete
$ill be the %ood shepherds% upon $hom the favor of the ,ord $ill
be apparent. They $ill mark the restoration of the mature judes and
counselors evident in the early Church. These leaders $ill emere,
possessin the mind of Christ and impartin 2odly counsel essential
for our spiritual $ellFbein.
"ur previous lack of comprehension has reatly inhibited our
ability to be the briht shinin liht in this dark $orld. This is
beinnin to chane. The ,ord is brinin forth a people of reat
spiritual understandin $ho $ill become beacons of liht in the
midst of deep darkness.
They $ill surface from this process anointed $ith (oly #pirit
po$er and displayin the ,ord!s victory over demons, disease and
death. This span of time $e are e6periencin is providin a season of
preparation and purin for the ones bein roomed for this
anointin and commissionin. That is the oal for $hich $e set our
sihts as $e lay aside all that $ould stand in the $ay of this
incredible destiny in $hich $e are privileed to participate.
Chapter ;
Chapter ;&7orettin 5hat ,ies 1ehind
" 2I3. +)D+. attention to our personal past $ill only serve as
a stumblin block to our desired oal of perfect fello$ship $ith
(im. The past contains both victories and defeats. The enemy $ill
often try to divert our focus to either in an effort to dra$ our
attention a$ay from the ,ord and our divine destiny.
1rethren, I do not reard myself as havin laid hold of it
yet@ but one thin I doE forettin $hat lies behind and
reachin for$ard to $hat lies ahead, I press on to$ard the
oal for the priGe of the up$ard call of 2od in Christ 'esus.
,et us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude@
and if in anythin you have a different attitude, 2od $ill
reveal that also to you.
&P(I,IPPI*)# AE8AF8=
David, the reat prophet and kin, once said,
"ne thin I have asked from the ,"-D, that I shall seekE
That I may d$ell in the house of the ,"-D all the days of
my life, to behold the beauty of the ,"-D and to meditate
in (is temple.
&P#*,/ :BE>
This sinleness of purpose that is paramount is our pursuit to
kno$ 2od and $alk intimately $ith (im. 5e can only allo$
ourselves to focus for$ard and up$ard in this noble ?uest to become
one $ith (im. *nythin else $ould serve only as a distraction from
the %one thin% for $hich $e have been called and commissioned.
Thrones of Our Soul
,et us, therefore, so live that $e may sincerely say, %There is one
reat object $hich $e al$ays have in vie$ ... (im.% 5ith all
dilience avoid everythin $hich $ould interfere $ith that %one
thin.% The past is the past because it is the past. ,et it thus remain.
-eleasin (is authority
In order for us to fulfill the commission to pull do$n
stronholds and dominions holdin captive our churches and
communities, $e must first e6perience freedom from the stronholds
and dominions residin in us as individuals. Then, the necessary
release of heavenly authority $ill be entrusted to destroy corporate
fortresses of the enemy holdin hostae our communities.
7or no$, a limited flo$ of po$er for ministry is bein released.
(o$ever, as love ro$s $ithin us, reater measures of po$er $ill be
besto$ed $ith everFincreasin revelations of (is lory. The ,ord is
the #pirit, and $here the #pirit of the ,ord is, there is liberty. The
,ord is lookin for %liberators% in $hom (e can display (is lory
and set the captive free.
The kindom of heaven is $ithin. +pon the thrones of our
innermost bein, (e is to rule and rein, allo$in the rivers of livin
$ater to flo$ freely, providin a refreshin to those $ho are
5hen the ,ord 'esus entered the temple, (e first drove out the
moneychaners and robbers $ho defiled the temple $ith their
corruption, confusion and e6cess. Then, the #criptures record that
the sick and afflicted $ere healed as they came to (im in (is
*nd they came to 'erusalem. *nd (e entered the temple
and bean to cast out those $ho $ere buyin and sellin
in the temple, and overturned the tables of the
moneychaners and the seats of those $ho $ere sellin
doves@ and (e $ould not permit anyone to carry oods
throuh the temple. *nd (e bean to teach and say to
them, %Is it not $ritten, !/y house shall be called a house
%orgetting What Lies Behind
of prayer for all the nations!0 1ut you have made it a
robbers! den.%
&/*-K 88E8=F8B
5e are to be (is temple, and $hen the (oly #pirit comes in (e
$ill perform the same assinment, makin us a %house of prayer.% *ll
$e need to do is to ive (im complete permission by the yieldin of
our $ill to the $ill of the 7ather. 5hen $e do (e $ill drive out the
corruption as (e did the moneychaners from the literal temple.
5e $ill love the ,ord our 2od $ith our entire soul $hen it has
been fully purified by the $ashin of the $ater of the 5ord. The
divine attributes e6pressed to us throuh the 5ord provide the key
that unlocks the resources of heaven to mold us and chane us into
(is imae, $hen applied in faith.
(avin an absolute resolve in our hearts concernin this biblical
heritae touches the heart of the 7ather, $ho releases race and
strenth needed for the battle. 5e must have the determination to
no loner allo$ these stronholds to separate and veil us from (is
presence and the fello$ship that is rihtfully ours.
Therefore, strenthen the hands that are $eak and the
knees that are feeble, and make straiht paths for your
feet, so that the limb $hich is lame may not be put out of
joint, but rather be healed. Pursue peace $ith all men, and
the sanctification $ithout $hich no one $ill see the ,ord.
&(.1-.5# 8:E8:F8>
The tares of our soul
* couple of years ao, I $ent throuh one of the most difficult
seasons in recent memory. This tryin time follo$ed the release of
several very encourain prophetic $ords throuh a number of our
hihly rearded and respected prophetic friends. The $ords that
$ere iven involved our callin and commission alon $ith many of
the secret desires of our hearts that $e $ere earnestly seekin.
Thrones of Our Soul
Durin this troublesome time, it seemed that every base and
carnal inclination $as emerin to the forefront of my mind,
seeminly consumin every thouht and imaination.
"ver$helmin feelins of discouraement, rejection, aner and
disappointment bean to surface, makin it difficult to pray or even
study the #criptures.
)o matter $hat I tried, it did not seem to $ork. I employed
every teachin I had learned over the years in overcomin assaults of
the enemy that attempted to oppress my $alk.
I rebuked everythin that $as pressin my mind. I recited the
#criptures in just the $ay I had learned, and I called upon the ,ord
to defend me aainst $hat I perceived to be an allFout assault of the
enemy. 5hen none of these techni?ues $orked, I placed a desperate
call to our prophetic friend 1ob 'ones.
5hen he ans$ered, it seemed as thouh he $ere $aitin for my
call. The ,ord had already spoken to him about the dilemma I $as
facin. 5hen he told me the revelation he received from the (oly
#pirit, I $as surprised and dismayed. (e shared ho$ he had seen in a
vision that the ,ord $as %pourin $ater on the tares of my soul.%
5hat an unusual e6pressionM
The ,ord $as actually causin seeds of corruption that e6isted in
my soul to bein to blossom and come to the forefront so they could
be identified and dealt $ith. Then 1ob said, %The tares of your soul
are blossomin, and the ,ord is sendin the anels to ather them
and remove them by the roots to be burned.%
The ,ord $as causin the base nature to bein to blossom so I
$ould call upon (im for mercy and race for their removal. The
merer of the 5ord and the #pirit provided the essential dynamics
to brin divine life and illumination $ithin my spirit that $as
necessary for the cleansin process.
It actually re?uired action by the (oly #pirit for these issues to
be reconiGed and appropriately dealt $ith. /any times, carnal
issues remain hidden deeply $ithin our soul, only to be e6ploited by
our adversary at the pinnacle of our ministry in his attempt to
%orgetting What Lies Behind
ship$reck those called and anointed $ith divine purpose.
The mere recital of the #criptures $as not sufficient. This
spiritual surery re?uired the anointin and revelation of the #pirit
to ?uicken and make alive the 5ord of Truth necessary to replace
the seeds of corruption $ith the dominion of (is divine attributes.
1ob $ent on to say, %Do not faint@ the first harvest is at hand.%
That seemed to me both ood and bad ne$s. It $as ood in that
these oppressive and debilitatin feelins $ould he e6tracted. The
bad ne$s $as that it $as the f i rs t harvest, indicatin there $ould
be others to follo$. In reality, that $as actually ood ne$s also,
because it is the desire of our hearts to be thorouhly pured of the
seeds of corruption that veil and separate us from the ,ord and the
$alk of intimacy $e desperately seek.
The harvest of tares
The admonition iven to me durin this difficult season $as to
continue cryin out to 2od for (is mercy and race to burn and
consume all seeds of sin and corruption. I had often read the passae
concernin the harvest of tares as it related to humanity, but I had
never associated it $ith an individual life and the harvest of tares
$ithin us.
*llo$ both to ro$ toether until the harvest@ and in the
time of the harvest I $ill say to the reapers, %7irst ather
up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up@
but ather the $heat into my barn.%
&/*TT(.5 8AEA9
/any $ithin the body of Christ have been oin throuh a
similar process in order to achieve a place of heihtened relationship
and friendship $ith the ,ord follo$in this refinin $ork. The ,ord
is lookin for a house in $hich (e can d$ell and find rest. (e is
continuin to search for a place to rest (is head. That $ill be the
place of the revelation of (is overnment. (e does not merely desire
to move throuh us ... but to rest in us.
Thrones of Our Soul
This process is essential for the dyin of the old man and the
emerence of the ne$, accordin to 2alatians :E:9. 7or the many
$ho embrace this process, the ,ord is oin toE
. . . HappointI you over the nations and over the
kindoms, to pluck up and to break do$nE to destroy and
to overthro$@ to build and to plant.
&'.-./I*( 8E89
1ob then shared the encourain $ord that came $ith his
Therefore, do not thro$ a$ay your confidence, $hich has
a reat re$ard. 7or you have need of endurance, so that
$hen you have done the $ill of 2od, you may receive
$hat $as promised. 7or yet in a very little $hile, (e $ho
is comin $ill come, and $ill not delay.
&(.1-.5# 89EA=FAB
"ur encouraement and the joy set before us is the inheritance
of our promise&to be one $ith (im.
* divine opportunity
The ,ord is no$ rantin the divine opportunity to allo$ (is
#pirit to pure and e6tract every tendency to$ard corruption,
becomin partakers of the divine nature, free from the corruption of
this $orld and its lusts. *s lon as $e $alk in this $orld, housed in a
tabernacle of flesh, $e $ill continually need to %have our feet
$ashed.% (o$ever, that does not mean $e must allo$ #atan to have
a place of dominion and control over any department of our lives.
In 'ohn 8>EA9 the ,ord announced that #atan $as comin to
(im, yet he J#atanK had no place in the ,ord. In other $ords, there
$ere no seeds of corruption to e6ploit in the ,ord!s nature. #atan had
no dominion or doors of opportunity throuh $hich he could enter
to cause corruption or collapse of the 7ather!s purposes.
There $as in the ,ord no principle or feelin that areed $ith
%orgetting What Lies Behind
#atan!s, and nothin, therefore, by $hich he could prevail. Impurity
only has po$er $hen there are some principles residin in us $hich
are in areement $ith the desins of the tempter, and $hich may be
stimulated by presentin correspondin objects until our virtue is
overcome. 5here there is no such propensity, corruption has no
The ,ord!s spirit, soul and body $ere under the complete
,ordship of the 7ather, thus allo$in perfect fello$ship $ith the
7ather that the ,ord 'esus so earnestly cherished. The #criptures
promise $e can like$ise live in a blessed place throuh the a$esome
po$er of redemption and sanctification if $e $ill $illinly yield all
the departments of our lives to (is dominion.
,ike the oriinal seed
5hen the time came for the ,ord to be lorified throuh the
sacrificial offerin of (is life, (e made it clear that (is life $as
likened unto a rain of $heat. (e tauht that if this rain of $heat
falls into the earth and perishes, it is for the purpose of brinin
forth multiplied rains of $heat l i ke t he ori i nal s eed.
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a rain of $heat falls into
the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone@ but if it dies,
it bears much fruit.
&'"() 8:E:>
It is our hih callin to emere as one of the rains of $heat,
like the oriinal seed, $ho $ill bein to demonstrate and teach the
kindom desin in the earth and $alk before the 7ather $ith a
purified spirit and soul.
There is a present move of the (oly #pirit to prepare a company
of %overcomers% to e6peri ence the revelation of (is kinship and
ive e6pression to that unveilin to the body of Christ, usherin in
and birthin the kindom of 2od in the earth.
The 1ible teaches that $hen the ,ord returns $e are to be like
(im. The (oly #pirit residin in us $ill reveal the same attributes
Thrones of Our Soul
throuh us that (e did in the ,ord 'esus Christ. (e had perfect
fello$ship $ith the 7ather, and (e is brinin forth %multiplied
rains of $heat% like (imself $ho $ill kno$ that level of intimacy
$ith (im that (e had $ith the 7ather. In fact, that is $hat $e are
commissioned to do. 5e are the vessels throuh $hich the liht of
2od $ill shine into the midst of a dyin earth.
P*-T I3
Part I3&P+T ") T(. ,"-D '.#+#
Chapter D
Chapter D&2arments of #alvation and
(I# 2.).-*TI") (*# the e6ceptional privilee to live in a day
in $hich the ,ord is oin to demonstrate (imself and (is
lory in $ays never e6perienced in any prior ae. The preparation of
recent years has been to make ready a people for (is o$n possession
$ho $ill bear (is imae and e6hibit (is redemption. In order to
carry the mantles of lory and po$er reserved for this company, $e
must have resident in us (is divine nature and be adorned in (is
arments of salvation and rihteousness.
I $ill rejoice reatly in the ,"-D, /y soul $ill e6ult in my
2od@ for (e has clothed me $ith arments of salvation, (e
has $rapped me $ith a robe of rihteousness, as a
brideroom decks himself $ith a arland, and as a bride
adorns herself $ith her je$els.
&I#*I*( <8E89F88
7or as the earth brins forth its sprouts, and as a arden causes
the thins so$n in it to sprin up, so the ,ord 2"D $ill cause
rihteousness and praise to sprin up before all the nations.
/any of those called to leadership are presently bein clothed
$ith the attire of the %overcomer.% These arments are desined
specifically for our eneration and are over$helminly ade?uate to
overpo$er the spiritual darkness that the #criptures point out $ill
permeate the time of the end. It is not because $e are more
deservin than any prior ae but more needy. )either $ill it be
because of any merits of our o$n, but because of (is lovinkindness
Thrones of Our Soul
and compassion.
5e are bein molded and shaped to the very imae necessary to
carry these sacred arments provided by the ,ord (imself. 5e are to
be an e6tension of (im and (is representation on earth. To do so, it
is imperative that $e allo$ the (oly #pirit to fashion us to be
perfectly formed for the arments of the %overcomer.%
Prophetically sho$n to many
This reality has been prophetically announced to a number of
believers. #ome have e6perienced dreams and visions displayin the
removal of old filthy arments and the impartation of the ne$.
)umerous others are receivin spiritual insiht from the #criptures
or sense stron feelin of huner and desire for more of the thins of
/any truths are bein imparted to the Church to help ive
clarity and understandin of this desinin $ork. To ain
understandin is to be chosen over silver, and it forms the
foundation of life to the one $ho ac?uires it.
I recently had a sincere and devoted Christian friend share a
revealin spiritual e6perience that provides reat understandin of
the $ay $e are vie$ed in the realm of the spirit. In this uni?ue
prophetic revelation, the (oly #pirit allo$ed his eyes to be opened
to both the natural and spiritual realms at the same time.
(e $as allo$ed to observe ho$ the liht $ithin Christians
provides a brilliant illumination easily reconiGed by the holy and
unholy beins $ho reside in that domain. There is no need for us to
$ear a bade or announce our salvation for all the spirits to kno$
$e are Christians. 5e are described as the liht of the $orld, and
the salvation $e have embraced adorns us in the liht of heaven.
7urthermore, this e6perience permitted him to see ho$ our
emotions and internal ?ualities produce distinct liht and smell
easily discerned by both the anels and demons. 7or instance, if a
person is dealin $ith aner or jealousy those emotions produce a
uni?ue color and scent that evil spirits reconiGe and e6ploit.
(ar$ents of Sal'ation and #ighteousness
That is true of all the human emotions $e confront. ,ike$ise,
divine attributes clothe us in the raiment and colors of heaven and
the frarance of (is presence.
2reat understandin is oin to be deleated to the 1ride of
Christ in the comin days that $ill allo$ us to more fully
understand the economy of heaven. )otable mysteries of the
kindom are soon to be committed to us, providin comprehension
of the adornment of the 1ride and the spiritual lihts, sounds and
frarances they produce.
Discardin the old
5e are very much like the prophetic picture depicted of 'oshua
the hih priest in 4echariah A. *lthouh $e stand before (im in the
filthy arments of our o$n sin and failures, $e are bein iven the
a$esome opportunity to be outfitted in (is festal robes. 5hen $e
learn to $alk in (is $ays and perform (is $ord, $e $ill be iven
the opportunity to emere as a overnmental body and have
authority in (is house. /ost importantly, $e $ill be ranted free
access to (is presence.
)o$ 'oshua $as clothed $ith filthy arments and
standin before the anel. *nd he spoke and said to those
$ho $ere standin before him sayin, %-emove the filthy
arments from him.% *ain he said to him, %#ee, I have
taken your ini?uity a$ay from you and $ill clothe you
$ith festal robes.%
&4.C(*-I*( AEA>
The old filthy clothin can represent a number of thins, not the
least of $hich are the traditions and doctrines of man that make the
5ord of 2od of no effect. The ,ord cautioned aainst this error that
substituted the precepts of man for the anointed 5ord of 2od. This
$ill in effect nullify the race of 2od.
5e are livin in a ne$ day characteriGed by the manifestation
and revelation of the kindom of 2od in the earth. 7resh revelation
Thrones of Our Soul
from the heart of the 7ather is bein introduced that $ill produce
penetratin comprehension and illumination in the #criptures,
providin our meat in due season.
Put on Christ
The ,ord is prophetically announcin (is desire to %strip% us in
order to clothe us $ith (imself and the arments of (is
rihteousness. 5e are not oin to be clothed $ith strikinly
beautiful arments to the natural eye. Instead, it $ill be $ith a #pirit
of humilityE
You youner men, like$ise, be subject to your elders@ and
all of you, clothe yourselves $ith humility to$ard one
another, for 2"D I# "PP"#.D T" T(. P-"+D, 1+T 2I3.#
2-*C. T" T(. (+/1,..
&8 P.T.- =E=
These arments $ill only be beautiful to the spiritual eye and to
the ,ord. 1ein clothed in a spirit of humility and modesty $ill
produce meekness, eneratin a teachable spirit capable of chane
into the very imae of Christ.
1ut put on the ,ord 'esus Christ, and make no provision
for the flesh in reard to its lusts.
&-"/*)# 8AE8>
5e are to put on Christ and make no provision for the flesh in
reard to its lusts. 1y submittin to (im and allo$in this $ork to
have its full benefit, $e $ill be layin aside all our fleshly desires
and carnal inclinations. 5e thereby make $ay to be clothed $ith
the ?ualities, character and attributes of Christ throuh (is
ind$ellin presence. There is no other $ay to kno$ the fullness of
this reality than throuh (is abidin presence.
. . . put on the ne$ self $ho is bein rene$ed to a true
kno$lede accordin to the imae of the "ne $ho created
him&a rene$al in $hich there is no distinction bet$een
(ar$ents of Sal'ation and #ighteousness
2reek and 'e$, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian,
#cythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.
*nd so, as those $ho have been chosen of 2od, holy and
beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility,
entleness and patience@ bearin $ith one another, and
forivin each other, $hoever has a complaint aainst
anyone@ just as the ,ord forave you, so also should you.
1eyond all these thins put on love, $hich is the perfect
bond of unity.
&C","##I*)# AE89F8>
Put on love
The most important teachin from these #criptures is that $e
clothe ourselves in love. Throuh divine love $e $ill bein to see
the bond of unity that $ill produce the anointin. 5hen clothed
$ith the anointin and (is empo$erin presence, $e $ill make no
provision for the flesh and its lusts.
The arment of love $ill increase our affection and passion for
(im first and foremost, allo$in us to share in (is love for others.
. . . beyond all these thins put on love, $hich is the
perfect bond of unity.
&C","##I*)# AE8>
+ltimately, $e are bein transformed in order to be prepared to
inherit the promises.
7or by these (e has ranted to us (is precious and
manificent promises, in order that by them you may
become partakers of the divine nature, havin escaped the
corruption that is in the $orld by lust.
&: P.T.- 8E>
%2alvaniGed% $ith Christ
Thrones of Our Soul
5e are to be %alvaniGed% $ith Christ. *n iron chain is a very
po$erful tool@ ho$ever, it is also notably prone to corruption and
rust and thereby $eakened. 5hen the iron chain links have been
%alvaniGed,% they are coated $ith a layer of Ginc that is nonF
corruptible. The chain links become much more po$erful because
they are not subject to corruption and rust and $ill endure under
abusive conditions, such as salt $ater.
,ivin on the 2ulf Coast and bein a salt$ater fisherman, I
discovered this reality firsthand. The stoutest of our iron chains and
e?uipment became brittle and vulnerable $hen continually e6posed
to the harshness of salt $ater and air. It soon became clearly
apparent that all metals must be e?uipped $ith noncorruptible
material or they could not be relied upon to meet the e6treme
challenes of a sometimes turbulent sea.
,ike$ise, our spirits, souls and innermost beins are to be
%alvaniGed% $ith Christ and coated $ith (is anointin.
"ur corruptible traits $ill then be takin on (is incorruptible
nature, and $e can escape the deterioration of this $orld and
$ithstand the turbulent times ahead.
Demonstrated in servanthood
The ,ord 'esus introduced into the $orld a ne$ concept of
reatness. It $as to be found in humility and selfFforettin service.
The ,ord (imself stated that (e did not come into the $orld to be
ministered to ... rather, (e came into the $orld to minister to others
and ive (is life as a ransom for many. That should also be our
motivation as $e strip ourselves of the selfish fleshly nature and put
on the attitude resident in Christ.
/any people in these last days $ill be iven the ifts and po$er
to ambitiously e6tend their ministries internationally and develop a
reat name for themselves. They $ill also be iven the choice to
humbly esteem their ifts and become trust$orthy ste$ards of the
treasures entrusted to them.
The ,ord illustrated (is servant!s heart by $ashin the feet of
(ar$ents of Sal'ation and #ighteousness
(is disciples as an unforettable lesson. (e provided a divine
e6ample for us to follo$. Then, in that place of $illin submission, if
our ministry touches the nations, it $ill only be accordin to (is
race and provision.
(e $as the hihest authority on earth $ith all po$er in heaven
and on earth, yet (e chose the path of humility and servanthood and
demonstrated this truth to (is disciples by takin upon (imself the
most lo$ly of responsibilities, the $ashin of their feet.
2reatness in the kindom of heaven is measured throuh
humility and service.
7or $ho is reater, he $ho sits at the table, or he $ho
serves0 Is it not he $ho sits at the table0 Yet I am amon
you as the "ne $ho serves.
&,+K. ::E:B J)K'3K
The noblest evidence of true humility is demonstrated throuh
obedience, simply doin those thins $hich the ,ord has asked us to
do. (is arments of salvation and rihteousness $ill produce these
?ualities. "bedience enuinely is reater than sacrifice, and true
servanthood is doin all that you can to help others achieve their
callin and destiny in life.
5hy the messae of preparation
Throuhout the Church one cry has uniformly echoed from the
hearts of 2ods peopleE %#end us Your po$erM% 5ithout controversy,
it is much needed. 5e $ill not attain our hih callin and prophetic
destiny $ithout (is empo$erin presence.
To that end $e discover in Isaiah 88E: an enlihtenin clue
steerin us to the release of the spirit of miht and po$er. It is the
accompanyin spirit of counsel from the heart of the ,ord providin
a messae of preparation for this reat release.
*nd the #pirit of the ,"-D $ill rest on (im, the #pirit of
$isdom and understandin, the #pirit of counsel and
Thrones of Our Soul
miht, the #pirit of kno$lede and of the fear of the
&I#*I*( 88E: J)K'3K
In the /t. Carmel sho$do$n, .lijah $as confronted and
outnumbered by the many prophets of 1aal $ho $ere leadin Israel
into rebellion and apostasy. 5hen the prophets of 1aal $ere unable
to meet the challene of .lijah, $e notice the prophet carefully
arranin the altar in a specific manner and meticulously follo$in a
prescribed order.
(e first restored the altar of 2od that had been destroyed durin
the times of apostasy and then athered t$elve stones to represent
2od!s overnmental arranement.
(e follo$ed up by pourin $ater on an altar that $as to be
consumed $ith fire&the opposite of $hat the natural mind $ould
suest. )onetheless, he performed each task by the ,ord!s counsel.
*nd it came to pass, at the time of the offerin of the
evenin sacrifice, that .lijah the prophet came near and
said, %,"-D 2od of *braham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be
kno$n this day that You are 2od in Israel and I am Your
servant, and that I have done all these thins at Your
&8 KI)2# 8;EA< J)K'3K
+pon completion, .lijah declared he had done all those thins
by the ,ord!s instruction. Therefore, $hen he called upon the ,ord
for the demonstration of (is po$er, the spirit of miht $as present
to accompany the spirit of counsel released to .lijah in the
preparation of the altar. The spirit of miht supported and affirmed
the careful obedience to the spirit of counsel follo$ed by the
The ,ord!s counsel
In (is admonition to this eneration, the ,ord ives us divine
(ar$ents of Sal'ation and #ighteousness
counsel. (e advises us to buy from (im old refined by fire that $e
may become rich, and $hite arments that the shame of our
nakedness $ould not be revealed. (e further instructs us to apply
(is eye salve that our eyes $ould be illumined to see the unseen.
1y meticulously follo$in the spirit of counsel, the spirit of
po$er and miht is dispersed to e?uip us as %overcomers% and ?ualify
us to sit $ith (im on (is throne as (e overcame and sat $ith (is
7ather on (is. 7rom this place, the 1ride of Christ $ill emere as
priests and kins to appropriate the ,ord!s victory in the heavens and
on earth.
I advise you to buy from /e old refined by fire, that you
may become rich, and $hite arments, that you may
clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness may
not be revealed@ and eyesalve to anoint your eyes, that you
may see. Those $hom I love, I reprove and discipline@ be
Gealous, therefore, and repent.
1ehold, I stand at the door and knock@ if anyone hears /y
voice and opens the door, I $ill come in to him, and $ill
dine $ith him, and he $ith /e.
&-.3.,*TI") AE8;F:9
The ,ord is standin at the door of our hearts soundin a
prophetic voice, beckonin us to open to (im that (e may dine $ith
us. This is a call to our priestly ministry.
It $as said of the 4adok priesthood that they remained faithful
durin times of infidelity. 1ecause of their faithfulness, the ,ord
allo$ed a reat privilee and set them apart to be dra$n into (is
sanctuary to minister to (im and at (is table. This passae provides
a prophetic portrayal of our office as priests bein iven the reat
privilee to dine $ith the ,ord and minister to (im.
%1ut the ,evitical priests, the sons of 4adok, $ho kept
chare of /y sanctuary $hen the sons of Israel $ent
astray from /e, shall come near to /e to minister to /e@
and they shall stand before /e to offer /e the fat and the
Thrones of Our Soul
blood,% declares the ,ord 2"D. %They shall enter /y
sanctuary@ they shall come near to /y table to minister to
/e and keep /y chare.%
&.4.KI., >>E8=F8<
7or those $ho $illinly respond to (is voice and (is invitation
for intimacy and fello$ship, an impartation is ranted to approve
them to become %overcomers% and be allo$ed to sit $ith (im on (is
throne as (e overcame and sat $ith (is 7ather. -eclinin $ith the
,ord on (is throne provides an indication of our kinly ministry to
rule and rein $ith (im.
(e $ho overcomes, I $ill rant to him to sit do$n $ith
/e on /y throne, as I also overcame and sat do$n $ith
/y 7ather on (is throne.
&-.3.,*TI") AE:8
-esident in -evelation AE:9F:8 is a call to both our priestly and
kinly ministries bein ranted to those $ho overcome. The spirit of
counsel is makin ready a people to be endo$ed $ith the spirit of
miht and positioned to enter the %door standin open in heaven.%
*fter these thins I looked, and behold, a door standin
open in heaven, and the first voice $hich I had heard, like
the sound of a trumpet speakin $ith me, said, %Come up
here, and I $ill sho$ you $hat must take place after these
&-.3.,*TI") >E8
Chapter 89
Chapter 89&Priests and Kins
Y %"3.-C"/I)2% *)D occupyin our role as priests and kins
$e $ill first minister to (im in our heavenly role as priests.
7rom that place of closeness and friendship $e deleate the
authority of Christ in the earth throuh our kinly position and
bein to reveal the lory and po$er of (is kindom.
The administration of the priestly ministry e?uips and enables
us relate to and affect the heavenl y realm throuh $orship,
intimacy and relationship $ith the ,ord. This divine office allo$s us
to enter (is sanctuary and dra$ near to (is table and minister to
(im by offerin the sacrifices of praise, $orship, intercession and
mutual e6chane. J#ee .Gekiel >>E8>F8<.K
The administration of the kinly ministry provides spiritual
authority that allo$s us to relate to and influence the eart hl y realm
as overcomers and deleate (is victory and dominion achieved in
(is death and resurrection. .ach of these ministries or divine offices
has a specific function and related sphere of authority.
*nd they san a ne$ son, sayinE %You are $orthy to
take the scroll, and to open its seals@ for You $ere slain,
and have redeemed us to 2od by Your blood out of every
tribe and tonue and people and nation, *nd have made
us kins and priests to our 2od@ and $e shall rein on the
&-.3.,*TI") =EDF89 J)K'3K
#pirit of counsel and miht
There is presently a messae of preparation throuh the spirit of
Thrones of Our Soul
counsel for those $hom the ,ord is roomin to function in a
overnmental role, releasin the spirit of miht and po$er to brin
judment and dominion in the earth throuh (is deleated
authority. This $ill be the establishin of (is kindom. 5e must
seek first the kindom of heaven, $hich is both $ord and po$er
e6pressed throuhE
. . . livin stones, H$hoI are bein built up as a spiritual
house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to 2od throuh 'esus Christ.
&8 P.T.- :E=
This is in contrast to the prevailin thouht of some that $e are
strictly oin to be %cauht up% and e6perience the kindom only in
heaven. The present $ork of roomin and trainin $ill precede
%the catchin a$ay,% and relates to our bein empo$ered to rule in
the earth by deleatin the ,ord!s victory before leavin the earthly
5e shall taste %the ood $ord of 2od and the po$er of the ae
to come% on this side of heaven as the ,ord!s enemies are subdued
and put under (is feet. Then the ,ord can come for (is 1ride
$ithout spot or $rinkle and the restoration of all thins is
accomplished. J#ee *cts AE:8.K
-einin on earth
-evelation =E89 introduces the son of the %overcomers% and
their responsibility as a royal race to rule as kins and minister to
(im as priests. )aturally, this passae points to the millennial
kindom. (o$ever, to be ready for this reat purpose, there is a
present %rulin% or overcomin in our lives bein appropriated and
manifested before $e enter into the fullness of the millennial
7or this function to be fulfilled, $e must become the habitation
of 2od and (is d$ellin place. It $ill not merely be the ,ord
movin throuh us, but res t i n i n us . This presents us in our
Priests and )ings
priestly ministry. Then, as $e bein to appropriate spiritual
dominion and rule throuhout the nations, $e operate in our kinly
Crossin over to the promise
This is our promise and destiny as the da$nin of a ne$ day
continues to ascend to the spiritual heihts from $hich the priests
and kins $ill become apparent. 7rom this sacred place, anointed
vessels $ill bein to function in their overnmental capacity and
appropriate the ,ord!s e6cellent victory. This is facilitated as $e ive
ear to the spirit of counsel precedin the release of the spirit of miht
and po$er.
This ministry $ill produce fresh e6pressions of the $isdom of
2od, providin the blueprint and stratey desined for our
overcomin victory. There are reat and lofty thins set aside for the
.ndFTime eneration. #piritual pioneers $ill venture behind the veil
to secure this insiht and deleate divine $isdom in this hour.
Patterns and formulas
/uch of $hat $ill be takin place in our eneration $ill be
unprecedented displays of (is kindom $ork. "ld patterns and
formulas heretofore relied upon $ill not have the favor and blessin
of 2od as they perhaps have in prior e6pressions of outpourin. "ne
of the hardest thins for man is to relin?uish the ood in order to
$elcome the best.
1rethren, I do not reard myself as havin laid hold of it
yet@ but one thin I doE forettin $hat lies behind and
reachin for$ard to $hat lies ahead, I press on to$ard the
oal for the priGe of the up$ard call of 2od in Christ 'esus.
&P(I,IPPI*)# AE8AF8>
Clearly, this is not implyin that $e abandon foundational
truth, but rather the tendency to mold fresh outpourins of (is
#pirit into old methods and techni?ues $ith $hich $e are
Thrones of Our Soul
accustomed. 5e sometimes become comfortable $ith the familiar,
and it can easily become a crutch.
The (oly #pirit is preparin a company of %pioneers% $ho $ill
advance over to the deep thins of 2od and demonstrate them to this
eneration. * pioneer is one $ho opens or prepares the $ay for
others to follo$. They $ill be e6emplified in a %'ohnFtheF1aptistF
type% ministry. These $ill be a %voice% of another and $ill kno$ the
reality of 'eremiah AAEA by callin upon (im to sho$ us reat and
mihty thins $hich $e do not presently kno$.
This process $ill establish the %royal priesthood% prophetically
illustrated in 4echariah A and the transformation of 'oshua the (ih
Priest. The ,ord 'esus is the (ead, and $e are to be (is body and
must be %bone of (is bone and flesh of (is flesh.%
,et Your priests be clothed $ith rihteousness, and let
Your saints shout for joy.
&P#*,/ 8A:ED J)K'3K
The 2iants of the land
The enemies that inhabit the %promised land% are the
stronholds and dominions e6istin in our soul that must be
overcome throuh the appropriation of the blood of Christ and (is
victory. These enemies are too reat for us in our o$n strenth, just
as the inhabitants of the Promised ,and $ere too reat for Israel to
defeat $ithout the ,ord!s supernatural intervention.
*lthouh ten of the spies returned $ith evil reports, it remained
the decision of the people to choose $hich report they believed.
They could have chosen to believe the faithful report of 'oshua and
Caleb. In so doin, they $ould have e6perienced the reat po$er of
%Captain of the ,ord!s (ost% and enjoyed the fullness of their
#o is it $ith us today. *lthouh the stronholds and $orldliness
in us seems insurmountable, the ,ord has pleded in (is 5ord that
$e have the precious and manificent promises by $hich $e can
Priests and )ings
become partakers of the divine nature and escape the corruption of
this $orld and its lusts. "ur part is in yieldin to the (oly #pirit and
allo$in this $ork to be realiGed.
Chapter 88
Chapter 88&The Keys to the Kindom
o 1. */1*##*D"-# for Christ and (is representation on the
earth, $e must be trust$orthy ste$ards of the po$er and
authority that accompanies the %keys to the kindom.% This can be
achieved only $hen $e share in the ,ord!s nature and character by
overcomin the corruption that presently e6ists in our soul.
5hen $e allo$ the (oly #pirit to reveal and e6tract the seeds of
corruption, it $ill produce the necessary character and divine
attributes that make us candidates not only to be called, but also to
be chosen and sent. That is the messae (is voice is proclaimin as
he stands at the door of our hearts and knocks, searchin for those
$ho $ill open to (im and dine.
Tokens of This -eality
The ,ord has iven %tokens% of this reality throuh individuals
$ho crossed over as spies and returned $ith the fruit of this land
and shared it $ith the body of Christ. These individuals have been
%prototypes% of an entire company of people $ho are to function in a
overnmental role e?uipped $ith the %keys of the kindom,% havin
tasted the ood $ord of 2od and the po$er of the ae to come.
#ome have already lived their life of victory and entered their
re$ard, such as 'ohn 2. ,ake and /aria 5ood$orthF.tter. "thers
are presently emerin, havin tasted this reality.
*lthouh there $ere a number of ministers sharin the ospel of
healin and salvation around the turn of the t$entieth century,
/aria 5ood$orthF.tter seemed to possess a ministry of revelation
and po$er that touched a far deeper dimension in 2od. #he and
Thrones of Our Soul
many in her meetins $ere iven astoundin visions and revelations
includin insiht into the perfectin of 2od!s 1ride and events
surroundin the .ndFTime eneration.
#he did not simply carry a ift of healin but functioned in
kindom principles, providin a blanket of lory that often visited
her meetins. It $as reported by many $itnesses that the po$er that
accompanied her $ould touch many for miles around $ho $ere not
even in her meetins.
The saved and sinners alike $ere often overcome by the po$er
of 2od and iven visions and trances of both heaven and hell as they
$alked the streets of the cities she $as visitin. I have in my
possession numerous confirmations of this reality, includin
ne$spaper clippins from meetins held in /eridian, /ississippi,
the place of my birth. #ecular journalists provided $ritten reports of
astoundin miracles and po$er $itnessed in her meetins.
In her journals, 5ood$orthF.tter chronicled 2od!s early
dealins $ith her and the commission she carried. #he openly
testified of the refinin process of the beinnin years that molded
and shaped her for the place in 2od she $ould d$ell. Perhaps the
seeminly harsh dealins could have been lessened $ith more
cooperative decisions. (o$ever, she, like Do$ie and ,ake, $as a
pioneer and didn!t have the life lessons to uide her as $e do in the
e6amples of these enerals of the faith.
#he once reported ho$ the ,ord stood faceFtoFface $ith her and
assured her of (is favor and blessin to carry the kindom messae
to her eneration. #he recorded, %There appeared upon the $all a
lare open 1ible, and the verses stood out in raised letters. The lory
of 2od sho$n around the book. I looked, and I could understand it
all. Then 'esus said aain, !2o, and I $ill be $ith you.!%
#he further recounted ho$ she learned more in that sinle
divine e6perience than she could have comprehended $ith many
years of dilient study. )aturally, $e must continually study to sho$
ourselves approved. (o$ever, close encounters $ith 2od, like the
one this precious sister $as iven, $ill take us to heihtened levels
The )eys to the )ingdo$
of understandin of the mysteries of the kindom and 2od!s $ritten
#he $ent on to record, %I $ant the reader to understand that, at
this time, I had a ood e6perience, a pure heart and $as full of the
love of 2od, but $as not ?ualified for 2od!s $ork. I kne$ that I $as
but a $orm. 2od $ould have to take a $orm to thresh a mountain.
Then I asked 2od to ive me the po$er (e ave the 2alilean
fishermen&to anoint me for service. I came like a child askin for
bread. I looked for it. 2od did not disappoint me. The po$er of the
(oly 2host came do$n like a cloud. It $as brihter than the sun. I
$as covered and $rapped in it. I $as baptiGed $ith the (oly 2host
and fire and po$er, $hich has never left me. There $as li?uid fire,
and the anels $ere all around me in fire and lory.%
The (oly #pirit has plainly sho$n us /aria 5ood$orthF.tter
$as a %spy% or %token% of one $ho tasted the po$er of the ae to
come and introduced the fruit of that land to her eneration and
* -ecent Token
5hile in a prophetic conference in Kelo$na, 1C, Canada,
durin the summer of :998, a precious sister $ho is a missionary to
/oGambi?ue participated in the conference. #he spoke from her
heart $ith the attendees and shared recent e6periences she had had
$ith the ,ord as (e pruned and prepared her. *s she did, the (oly
#pirit spoke to me and revealed that she $as like one of the spies
$ho ventured over into the promised land and returned $ith
portions of the fruit of the land. *s some introduce kindom fruit
and divine promise, it remains up to the people to choose to believe
or reject the report.
(er messae $as like$ise one of preparation as she disclosed
ho$ the ,ord %lued% her to the floor for seven days and seven
nihts, movin throuh her $ith $aves of (is #pirit, revealin areas
and issues that $ere contrary to (is nature.
/uch took place durin this season, but the end result $as the
Thrones of Our Soul
death to self and soulish motives and aendas. 7rom that place of
surrender she $as allo$ed to embrace (is #pirit as a d$ellin place,
allo$in total dominion in her spirit, soul and body, accordin 8
Thessalonians =E:A. Tremendous miracles, sins and $onders bean
to emere in her ministry $ith countless reports of healins and
creative miracles as siht $as restored, lame limbs $ere iven
strenth, and cancers $ere healed.
The #pirit of .lijah
The ,ord 'esus (imself made a uni?ue prophetic promise that,
%.lijah is comin and $ill restore all thins.% 7urthermore, (e
ackno$leded that .lijah had already come. The ,ord $as clearly
pointin to the prophetic promise of /alachi > concernin this
notable anointin.
*nd (is disciples asked (im, sayin, %5hy then do the
scribes say that .lijah must come first0% *nd (e ans$ered
and said, %.lijah is comin and $ill restore all thins@ but I
say to you, that .lijah already came, and they did not
reconiGe him, but did to him $hatever they $ished. #o
also the #on of /an is oin to suffer at their hands.% Then
the disciples understood that (e had spoken to them about
'ohn the 1aptist.
&/*TT(.5 8BE89F8A
)aturally, the disciples understood that (e $as referrin to 'ohn
the 1aptist as they rearded the past e6pression of this prophetic
mandate. The #criptures plainly point out that this prophet $as
anointed $ith the spirit and po$er of .lijah.
*ccordin to the commission announced throuh 2abriel, 'ohn
$as to direct the hearts of the fathers to the children. (e $as to
point the hearts of the fathers of Israel to the birthin of a ne$
thin. It $as a ne$ beinnin for the covenant people of 2od.
1ehold, I am oin to send you .lijah the prophet before
the comin of the reat and terrible day of the ,"-D. *nd
The )eys to the )ingdo$
he $ill restore the hearts of the fathers to their children,
and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come
and smite the land $ith a curse.
&/*,*C(I >E=F<
There are t$o distinct objectives e6pressed in /alachi >E<
reardin the dispersal of the spirit of .lijahE to turn the hearts of the
fathers to their children and to restore the hearts of the children to
their fathers.
'ohn the 1aptist $as considered to be the ,ord!s forerunner $ho
prepared a company of people for the ,ord and (is messae. Careful
scrutiny of ,uke 8E8B reveals that 2abriel only e6pressed one portion
of /alachi >E<, involvin the turnin of the hearts of the fathers to
the children. (e $as to direct disobedient and incredulous hearts to
the $isdom and kno$lede discovered in the lovin $ill of 2od and
to make ready a people perfectly prepared and set apart for the ,ord.
There $ill be a subse?uent release of this anointin that $ill
accomplish the remainder of the prophetic admonition and restore
the hearts of the children to the fathers. That is, the restoration of a
company of people to the heart of devotion and dedication resident
in our apostolic fathers.
This outpourin $ill immediately precede 2od!s judment that
$ill be burnin like an oven, consumin the proud and arroant.
Peter also foresa$ and $rote of this day. *ccordin to /alachi, the
enemies of 2od $ill be like stubble, fully consumed as ashes under
the feet of the rihteous. This has not yet been fulfilled.
Preparation and -estoration
The spirit of .lijah is a ministry of preparation and restoration.
It is the readiness of a company of people to receive the inrafted
5ord and become livin e6pressions of it. It is also the ministry of
recovery that reconciles us to a place once lost. Primarily, it is the
restoration of our purpose to be a people for 2od!s o$n possession
$ith $hom (e has intimate e6chane and relationship and throuh
$hom (e $ill fill the earth $ith (is lory.
Thrones of Our Soul
Throuhout Church history, the ,ord has al$ays had a remnant
of people loyal to (im $ho lived separate and devoted lives of
consecration and commitment. /any documents and books are
provided that record the lives of these saints, such as Polycarp,
Irenaeus, Columba, 'ohn 5esley and many others.
/uch is $ritten about their $alk $ith 2od and the a$esome
e6periences and faceFtoFface encounters they enjoyed. Their life of
surrender to the $ill of 2od $as marked $ith po$erful
demonstrations of the #pirit and (is Po$er. /iracles, sins and
$onders $ere commonplace and vindicated the ,ord!s messae for
their eneration. It $ould put us to shame to read of their
$illinness to be livin sacrifices and tabernacles of (is holy
)onetheless, $e discover in the #criptures that .lijah $as a man
like us $ith like passions. Paul tauht that there is not any ood
thin in us. (o$ do $e cross this chasm from $here $e are to
$here $e need to be0
This ulf is brided $ith desire&a desire to be yielded vessels
$ho truly kno$ the ,ord 'esus. It re?uires a direct impartation of
the race of 2od to be clothed in (is arments of purity and
rihteousness. That is the heart of devotion that $as resident in our
fathers. It $ill be imparted to a desperate company of people $ho
$ill not be denied their opportunity to become the friends of 2od.
To this end also $e pray for you al$ays that our 2od may
count you $orthy of your callin, and fulfill every desire
for oodness and the $ork of faith $ith po$er@ in order
that the name of our ,ord 'esus may be lorified in you,
and you in (im, accordin to the race of our 2od and the
,ord 'esus Christ.
&: T(.##*,")I*)# 8E88F8:
"ur prophetic promise is that a eneration $ill kno$ the
restoration and impartation of the heart of desire for 2od that
e6isted in these saints and propelled them to reat heihts in the
The )eys to the )ingdo$
* Prophetic -eaffirmation
The (oly #pirit recently allo$ed a prophetic e6perience that I
believe suests the present release of the #pirit of .lijah for our day.
5hile prayin for people durin the close of a prophetic conference
early in :99:, my eyes $ere opened to the dimension of the #pirit,
and I beheld a door bein opened in heaven. Immediately upon its
openin, mihty $arrin anels proceeded throuh the door headed
to the earth.
I $as not able to count their number, but it $as a sinificant
company of the most a$esome $arriors imainable. 7ollo$in their
release, I $atched a sinle chariot of fire proceed throuh the door
as if dispatched from heaven. I believe the chariot of fire represented
the spirit of .lijah bein deleated to us to be e6pressed throuh the
vessels roomed and prepared for this anointin.
5hen 5anda and I returned home that evenin from the
conference, the ,ord provided a $onderful affirmation of the
revelation. 5e felt compelled to call 1ob 'ones and report to him the
events of the $eekend and determine if the (oly #pirit had spoken
insiht reardin the events of recent days.
1efore I could even share $ith him the thins that had taken
place, he bean to communicate a visitation he received that
mornin from an anelic $arrior. (e reported that the heavenly
$arrior $as one of the hihestFrankin anels he had ever
encountered, and he functioned directly under the authority of
/ichael. Interestinly, 1ob observed that the anel spoke $ith him
in a Celtic accent that seemed to have a prophetic messae in itself.
The anelic $arrior announced to 1ob that $arrin anels are
bein dispatched to help us in the fulfillment of our commission for
this hour. (is visitation $as an incredible affirmation of the open
door and spiritual release of ministerin spirits to fortify us and pave
the $ay for the manifestation of the spirit and po$er of .lijah. 5e
must be prepared for this appointment.
P*-T 3
Part 3&1.I)2 C,"T(.D 5IT(
Chapter 8:
Chapter 8:&The 1attlefield 3ision
(I,. *T * prophetic conference in Charlotte, )orth
Carolina, the ,ord raciously imparted a vision of the niht
that relates the essence of our need for refinement and e?uippin. I
share it in hopes that it $ill also provide further clarity to the
messae the ,ord desires that $e embody.
In the vision, the army of liht $as alined in an open field,
standin in battle formation and about to enae the army of
darkness. Throuhout the ranks, soldiers of liht $ere admirably
clothed in ancient battle armor, each havin a s$ord in his hand.
5hen the battle ensued it $as intensely aressive in $hat $e
perceived $as the reat %.ndFTime battle.% 5ith each blo$ of our
s$ords, $e $ere seeminly drivin the enemy back to $hat
appeared to be a sure victory for us.
*lthouh the fihtin $as forceful and even brutal, persistent
proress $as bein made as $e continued to press the enemy and
steadily take round. 1ecause of our ability to push the enemy back,
$e perceived that $e $ere $innin the %.ndFTime% confrontation
and $ere suitably e?uipped for this reat battle.
5ithstood by the (oly #pirit
#uddenly, the (oly #pirit arrested us and $ould not allo$ us to
advance any further. There $as a feelin of shock and dismay as $e
$ere halted in our battle proress, not by the enemy, but by the
(oly #pirit. *s I $as standin directly before our enemy only a fe$
yards a$ay, I $as seeminly paralyGed and unable to advance.
Confused and dismayed, I asked the ,ord $hy (e $as
Thrones of Our Soul
$ithstandin us. 5ith that ?uestion, the ,ord caused the clouds
above to part, and our eyes $ere opened to the reat and massive
%uns% of the enemy that $ere hidden and leveled in our direction.
In reality, $e $ere not drivin the enemy back because of our
reat strenth. -ather, $e $ere allo$ed by the enemy to push them
back as a deception to imply that $e $ere e?uipped for the battle. In
the condition that $e remained in the battlefield, $e possessed a
measure of strenth and virtue imparted to us throuh our $alk $ith
the ,ord. (o$ever, $e did not embody the full dimension of (is
provision essential for this lon foretold conflict.
"ne of the thins most adamantly opposed by the enemy is the
complete release of (is #pirit upon the Church. "ur adversary
kno$s that $hen 2od!s people are anointed $ith the prophetic
mandate to be clothed $ith the fullness of (is revelation and po$er,
$e $ill return to the ,ord, and (e $ill heal us. That healin $ill not
merely consist of physical and emotional restoration, but it $ill also
fully mend the breach that has e6isted bet$een 2od and man since
the 2arden of .den.
"nce accomplished, the reality of %Christ in us&the hope of
lory% becomes apparent, and $e $alk in the prophetic destiny
foretold in the #criptures. That e6plains $hy there has been so much
opposition to this emerin Prophetic eneration.
The enemy reconiGes that his only chance for victory is to
entice us into battle prematurely. "nce the bride of Christ obtains
the revelation of the $hole measure of Christ and enters that place
of habitation, the enemy $ill have no chance for victory. In that
place $e can stand alone as a raid aainst all the forces of hell, not
because of our o$n strenth, but because $e are dra$in on the
unseen resources of heaven and (is ultimate overcomin victory.
It $as the mercy and race of 2od that $e $ere not allo$ed to
advance any farther. It $ould have been to our demise. The 7ather!s
love is so reat, (e $ill not allo$ us to enter this conflict $ithout
first havin the opportunity to be fully clothed $ith Christ and the
armor of (is provision. If $e had advanced any farther, the massive
The Battlefield "ision
$eapons of the enemy released for the reat .ndFTime battle $ould
have easily destroyed us.
The "peratin -oom
5ith this discovery, $e $ere transported to $hat symbolically
appeared to be a heavenly operatin room and trainin facility.
+ni?uely, in this e6traordinary room, I $as both lyin on the
operatin table and also standin behind the anels $ho surrounded
the table. I $atched as they prepared to do %surery.%
There $ere perhaps si6 to eiht anels standin appro6imately
seven feet tall and encirclin the table. .ach $orker $as intently
focused on the task at hand, namely, to perform the spiritual
%surery% essential for us to be prepared for our eminent battle.
The attendants in the room immediately bean to %strip% layer
after layer of flesh, removin the issues of carnality and $orldly
conformity. I $atched as my o$n identities, aendas, ambitions and
desires $ere e6tracted and discarded. I $as permitted to understand
that there is no place for mi6ture in the comin battle. 5e cannot
allo$ the leaven of our o$n thouhts and ideas to be injected into
the purity of (is truth. It must be untouched by the hands of man.
This process continued until I finally peered over the shoulder
of one of the anels and asked the ?uestion, %5here am I, for I no
loner see myself0% * voice spoke, pointin to a small yet vibrant
seed of life that remained on the table. *ll that $as allo$ed to e6ist
after their deliberate $ork $as the impartation of life iven to me
from 2od.
This strippin process had, in essence, carried us back to the
very oriin of life, removin all fleshly attributes born in the 2arden
of .den $ith the fall of man. This $as done to enable us to %put on
Christ% and become spiritually ?ualified to stand victorious in battle
$ith the armies of darkness.
7lesh of (is 7lesh
The attendants bean the assinment of puttin us back
Thrones of Our Soul
toether, no$ usin divinely po$erful attributes that $ere mihty
in 2od and ade?uate for the a$esome battle. The anels undertook
the reconstruction procedure $ith the same vior and determination
as the strippin process. .6cept no$, the materials $ere %bone of (is
bone and flesh of (is flesh.% *ny preparation other than the one
described here $ould result in certain defeat.
7inally, be stron in the ,ord, and in the strenth of (is
miht. Put on the full armor of 2od, that you $ill be able
to stand firm aainst the schemes of the devil.
&.P(.#I*)# <E89F88
5hen the restoration process $as complete, $e $ere returned
to the battlefield. )o$, in lieu of havin a s$ord in our hands, $e
$ere the s$ord or $eapon in the ,ord!s hand. Instead of havin a
%promise,% $e became the promise.
The s$ord in #cripture is indicative of the 5ord of Promise.
Presently, $e are attemptin to battle the enemy $ith our promises.
It is the ,ord!s intent to make us the promise. 5e are to become the
,ivin 5ord.
1ut put on the ,ord 'esus Christ, and make no provision
for the flesh in reard to its lusts.
&-"/*)# 8AE8>
Christ in us
"ne of the reatest mysteries that $ill be fully realiGed is the
$onder of Christ in us, the hope of lory. 5e recite the $ords but
very fe$ e6perientially discover the absolute and complete reality.
(o$ever, the #criptures have promised that an entire company of
believers $ill soon emere anointed $ith this certainty. They $ill
$alk in the fullness of truth $ith reat po$er and authority and,
more importantly, radiate the nature and character of Christ throuh
(is manifested lory.
7or the many bein enlisted in the ,ord!s army, this
The Battlefield "ision
transformation process is presently takin place. The ne$ divinely
po$erful makeFup represents the increased dimension of the spirit of
revelation and po$er, enablin us to call upon (im that (e $ould
ans$er us and sho$ us reat and mihty thins $hich $e presently
do not kno$. This $ill provide the heavenly stratey and blueprint
for ultimate victory.
* number of saints are bein iven spiritual e6periences that
feature themselves bein stripped and reFclothed $ith brihter and
more lorious arments as $e enter this ne$ day in the #pirit and
proress from lory to lory.
1ut $e all, $ith unveiled face beholdin as in a mirror the
lory of the ,ord, are bein transformed into the same
imae from lory to lory, just as from the ,ord, the #pirit.
&: C"-I)T(I*)# AE8;
The audible voice
*n audible voice then spoke in the vision declarin, %The
$eapons set aainst you are much more po$erful than you ever
imainedM The divinely po$erful $eapons provided for you are also
far more po$erful than you ever imained.%
"ne of the foremost strateies of the enemy in this hour is to
deceive the Church into thinkin $e are properly e?uipped for the
comin battle. The enemy kno$s his only opportunity for victory
can result by keepin us from the absolute realiGation of 2od!s
provision. This birthriht can only be released $hen $e allo$ the
(oly #pirit to pure the carnal nature and alin $ith Christ as one
spirit, becomin a recipient of the divine nature. J#ee : Peter 8E>.K
5hen this occurs, the ,ord finds (is abode in us, livin out (is
life throuh us in perfect union. The cost is reat, death to self, yet
the re$ard is e6ceedinly reater than our human minds can
C(*PT.- 8A
Chapter 8A&.L*/I).D 1Y T(. 5"-D
(.-. I# P-.#.)T,Y an e6amination that is takin placeE an
evaluation of the condition of our spirit accordin to the
revelation of (is 5ord for our eneration. The inspection $ill
determine our spiritual ability to enae the enemy on the ,ord!s
behalf. There is a creative 5ord bein released in 2od!s person that
is refinin and preparin us for the comin $ar.
It is throuh (is 5ord abidin in us and mered $ith the #pirit
that provides the armor of salvation and rihteousness that $ill
clothe and e?uip us for the battle. *ny other spiritual raiment $ill
only become obstacles and opportunities for the enemy. That is, if
$e are carryin traditions, doctrines and perceptions of men rather
than the true revelation of the 5ord, those doctrines $ill surely
become cumbersome $eihts that interfere $ith our ability to meet
the challene of the ne$ day.
Therefore ird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and
rest your hope fully upon the race that is to be brouht to
you at the revelation of 'esus Christ.
&8 P.T.- 8E8A J)K'3K
"ur spirit and soul are to be irded $ith truth. The #pirit of
Truth $ill provide the strenth and po$er essential for the
overcomin army to be dressed and prepared to take the round
allotted for us.
The ,ord 'esus once said, %I have food to eat you kno$ not of.%
This $as clearly speakin of a spiritual provision that afforded the
nourishment and strenth (e needed to meet the challenes of (is
day and fulfill the reat call on (is ,ife. ,ike$ise, our spiritual man
Thrones of Our Soul
must continually be maintained $ith the %bread% that continually
proceeds from the heart of the 7ather.
The spirit of $isdom and revelation
.phesians 8E8BF8; emphasiGes the riht of every believer to be
anointed $ith the spirit of $isdom and revelation. This form of
$isdom is not merely the ability to mentally analyGe a situation and
make a ood response. -ather, it is a spiritual endo$ment that
allo$s a believer to o deep into the heart of the 7ather to perceive
and understand the mysteries of the kindom and our rihts throuh
redemption. )ot only do $e have the liberty to understand these
mysteries but also the accompanyin spirit of revelation that ives
illumination and comprehension of their reality.
... the 2od of our ,ord 'esus Christ, the 7ather of lory,
may ive to you a spirit of $isdom and of revelation in the
kno$lede of (im. I pray that the eyes of your heart may
be enlihtened, so that you may kno$ $hat is the hope of
(is callin, $hat are the riches of the lory of (is
inheritance in the saints, and $hat is the surpassin
reatness of (is po$er to$ard us $ho believe.
&.P(.#I*)# 8E8BF8D
The spirit of $isdom is more clearly defined as a supernatural
impartation of the #pirit, rantin the ability to see and reconiGe
the ,ord 'esus $ith a spiritual kno$lede and comprehension of (is
mysteries, plans and purposes. This heritae $ill reveal the manifold
and unsearchable $isdom and secrets of 2od hidden in Christ. It
relates to a deeper intimacy and a$areness into the thins of 2od
and intimates a close personal encounter $ith the ,ord.
The accompanyin spirit of revelation rants a comprehension
of these mysteries and attributes of 2od. It involves an
understandin and perception $ith our soul of these thins revealed
in the spirit. It rants the ability not only to kno$ the thins of 2od
but also the practical application of them in the earth and in our
*+a$ined by the Word
The apostle Paul $as anointed, and he flo$ed $ith this spirit as
he continually conveyed the mysteries of the kindom to his
eneration. This same spirit is essential for us in this eneration to
kno$ the concealed secrets reserved for the last days and share in
the hidden manna set aside for the .ndFTime perfectin of the 1ride.
1ut as for you, Daniel, conceal these $ords and seal up the
book until the end of time@ many $ill o back and forth,
and kno$lede $ill increase.
&D*)I., 8:E>
5alkin in the full measure of Christ
The spirit of $isdom and revelation provides three distinct
blessins essential for our ability to $alk in the full measure of
Christ throuh the eyes of our heart that are bein flooded $ith the
liht of understandinE That $e may kno$ 8K $hat is the hope of (is
callin@ :K $hat are the riches of the lory of (is inheritance in the
saints@ AK $hat is the surpassin reatness of (is po$er to$ard us
$ho believe.
5hen $e read these $ords, our intellectual minds detect they
are reat promises that have been provided. .ven so, $hen anointed
$ith the spirit of $isdom and revelation, $e obtain an e6periential
comprehension of our redemptive birthriht. It becomes livin
truth, iven e6pression throuh consecrated vessels.
*s the #criptures point out, eye has not seen, ear has not heard,
nor has it entered into the heart of man all the reat blessins the
,ord has provided for us. )evertheless, to a called and setFapart
people, it has been ranted to kno$ the mysteries of the kindom.
The spirit of $isdom and understandin provides the articulation
and comprehension of (is %lorious inheritance in the saints.%
The #pirit of Truth
"ne of the issues of reat importance that has been consistently
emphasiGed by the ,ord durin this season of the #pirit, is the full
Thrones of Our Soul
manifestation of the #pirit of Truth. *s the emerin army of
believers, $e must learn to embrace truth that the %fo% of deception
and delusion can no loner have its $ay in the Church. *s $e %ird
our loins% $ith the %belt of truth,% our foundation in Christ is firmly
established, allo$in for the full release of (is anointin for our
.ndFTime commission.
In the correction to the ,aodiceans, the Church that most
appropriately describes this eneration, the ,ord announces our
delusion that $e are rich and increased in oods, havin need of
nothin. (o$ever, that is a deception. 3ie$ed from heaven!s
perspective, she is $retched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.
This reproof clearly identifies the spirit of deception as one of
the prevalent defilin fortresses durin this eneration. 5e must
overcome this enemy if $e are to sit $ith (im on (is throne, as (e
overcame and sat $ith the 7ather. In fact, $e shall overcome this
enemy. 'ohn foresees this victory as he is allo$ed to admire the
devoted 1ride in all her beauty, adorned for the Kin.
In order to overcome the enemy and his deceptions, as the ,ord
did $hen led by the #pirit into the $ilderness, $e must also share in
(is divine nature and character to confront the same counterfeit
appeals. 5e are not ade?uate in our strenth to triumph over the
deceiver. It is only in the ,ord!s strenth that $e are made stron
and e?uipped to prevail over all the enemy can deliver.
The plan of the enemy is to utiliGe the spirit of deception and
delusion in the arena of the spirit, soul and body. The instrument of
his destruction $ill be the deceivin spirit that $ould convey that
$e are in one condition $hen in reality $e are in another, or
attempt to sidetrack us on detours and deadends. If he can deceive us
in this manner, it $ould cause us to o into combat $ithout bein
fully e?uipped for the battle.
*ll the forces of hell $ill be released aainst the Church in the
reat .ndFTime battle. (is only opportunity for victory is to attempt
to seduce the Church into enterin the battle $hile lackin the full
armor of the #pirit.
*+a$ined by the Word
"ur promise is to be like the ,ord. (e is the firstfruit amon
many brethren. 5hen the rain of $heat falls into the round and
dies, it is for the purpose of producin multiplied rains of $heat
like the oriinal seed. In order to $in the contest ahead, $e must be
like (im. That is our promise and our destiny. 5e cannot settle for
anythin less.
1eloved, no$ $e are children of 2od, and it has not
appeared as yet $hat $e shall be. 5e kno$ that, $hen (e
appears, $e shall be like (im, because $e shall see (im
just as (e is.
&8 '"() AE:
"ne of the admonitions iven to the ,aodicean church $as to be
clothed in $hite arments, that the shame of their nakedness $ould
not be revealed. The $hite arments represent priestly and divinely
po$erful apparels by $hich $e cover ourselves spiritually. It is very
important that each person o throuh this process to receive the
arments provided by the (oly #pirit, specifically desined and
created for our individual callin and purpose.
I advise you to buy from /e old refined by fire so that
you may become rich, and $hi t e ar ment s , t hat you
may cl ot he your s el f , and that the shame of your
nakedness may not be revealed@ and eyesalve to anoint
your eyes, that you may see.
&-.3.,*TI") AE8; J./P(*#I# *DD.DK
"ur ultimate invitation is to be like (im and display (is armor
of rihteousness, sanctification, revelation and po$er.
I $ill rejoice reatly in the ,"-D, my soul $ill e6ult in my
2od@ for (e has clothed me $ith arments of salvation, (e
has $rapped me $ith a robe of rihteousness, as a
brideroom decks himself $ith a arland, and as a bride
adorns herself $ith her je$els.
&I#*I*( <8E89
Thrones of Our Soul
The ,ord is presently e6aminin (is army of believers to
determine if the condition of their spirit is ade?uately suited for the
challenes of the comin battle. The advancin season of the #pirit
$ill allo$ substantial fruitfulness and restoration for those $ho are
spiritually mature and strenthened to become trust$orthy ste$ards
of (is mysteries and po$er.
If $e do not cultivate a love for the truth, especially in the
season ahead, $e $ill be turned over to a spirit of delusion.
... the one $hose comin is in accord $ith the activity of
#atan, $ith all po$er and sins and false $onders, and
$ith all the deception of $ickedness for those $ho perish,
because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to
be saved. *nd for this reason 2od $ill send upon them a
deludin influence so that they miht believe $hat is false
&: T(.##*,")I*)# :EDF88
+nfortunately, many erroneous doctrines continue to be
embraced in the Church, providin veils that separate us from the
"ne $e seek. * po$erful release of the #pirit of Truth is comin to
uide us into al l t rut h, dispellin the lies tauht as truth and
providin a sanctifyin liht.
P*-T 3I
Part 3I&T(. *P"#T",IC I#
Chapter 8>
Chapter 8>&"ur Invitation
(.-. is C+--.)T,Y an invitation to meet $ith the ,ord in the
(oly Place for intimate relationship. In the pattern
prophetically illustrated by the (oly Place in the Tabernacle of
/oses, introduction is made and development inauurated for an
even hiher place. In this sacred domain, preparation is secured to
fortify the ,ord!s priests to enter the most holy of all places, the (oly
of (olies and union $ith 2od.
*lthouh the veil separatin the t$o $as rent by the ,ord!s
crucifi6ion, reat reverence and a$e surround this place in 2od.
"ne dare not enter the /ost (oly Place until full understandin of
the instruments in the (oly Place are residin deep $ithin the
believer. The priesthood established by /oses fully understood this
7or there $as a tabernacle prepared, the outer one, in
$hich $ere the lampstand and the table and the sacred
bread@ this is called the holy place. *nd behind the second
veil, there $as a tabernacle $hich is called the (oly of
(olies, havin a olden altar of incense and the ark of the
covenant covered on all sides $ith old, in $hich $as a
olden jar holdin the manna, and *aron!s rod $hich
budded, and the tables of the covenant.
&(.1-.5# DE:F>
"ne of the predominant colors $oven into the linen used in the
(oly Place is blue. 1lue is typically symbolic of revelation and
illumination of the heavenly desin. The blue colors incorporated in
the various parts of the tabernacle described in .6odus :=F:B $ere
Thrones of Our Soul
intended $hile on earth to remind Israel of their heavenly
revelation and purpose.
It is in the (oly Place that $e are able to sit at (is feet and
partake of (im throuh the revelation of (is nature and character
by the liht of (is #pirit. The invitation is to come by revelation into
the (oly Place to become ac?uainted $ith the ,ord 'esus Christ.
The ,ord!s aspiration for us is freedom so $e can partake of the
intimate relationship (e lons to have $ith (is people. This
objective has al$ays been the heart of the 7atherE to have a people
for (is o$n possession $ith $hom (e can have relationship and
throuh $hom (e can e6press (is divine attributes.
The lampstand
In the (oly Place, one of the first instruments $e are able to
observe is the lampstand.
This is representative of liht bein shed abroad in our hearts to
illumine the revelation of the ,ord. (e is lihtin our candle to
enlihten our dark places.
7or You $ill liht my lamp@ the ,"-D my 2od $ill
enlihten my darkness.
&P#*,/ 8;E:; J)K'3K
5ithout (is liht, $e are blinded by the spirit of this $orld to
our true condition and the riches of our inheritance in (im.
7oremost in our birthriht is the opportunity, throuh his reat
race, to be free from our carnality and sins that so easily beset us
and separate us from (im.
... the od of this $orld has blinded the minds of the
unbelievin, that they miht not see the liht of the ospel
of the lory of Christ, $ho is the imae of 2od. 7or 2od,
$ho said, %,iht shall shine out of darkness,% is the "ne
$ho has shone in our hearts to ive the liht of the
kno$lede of the lory of 2od in the face of Christ.
Our In'itation
&: C"-I)T(I*)# >E>, <
The lampstand $as fashioned from a sinle block of old and
$as the only source of liht in the (oly Place. It $as fueled by pure
olive oil, symbolically speakin of (is anointin to enlihten us to
the deceptions of the $orld and our o$n lusts. J#ee 4echariah >E8FB.K
"ur present invitation is to enter the (oly Place and allo$ the liht
of (is #pirit to shine upon our seeds of corruption so they can be
uprooted as $e cry to (im for deliverance.
*s $e allo$ this process, $e $ill like$ise receive the
impartation of the attributes that are essential to enter and
mai nt ai n (is divine presence $ithout rievin (is (oly #pirit.
"nce our conscience is clear and $e are $alkin in the liht, $e
like$ise become the liht of the $orld as 'esus described in /atthe$
=E8>F8<. 5e can shine for the ,ord in the midst of this dark and
corrupt eneration. (is liht resident in us $ill dra$ others to (im,
not because of any virtue of our o$n but because of (is
manifestation in us. J#ee Philippians :E8=.K That is the ospel of 'esus
ChristE Christ in us, the hope of lory.
5hen the candlestick $as lihted it produced illumination in
the (oly Place. 5hen our candle has been lihted it $ill produce an
illumination and lory that $ill emanate from us as described in the
life of Peter. The #criptures portray Peter so clothed in the lory of
2od that the mere castin of the loryFshado$ over the people
produced healin and allo$ed them to touch the resources of heaven
for their reat needs. The sevenfold #pirit of 2od restin in us $ill
provide the same reat illumination that $ill make us the
e6ceptional liht that shines in dark places.
The bread of (is presence
/an does not live by bread alone but by every $ord that
continually proceeds from the mouth of 2od. The ,ord has deleated
%manna% for each eneration displayin perpetual depths of (is
reatness and truth. (e is the very fountain of al l $isdom and the
source of al l kno$lede.
Thrones of Our Soul
(e e6pects (is people $ho possess (is #pirit to embrace every
5ord that (e utters and the continual unfoldin of biblical truth. In
the (oly Place, the Table of #he$bread Jbread of (is presenceK $as
a symbol of thanksivin for (is divine provision. *fter servin its
purpose in the (oly Place it $as consumed by the priests. 5e must
consume every revelation of the ,ord to be molded into (is imae
and bear (is attributes.
1ehold, I am about to build a house for the name of the
,"-D my 2od, dedicatin it to (im, to burn frarant
incense before (im, and to set out t he s ho$F br ead
cont i nual l y, and to offer burnt offerins mornin and
evenin, on sabbaths and on ne$ moons and on the
appointed feasts of the ,"-D our 2od, this bein re?uired
forever in Israel. *nd the house $hich I am about to build
$ill be reat@ for reater is our 2od than all the ods. 1ut
$ho is able to build a house for (im, for the heavens and
the hihest heavens cannot contain (im0 #o $ho am I,
that I should build a house for (im, e6cept to burn
incense before (im0
&: C(-")IC,.# :E>F< J./P(*#I# *DD.DK
The ,ord 'esus $as the 5ord incarnate. To partake of (im is to
share in the revelation of 2od. The 5ord aain desires to become
flesh and live amon us, doin the same $orks throuh us that (e
did $hile on the earth in human form.
/uch has been $ritten and spoken about the soonFemerin
overnment of 2od. This is the overnmental desin in its purest
form&Christ in us, the hope of lory. 5e then share in the mind of
Christ providin an e6pression of (is divine attributes, po$er and
'esus said to them, %I am the bread of life@ he $ho comes
to /e shall not huner, and he $ho believes in /e shall
never thirst.%
&'"() <EA=
Our In'itation
The messae for this hour is to be careful to receive the full
revelation of 'esus Christ as revealed by the (oly #pirit throuh the
5ord of 2od. The liht from the lampstand provides the
illumination of the she$bread and the full revelation of 2od.
Paul once announced that he did not shun declarin the $hole
counsel of 2od in his preachin of the ospel. 5e need the %$hole
counsel% in order to be presented to the ,ord 'esus and enter the
/ost (oly Place and union $ith 2od. To deny any portion of the
sacred #criptures is to embrace unbelief, the sin that kept the
children of Israel from enterin the Promised ,and after their
deliverance from .ypt.
In (im is the bread of life that (e freely imparts to those $ho
come to him unbridled and hunry for (is presence. (o$ever, $e
cannot come to (im cloaked in $orldly conformity but clothed in
(is rihteousness, bearin (is imae and likeness. 5e are sanctified
in truth, and (is 5ord is truth. J#ee 'ohn 8BE8B.K
*bidin in the fear of the ,ord
"ne of the #criptures reatly emphasiGed for this season conveys
the seven eyes of 2od ranin to and fro throuhout the earth. The
%eyes% are represented by the olden lampstand and symbolic of the
,ord!s omniscience. To accomplish the destiny of the Church in our
eneration, $e must be joined $ith (im, participatin in divine
insiht and focusin our efforts accordin to the heavenly outline.
The seven #pirits of 2od standin before the throne features the
full manifestation of the sevenfold #pirit of 2od restin in 2od!s
people. 5here present, (e produces the divine life and the
revelation of 2od as portrayed in the ministry of Christ $hile (e
lived on the earth in human form.
To $alk in the deep and intimate kno$lede of Christ, $e must
also carry $ithin us reverential a$e of (im. These t$o spirits $ork
in unison. The fear of the ,ord is a corridor throuh $hich so many
divine attributes are released throuh the Church and are essential
to enterin and maintainin (is empo$erin presence.
Thrones of Our Soul
,ivin understandin concernin the ,ord!s $ays in heaven and
on earth, birthed throuh the fear of the ,ord, is the beinnin of
$isdom and kno$lede and livin. It is essential for the operation of
the manifest presence of 2od in our lives in accordance $ith the
nature and character displayed throuhout the life of Christ.
5e must come to understand the reat sinificance of the fear of
the ,ord and our utter inability to produce it in the %soulish% realm
of man. It is strictly an impartation from the divine nature $orn as a
mantle and restin upon those $ho have souht (im $ith their
$hole heart and have overcome the spirit of this $orld. "ur fervent
prayer should be for the %fear of the ,ord% to rest in us in full
,ivin in meekness
The fear of the ,ord manifested in the spirit of a person $ill
al$ays produce meekness. /eekness is primarily bein teachable
and $illin to chane $hen confronted $ith issues contrary to the
character of 2od. /eekness is by no means a sin of $eakness. It is
simply the $illinness to be molded into the imae of Christ. It is
characteriGed in entleness of spirit and mildness of disposition.
1lessed are the meek Hentle, mildI, for they shall inherit
the earth.
&/*TT(.5 =E= J)K'3K
If $e are to be yoked $ith the ,ord in nature and purpose, $e
$ill come before the 7ather in the same manner as the ,ordE in
entleness JmeeknessK and humility. 5hen $e are able to approach
the throne of 2od in this posture, $e $ill bein to e6perience (is
manifest presence.
Take /y yoke upon you, and learn from /e, for I am
entle and humble in heart@ and you shall find rest for
your souls.
&/*TT(.5 88E:D
Our In'itation
5hen this takes place, $e must overcome the reat tendency to
%do somethin% and merely remain still and reverential in (is
presence. This $ill produce a heart of admiration and $orship
beyond anythin $e could ever imaine. There is a time to be busy
about the ,ord!s $ork and a time to be still $ith our faces pressed to
(is feet in $orship and adoration.
The illumination of the (oly #pirit in us $ill provide the
discernment bet$een the t$o. Those $ho have e6perienced (is
manifest presence can readily testify that the po$er of such a
presence $ill produce an a$e and penetratin $orship beyond the
comprehension of man.
The %fear of the ,ord% $ill a$aken us to the time to be %hushed%
and sit in silent admiration. The #criptures admonish us to not
rieve the (oly #pirit of 2od, $hereby $e are sealed until the day of
our redemption. Carelessness and presumption clearly rieve the
(oly #pirit. 5e must overcome these soulish tendencies if $e are to
enter into (is lory and advance to even hiher realms of lory.
1ut $e all, $ith unveiled face beholdin as in a mirror the
lory of the ,ord, are bein transformed into the same
imae from lory to lory, just as from the ,ord, the #pirit.
&: C"-I)T(I*)# AE8;
The #criptures entreat us to o from lory to lory. * revie$ of
past outpourins of the #pirit $ill affirm that historically $e have
been unable to mai nt ai n the lory $ondrously released to the
Church. This failure has prevented us from movin into hiher
realms of lory. 5e must understand the divine principles that allo$
us to sustain the lory released so $e can proceed further to the
reater realms of lory (e desires to display in us.
The ,ord is aspirin to overshado$ us to e6amine our innermost
bein and make chanes that fashion us to be compatible $ith (is
(oly #pirit. In this process, if $e $ill passionately call upon (im, (e
$ill release strenth in our $eaknesses to help chane the areas $e
are unable to chane on our o$n. This $ill allo$ us to return to the
innocence of %babes,% thus pleasin in the siht of the 7ather.
Thrones of Our Soul
Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become
like children, you shall not enter the kindom of heaven.
5hoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the
reatest in the kindom of heaven.
&/*TT(.5 8;EAF>
* child is totally dependent upon his parents to provide care and
protection. It is at this place of reliance that $e bein to ro$ up and
develop in (is likeness.
Chapter 8=
Chapter 8=&The .6ample of #amuel
-*CI"+#,Y, T(. ,"-D ranted another very compellin
prophetic e6perience or vision to depict the preparation
necessary to fulfill our .ndFTime mandate. In it, a prophet $e kno$
and have utmost respect for, entered a room of leaders bein
prepared for the ne6t season of the #pirit. The mature and loyal
prophet stood before the leaders and announced $ith reat po$er
and strenth, % The apos t ol i c i s comi n. % *s he did, a voice of
ultimate authority echoed from heaven, %The apostolic is comin.%
5ith that affirmation, the prophet continued, %5e had better
et a ood understandin of apostolic ministry under us... for it $ill
be on top of us before $e kno$ it. #amuel is a type of this apostolic
leadership. The ,ord did let none of his $ords fall to the round nor
did he be his bread from the people.%
The spirit of prophecy
Throuh the e6perience, the ,ord is indicatin valuable
attributes in the life and ministry of the prophet #amuel, depictin
?ualities (e desires to impart to the apostolic leadership soon to
emere. Careful study of the life of #amuel $ill provide key secrets
to help us ?ualify for this leadership and touch the heart of the
7ather in our preparation.
3ery often, in prophetic e6periences of this nature, a person $e
kno$ and reconiGe as a true prophet of the ,ord can actually
represent the ,ord (imself or the spirit of prophecy, brinin a
timely messae from the heart of 2od.
5hen the prophet announced on the earth that the apostolic
Thrones of Our Soul
$as comin, it $as verified $ith a heavenly voice to accentuate its
certainty. In the #criptures, $hen the (oly #pirit descended upon
the ,ord to assume residence in (im, a voice descended from heaven
as an affirmation of this reat reality. J#ee ,uke AE::.K
,ike$ise, $hen the disciples $itnessed the ,ord!s
transfiuration, they also heard the affirmin 3oice declarin (im to
be the #on of 2od $hose $ords $ere eternal. The attestin voice
from heaven punctuates a truth that is established $ith certainty to
be readily accepted.
The apostolic is comin, and the better understandin $e have
of it under us, the more capable $e $ill be to sustain this a$esome
ministry $ithout bein overcome by the intensity and po$er of it. It
must be our earnest prayer to faithfully administer this notable
responsibility $ith character and interity.
#ayin only $hat (e says
The ,ord let none of #amuel!s $ords fall to the round. 5hat a
profound indication of intimacy and relationship bet$een the ,ord
and (is leadership.
#o #amuel re$, and the ,"-D $as $ith him and let none
of his $ords fall to the round.
&8 #*/+., AE8D J)K'3K
5e are called to like$ise be so intimate $ith the ,ord that $e
say nothin in (is name but $hat $e have received by %a revelation
of 'esus Christ.% J#ee 2alatians lE8:.K
#amuel did not speak in the name of the ,ord presumptuously
nor carelessly. Therefore, the ,ord $as able to perfectly support the
$ords he spoke to the people as (is spokesman.
The #criptures describe the ,ord, our ultimate e6ample, as bein
so yielded to the (oly #pirit that (e said nothin but $hat (e heard
from the 7ather and did nothin but $hat (e sa$ the 7ather doin.
Do you not believe that I am in the 7ather, and the 7ather
The *+a$ple of Sa$uel
is in /e0 The $ords that I say to you I do not speak on /y
o$n initiative, but the 7ather abidin in /e does (is
&'"() 8>E89
5e can like$ise abide in a place of surrender to the (oly #pirit
that (e $ould let none of our $ords %fall to the round% because $e
$ould not speak in (is name unless $e first heard from (im.
7or all $ho are bein led by the #pirit of 2od, these are
sons of 2od.
&-"/*)# ;E8>
The (oly #pirit abidin in us $ill do the same $orks throuh us
that (e did in the ,ord, fulfillin the prophetic promise of 'ohn
(e did not be his bread from the people
"ne of the most notable attributes in the life of #amuel $as his
determination not to abuse his position and privilees before 2od
and the people. There $as not one person in all of Israel $ho could
bear $itness aainst #amuel, charin that he pleaded for money,
possessions or property. )either did he allo$ the spirit of this $orld
to affect his ability to jude the people in rihteousness and e?uity.
The apostolic leadership soon to emere should like$ise be
characteriGed by humility and enuine love for the people.
I have $alked before you from my youth even to this day.
(ere I am@ bear $itness aainst me before the ,"-D and
(is anointed. 5hose o6 have I taken, or $hose donkey
have I taken, or $hom have I defrauded0 5hom have I
oppressed, or from $hose hand have I taken a bribe to
blind my eyes $ith it0 I $ill restore it to you. *nd they
said, %You have not defrauded us, or oppressed us, or taken
anythin from any man!s hand.%
&8 #*/+., 8:E:F>
Thrones of Our Soul
The apostle Paul admonished the church of Corinth and the
Church of this day to stand in rihteousness and to jude the affairs
of men $ith $isdom and truth. To do so $e must possess the
character of Christ reflected in #amuel and be free from the
tendency to abuse the anointin and authority of 2od for
unrihteous ain.
Certainly, there is a place for ivin and supportin the $ork of
the ministry and sharin in the fruitful labors of the anointin. This
is an issue of the heart, and like Paul, $e must pray to be
trust$orthy ste$ards of the mysteries, po$er and provisions of 2od.
The prosperity comin to the Church $ill be for kindom
purposes, not for personal lu6ury or e6travaance. The apostolic
church in the 1ook of *cts shared all thins in common and
deleated resources accordin to need, reflectin love and unity.
The ,ord!s spokesman
,ike #amuel, the anointed leadership the ,ord desires to brin to
(is Church $ill stand before (im as (is spokesmen, e6tractin the
precious from the profane. To them, the ,ord $ill be as a fortified
$all of bronGe, and thouh the enemy $ill contend $ith them, he
$ill not prevail because the ,ord $ill be present to save and deliver.
This $ill further the restoration promised throuh the prophet 'oel.
The ministry of #amuel $as established by the ,ord!s manifest
presence in the order of /oses and *aron. *s priests, they $ere
chared $ith the role of intercession on behalf of 2od!s people and
instruction in the $ays of rihteousness. 7aithfulness in these areas
$ill bein to lead the Church out of %1abylonian% confusion and
restore her to a place of loyalty and consecration to the ,ord. If the
,ord can find a people $ithout mi 6t ure (e $ill send the #pirit
$ithout meas ure.
/oses and *aron $ere amon (is priests, and #amuel $as
amon those $ho called on (is name@ they called upon
the ,"-D, and (e ans$ered them. (e spoke to them in the
pillar of cloud@ they kept (is testimonies and the statute
The *+a$ple of Sa$uel
that (e ave them.
&P#*,/ DDE<FB
These faithful leaders $ere transitional men in covenant
relationship $ith the ,ord for transitional times and marked a point
of demarcation for the people of 2od. This perfectly illustrates the
nature of the apostolic leadership the ,ord $ill use in this day.
These three men represent the priestFprophetFjude JkinlyK
anointin that $ill be entrusted to maturin leadership. To each of
these three, 2od proved (imself in mercy and in judment.
#tandin before the ,ord
/oses $as one of the ,ord!s foremost representatives, standin
before (im as (is spokesman in a position of rihteousness
displayin the 7ather!s pure judments. /oses $as able to occupy
this distinuished position of reat honor and responsibility because
of the prior years of preparation, purin and refinement that
?ualified him.
.ach of these men already possessed a deposit of (is virtue, yet
the testin of their rihteousness produced a multiplied measure of
divine character enablin them to accomplish the hih callin of
2od for their eneration.
*mos is another e6ample of one called by the #pirit to foresee
the judment of 2od and stand before (is presence and intercede on
behalf of (is people.
Thus the ,ord 2"D sho$ed meE 1ehold, (e formed locust
s$arms at the beinnin of the late crop@ indeed it $as the
late crop after the kin!s mo$ins. *nd so it $as, $hen
they had finished eatin the rass of the land, that I saidE
%" ,ord 2"D, forive, I prayM "h, that 'acob may stand,
for he is smallM% #o the ,"-D relented concernin this. %It
shall not be,% said the ,"-D.
&*/"# BE8A J)K'3K
Thrones of Our Soul
The ,ord has identified those $ho occupy this uni?ue position
as %(is friends.% 5hat an incredible honor to be called the friend of
2od and a reat responsibility that accompanies this commission of
intercession and leadership.
Daniel $as described in the #criptures as one reatly beloved
because, at least in part, of his heart for the nation and his
$illinness to stand in the ap for his people. (e humbled himself
and presented supplications on behalf of 2od!s people throuh a
heart of repentance and foresiht for the seasons ahead.
The ,ord!s %friends% are able to stand in this post because of the
enlihtenment they possess throuh affectionate e6chane $ith the
,ord that enables them to occupy this privileed place in 2od.
Intimate fello$ship results from the testin of rihteousness
allo$in one to peer into the very heart of 2od to obtain
understandin of (is nature and character. In this manner, divine
purposes are birthed in the earth throuh $ords anointed $ith spirit
and life e6pressed from this position of rihteousness.
The ,ord our mediator
Principally, the ,ord is lookin for a rihteous aent on the
earth to stand in the ap on behalf of a sinful eneration and
represent (im and the revelation of (is kindom. The ,ord (imself
is the perfect mediator bet$een 2od and man establishin for all
enerations the rihteousness of 2od. That virtue is no$ bein
imparted to those in the Church established in fidelity as (is
deleates in the earth standin in the ap on behalf of this evil
1ut no$ (e has obtained a more e6cellent ministry,
inasmuch as (e is also /ediator of a better covenant,
$hich $as established on better promises.
&(.1-.5# ;E<
*n increased emphasis on po$er evanelism $orld$ide $ill
increase as the intervention of heaven is unleashed throuh
The *+a$ple of Sa$uel
intercessory prayer. Po$er evanelism is the appearance of heavenly
po$er dra$in the people to the cross by the demonstration of the
#pirit. *s meetins are held and manifestations of (is lory emere,
sinners $ill come to the altar for salvation and deliverance. 5e $ill
bein to see the infancy of this no$, but it $ill increase as the
Church matures.
The 7ather has chosen the Church as (is instrument to unfold
(is reat redemptive plan. To fulfill our hihest purpose, $e too
must discover that cherished and honorable position as %the ,ord!s
friends.% 5hen thus seated $ith Christ in the heavenlies, $e become
an e6pression of (is intercessory role, callin upon the 7ather for
mercy in the midst of judment. 5hen this is achieved, $e have the
,ord!s promise for restoration and salvation for man.
If there is a messener for him, a mediator, one amon a
thousand, to sho$ man (is uprihtness, Then (e is
racious to him, and says, %Deliver him from oin do$n
to the Pit@ I have found a ransom.%
&'"1 AAE:AF:> J)K'3K
Those $ith the uni?ue distinction as %friends% are the ones $ho
have come to possess (is traits and holy ?ualities. It is the
responsibility of the ,ord!s %friends% to remind (im of (is sure
promises to each eneration and stay (is hand of judment that the
$hole earth may be filled $ith the kno$lede of (is lory.
It is al$ays the enemy!s desire to boast that the ,ord $as able to
brin the people out but not carry them in. The ,ord!s %friends%
continually petition the throne of race $ith the promises of 2od
and the e6pression of (is divine attributes of lovinkindness and
The %friends% of 2od $ill occupy an important place of
intercession on behalf of the people, not because of any e6cellence of
their o$n but because of (is reat compassion. 7rom this position of
favor, $e are allo$ed to intercede for others by callin upon the
race of 2od to rant a heart of divine repentance, leadin to the
kno$lede of the truth and escapin the snare of the devil havin
Thrones of Our Soul
been held captive by him to do his $ill.
PriestFprophetFjude anointin
The comin apostolic ministers $ill be as pillar of cloud by day
$ith prophetic anointin that $ill function as a pillar of fire by niht
ivin illumination. .ach $ill provide a canopy of protection
throuh the (oly #pirit in the same $ay Israel $as protected durin
the judments of .ypt. The shelter of %2oshen% $ill become
apparent in the comin season.
The ,ord $ill allo$ nothin to come upon the earth unless (e
first reveals (is secret counsel to (is servants. J#ee *mos AEB.K
/oses, *aron and #amuel each represent types of the comin
overnment. The manner in $hich the ,ord used these men $ill
also portray the comin leadership and 2od!s dealins $ith them. (e
is oin to ive divinely ranted understandin.
The #criptures declare that the breath of 2od ives
understandin. (e is oin to breathe upon us to ive
comprehension of these times and the thins $e must do to $alk
intimately $ith (im as (is habitation.
Commissionin and release
.ven thouh #amuel $as born throuh covenant relationship
$ith incredible destiny, he did not e6perience the supernatural
dealins of 2od until his prophetic commissionin.
)o$ #amuel did not yet kno$ the ,"-D, nor had the $ord
of the ,"-D yet been revealed to him.
&8 #*/+., AEB
There may be many $ho feel as thouh they do not ?ualify for
this type of leadership because they have not had prophetic or
supernatural e6periences in their life. (o$ever, the #criptures make
it plainE the 5ord of the ,ord had not appeared to #amuel until a
very specific commissionin e6perience released him into his
The *+a$ple of Sa$uel
purpose and callin.
/any of today!s %#amuelFtype% leaders have been hidden and
unfamiliar $ith the visions and revelations of the ,ord. )onetheless,
reat and profound e6pressions of the #pirit are imminently a$aitin
these leaders once the roomin is complete and the timin
appropriate for their release.
Chapter 8<
Chapter 8<&7rom the Duneon to the
//.DI*T.,Y P-I"- T" the Day of *tonement :998, the ,ord
ranted another dream continuin (is teachin of the soon
emerin apostolic ministry. Durin this e6perience, I $itnessed and
participated in a battle that $as takin place bet$een the army of
liht and the army of darkness.
In a $ay that can only be e6pressed in symbolic e6periences of
this nature, it seemed the score $as bein kept bet$een the t$o
armies as the conflict heihtened. *t some points the army of
darkness $as pressin the army of liht and the score $ould reflect
that advance in much the same $ay that a sportin event $ould
keep score.
Then, the army of liht $ould rally and bein to take round
aainst the army of darkness, and the scoreboard $ould like$ise
chane to sho$ the army of liht in the lead. This transition took
place many times $ith the lead chanin hands on numerous
occasions until time $as about to e6pire on the clock.
5ith only seconds remainin in the contest, the army of
darkness $as leadin on the scoreboard and rallied all their strenth
for one last assault in their attempt to totally overrun the army of
liht. *s $e in the army of liht observed the scoreboard and
discovered only seconds remainin, $e called upon the ,ord $ith all
our strenth. In an unprecedented release of divine race, (e
intervened on our behalf, allo$in us to mount a formidable assault,
achievin a reat victory as %time% ran out.
The victory $as sinificant and the jubilant celebration erupted
Thrones of Our Soul
amon those participatin in the army of liht. *s $e $ere enjoyin
the ,ord!s reat race and the victory (e had iven, I looked at the
scoreboard. To my surprise the score read, >8F>8. )eedless to say, I
$as some$hat dismayed at this discovery.
The victory $as sure, and the celebration $as evident@ I kne$ it
$as not a tie. * voice then spoke and said, %2enesis >8E>8.% I
understood this parable could be interpreted from the truth
communicated in 2enesis >8E>8, althouh at the time I $as
uncertain of the specific $ordin of this passae.
*nd Pharaoh said to 'oseph, %#ee I have set you over all
the land of .ypt.% Then Pharaoh took off his sinet rin
from his hand, and put it on 'oseph!s hand, and clothed
him in arments of fine linen, and put the old necklace
around his neck.
&2.).#I# >8E>8F>:
*s I bean to meditate upon this notable #cripture and the
promotion of 'oseph from the duneon to the throne in a sinle day,
the ,ord bean to ?uicken sinificant truth related to our callin as
the apostolic Church. The dream related that $e had received the
race to overcome the resistance of the enemy that attempts to
prohibit the birthin of this sinificant ministry desinated for the
I had never before reconiGed the often promised %'oseph%
anointin $as much more than providin a reat source of plenty in
time of famine. Included in this sinificant callin and commission is
an apostolic mantle $ith bold spiritual authority and 2odly
Threefold % ' o s e ph% anointin
The emerin %'oseph% ministry $ill be much more than
providin a source of plenty in time of deficiency. The true 'oseph
ministry is a threefold anointin as typified in 2enesis >8E>:.
Then Pharaoh took off his sinet rin from his hand, and
%ro$ the Dungeon to the Throne
put it on 'oseph!s hand, and clothed him in arments of
fine linen, and put the old necklace around his neck.
&2.).#I# >8E>:
In one day 'oseph $as elevated from the duneon to the throne.
'oseph received first the sinet rin illustratin the spiritual
authority that $ill emere in the %'oseph% company. The rin of
authority $as iven to announce to all that 'oseph had the full
influence of the kin and ans$ered only to the kin in his po$er.
#econdly, 'oseph $as also dressed in linen arments to
prophetically depict the priesthood of the ,ord, clothed in purity
and the nature of Christ. This prominent ministry $ill re?uire reat
meekness of heart because of the natural and spiritual resources that
$ill be confided in them.
7inally, 'oseph received a old chain to e6emplify the prosperity
that $ill be entrusted to this company. The purposes of 2od $ill
re?uire reat sums of resources to fully accomplish .ndFTime
ministry and fulfill the $ill of 2od in the earth. These $ill include
places of refue and provision for those $ho $ill be persecuted as
$ell as those displaced by the e6treme natural disasters and military
confrontations that $ill be takin place.
"vercomin the devourer
7acilitatin the revelation of the kindom throuhout the earth,
alon $ith historic circumstances about to take place $orld$ide,
$ill re?uire considerable resources devoted for this purpose. Part of
the promise for our day is the emerin %'oseph% ministries that $ill
provide a reat source of plenty in time of famine.
The enemy kno$s that day is imminent and is assinin $eihty
demonic assaults aainst the financial structure of individuals and
the overall economy of our country. (is primary aim is to deplete
resources to hinder our ability to invest in divine opportunities.
It is not presently the desire of the ,ord for our economy to be
destroyed, althouh recent events have been allo$ed in order to
Thrones of Our Soul
a$aken us to the seriousness of the hour. 5ith that assurance, $e
can pray $ith reater authority and po$er aainst the demonic
forces devourin our financial resources individually and $ithin the
This a$areness can radically chane our entire perspective of
prayer $hen $e reconiGe the enemy assault aainst our economy
and the emerin %'oseph% ministries. That is another of the many
reasons for the arisin of intercessory ministries in the order of
.sther $ho pave the $ay for the rihteous overnment typified by
It is the po$er of the enemy, and $e must take our stand and
ask the ,ord to rebuke the devourer on our behalf and open the
$indo$s of heaven to release (is blessins upon the pureFhearted to
become a source of plenty. .ven so, $e must be careful not to place
our faith and confidence in the economy but only in the ,ord!s
ability to use us and the blessins (e provides to facilitate the
revelation of (is kindom.
.merin champions
#atan is plannin a major assault aainst the Church financially.
(e plans to attempt to deplete our resources to frustrate our ability
to support the reat move of 2od comin to the earth and hinder our
reinforcement of Israel. This can be overcome throuh prayer and
the a$akenin of the Church to her apostolic destiny. There are
many men and $omen hidden in recent years bein roomed by the
(oly #pirit to meet the challenes and needs of this eneration.
* careful study and e6amination of both biblical and natural
history $ill support the conclusion that 2od creates men and
$omen to meet the challenes and needs of the eneration to $hich
they are born. This can readily be reconiGed in #cripture $ith the
emerence of prominent prophets, judes and leaders $ho led Israel
durin times of apostasy, adversity, prosperity and $ar.
In modern history, $e can evaluate 5orld 5ar II and discover
the advent of distinuished leaders, such as 2eore Patton and
%ro$ the Dungeon to the Throne
Doulas /ac*rthur. These reat commanders ackno$leded that
their earliest memories consisted of becomin military leaders and
fulfillin their destiny as con?uerors.
7rom the time of their youth, each devoted himself to the
preparation, trainin and stratey necessary to be rearded amon
the reatest military leaders in modern history. Clearly, the ,ord
imparted this desire in them at an early ae in order to meet the
distresses of our nation and the free $orld durin the reat conflict
of 5orld 5ar II.
* eneration of destiny
The ,ord is also creatin and preparin a body of spiritual
$arriors to emere in our eneration to meet the spiritual challenes
and prophetic destiny ordained for our ae and foretold in #cripture.
"ne of the reatest mandates of all time is to cooperate $ith the
(oly #pirit to taste the ood 5ord of 2od and the po$er of the ae
to come and see the biblical directive in )umbers 8>E:8 fulfilled&to
be the instruments by $hich (e fills the $hole earth $ith (is lory.
#o the ,"-D said, %I have pardoned them accordin to
your $ord@ but indeed, as I live, all the earth $ill be filled
$ith the lory of the ,ord.%
&)+/1.-# 8>E:9F:8
,ike *braham, it is the cry of our hearts, %/y lord, if no$ I have
found favor in your siht, please do not pass your servant by%
J2enesis 8;EAK. It should be our earnest desire and aspiration to be
the chosen eneration throuh $hich the ,ord $ill ive revelation
and e6pression of (is nature, character and po$er that $e may
bein to fill the entire earth $ith the lory of 2od. That $ould be
the fulfillment of the a$esome prayer outlined by the ,ord (imself,
%Thy Kindom come. Thy $ill be done, on earth as it is in heaven%
J/atthe$ <E89K.
5e have the incredible privilee of livin in the eneration that
$ill $itness the unveilin of reat mysteries and hidden secrets
Thrones of Our Soul
reserved for the time of the end. J#ee Daniel 8:E>.K Thankfully, the
(oly #pirit is beinnin to unleash %reat and mihty thins% related
to our prophetic mandate from the #criptures and impartin insiht
$ith understandin concernin the revelation of (is lory.
5ith perfect certainty, there $ill be a company of people $ho
reside in this place of promise. 'ust as surely as the prophetic
fulfillment of the restoration of the 'e$ish people to the land of
Israel miraculously took place, so also $ill there be the divinely
motivated establishment of the 1ride to her inheritance.
In the same $ay $e $itnessed the a$akenin of the 'e$ish
people to their homeland, so $ill the 1ride be a$akened to her
birthriht. There $ill initially be a messae of restoration for those
$ith ears to hear, follo$ed by times of intense tribulation and
difficulty that $ill drive the people to the fulfillment of 2od!s 5ord.
7ishers and (unters
.arly one mornin just as the sun $as risin, I heard a voice in a
dream sayin, %I am oin to send both the fishers and the hunters.%
)aturally, I initially related this pointed statement to the restoration
of the 'e$ish people to their native land and the establishment of a
soverein state. I later discovered a broader application of this
"ne of the most profound prophetic accomplishments in human
history is the restoration of the 'e$ish people follo$in the diaspora.
)ever before has a nation been dead for almost :9 centuries and
then reborn in accordance $ith prophecies recorded over :,=99
years ao. .ven so, our eneration has $itnessed this astoundin
fact, and $e reconiGe that only 2od!s soverein po$er could
accomplish such a miraculous undertakin. 2od!s 5ord cannot fail.
.very %jot and tittle% $ill be accomplished in its entirety.
!%*s the ,"-D lives, $ho brouht up the sons of Israel
from the land of the north and from all the countries
$here (e had banished them.! 7or I $ill restore them to
their o$n land $hich I ave to their fathers. 1ehold, I am
%ro$ the Dungeon to the Throne
oin to send for many fishermen,% declares the ,"-D,
%and they $ill fish for them@ and after$ards I shall send
for many hunters, and they $ill hunt them from every
mountain and every hill, and from the clefts of the rocks.%
&'.-./I*( 8<E8=F8<
'eremiah prophesied the manner in $hich the ,ord $ould
e6ecute this notable task after many centuries of dispersion,
persecution and murder. (e foresa$ that the ,ord $ould birth in
the hearts of men the vision of restoration of a natural homeland and
entice the 'e$ish people to return to their inheritance. They $ere
the %fishers% $ho delivered a messae of restoration and promise.
*mon them $ere reat leaders such as Theodore (erGl,
reconiGed as the founder of modern 4ionism $ho laid the
foundation for the creation of soverein rule in 8;D< throuh his
book, The ' e$i s h #t at e. *nother $as Chaim 5eiGman, the first
president of the 'e$ish state and creator of the 5orld 4ionist
"raniGation, aimed at encourain 'e$s $orld$ide to help develop
and settle Israel. The (ebre$ lanuae $as reintroduced under the
leadership of .lieGer 1enF'ehudah and others.
*s is enerally the case $hen the ,ord births somethin ne$,
the restorers! vie$s $ere met $ith mi6ed reactions amon the
'e$ish community. )ehemiah also encountered similar opposition
in his commission for the reestablishment of the Temple. In spite of
the resistance and difficulties, there $ould be a people $ho returned
and fulfilled this biblical mandate.
Their messae a$akened in the hearts of many 'e$ish people
the desire to return to their o$n land. /any $ere $illin to forsake
the $ealth, friendships and security of the nations in $hich they
$ere sojournin to return to their heritae. The early pioneers laid
the foundation for the economic and social rebirth of the 'e$ish
nation. They paved the $ay for the ,ord!s timin $hen conditions
$ere ripe to possess the land promised to *braham and his seed.
"Also # will $esto$e the %a&ti'ity of My &eo&le #s$ael and
they will $eb(ild the $(ined %ities and li'e in the! they
Thrones of Our Soul
will also &lant 'ineya$ds and d$ink thei$ wine and !ake
ga$dens and eat thei$ f$(it) # will also &lant the! on thei$
land and they will not again be $ooted o(t f$o! thei$ land
whi%h # ha'e gi'en the!" says the *o$d yo($ +od)
&*/"# DE8>F8=
%4ionism% became a rallyin cry for the 'e$ish people, and
many from .urope and -ussia ans$ered the call, provoked by the
proud beliefs of the movement. It proved to be an a$akenin in
many for rebuildin the country. Durin the years 8;;:F8D9= more
than :=,999 'e$s, mostly from .astern .urope, arrived in the land of
Palestine. 1et$een 8D9= and the outbreak of 55I another >9,999
7ollo$in the %fishers,% another form of motivation bean to
emere in the form of the %hunters.% The intense persecution and
antiF#emitism prevailin throuhout .urope and especially -ussia
durin the late nineteenth and early t$entieth centuries, bean to
hasten the development of modern 4ionism. 7inally, the enocide of
(itler!s insanity fored another e6odus, drivin the 'e$ish people to
the creation of a state and their independence.
2od used these persecutions to press the 'e$ish masses home,
althouh it $as #atan!s brash intent to completely eradicate
$orld$ide 'e$ry and circumvent the ultimate plan of 2od. *s it
turned out, because of the atrocities of the (olocaust, the horrified
nations of the $orld ranted official sanctions for a 'e$ish state, and
on /ay 8>, 8D>; Israel 5as born. "ver the follo$in three decades
almost t$o million 'e$s $ould return to their homeland. )aturally,
the numbers have increased substantially since then.
"ur fishers and hunters
It is an interestin observation to note that in 8;D< $hen
Theodore (erGl published his book The ' e$i s h #t at e, arousin the
'e$ish people to the restoration of their inheritance, *le6ander
Do$ie $as also in 4ion, Illinois, commissionin an apostolic
ministry and a$akenin the Church to the restoration of her
%ro$ the Dungeon to the Throne
inheritance. ,ike$ise, in 8D>; $ith the official reconition of the
'e$ish state, the Church $as also e6periencin the (ealin -evival.
It is clear there is an undeniable link bet$een Israel and the Church.
*t the same time the ,ord $as restorin the land of Israel, and
eventually 'erusalem, into the hands of the 'e$ish people, (e $as
also a$akenin spiritual Israel to her inheritance. In the same
manner that the 'e$ish people $ere dispersed amon the nations of
the earth, so also $ere #piritFfilled Christians scattered amon the
many reliious institutions and oraniGations follo$in the
compromise of )icaea in *.D. A:=.
Israel realiGed her prophetic fulfillment $ith the establishment
of a soverein state. ,ike$ise, the 1ride residin in her full
inheritance must also be apprehended. (eaven $ill retain the ,ord
'esus until that covenant declaration is accomplished. *s $ith Israel,
there $ill be the perfect accomplishment of 2od!s 5ord relative to
the 1ride of Christ $ho has been betrothed to (im and $ill kno$
(is intimate chambers.
"ur spiritual Promised ,and is in vie$, and 2od!s mandate $ill
be accomplished. (e $ill first utiliGe the %fishers% to entice and lure
many to the spiritual domain of our inheritance and fruitfulness
$ith a prophetic messae of restoration. (e $ill then allo$ the
%hunters% to drive still others from necessity to the place of promise.
There $ill be an overcomin 1ody $ho $ill occupy their birthriht.
The #criptures declare it to be so.
The ,ord has al$ays had (is faithful remnant throuhout
Church history that modeled their faith accordin to the standards
established by the early Church. )umerous .ndFTime prophecies
$ithin the #criptures $ill become timely as the Church is fashioned
accordin to (is desin. The full stature of the apostolic Church $ill
be functionin in our day, shapin a %calledFout% body of believers to
function in kindom po$er and authority.
The time of the end is a period for revealin and reinstatin
truth and e6posin the hidden thins of darkness. %-estorers% are
beinnin to emere $ith a %fisher% anointin, birthin desire in the
Thrones of Our Soul
hearts of Christians for the full measure of 2od reardless of the
1ut all thins that are e6posed are made manifest by the
liht, for $hatever makes manifest is liht. Therefore (e
saysE %*$ake, you $ho sleep, arise from the dead, and
Christ $ill ive you liht.% #ee then that you $alk
circumspectly, not as fools but as $ise, redeemin the
time, because the days are evil.
&.P(.#I*)# =E8AF8< J)K'3K
The rebuildin of our apostolic heritae can be achieved
throuh desperate hearts pursuin the ,ord and the fullness of (is
heritae a$akened throuh the %fishers.% It can also be e6perienced
throuh persecution, or 2od!s discipline on %spiritual 1abylon,%
drivin (is covenant people to the land of their promise by the
The ,ord has pleded to reverse the captivity of (is people and
be jealous for (is holy name. *t that time $e $ill foret the shame
and reproach of our unfaithfulness and bein to d$ell securely in
the land of our promise. Throuh (is justice and holiness (e $ill set
apart and vindicate (is people from the hand of their enemies. This
is true both for natural and spiritual Israel.
It is our prayer that each $ill receive $ith hearin ears and
sincere hearts the messae of the %fishers% and respond to the call to
enter our destiny. It $ill behoove us to notice the e6ample of the
'e$ish people accordin to the admonition of the apostle Paul for
therein $e discover 2od!s $ays.
P*-T 3II
Part 3II&T"K.)# "7 *P"#T",IC
*)D KI)2D"/ -.*,ITY
Chapter 8B
Chapter 8B&Kindom Principles
(.) I 7I-#T received the baptism of the #pirit in 8D;D, the
,ord thankfully imparted an insatiable huner to
understand (is anointin and a yearnin to study the lives of men
and $omen $ho $alked closely $ith (im. Durin those years, I
$ould purchase every book I could locate that addressed the
anointin of revelation and po$er carried to the people by men and
$omen of faith. This included listenin to hundreds of audio and
videotapes shared by the leaders $ho possessed an understandin of
the #pirit and (is po$er.
Throuhout this process the ,ord bean to demonstrate ho$ (e
had iven %tokens% of kindom reality that $ould characteriGe the
.ndFTime eneration. These %tokens% $ere men and $omen $ho
pressed in to the ,ord and seeminly stood head and shoulders above
others and touched somethin that transcended their eneration. It
$as as thouh they $ere born out of season.
They certainly carried ifts of the #pirit described in 8
Corinthians 8: but also reached over into the kindom ae and
bean to %taste the ood $ord of 2od and the po$er of the ae to
come.% They became a %prototype% of an entire company of people
$ho $ill characteriGe the time of the end, men and $omen, such as
/aria 5ood$orthF.tter, 'ohn 2. ,ake, 5illiam 1ranham and
*le6ander Do$ie.
Careful study of their lives $ill lean key insihts into the heart
of the 7ather and uncover olden nuets of reat value that $ill
assist us in attainin that place $ith the ,ord. 5e can also discern
mistakes that $ere made and pray for the race and understandin
not to make them ourselves. The enemy $ill continue to utiliGe plots
Thrones of Our Soul
and schemes formerly successful in his attempt to derail 2od!s
anointed vessels.
It $as by researchin and analyGin 2od!s anointed %friends%
that various messaes bean to emere concernin the soul of man
and the superior value in the thorouh redemption of our mind, $ill
and emotions by the comprehensive surrender of every department
of our lives. I observed ho$ this reality $as a common denominator
consistently apparent in each, allo$in a reater dimension of
intimacy and fello$ship $ith the ,ord.
5hen the veils of our soul are removed, $e bein to behold
(im $ith an unveiled face and reflect (is imae and nature. "nly in
that place can $e faithfully carry the po$erful anointin of
revelation and po$er essential for our mandate and commission.
Tokens of kindom ministry
Throuhout Church history, the many e6pressions of revival and
outpourin have provided numerous saints $ho enuinely kne$
2od and yielded e6amples of true apostolic ministry. These
individuals attained a mature stature, ?ualifyin them as a d$ellin
place for the #pirit of 2od throuh $hich the ,ord $as able to
function and do (is $orks. They $ere men and $omen so
thorouhly filled $ith the (oly #pirit that they e6ercised the ,ord!s
dominion over demons, disease and death.
These saints $ere radical estures of the life of Christ $ith (is
divine nature radiatin throuh them, men and $omen $ho $ere
crucified $ith Christ livin by the faith of the #on of 2od.
I do not believe it is because the ,ord!s love for these individuals
$as reater@ it seems they $ere $illin to pay a price that allo$ed
for a deeper $alk $ith (im. The (oly #pirit has clearly
demonstrated (is intent to have a company of people throuh this
eneration $ho $ill kno$ their 2od and do mihty e6ploits on (is
behalf. They $ill be transparent vessels $hose only desire is
friendship $ith 2od.
Tremendous lessons can be e6tracted by e6aminin the lives of
)ingdo$ Principles
these spiritual champions to determine the secrets to their success
$ith 2od and also learn from the mistakes that $ould sometimes
entanle them.
-emember the days of old, consider the years of all
enerations. *sk your father, and he $ill inform you, your
elders, and they $ill tell you.
&D.+T.-")"/Y A:EB
%-emember the days of old% and consider the enerations of lon
ao. The admonition, iven to Israel throuh /oses, re?uired the
children of Israel to e6amine their past and ain understandin
about the ,ord!s $ays.
The same counsel has even reater value today as $e challene
ourselves to understand our Christian heritae and learn about 2od!s
dealins $ith man and (is soverein $ays. 1y studyin the
enerations of lon ao $e discover heavenly blueprints for our day.
5hile $e do not $ant to live in the past, $e can e6amine the past
and e6tract nuets of $isdom concernin 2od!s $ays and also learn
from the miscalculations of our Christian 7athers.
1ack to our future
#ince the days of /artin ,uther and the early -eformation, the
,ord has continually demonstrated a proressive restoration of truth
and po$er throuh the revelation of (imself to the Church. This
unveilin and reFintroduction of our inheritance has been line upon
line and precept upon precept, continually unfoldin fresh disclosure
of (imself and (is 5ord.
This process is for the purpose of restorin the Church to her
former apostolic authority as realiGed in the first century Church
and the $alk of intimacy and friendship $ith the ,ord that $as
enjoyed by the early disciples. "nce $e e6perience this full
restoration, $e are then e?uipped and conditioned for the even
hiher destiny prophetically foretold and symboliGed throuh the
biblical 7east of Tabernacles.
Thrones of Our Soul
*s $e consider the prior enerations and the tokens of lives
devoted to the ,ord, $e can relish the revelation iven to them and
also learn from the mistakes. *s the #criptures point out, the scribe
$ho becomes a disciple of the kindom is like the head of a
household $ho brins forth from his treasure, both thins old and
ne$. J#ee /atthe$ 8AE=:.K
True apostolic ministry
*postolic ministry can be defined as 'esus Christ manifested and
abidin in (is Church, doin the same $orks throuh (is Church
that (e did $hile livin on the earth in human form. True kindom
ministry is a fulfillment of 'ohn 8>E8:, the (oly #pirit performin
the same $orks throuh the Church that (e did throuh the life and
ministry of the ,ord 'esus Christ.
There is a ministry of perfection that is to come to the Church
that $ill ultimately prepare her for the return of the 1rideroom.
(o$ever, before $e can bein to move to$ard the ministry of
perfection, $e must first return to our future. 5e must realiGe the
complete restoration of biblical apostolic ministry of callin out and
separatin the Church from the $orld to prepare her in e6cellence
for the brideroom.
In 'oel :E:= the ,ord makes a $onderful promise to res t ore all
that the palmer$orm, canker$orm, caterpillar and the locust have
destroyed. These four staes of a maturin locust are used to
prophetically symboliGe the $ay the spirit of antichrist $ould attack
the ,ord!s Church in its attempt to steal our birthriht and the
ospel of salvation and po$er. )onetheless, the ,ord (imself
foretold the #pirit of .lijah bein released to a eneration to %restore
all thins.% J#ee /atthe$ 8BE88.K
The early apostolic Church is typified as a tree the ,ord planted
and nurtured to full maturity, bearin divine fruit. The spirit of
antichrist is symboliGed by the locust devourin first the fruit, then
the leaves, the bark and finally na$in into the very heart of the
tree in order to destroy it. This final stae culminated in the era
)ingdo$ Principles
kno$n as the Dark *es.
The ,ord!s promise to restore bean throuh the ministry of
/artin ,uther and has no$ matured to a level $here this eneration
can e6pect the complete restoration of biblical apostolic ministry.
This is our ?uest to return back to the future.
5hen our ,ord $as on the earth (e chose the t$elve (e $ould
room and prepare for the birth of (is Church. 7or three and oneF
half years, (e planted the seed of the 5ord of 2od $ithin their
hearts, thouh very often $ithout their full understandin of (is
instruction. 5hen the Day of Pentecost had fully come, the (oly
#pirit descended upon them and $atered the seed $ithin their
hearts, producin the life of Christ and the revelation of (is
kindom in the earth. This same process must be realiGed in this
eneration as $ell.
"ne of 2od!s %tokens% is 'ohn 2. ,ake, and the follo$in paes
hihliht sinificant truth in his life that is helpful in understandin
our call to see the full restoration of the apostolic Church and
demonstrate the kindom desin. (is life illustrates one $ho lived
the reality of the thins outlined for our day and provided an
e6ample of one $ho %overcame.%
Chapter 8;
Chapter 8;&'ohn 2. ,ake&an *postle of
"() 2. ,*K. $as a man $ho e6perienced apostolic ministry
accordin to firstFcentury standards and chaned the $orld every
place that he $ent. (is life and ministry $as a representation of a
vessel yielded to 2od as a habitation for (is manifest presence.
Throuh him the (oly #pirit $as able to heal the sick, cast out
demons, save the lost, and manifest the very nature and character of
Christ. (e demonstrated that 'esus Christ is the same yesterday,
today and forever.
1y every biblical definition, the life of 'ohn 2. ,ake represented
true apostolic ministry. Throuh him the reat commission became
reality and the kindom of 2od $as manifested on the earth. 2reat
lessons can be learned from his life, revealin the keys to his po$er
$ith 2od. Careful e6amination of his life and ministry can help the
Church for the comin visitation and restoration.
(avin the ,ord!s potential
5hen the time came for the ,ord to be lorified throuh the
sacrificial offerin of (is life, (e made it clear that (is life $as
likened unto a rain of $heat. 5hen this rain of $heat dies it is for
the purpose of brinin forth multiplied rains of $heat l i ke t he
ori i nal rai n.
/ost assuredly, I say to you, unless a rain of $heat falls
into the round and dies, it remains alone@ but if it dies, it
produces much rain.
Thrones of Our Soul
&'"() 8:E:> J)K'3K
The 1ible teaches that $hen the ,ord returns $e are to be like
(im. The (oly #pirit residin in us $ill reveal the same attributes
throuh us as (e did in the ,ord 'esus Christ. This belief formed the
cornerstone for the life and ministry of 'ohn 2. ,ake.
,ake believed the ,ord $ould not commission us to do the
$orks (e did $ithout ade?uately e?uippin us to do those $orks.
(e once commented, %5e need to set our sihts hih and refuse the
traditions of men $ho say that it is impossible to do as 'esus
instructed us.%
True apostolic ministry is simply the e6tension of the ministry
beun by the ,ord, our ultimate e6ample. The po$er of redemption
is so reat that sinners saved by race and filled $ith the (oly #pirit
are iven the opportunity of carryin on the very ministry of Christ,
doin the $orks (e did. ,ake is a token of this reality iven to the
t$entyFfirst century. "ur sihts should be set e?ually as hih.
(is definition of the apostolic church
Durin the years precedin and follo$in the turn of the
t$entieth century, ,ake made a very notable and revealin
observation. Durin those years there had been a tremendous
outpourin of the (oly #pirit $ith reat manifestations of po$er,
sins and $onders. Their eneration realiGed they $ere iven an
e6traordinary opportunity of seein the return of enuine apostolic
ministry throuh the revelation of (is kindom.
,ake later discerned that his eneration had missed the mark by
not realiGin the true definition of the *postolic Church. #ome
attempted to build an apostolic ministry around the doctrine and
manifestation of healin po$er. "thers aspired to establish the
apostolic Church around the restoration of the ifts and speakin in
tonues. "thers endeavored to create and establish the apostolic
order around the doctrine of holiness.
*ll of these ?ualities are attributes of the (oly #pirit and are
,ohn (- Lake!an Apostle of %aith
essential to the Church, yet do not sinularly sustain apostolic
ministry. ,ake observed that the people $ere absorbed in the
phenomena of 2od and not the Person of 2od.
*ccordin to ,ake, the truest definition of the apostolic Church
can be e6pressed in the a$esome and reverential e6perience of
union $ith 2od and becomin "ne $ith (im. (e believed the
Church of his day did not reard the fullness of the (oly #pirit $ith
the reverence due an e6perience so sacred and so terribly costly.
7or this ift the ,ord lived in the $orld, bled on the cross,
entered the darkness of death, hell and the rave, rappled $ith and
stranled the accursed po$ers of darkness, came forth aain and
finally ascended to heaven in order to secure it for (is Church.
(e believed apostolic ministry is defined and realiGed throuh
individuals becomin the habitation of 2od&the (oly #pirit
literally manifested in the spirit, soul and body of the believers,
takin total possession of (is Church, besto$in upon her (is
?ualities, attributes and potential. This process $as not merely a
reformation@ it $as a rene$al and a transformation. /en and $omen
rene$ed by the #pirit of 2od and transformed by the (oly #pirit
became one spirit $ith (im.
+nion $ith the (oly #pirit $as not merely a ift of po$er but of
2od (imself. "ut of necessity, ,ake became ac?uainted $ith the
healin po$er of 2od throuh the ministry of *le6ander Do$ie.
Durin the later years of the nineteenth century he $as
miraculously healed of terminal illness alon $ith his brother, his
sister and his $ife. In addition, another sister $as literally raised
from the dead throuh the ministry of Do$ie.
This introduction to the po$er of 2od bean a ?uest in him not
only to kno$ the healin of 2od, but also the 2od of healin. (is
desire $as fulfilled, he described, $hen he became the habitation of
2od in a po$erful encounter $ith the ,ord and (is lory.
(is .6perience
*t the ae of si6teen 'ohn 2. ,ake came to kno$ the savin
Thrones of Our Soul
po$er of Christ. (is salvation e6perience $as a very real one, as
displayed in his chaned life. /any around him observed this
transformation and said, %You are baptiGed in the (oly 2host.%
5hile friends around him $ere sayin he had been filled $ith
the (oly #pirit, ,ake e6perienced a huner for more of 2od that $as
almost unbearable. (e bean to pursue the ,ord and came to kno$
the sanctifyin po$er of the (oly #pirit throuh the ministry of a
layman named /elvin Pratt.
This precious brother introduced ,ake to the $ashin of the
$ater by the 5ord, producin in him a much richer and anointed
life. Those around him ackno$leded that surely he had received
the baptism of the (oly #pirit. Yet 1rother ,ake hunered for more.
#everal years later, ,ake $as introduced to the healin po$er of
2od throuh *le6ander Do$ie. *fter e6periencin firsthand this
reat po$er, he moved to 4ion, Illinois, and associated himself $ith
Do$ie. (e received from the (oly #pirit a tremendous impartation
of the healin anointin of 2od. /any miracles and manifestations
of the #pirit follo$ed him. Those around him aain tried to convince
him he had received the baptism of the (oly #pirit.
1y the turn of the century ,ake had realiGed a po$erful
salvation e6perience, an even more po$erful sanctification
encounter and an impartation of the ministry of healin. *t each
juncture, those around him tried to convince him he had received
the fullness of the (oly #pirit, yet his heart burned for more of 2od
than ever before.
*s a result he bean a season of fastin, prayin and $aitin
upon the ,ord for a nineFmonth duration. Durin this time he
desperately searched for the place in 2od that $ould satisfy the
lonin of his heart. *t the end of the time of separation, ,ake had
an a$esome e6perience $ith the ,ord. In it, ,ake found himself
surrounded in a cloud of lory. 3olumes of virtue and po$er sured
throuh his innermost bein $ith $aves of lory.
,ake later spoke of this e6perience sayin, %The lory of this
e6perience remained in my soul. I found that my life bean to
,ohn (- Lake!an Apostle of %aith
manifest in the varied rane of the ifts of the #pirit. (ealins $ere
of a more po$erful order. /y nature became so sensitiGed that I
could lay my hands on any man or $oman and tell $hat oran $as
diseased, and to $hat e6tent.%
(e kne$ he had been immersed in the (oly #pirit and had
become a d$ellin place of 2od. (is heart and soul $ere no$
satisfied that the (oly #pirit $as residin in him, speakin throuh
him, and saturatin every fiber of his bein.
It $as durin this season that science even testified to the
healin and reFcreative po$er of the (oly #pirit. ,ake $ould visit
hospitals and bein to dianose cases the doctors $ere unable to
analyGe. The physicians later testified his dianoses $ere correct.
"n another occasion he submitted himself to the scrutiny of
microscopes and 6Fray machines so doctors could $itness the po$er
of 2od as he prayed for individuals. They $ould actually attach the
instruments to patients and $atch throuh the most po$erful
instruments of science as tissue bean to be restored and human cells
responded to the po$er of prayer.
7inally his heart $as satisfied that he had received the fullness
of the (oly #pirit, producin the nature and character of Christ
$ithin him. (e believed, as the #criptures teach, this ind$ellin
e6perience no$ e?uipped him to carry on the ministry of Christ as
did the early apostles.
Triune salvation
Durin the $inter of 8D8A, ,ake presented a teachin to the
Church of .nland entitled, %Triune #alvation.% This teachin
revealed a key secret to his po$er and intimacy $ith 2od.
#o sinificant $as its content that the 1ishop of ,ondon $rote of
it sayin, %It contains the spirit of primitive Christianity and reveals
the distinction bet$een the Christian soul of the first and t$entieth
century, the #pirit of Christ!s domain, by $hich Christianity attained
its spiritual supremacy. It is one of the reatest sermons I have ever
heard, and I recommend its careful study by every priest.%
Thrones of Our Soul
In this study, ,ake reveals the important sinificance of our
complete redemption on all three levels of human life. Complete
redemption of our spirit, perfect deliverance of our soul JmindK, and
complete freedom of our body.
)o$ may the 2od of peace (imself sanctify you entirely@
and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved
complete, $ithout blame at the comin of our ,ord 'esus
&8 T(.##*,")I*)# =E:A
,ake tauht that it $as the tendency of the averae Christian to
cease in their ?uest for 2od at the atonement of their spirit. (e
believed it $as e?ually as important for the believer to allo$ the
(oly #pirit to sanctify the soul and the body in order for the
individual to become the habitation of 2od.
The sanctification of the soul literally involved the impartation
of the mind of Christ. 'ohn 5esley defined sanctification as
%possessin the mind of Christ and all the mind of Christ.%
This level
of consecration $as essential for our thouhts to be perfectly in tune
$ith the ,ord!s thouhts and our $ays consistent $ith (is.
Complete sanctification of our soul and mind also involved the
rene$al of our emotions. /any believers are trapped in the tyranny
of rief over the past. 5e are a ne$ creation, and all thins have
become fresh@ past failures have been erased by the blood of Christ.
2rief $ill ultimately lead to bitterness, and bitterness $ill defile.
Conse?uently, it is essential that $e allo$ the (oly #pirit to
thorouhly consecrate and sanctify our soul, mind and emotions in
order to become the tabernacle of the (oly #pirit.
Complete triune salvation also involved the separation of the
believer from all that $ould defile, reconiGin that our body is the
temple of the (oly #pirit and should be consecrated accordinly.
-omans ;E88 declaresE
1ut if the #pirit of (im $ho raised 'esus from the dead
d$ells in you, (e $ho raised Christ 'esus from the dead
,ohn (- Lake!an Apostle of %aith
$ill also ive life to your mortal bodies throuh (is #pirit
$ho ind$ells you.
The ,ord!s imparted life ranted throuh the ind$ellin
presence of the (oly #pirit $ill provide divine health and freedom
from the lusts that are the result of man!s fallen condition.
,ake tauht that the enuine Christian is a separated person.
*lienated forever unto 2od in all the departments of life@ his body,
his soul and his spirit are forever committed to the ,ord. This
absolute abandonment to 2od in %triune salvation% is the real secret
to the successful Christian life and is essential to becomin the
habitation of 2od.
+nconditional consecration makes the Christian, accordin to
'ohn 2. ,ake, a ChristFman and reveals the secret of life and
communion $ith 2od throuh the (oly #pirit secured $ithin our
entire bein.
)ot $ithout holiness
5ithout holiness the complete purposes of the Church cannot
be fulfilled. * (oly 2od can only d$ell in a pure vessel. 'ohn 2.
,ake once said, %Think not that thou shalt attain the hihest in 2od
until $ithin thine o$n soul a heavenly lonin to be like (im $ho
ave (is life for us possesses our o$n heart.%
(ol i nes s and s anct i f i cat i on are sometimes used
interchaneably in the #criptures. * holy and sanctified condition
can only be realiGed $hen our o$n fleshly nature is first revealed to
us. "nce the tares of our human soul are uncovered, $e then call
upon the race of 2od to separate us from all that is unodly and
pure our spirit, soul and body from every $orldly tendency.
,($s(e &ea%e with all !en and the san%tifi%ation witho(t
whi%h no one will see the *o$d)
-.eb$ews 12:1/
*s ,ake once put it, %There arises in the heart the desire and
prayer for the #pirit of 2od to eject, crucify and destroy every
Thrones of Our Soul
tendency of the opposition of the (oly #pirit.%
The heart of man must be pured by holy fire and $ashed from
every stain by the cleansin blood of Christ.
Those $ho desire to be a partaker of the nature of Christ must
ever feel the purin po$er of Christ $ithin. "nce the (oly #pirit
takes up residence in us, there is a release of po$er throuh the
ind$ellin #pirit, liftin us above the lusts and desires of this $orld
and allo$in the believer to live a holy and consecrated life.
This desire for the purity of 2od!s nature reveals a vital
inredient in the life and ministry of 'ohn 2. ,ake. *s he put it in
8D8<, %(oliness is the character of 2od. The very substance of (is
bein and the essence of (is nature is purity.%
The purpose of 2od
and the salvation of mankind is to produce in man a kindred
holiness, a radiant purity like unto that of 2od (imself.
Clothed in a spirit of humility
*nother important attribute in the ministry of ,ake $as his
commitment to livin in a spirit of humility. ,ake often ?uotedE
You youner men, like$ise, be subject to your elders@ and
all of you, clothe yourselves $ith humility to$ard one
another, for 2"D is "PP"#.D T" T(. P-"+D, 1+T 2I3.#
2-*C. T" T(. (+/1,..
&8 P.T.- =E=
If $e are to return to the future, our true apostolic heritae and
kindom e6ample, $e must adhere to the ?ualities demonstrated by
our apostolic fathers.
In *cts :9E8D, the apostle Paul ackno$ledes his commitment to
humility in his service to the ,ord. The resolution to humility by the
firstFcentury apostle burned e?ually as briht in the heart of 'ohn
,ake, a t$entiethFcentury apostle.
,ake desired to follo$ the e6ample evidenced in /oses and seek
to be the most meek man in the land. 1y virtue of this commitment
,ohn (- Lake!an Apostle of %aith
to humility, he $as able to say, %the #pirit of 2od ran throuh my
person like a river of heavenly fluid. Cancers $ithered under my
touch, cripples of every type $ere instantly restored, and $orks of
creation in the bodies of men took place as a result of humblin
myself under the mihty hand of 2od.%
,ike /oses, he desired not only to see the acts of an a$esome
2od, but also to understand (is $ays. *s a result, he discovered the
,ord!s $ay is throuh servanthood and a spirit of humility clothin
the believer.
It is only throuh amaGin race the nature and $orks of Christ
can be e6hibited throuh us. 2od ives (is race to the humble.
(umility is truly a key inredient to the restoration of true apostolic
ministry and the return of the #hekinah lory to the Church.
*le6ander Do$ie, a mentor of ,ake, once said of humility, %In
becomin an apostle, it is not a ?uestion of risin hih, it is a
?uestion of becomin lo$ enouh.%
It is not a ?uestion of becomin
a ,ord over 2od!s heritae, but it is a ?uestion if a man shall be
called to be an apostle $hether he can et himself lo$ enouh to say
from the depths of his heart as did the apostle Paul, %It is a faithful
sayin, $orthy of all acceptance, that 'esus Christ came into this
$orld to save sinners of $hom I am chief.%
The .mpo$erin Presence
*s $ith the firstFcentury apostles, ,ake $ould not attempt fullF
time ministry until he had been endued $ith po$er from on hih.
.ven thouh the early apostles had received an anointin from
the ,ord for castin out evil spirits and healin the sick, they had not
yet become the d$ellin place of 2od until the Day of Pentecost had
fully come. It is one thin to receive anointins or ifts from the
,ord, yet altoether another to become the literal d$ellin place of
the manifest presence of 2od.
,ake kne$ the reality of the empo$erin presence of 2od
abidin $ithin, anointin and e?uippin him not only to minister
healin and salvation to a lost $orld, but also to e6press the radiant
Thrones of Our Soul
presence of a (oly 2od. *s he e6pressed it, %1ecomin a ChristFman
havin all the potentials throuh the (oly #pirit that resided in
Christ (imself.%
(is ind$ellin presence makes the believer a master over every
po$er of darkness that is in the $orld. (e is to be 2od!s
representative in the $orld. (is presence in a Christian is to be as
po$erful as the (oly #pirit $as in the life of Christ. Conse?uently,
fear of evil spirits and demonic opposition is out of the ?uestion, not
because of any merits of our o$n, but because of the ,ord!s
dominion and victory.
,ake spent a season of prayer and fastin precisely seekin a
special anointin for castin out demons. The ,ord raciously
responded to the re?uest of (is servant by impartin a po$erful
authority and boldness necessary $hen dealin $ith evil spirits. *s a
result, people traveled to his meetins from all over the $orld to be
delivered and set free from demonic opposition. Tremendous
testimonies are on record as evidence of this ministry.
The ,ord!s empo$erin presence also carried ,ake to a
substantially broadened understandin of the #criptures. Po$erful
and revelatory sermons emered from the apostle of faith as he
allo$ed the (oly #pirit to unfold the mysteries of the kindom.
*ccordin to numerous reports, he had the capacity to inspire faith
in the hearts of those $ho heard him.
,ake $as a man $ithout compromise $hen it involved the
#pirit!s revelation of the 5ord. (e utterly refused to jeopardiGe the
true revelation of the 5ord for a false unity that he believed
resulted in spiritual $eakness. (e believed %principle% is better than
unity, and the ultimate end of %principle% $ould result in the true
unity of the faith as described in .phesians >E8A.
,ake believed that the secret to Christianity is not in doi n but
in bei n&in bein the possessor of the divine nature of Christ and
(is empo$erin presence. 5e are to be the reflection of Christ!s
character, and our messae should be in the demonstration of the
#pirit and po$er. It is by becomin one $ith the 7ather that $e
,ohn (- Lake!an Apostle of %aith
kno$ peace in the midst of storms. It is throuh the ,ord!s abidin
presence that $e find the secret place of the most (ih and abide
under the shado$ of the *lmihty.
These apostolic principles that $ere found in the first century
Church $ere also demonstrated in the life of 'ohn 2. ,ake and are
those for $hich $e should earnestly contend. This eneration has
the opportunity to e6perience the return of our faith to that of our
apostolic fathers. *s $e consider the days of old and the enerations
of lon ao, $e can see firsthand the application of true apostolic
ministry and e6perience the fullness of 2od in this day.
(. P+-P"#. "7 this book is to hopefully ?uicken desire and
vision for the .ndFTime mandates and cooperate $ith the (oly
#pirit in our preparation. This is perhaps the most important
eneration in human history $ith the sinle e6ception of the day of
the ,ord!s death and resurrection. These are both soberin and
e6citin times re?uirin our full attention and sincere responses.
1ut in a reat house there are not only vessels of old and
silver, but also of $ood and clay, some for honor and some
for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from
the latter, he $ill be a vessel for honor, sanctified and
useful for the /aster, prepared for every ood $ork.
&: TI/"T(Y :E:9F:8 J)K'3K
The .ndFTime scenario is beinnin to take shape and the
players are startin to take their positions in the dramatic unfoldin
of events prophetically observed by prophets throuhout history.
(uner and desire to become vessels of honor is bein imparted to
those iven the opportunity to participate. It is our prayer that each
person $ill respond $ith favor and ive the (oly #pirit permission
to fully clothe him $ith (imself, makin him the instrument of (is
$arfare and useful to the /aster for every ood $ork.
The #criptures clearly outline, both directly and throuh types
and shado$s, the consecration and sanctification necessary to
become vessels in $hom the ,ord $ill find (is rest and throuh
$hom (e $ill do (is reater $orks. 7rom amon the various
redemptive names illustrated in the "ld Testament, 'ehovah
#hammah, %the ,ord $ho is present,% is the one $ith hihlihted
emphasis for this hour. 5hen the promise of this redemptive name
is realiGed, the ,ord is fully present brinin $ith (im all of the
Thrones of Our Soul
other redemptive attributes inherent in (is nature.
The ,ord is our Provider, (ealer, 1anner, #anctifier, Peace,
#hepherd, -ihteousness, -ecompense, Defense Jas the ,ord $ho
smitesK, and the ,ord of (osts, orchestratin the armies of 2od and
providin a canopy of protection around those $ho are (is sons and
dauhters. *ll of (is attributes $ill be on display in amplified form
durin our $atch.
There is a flourishin sense of anticipation and purpose in the
days in $hich $e are livin. The marked increase in the intensity
and focus $ithin many Christians relates to the birthin of kindom
purposes in our nation and throuhout the earth. #ome individuals
are beinnin to e6perience a measure of increase in the anointin
and various e6pressions of outpourin to ?uicken and prepare us for
the ne6t $ave of the #pirit.
I $as recently allo$ed by the #pirit to $itness some individuals
bein taken %behind the veil% and sho$n reat and mihty thins
that have been reserved for the .ndFTime.
*fter these thins I looked, and behold, a door standin
open in heaven, and the first voice $hich I had heard, like
the sound of a trumpet speakin $ith me, said, %Come up
here, and I $ill sho$ you $hat must take place after these
&-.3.,*TI") >E8
The objective and commission of these individuals is to bein to
understand spiritually the mysteries associated $ith these reat
truths and start the process of sharin them $ith the body of Christ.
That is the hopeful aspiration of this book&to a$aken 2od!s people
to their destiny and create desire to be roomed for their purpose.
It is our prophetic proclamation to bein to fulfill -evelation >E8
and 'eremiah AAEA, as many saints call upon (im that (e $ill bein
to sho$ reat and a$esome thins $hich $e presently do not kno$.
The truths associated $ith this reality are ?uite sinificant and
provide the keys that unlock prominent mysteries of the kindom of
heaven. /any of the individuals that $ill be allo$ed this e6perience
must o throuh the preparation and refinin described in this book
that is essential for this $eihty responsibility. It is difficult to
ade?uately e6press the importance of bein clothed $ith the
arment of humility in the e6ecution of this commission and the
sharin of the reat mysteries bein imparted in this hour.
*s the e6perience continued, the (oly #pirit revealed ho$ the
sharin of kindom truths $ith the body of Christ $as likened to the
preparation of a reat ban?uetin table bein set for the ,ord and
(is 1ride. #eeminly, the %implements and banners% that $ere bein
revealed to this roup someho$ $ere utiliGed in the adornment of
the ban?uetin table, particularly around the area that $as clearly
reconiGed as the %seat of honor.% )aturally, these thins are sho$n
in symbolic form to illustrate truth that $ill help us in the hour in
$hich $e are livin and the responsibility bein deleated to us by
the (oly #pirit.
"ne of the banners that $as emphasiGed depicted a picture of
the (ih Priest in all of his adornment $ith the breastplate, olden
miter and other arments. 5hen the banner $as displayed, a voice
spoke $ith clarity and determined purpose and stated, %/y banner
over you is love.%
,ike an apple tree amon the trees of the forest, so is my
beloved amon the youn men. In his shade I took reat
deliht and sat do$n, and his fruit $as s$eet to my taste.
(e has brouht me to his ban?uet hall, and his banner
over me is love.
&#")2 "7 #","/") :EAF>
There $ill be many $ho $ill be allo$ed to o behind the veil,
to obtain and e6perience e6pressions of (is divine love that $ill
transcend anythin that $e presently kno$. It $ill be a reater
comprehension of (is love and heavenly desin for this eneration
and a fulfillment of 'ohn 8BE:<, that $e may love (im $ith the love
$here$ith the 7ather did love (im. (is love for us $ill supply the
essential spiritual provisions necessary to see us throuh to our
Thrones of Our Soul
This central truth is an emphasis of the (oly #pirit pointin us
to a form of enuine unity $ith (im that $ill also birth in us
brotherly love and fraternal affection. 'ealousy and selfish ambition
have no place in the joinin of individuals and ministries for the
purpose of pursuin a hiher mandate and reater fruitfulness durin
the .ndFTime eneration. Throuhout the church there is an
alinin of people and ministries that $ill produce a much hiher
anointin and authority in the realm of the #pirit.
"ne need only look at the evenin ne$s to discern that the hour
in $hich $e are livin clearly points to the many biblical prophecies
foretellin and describin a day of profound sinificance. 'ust as the
1ible describes, all thins are bein shaken so that those thins that
remain can stand under the scrutiny and pressure of the harvest
The prophet 4echariah foretells a uni?ue day that is kno$n only
to the ,ord and is neither day nor niht&a day in $hich liht and
darkness become apparent at the same time. This $ill be ?uite a
sinificant day in $hich individuals $ill become the liht of the
$orld displayin the briht and virtuous attributes of 2od (imself.
*nd it $ill come about in that day that there $ill be no
liht@ the luminaries $ill d$indle. 7or it $ill be a uni?ue
day $hich is kno$n to the ,"-D, neither day nor niht,
but it $ill come about that at evenin time there $ill be
&4.C(*-I*( 8>E<FB
This day is so remarkable that only the (oly #pirit can make
ready a company of people to meet the challenes and spiritual
demands of this hour. *s it is $ritten, %at evenin time it shall be
liht.% This is the %evenin time% of human history and the liht of
2od is about to shine.
/any of the events that have taken place throuhout history
have provided a rehearsal for the confrontation bet$een liht and
darkness as the (oly #pirit orchestrates the trainin of (is army.
,ike$ise, our adversary is also providin polluted authority to those
$ho have set themselves in opposition to the ,ord 'esus and (is
.ndFTime mandates.
Clearly, there are many purposes for $hich $e are bein
e?uipped and prepared. (o$ever, three notable divine mandates
bein to emere as our primary focus. "ur hihest purpose and the
one instrumental in allo$in us to achieve all other purposes and
mandates, is to kno$ 2od as personally and intimately as (e may be
kno$n. There is an open door and a call to come up hiher to a place
of fello$ship and e6chane $ith the Creator and establish friendship
$ith 2od.
7rom that place of communion $e bein to receive the
unveilin of (is nature and attributes that are not merely
intellectual perceptions but revelation and comprehension of (is
person. The prophet Isaiah $as iven the reat privilee of seein
heaven!s desin before the throne of 2od as seraphim spoke one to
another declarin, %(oly, (oly, (oly is the ,ord of hosts% JIsaiah
<EAK. They $ere allo$ed to see $ith their eyes demonstrations of (is
majesty and authority and ive e6pression to it. Their $ords bean
to fill the temple $ith smoke and lory by $itnessin $ith their eyes
and e6pressin $ith their lips the revelation of 2od sittin upon (is
throne in absolute and perfect supremacy and sovereinty.
*s the seraphim ave lory to (im and (e received the lory
due (im, more of his divine attributes bean to be revealed causin
an even reater e6pression of praise and lory. This kindom
e6chane and heavenly desin continued fillin the atmosphere $ith
the lory and illumination of 2od until the entire temple $as
saturated $ith the appearance and revelation of (is lory. That is
the fashion of heaven that is to be transferred to the earth and a
second .ndFTime mandate to create an atmosphere on the earth that
is consistent $ith (is nature and character in $hich (e can d$ell.
If $e can fulfill this mandate, all the other purposes and desires
for $hich $e lon $ill naturally be established and achieved by (is
presence and anointin restin in us. 5e must like$ise become the
Thrones of Our Soul
instruments that create a similar atmosphere on earth so (e can
tabernacle amon us and accomplish all that (e has foretold for this
The third mandate for $innin the lost and healin the sick $ill
inherently take place because of the evident lory of 2od restin on
the ,ord!s friends because of the close encounters they have $ith
(im. 5e are iven the incredible opportunity in this eneration to
function under the principles of the kindom of heaven and
e6perience intimacy $ith 2od and demonstrate the po$er of the ae
to come.
1. Charles (. #pureon, #pur eon! s .6pos i t or y .ncycl opedi a
J2rand -apids, /IE 1aker 1ooks, 8DBBK, n.p.
Chapter 8
1. 'ohn 2. ,ake and Kenneth Copeland, ' ohn 2. ,akeE (i s ,i f e, (i s
#er mons , (i s 1ol dnes s of 7ai t h J7ort 5orthE Kenneth Copeland
Publications, 8DD<K, n.p.
Chapter <
1. 2ordon ,indsay, ' ohn *l e6ander Do$i e JDallas, TLE Christ for
the )ations, 8D;<K, n.p.
Chapter 88
1. /. 1. 5ood$orth and /aria 5ood$orthF.tter, * Di ar y of
#i ns and 5onder s JTulsa, "KE (arrison (ouse, 8D;8K, n.p.
$. Ibid.
Chapter 8<
1. ,indsay, ' ohn *l e6ander Do$i e.
Chapter 8;
1. ,ake and Copeland, ' ohn 2. ,akeE (i s ,i f e, (i s #er mons , (i s
1ol dnes s of 7ai t h.
$. Ibid.
&. Ibid.
-. Ibid.
0. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
#. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
Thrones of Our Soul
9. ,indsay, ' ohn *l e6ander Do$i e.
17. ,ake and Copeland, ' ohn 2. ,akeE (i s ,i f e, (i s #er mons , (i s
1ol dnes s of 7ai t h.
Contact the author atE
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"rane 1each, *, A<=<8

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