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SCiO - Pocket Molecular Sensor

SCiO reads the chemical make-up of materials. It is the first molecular sensor that fits in the
palm of your hand.

It scans physical objects and sends relevant information to your smartphone instantly. SCiO
can scan food, medicines, and plants, oil and fuels, plastics and wood. Eventually, it will be
able to scan almost any physical material as the database improves.

What Can I Do With It Today?

Get nutritional facts about different kinds of food: salad dressings, sauces, fruits, cheeses,
and much more.

Know the well being of your plants.

See how ripe a melon is, through the peel!

Upload and tag the spectrum of any material on Earth to our database. Even yourself!

How SCiO Works?
SCiO is based on the proven near-IR spectroscopy method. The physical basis for this
material analysis method is that each type of molecule vibrates in its own unique way, and
these vibrations interact with light to create a unique optical signature.
It includes a light source that illuminates the sample and an optical sensor called a
spectrometer that collects the light reflected from the sample. The spectrometer breaks
down the light to its spectrum, which includes all the information required to detect the
result of this interaction between the illuminated light and the molecules in the sample.

To deliver relevant information in real time, SCiO communicates the spectrum of the
sample to a smartphone via Bluetooth, which in turn forwards it to a cloud-based service for
review. Advanced algorithms utilize an updatable database to analyze the spectrum within
milliseconds and deliver information about the analyzed sample back to the users
smartphone in real time.

SCiO - Technical Specs

How Far Can This Technology Go?
Every time you use SCiO, you are helping to build a database of knowledge about the stuff
around us. So when you use SCiO, you are making everyone smarter. The bigger the SCiO
community gets, the more data it will have about different materials and this goes right back
to the users.
The possibilities of SCiO applications are endless. In the future you can use SCiO to measure
properties of cosmetics, clothes, flora, soil, jewels and precious stones, leather, rubber, oils,
plastics, and even your pet!

SCiO - Consumer Physics
SCiO: Kickstarter

What Can I Do With SCiO?
The SCiO molecular analyzer is a handheld sensor that can be used to identify the
molecular makeup of materials. For example, you can use SCiO to measure properties
of foods, cosmetics, clothes, medication, flora, soil, jewels and precious stones, leather,
rubber, oils, plastics, and even you or your pet! SCiO can also be used to analyze a
materials ingredients, so you can isolate the concentration of macronutrients (e.g. fat in
salad dressing or sugar in fruits), measure hydration levels in plants, and find out your
cars fuel grade. You can use it to identify a pill from an unknown source or to make
distinctions between similar substances, like discerning water from an alcoholic
beverage and olive oil from sesame oil. You can also track changes in the materials
around you, including home-brewed beer, plants, or your physical body. SCiO can only
detect materials and objects that were previously uploaded to its database. Out of the
box, your SCiO will support a large database containing many materials and
applications. However, if you encounter materials that are not supported by the existing
database, you can use SCiO to enrich and expand it. You can also share your data with
others so that soon everybody can enjoy the data thats been collected from a
worldwide user base.
Can I use SCiO to protect myself from allergens, gluten, or lactose?
SCiO is NOT a medical device and should NOT be relied on to protect you from
allergens, from gluten, or from lactose. Since SCiO is designed to measure small
portions of a dish at a time, it cannot guarantee the absence of specific molecules in
your plate. SCiO can analyze and tell you the major components of foods (i.e. with
typical concentration of 1% or more).
Can SCiO detect the total amount of calories in my food?
SCiO analyzes the chemical makeup of the physical area being illuminated. The results
of the scan will be presented in the same format as standard nutritional food labels, so
the user will be able to read the total calories according to the samples concentration
(i.e. per serving size in the US or by percent in Europe). If you want to know the total
amount in your food (for example fat), you will need to know its total size or weight,
similar to other food measurement apps.
When I scan an apple, will SCiO reflect true values from that particular apple or
just data from your database?
SCiO is a molecular sensor, which means it can detect the presence of specific
molecules that are related to fat, carbs and protein in the specific apple that you sample.
What nutrition values will SCiO read if my dish is mixed?
SCiO illuminates a spot of light over the sample with a diameter of about 15 mm (about
half an inch) and depth of a few millimeters (~0.1). The sensor detects the light that is
reflected back from the illuminated part of the object and analyzes its chemical make-up
using sophisticated cloud-based algorithms. The overall analysis is subject to the
average of concentration of molecules in that region. So for example, if you sample a
creamy soup, SCiO will detect the water, cream, and sugars.
Is SCiO eye-safe?
Yes, SCiO is eye-safe. The technology meets IEC 62471 standard for eye-safe
How does SCiO communicate wirelessly to my devices?
SCiO has a standard wireless component that allows seamless communication with
your smartphone. This component was designed for minimal power consumption while
keeping all the advantages of indoor/outdoor wireless connectivity with your mobile
How long does the battery last?
SCiO can make 200 scans before it needs to be recharged, which is equivalent to about
a week or more of expected standard use. Recharging is easy: just connect it to a
standard micro-USB charger.
How long does a scan take?
Once a material is scanned, SCiO returns an analysis of its content in about 5 seconds.
The actual scan takes about 2 seconds, while the analysis will last 2-3 seconds or more,
depending on the speed of the smartphone internet connection.
Can SCiO measure through layered samples?
SCiO can penetrate 2-3 mm (~0.1) in most materials. The scanned area is limited to
the area that is illuminated. Any area that is not illuminated is not scanned.
Can SCiO scan through paper, plastic, and glass?
While in principle SCiO can penetrate wrapping such as the plastic bags you might find
in a grocery store, individual scans will depend on material type, thickness, and
transparency. We recommend scanning the object directly to get the most accurate
How accurate are the results the device gives?
SCiO typically detects materials in concentrations of 1% or higher. Concentration levels
of 0.1% or less may also be feasible for some materials. The exact specifications
depend on the application and material being analyzed.
SCiO is a precise device. The accuracy depends on the application. It also depends on
the quality and size of the database. For example, In predicting some of the nutritional
values in foods we are as accurate than what is required for the labeled food that you
buy in the supermarket.
What is the warranty period?
SCiO is provided with a 12-month limited warranty, same you get with your
At what distance should SCiO be used to scan a sample?
SCiO should be placed up to about 20 mm (~0.8) from the sample. The recommended
distance is around 5mm (0.2). Touching the object directly is not recommended as
residues on the SCiO sensor can affect the measurement if not cleaned (you can easily
clean the sensor head using a soft cloth).
Will I be able to work with SCiO when my smartphone has no internet data
When you scan an object, SCiO measures its spectrum and sends it to your
smartphone wirelessly. The phone transfers the spectrum to Consumer Physics cloud-
based server for analysis using Consumer Physics algorithms. Therefore, in order to get
instant results, the phone needs to have a working internet connection. This can be
through the cellular network data link or through a WiFi link. When you have no data
access, the mobile app will keep your sample until you do. So there is no problem for
you to start scanning in your basement and get the results when you go upstairs! In the
future, some apps may be provided without data connectivity, especially those geared
at the great outdoors for hikers and seamen. Other use cases that require immediate
results without data connectivity will be routinely considered and SCiO applications will
be added to address those needs.
What is the difference between SCiO and other spectrometers?
SCiOs architecture enables it to be as sensitive as high-end (laboratory-grade)
spectrometers without bearing their bulky size and cost. While some trade-off were
made, SCiO provides most of the application scope supported by conventional NIR
spectroscopy. SCiO is much smaller and affordable than all other existing NIR
spectroscopy systems and it is designed to support a seamless and fluent consumer
What is SCiOs sensitivity?
SCiO typically detects materials in concentrations of 1% or higher. Concentration levels
of 0.1% or less may also be feasible for some materials. The exact specifications
depend on the application and material being analyzed.
The spectrum of materials can vary with changes in temperature. How does SCiO
deal with this?
For some materials the dependence of spectrum on temperature is fairly small while for
others it is larger. Our algorithms compensate for these variations for most materials
under most measurement conditions, and we are constantly working to improve the
What will SCiO read if I sample something that is not in the database?
The SCiO analysis is subject to the specific application that is being used.
Some applications are designed as classification type, which means we try to match the
chemical make-up of the object sample with our database. In that case, if the database
does not have a good match, the result will be "unknown." While we are working hard to
expand the database, we trust our SCiO users to teach us about the different materials
in the world by adding values as the app is used
Other applications fall under the category of "value estimation." For example, nutritional
values, plant hydration, etc. These apps use our database to evaluate the real values of
the chemical make-up of the sample to be tested by using the information of previous
scans in our database. As we test more and more materials, even if we dont have the
exact molecular "fingerprint", we will use our database to provide you the most accurate
estimation based on reading of the specific object you hold in your hand. The fact that
our database covers a large enough variety of materials ensures that you will get an
accurate result.
Do you keep track of my samples? Do you share them with others?
Your samples will not be shared with any 3rd party unless you specifically authorize it.
We keep any sample that is loaded to our database in order to keep track of the
application performance and to constantly improve the product.
Can I share my scans with friends easily?
YES! You can share your SCiO scans with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and other
social networks. You can also take a photo of the object and share it through the SCiO
app and we will add the scan analysis to your post. Or just share the analyzed result
with your free text.
What happens when I improve the database?
We have great respect for those who share information with the rest of the world and
help us generate a worldwide database of materials. We will provide our SCiOneers
information about new insights that we gather along the way and notify you when your
data helps us generate new applications.
Can I update my database from several devices?
Your database can be uploaded from any mobile phone or SCiO device. You can
access the uploaded database using the developer login information provided to you
upon purchasing a development kit.
Do I have to subscribe as a user to your database?
No, you can use SCiO to scan objects without logging in. However, you will need to log
in in order to enable the apps you have free access to as a Kickstarter backer. While it
is possible to take samples without logging in, you will need to log in to track your scan
history and share your results with others.
Can multiple users use the same device?
Yes, anyone can use a single SCiO. Each SCiO device can connect to different
smartphones (one at a time).
If I upload a sample to your database, will it be automatically included in your
In order for SCiO to provide accurate results, its applications are based on many
samples of similar products. A richer database will result in a more accurate analysis.
Therefore, in order for us to create or modify a certain application with new objects, we
will need to gather a certain amount of samples that will provide an accurate analysis.
When you tag a sample and share it with our database, you will enrich a worldwide
body of knowledge and your samples will be readable in future analyses.
If I have a unique database will you share its content or use it in your applications
without my permission?
Any SCiO developer that has purchased the development kit is provided access to a
cloud-based environment that allows him to protect his database. The various samples
you collect for application development will be your proprietary data.
Is crowdsourcing a reliable source for building Apps?
In order for SCiO to provide accurate results, its applications are based on many
samples of similar products. A richer database will result in a more accurate analysis.
Therefore, in order for us to create or modify a certain application with new objects, we
will need to gather a certain amount of samples that will provide an accurate analysis.
When you tag a sample and share it with our database, you will enrich a worldwide
body of knowledge and your samples will be readable in future analyses.
As in any crowd sourcing project, the input quality is subject to many factors. For that
reason ConsumerPhysics has developed algorithms which verifies the samples
integrity vs other samples and use different filters to become insensitive to environment
conditions, etc. Regarding false indications: There are different methods to detect
outliers. There are several methods to filter out misleading samples that were
deliberately added to the database. The fact that many unrelated users will sample
similar objects makes it possible to detect wrong samples.
We understand the challenge but we are certain that we and our users will develop a
mechanism to clear out issues of database corruptions. Crowd sourcing will provide the
path to the largest database ever made on matter.
Can I create my own app?
Definitely! Using our Application Development Kit (ADK) you can develop your app at
the complexity level of your choice. The ADK has two use-modes: basic and advanced,
from which you can switch back and forth.
You can easily define the sample properties that interest you and collect the necessary
spectral database using your PC or smartphone. Analysis is automatic but you can
tweak it as much as you want.
Your mobile app can use our UI theme or you can write your own.
Can I develop an application based on your database?
Absolutely, SCiO developers will have access to any database uploaded to our servers
that was made public by its owners and are encouraged to create new and exciting
Can you make an Application that I specifically need?
There are endless applications that we are anxious to create. We encourage you to
share your ideas with our development community via our comments page. We will use
this forum to build specific applications based on your interests. Please use our
comments page to communicate with us about what you find exciting or interesting. Our
development community that may want to build on your ideas will use this forum.
Creating new applications through our development kit requires no previous knowledge.
You have a great idea? Why not develop it yourself?
Can I make a New Mobile App with SCiO?
Sure! Those of you who want to develop mobile apps, as part of our ADK we will
provide open APIs. The APIs will make it possible for you to better use the SCiO
developers kit, and help others use SCiO in new and awesome ways. Start work on
next best App!

Youll also have access to a native mobile application plugin as well as device
communication methods over the BLE during the sampling phase and youll get a web
service on the server side to support analysis, classification, estimation and other
algorithmic methods to work with CP databases and other cloud flows.
Do I need to be an expert in spectroscopy to develop apps?
No! Much of our ADK efforts are aimed towards providing you with a tool which does not
require previous knowledge in spectroscopy. The development of an app involves
teaching SCiO to identify particular substances and attributes that you have defined.
In order to gain a deeper appreciation for potential SCiO application, we do recommend
exploring what fields and industries spectroscopy is currently used for. These include
agriculture, pharma, law enforcement, recycling and many more.
How can I use the database to develop apps?
Every sample that is loaded to the database is available for use by all developers using
the SCiO ADK tools. These tools are designed to give you what you need in order to
create the apps you want.
How many samples are needed for a good chemometric app?
Your app can only be as good as the data you used to create it.
As a rule of thumb, each sample should be measured 3 times (for example, measure
your apple in 3 different locations), and 40 samples are the bare minimum to create an
app. These numbers are based on our experience. Some application will require fewer
samples and some will require many more.
If you feel unsure, dont hesitate to contact us, we can help!
What is the difference between the Basic and Advanced ADK modes?
The ADK preordered on KickStarter comes with both the Basic and Advanced modes.
You can decide which one to use according to your needs.
The Basic ADK will allow you to quickly and easily create a SCiO app, using our
automatic tools. For those of you who like to tinker with the data, weve got the
advanced ADK which will allow you to control the parameters and algorithms used to
create your SCiO app. The Basic mode will probably provide you with sub-optimal
results, in comparison to the Advanced mode, but we are constantly optimizing our
What is a "processed-spectrum"?
The processed spectrum is the result of the sensor raw data after cloud processing. Our
processing deals with system and environmental noise that must be filtered in order to
allow anyone to effectively work with the data.
What OS will be supported by the ADK?
Android and iOS developers will receive code libraries to access our cloud and control
Why do I need your algorithms, isn't the raw spectrum enough?
For most users and applications, the useful information may be hidden rather deeply in
the spectrum. At ConsumerPhysics, we have developed tailor-made algorithms for
SCiO to extract that information.
What is the "automatic analysis" offered with the Basic ADK mode?
In order to transform the spectra measured by SCiO into useful information, some
complex calculations need to be performed. Consumer Physics has studied the most
advanced algorithms in the literature and adapted these to be used by SCiO.
Since algorithm engineering is complex, weve created an automated way to analyze
your data in the Basic ADK mode. The automatic analysis will select the optimal method
to create your chemometric model with no need for you to deal with parameter
optimization, outlier removal and so on. However, usually, automatic analysis
performance is inferior to customized analysis. For higher resolution results we
recommend using the Advanced ADK mode also offered in the developers kit.
What can I do with the ADK Advanced mode?
The ADK advanced mode will allow you to analyze your data like a professional
researcher, all with a user friendly graphical interface.
You'll be able to remove artifacts and noise from the spectra with our pre-processing
and see the information you are looking for unveiled.
Once you are happy with the pre-processing results, you will be able to create a
chemometric model that will convert the pre-processed spectra to the attribute of your
Using the advanced ADK, you will be able to easily change the parameters of the
algorithms to optimize the chemomeric model's performance.
Does the Developer ADK include both Basic and Advanced Mode?
Yes, The Developer ADK provides both options. The developer can choose the level of
details at which he or she wishes to work.
Do I have to develop a mobile application in order to use my chemometrical app?
Where Can I share/Sell it?
Once you have created a chemometric app, you will upload it to the cloud and in order
to share/sell it. You have two options:
1. You can use our mobile app to host it. We will provide you with tools to help you
define the applications' icon, name and some attributes that will help characterize how
the app will look - but it will be confined to the application capabilities and design
provided by us. Think of it as another "icon" within our app which can assist other users
who choose to work with it.
2. Another option is to design your own mobile app and upload it to any app store. You
will get access to the API which will allow you to "trigger" the SCiO and to communicate
with our server. This way, you can make the app look exactly how you want it to look. In
this mode you will be able to use the regular tools of iOS or Android and their SDK, as
used in any app development process, in order to create your own look and feel (in the
menus, buttons, etc.).
I dont know any chemistry or algorithms - can I still make my own app?
Yes! We will guide you through all the steps. All you need to do is to collect the samples
and measure them. The rest is automatic.
Can I use SCiO for a non-invasive blood scan?
SCiO is NOT a medical device. However, it will allow you to scan different parts of your
body to analyze human tissue and fluids such as blood chemistry data. Our research
has found that substances like glucose have concentration levels that can be
undetectable for SCiO when used non-invasively. Other molecules, such as those found
in hemoglobin or water, may perhaps one day be detected because they exist in
sufficiently large concentrations in the human body.
What is a chemometric app ?
A chemomerical app is a way to convert the spectrum SCiO measures, into useful
information. A chemometric app uses a complex mathematical method called a
chemometric model to do it.
I have an idea for a SCiO application, how feasible is it?
Tested, highly feasible:
Macro nutrients in food; Food quality and food safety; Pill classification and fraud
detection; Agriculture and plant related applications; Alcohol level in beverages and
fraudulent beverages detection (at sufficiently high concentrations);
Not tested, highly feasible:
Plastic type identification; Fiber type identification; Pollutants in water (in high enough
concentration);Body fat estimation;Human tissue identification (for some tissues);THC
content in marijuana;GHB or Rohypnol detection (in high enough
concentrations);Mineral analyses (probably with some performance trade-offs);Various
applications for brewers;Testing certain properties of aquarium water;Detection of illegal
drugs (to a certain extent);Precious stone authentication;Estimating the amount of fiber
in foods;Measure oleic acid content in olive oil;Detect various soluble substances in
water solutions;Detecting chloride in water (at sufficiently high
concentration);Differentiating beef from horsemeat (for raw meat);
Require further research to determine feasibility:
Mushroom poisonous compounds; Measuring pressure of a fluid in a closed
chamber;Identifying cultured bacteria; Detecting healing level of wounds;
Not currently feasible:
Allergen detection (where trace amounts are harmful), detection of pesticide
residues;Differentiation between organic and conventional products;Detecting level of
alcohol in breath;Detecting levels of Bisphenol A in plastics;Detecting if there are traces
of meat/milk/eggs in a vegan dish;Detection of substances inside an unclassified
mixture (feasible if mixture is classified for example tea);Existence of small amounts of
toxins or bacteria in food detecting specific ingredients in a complex mixture;Detection
of metals and their components; Any application in which the concentration of the
measured ingredient is less than about 1% or the needed accuracy is much better than
about 1% (except in some specific cases generally requiring high level of expertise and
a special setup); Presence of toxins in the ground;

Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy
at the palm of your hand.
NIR spectroscopy has been known for decades but until SCiO, has only been
used in labs or factories. We created SCiO to bring this powerful technology to

We used technologies developed for cell-phone cameras and optical
communications devices to dramatically reduce the cost and size of NIR
spectroscopy systems. It took us three years and the effort of many talented
engineers and scientists to bring you SCiO.
Read more

How SCiO Works

SCiO is based on the proven near-IR spectroscopy method. The physical
basis for this material analysis method is that each type of molecule vibrates
in its own unique way, and these vibrations interact with light to create a
unique optical signature.

SCiO includes a light source that illuminates the sample and an optical sensor
called a spectrometer that collects the light reflected from the sample. The
spectrometer breaks down the light to its spectrum, which includes all the
information required to detect the result of this interaction between the
illuminated light and the molecules in the sample.

Spectrometers used for near-IR spectroscopy are normally found in scientific
laboratories and are very big and expensive. Designed for consumers, SCiO
leverages a tiny spectrometer, designed from the ground up to be mass-
produced at low cost. Consumer Physics achieved this advancement by
reinventing the spectrometer around low-cost optics and advanced signal
processing algorithms.

Scan materials or physical objects. Get instant relevant
information to your smartphone. Food, medicine, plants, and

Smartphones made it easy to research facts, capture images, and navigate street maps, but they
havent brought us closer to the physical environment in which we live until now.

Meet SCiO. It is the world's first affordable molecular sensor that fits in the palm of your
hand. SCiO is a tiny spectrometer and allows you to get instant relevant information about the
chemical make-up of just about anything around you, sent directly to your smartphone.

The SCiO Mobile App allows you to choose a specific SCiO application from the available
options. Once you choose the app you need, you are ready to scan.

Every time you use SCiO you are helping to build a database of knowledge about the stuff
around us. So when you use SCiO, you are making everyone smarter. The bigger our community
gets, the more data SCiO will have about different materials and this goes right back to our
community of users!.

SCiO is for anyone who would like instant information about the things they interact with and
consume every day. It is also great for people who want to help develop a rapidly expanding
database of useful knowledge that will benefit the entire community of users.

SCiO is based on the age-old near-IR spectroscopy method. The physical basis for this material
analysis method is that each type of molecule vibrates in its own unique way, and these
vibrations interact with light to create its own unique optical signature.

SCiO includes a light source that illuminates the sample and an optical sensor called a
spectrometer that collects the light reflected from the sample. The spectrometer breaks down the
light to its spectrum, which includes all the information required to detect the result of this
interaction between the illuminated light and the molecules in the sample.

The spectrometers which are normally used for these high-end near-IR spectroscopy applications
are very big and expensive. They can be the size of a laptop and cost tens of thousands of
dollars. SCiO is unique as it is based on a tiny spectrometer, designed from the ground up to be
mass-produced at low cost with minimal compromise on the available application. This unique
feature is achieved by several technology breakthroughs our team has made in the past few years,
as we reinvented the spectrometer around low-cost optics and advanced signal processing

SCiO's tiny optical sensor

To deliver relevant information in real time, SCiO communicates the spectrum to your
smartphone app via Bluetooth, which in turn forwards it to a cloud-based service. Advanced
algorithms analyze the spectrum and within seconds deliver information regarding the analyzed
sample back to the smartphone to be presented in real time to the user.
We have made loads of prototypes and we are ready to take SCiO into production with your

SCiO has been under development for several years now.
At first we only knew what we wanted it to do and we looked for the right technology to provide
a solution. It took us few months to define the right technology and come up with a first concept.
From concept we have gone through 2-3 stages of technology proof-of-concepts.

Generations of Development- Electronics and Optical Sensor

Several months ago we have finished the development of our first prototype. Since then we have
produced our 2nd generation (current prototype) and have released several firmware and cloud-
based software versions. We have completed the future design of the final product and are now
ready to go into mass production.

SCiO Industrial Design Brainstorming

Once the first working prototype was ready, we had to "teach" it what different substances look
like. A team of chemists, food technologists, and lab technicians who have been sampling
materials like cheese, fruits, grains, oils, pills and much more, in order to begin building the
database of substances that the device will identify and analyze. When SCiO hits the market,
every user will be able to help expand the database by sampling an array of plants,
pharmaceuticals, and raw food materials.

Our lab technicians building the first database of pills

Optical Sensor Assembly

These days we are focusing on the mass production of the device: we are working with our
manufacturing partners to complete the preparations of the manufacturing line so we can offer
you SCiO at the most affordable price possible

Our R&D team is truly multi-disciplinary, encompassing all the relevant engineering know-how:
from optics, physics, electronics, manufacturing, low-level firmware and real time algorithms to
back-end software. In addition to data scientists and algorithm experts, our team includes
members with degrees in applied physics, chemistry, food technology, and nutrition. Our
engineers and advisory board have PhDs or advanced degrees in their relevant fields and hail
from top tier reserach institutes such as MIT, Stanford, CalTech, Harvard, Wiezmann Institute,
The Technion, and Tel-Aviv University.
Beyond SCiO, our company is developing products geared at industrial applications, where
distributed low-cost molecular sensing complements traditional centralized quality control

In gratitude for your support, we will lift the 2 year limit on free SCiO apps for our Kickstarter
backers upon hitting the $2,000,000 mark. Our reaching this stretch goal will enable you to use
any app developed by Consumer Physics, for free, with the SCiO you got on Kickstarter, for
your personal, non-commercial use. You can enjoy this perk with no time limit as one of our
awesome early supporters when we hit $2,000,000!
Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
We have been working on SCiO for the last three years. Last year we managed to create our first
working prototype, and took another year to perfect it. We are now fine tuning our design for
mass production.
We are a group of multi-disciplinary R&D, with vast experience in all relevant engineering and
science fields. As part of our progress, we have assessed all the challenges and risks which are
part of making such a complicated project. Some of the biggest risks are already behind us. We
had to overcome a lot of challenges in order to get to where we are today. But still, there are
some more challenges ahead.
The challenges we are facing now are the ones that are always part of the process of taking a
working prototype into mass production. The design is highly innovative, we use unique
production technology and the Bill of Material includes substantial number of unique and custom
We believe that we were able to minimize those risks in order to deliver SCiO to our backers
with full satisfaction.
From the start of this campaign until delivery we will keep you all updated with our work and
progress. If there are unexpected issues or delays we promise to keep you in the loop and handle
it in full transparency.
We are prepared for the future challenges that are ahead of us and we are committed to keeping
you informed of our progress in the months following the campaign.

To deliver relevant information in real time, SCiO communicates the spectrum
of the sample to a smartphone wirelessly, which in turn forwards it to a cloud-
based service for review. Advanced algorithms utilize an updatable database
to analyze the spectrum within milliseconds and deliver information about the
analyzed sample back to the users smartphone in real time.

SCiO - Technical Specs

iPhone 4S, 5, 5C, 5S ( iOS5 or later )
iPad (3rd generation or later)
Android based phones ( Android 4.3 or later)

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