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Andersen 1

James Andersen
Professor Allison Fernley
English 1010
November 18, 2014
Head in Sy, Fee! on "ro#nd
$ al%ays %an!ed !o be an as!rona#!& 'ell a figh!er (ilo!, and !hen an as!rona#!& 'ha! id doesn)!*
+igh!* ,hen, in fo#r!h grade, $ go! !he -oe bo!!le glasses& $n re!ros(e-!, !he glasses %eren)! !he ma.or
(roblem& ,ha!)s really no! %hy $ bro#gh! !ha! #(& ,he (oin! is $ s!#dy s(a-e and as!ronomy as of!en as $
-an& $!s immensi!y and mys!ery s!ill leave me feeling !ha! same sense of a%e !ha! $ fel! as !ha! id in
fo#r!h grade, %ho dream! of flying !he S(a-e Sh#!!le& For many of !hose in my genera!ion %ho love
s(a-e, !he end of !he sh#!!le (rogram is bi!!ers%ee!& $! (la-ed Sylab in orbi! and %as -ri!i-al !o !he
-ons!r#-!ion of !he $n!erna!ional S(a-e S!a!ion /$SS0& ,he H#bble res-#e res#s-i!a!ed a (rogram %hi-h is,
!o !his day, rendering as!ronomi-al da!a %hi-h is as irre(la-eable as i! is bea#!if#l& 1e! i! %as !ime for !he
(rogram, %hi-h %as no longer -os! effe-!ive or safe, !o finally re!ire& A re(la-emen! %as in !he %ors b#!
i! demanded more in man (o%er and f#nding !han b#dge!ary -on-erns %o#ld allo%& 2#! %e need !o be
able !o ge! !o s(a-e& ,his need %as (#n-!#a!ed by !he re-en! air b#rs! e3(losion of an as!eroid over
Siberia& $f %e %ere l#-y eno#gh !o -a!-h an inbo#nd as!eroid early eno#gh, !he 4S doesn)! -#rren!ly
have a (la!form %e -o#ld #se !o res(ond !o !he !hrea!& Af!er lis!ening !o many vie%(oin!s and (o!en!ial
sol#!ions, Presiden! 5bama de-ided !o (riva!i6e !he (ro-ess of sending as!rona#!s and goods !o ear!h
orbi!& 4l!ima!ely, !he ho(e is !ha! (riva!e firms -om(e!ing for NASA -on!ra-!s %ill (rod#-e a s(a-e !a3i
and (a-age delivery sys!em, allo%ing NASA !o fo-#s on s-ien!ifi- advan-emen!&
'hile $ feel !ha! !he (riva!i6a!ion of !he s(a-e (rogram is inevi!able and ne-essary, $ have
reserva!ions abo#! !he (riva!e se-!or being !he only sol#!ion& ,here is no %ay !o 7#an!ify !he -on!rib#!ion
%hi-h o#r s(e-ies) s(a-e (rogram has made !o o#r general 7#ali!y of life& Among !heir -o#n!less
Andersen 2
-on!rib#!ions are !he ligh!%eigh! ma!erials in o#r -ars, !he minia!#ri6a!ion of ele-!ri-al -ir-#i!s %hi-h
res#l!ed in mi-ro-om(#!ers, and !he basis for !he da!a -om(ression !e-hnology %hi-h maes !he in!erne!
(ossible& $f yo# remove !hese !hings o#r lives %o#ld be im(ossibly differen!& For ins!an-e, imagine a
medi-al -omm#ni!y %i!ho#! 8+$)s and E9")s& ,his e3(losion of !e-hnology and no%ledge is !ied !o a
governmen! r#n and s(onsored s(a-e (rogram& 9o#ld (riva!ely f#nded en!i!ies g#ard -er!ain !e-hnologi-al
advan-emen!s -loser, res#l!ing in res!ri-!ions on (o!en!ially gro#nd breaing s-ien!ifi- and !e-hnologi-al
brea!hro#ghs* Ano!her %orry is !ha!, %i!h b#dge!ary (ress#res !he %ay !hey are, s#--essf#l (riva!i6a!ion
may leave NASA and i!s (rograms #nderf#nded& $! %o#ld be easy for #s !o forge! or ignore !he
-on!rib#!ions %hi-h NASA has made and dismiss !heir b#dge! as an #n%arran!ed e3(ense& ,his begs !he
7#es!ion, is (riva!i6a!ion a good idea* Here are some vie%(oin!s:
A#!ry, "reg& ;Ho#s!on, 'e Have a 8are!: Priva!i6ing S(a-e <a#n-hes Pays 5ff 2ig&; Forbes& 2 5-!&
201=& 'eb& 2 Nov& 201=&
$n >Ho#s!on 'e Have a 8are!: Priva!i6ing S(a-e <a#n-hes (ays off 2ig,? "reg A#!ry arg#es
!ha! !he (riva!i6a!ion of s(a-e !ravel is a reso#nding s#--ess& He -on!ras!s !he re-en! governmen!
sh#!do%n %i!h !%o se(ara!e miles!ones %hi-h %ere a--om(lished by (riva!e -om(anies d#ring !he same
!imeframe& S(a-e @ s#--essf#lly la#n-hed an #nmanned !es! of i!s in!ended manned Fal-on A sys!em
%hile 5rbi!al S-ien-es s#--essf#lly do-ed !he 9ygn#s 9a(s#le %i!h !he $SS& A#!ry e3(lains !ha! bo!h of
!hese !es!s %ere made (ossible by !he 9ommer-ial 5rbi!al ,rans(or! Servi-e or 95,S, %hi-h is !he
offi-ial (rogram %hi-h has e3!ended !he no%ledge and s#((or! of NASA !o !he (riva!e se-!or %i!h !he
in!en! !o hel( !hem (rod#-e viable -ommer-ial s(a-e (rograms& He also no!es !ha! !o da!e !he en!ire -os!
of !he 95,S (rogram !o !a3(ayers has -ome !o less !han half !he -os! of a single sh#!!le fligh!, and !ha!
!he res#l!s are e3-e(!ional& ,he !%o remaining -om(anies have o(era!ional (la!forms #nder a federal
(rogram for -on!ra-!ing s#((ly missions !o !he $SS& ,hese (riva!e en!i!ies, %hi-h are -om(e!ing %i!h
governmen! (rograms from o!her na!ions s#-h as Ja(an and +#ssia, have (rod#-ed a signifi-an! n#mber
Andersen 3
of high silled highB(aying .obs& A#!ry -on-l#des !ha! 9ongress sho#ld (la-e a (riori!y on addi!ional
f#nding for !his (ro.e-!&
A#!ry demons!ra!es !he effe-!iveness of !he (lan !o (riva!i6e s(a-e !ravel #sing logos& His a((eal
is a bi! -heey as i! -on!ras!s ma.or miles!ones in !he (riva!i6a!ion ra-e agains! !he (e!!y infigh!ing %hi-h
-a#sed !he governmen! sh#!do%n& NASA %as li!erally #nable !o re(or! !hese s#--esses be-a#se !heir
%ebsi!e %as sh#! do%n& He sho%s !ha! for a fra-!ion of !he -os! of one sh#!!le mission 95,S has hel(ed
!o (rod#-e !%o viable -ommer-ial al!erna!ives !o governmen!al s(a-e delivery sys!ems& 2e-a#se of !his
logi-al a((eal, A#!ry earns his -on-l#sion !ha! -ongress sho#ld (la-e a (riori!y on reinfor-ing !his
(rogram !ha! has been so reso#ndingly s#--essf#l&
,his ar!i-le %ill assis! me in ill#s!ra!ing no! only !he -a(a-i!y !he (riva!e se-!or has !o advan-e
s(a-e fligh!, b#! also ho% effe-!ive a !ool 95,S is in advan-ing !he !e-hnology and red#-ing !he -os!&
,he im(a-! of !hese !%o !es!s is !remendo#s in advan-ing h#mani!y and in valida!ing 5bama)s de-ision !o
(riva!i6e& ,he ar!i-le is one of many %hi-h have s%ayed my o(inion !o%ards a more favorable vie%(oin!
on !he -a(a-i!y for (riva!e and governmen! in!eres!s !o -oo(era!e&
2arber, Eli6abe!h& ;'ill !he 4ni!ed Na!ions (ro!e-! #s from an as!eroid*; Christian Science Monitor& 2A
5-!& 201=& 'eb& 4 Nov& 201=&
$n >'ill !he 4ni!ed Na!ions Pro!e-! 4s from an As!eroid*? Eli6abe!h 2arber arg#es !ha! !he ne%
4N -ommi!!ee is o#r bes! be! for de!e-!ing and -oordina!ing a global res(onse !o (o!en!ially damaging
NearBEar!h 5b.e-!s /NE50& 2arber begins %i!h some of !he fa-!s& ,his fall an as!eroid labeled 201=
,C1=D (assed !he ear!h ro#ghly 4&2 million miles a%ay, and %ill be ba- in 20=2, %here i! may have a
one in E=,000 -han-e of s!riing !he ear!h& $f i! does hi!, i! %ill im(a-! %i!h !he for-e of a 2,D00 mega!on
bomb& 2arber (oin!s o#! !ha! %e have no -#rren! (lans in (la-e !o res(ond !o !hrea!ening NE5)s& ,he
s-ary !hing, she -on!in#es, is !ha! !here are so many of !hem& As!ronomers are -er!ain !ha! !he 10,=22
de!e-!ed NE5)s are a mere fra-!ion of !hose no! ye! seen& She #ses !he re-en! in.#ries -a#sed by air
Andersen 4
de!ona!ion of an #nde!e-!ed as!eroid in Siberia !o ill#s!ra!e ho% li!!le %e no% abo#! (o!en!ially damaging
or le!hal NE5)s& ,he sobering fa-! is !ha! !here is very li!!le %e -an do !o defle-! !hese ob.e-!s if %e do no!
de!e-! !hem early eno#gh&
2arber)s ar!i-le is (rimarily logos, an a((eal !o !he fa-!s regarding NE5)s and !he reali!y of !heir
(o!en!ial !o im(a-! !he Ear!h& She #ses fa-!s s#-h as NE5)s in e3is!en-e and re-en! even!s lie !he Siberia
im(a-! !o ill#s!ra!e !he !imeliness of !he iss#e& She effe-!ively ill#s!ra!es !he ne-essi!y of !he 4S
-ommi!!ee !o address NE5)s&
$ %ill #se !his ar!i-le !o assis! in -rea!ing airos and (a!hos for my (osi!ion syn!hesis& No!hing is
more !imely and emo!ional !han o#r s#rvival& ,he s(a-e (rogram of o#r s(e-ies is in!egral !o res(onding
!o s#-h !hrea!s as !hese& $ am s!ill no! -er!ain $ %an! !o in-l#de !he As!eroid airosF(a!hos -onne-!ionG
ho%ever, i! -o#ld (rovide s!rong versions of bo!h !hese rhe!ori-al a((eals, %i!h referen-es !o H#i3o!e
almos! %ri!ing !hemselves& As!eroids may no! be !he bogeyman, b#! !hey -o#ld irrevo-ably redefine o#r
life !omorro%& ,he 4N feels i! is salien! eno#gh !o addressG !herefore, i! is (robably !imely for me !o
2enson, 8i-hael& ;E3(loring !he Plane!s Enri-hes 4s a! Home&; New York Times& 10 A#g& 2012& 'eb&
28 5-!& 201=&
8i-hael 2enson)s o(Bed >E3(loring !he Plane!s Enri-hes 4s a! Home? s#gges!s !ha! b#dge! -#!s
%ill have a nega!ive im(a-! on NASA)s (lane!ary e3(lora!ion (ro.e-!s %hi-h may #l!ima!ely r#in a gro#(
of irre(la-eable s-ien!ifi- innova!ors& He e3(lains !ha! !he !%en!y (er-en! b#dge! -#! !ha! NASA has no%
e3(erien-ed %ill (#! an end !o many of !he (ro.e-!s a! NASA %hi-h have develo(ed irre(la-eable
!e-hnology s#-h as mi-ro-om(#!ers and da!a -om(ression& 2enson goes on !o no!e !ha!, in many -ases,
!hese are divisions %i!h #ni7#e (ersonnel %hi-h !oo de-ades !o assemble& As a res#l!, !heir
re-ons!r#-!ion a! a f#!#re da!e may (rove nearly im(ossible& He -on!ras!s !his !e-hnologi-al innova!ion
%i!h !he NASA)s a-!#al e3(endi!#re, %hi-h amo#n!s !o >less !han one half of one (er-en! of !he federal
Andersen 5
b#dge!&? He -on-l#des !ha!, given !he life -hanging innova!ions !ha! NASA has (rod#-ed for !he %orld,
%e sho#ld no! i- !hose !ha! (rod#-ed !hese as!o#nding a--om(lishmen!s !o !he -#rb&
,he (rimary !one of !his (ie-e follo%s a logi-ally based em(a!he!i- (lea !o ee( NASA in (lay&
,he ar!i-le -overs .#s! a fe% of !he signifi-an! and irre(la-eable !e-hnologi-al advan-emen!s %hi-h
NASA has (rod#-ed& ,his is an effe-!ive arg#men! for governmen! -onsidera!ion !o%ards !heir -on!in#ed
2enson)s vie%(oin! e-hoes my o%n -on-erns abo#! %ha! b#dge! (ress#res migh! do !o NASA&
,he s-ien!ifi- -on!rib#!ions of a (#bli-ly f#nded NASA have made irre(la-eable -on!rib#!ions !o o#r
so-ie!y and -o#ld -on!in#e !o do so& Iee(ing a signifi-an! (or!ion of resear-h and develo(men! in
NASA)s (#rvie% may (rove -ri!i-al !o !he (#bli- dissemina!ion of s-ien!ifi- dis-overies&
Fros!, +ober!& ;'hy is Priva!i6ed S(a-e ,ravel a 9hallenge*? Forbes& 10 5-!& 2012& 'eb& 28 5-!& 201=&
+ober! Fros!, an Engineer and $ns!r#-!or a! NASA, ans%ered !he 7#es!ion >'hy is Priva!i6ed
S(a-e ,ravel a 9hallenge*? in a Forbes ,e-h -ol#mn by -hroni-ling !he !e-hnologi-al and logis!i-al
iss#es %hi-h a s(a-e (rogram en-o#n!ers& He begins by ill#s!ra!ing !he -om(le3i!y of s(a-e vehi-les,
%hi-h -on!ain millions of (ar!s %hi-h si! on !ons of e3(losives, moving a! in-on-eivable s(eeds, !hro#gh
ra(idly -hanging (hysi-al si!#a!ions& Fros! sho%s !ha! m#-h of !he -hallenges addressed in one s(a-e
going (la!form %ill need !o be readdressed in ne% (la!forms& He f#r!her arg#es !ha! !his -om(le3i!y ge!s
even more in!ense %i!h !he addi!ion of manned s(a-e -raf!& Every!hing added redefines !he f#ndamen!al
needs of !he -raf!, affe-!ing every sys!em dee(ly& E3a-erba!ing !his, he -laims, is !he reali!y !ha! a
signifi-an! (or!ion of !he (revio#s genera!ion)s no%ledge is no! a((li-able !o !he -#rren! design
res!ri-!ions& ,he (riva!e se-!or is s!ar!ing from s-ra!-h in a n#mber of %ays& 5n !o( of all !his !he
f#ndamen!al (rin-i(le of s(a-e fligh! is !o an!i-i(a!e every!hing, be-a#se fail#re !o do !his -an -os!
billions, or even h#man lives&
Andersen 6
Fros! is logi-al and dire-! in ans%ering a readerJs 7#es!ion regarding !he -hallenges %hi-h !he
(riva!e se-!or fa-es as i! %ors !o%ards o(era!ional s(a-e (la!forms& ,his is .#s! logos, %hi-h is all i!
really needed !o be&
$ reali6e !ha! !his is no! an o(Bed& $! is a layman)s e3(lana!ion of !he -om(le3 na!#re of s(a-e shi(s
from a NASA engineer)s (ers(e-!ive %hi-h $ ho(e !o #se in e3(laining !he gravi!y of !he -hallenges
%hi-h !his endeavor (resen!s !o !he (riva!e se-!or&
"armong, +ober!& ;'e Sho#ld Priva!i6e S(a-e E3(lora!ion&; Central New York Business Journal& 18&28
/20040: 20& 'eb& 28 5-!& 201=&
$n >'e Sho#ld Priva!i6e S(a-e E3(lora!ion? +ober! "armong arg#es !ha! !he s#--ess of S(a-e @
(rogram has sho%n !ha! governmen! involvemen! in !he s(a-e (rogram is obsole!e& No!ing a governmen!
(anel %hi-h re-ommended in-reased (riva!e se-!or involvemen!, "armong ass %hy no one has !aen i! a
s!e( f#r!her and s#gges!ed !he -om(le!e (riva!i6a!ion of all s(a-e a-!ivi!ies& He (oin!s !o !he differen!
goals and s#bse7#en! varied res#l!s !ha! NASA has gone !hro#gh over !he years as varied (oli!i-al
(ress#re and f#nding iss#es have redefined !he agen-yJs -a(a-i!ies& "armong asser!s !ha! !hese res!ri-!ions
%o#ld be less severe in !he (riva!e se-!or& He -hroni-les ho% ineffi-ien-ies inheren! in s(a-e sh#!!les)
generi- na!#re (rod#-ed a generi- s(a-e -raf! %hi-h %as overly -om(li-a!ed, ineffi-ien! and #nsafe& He
a--#ses NASA of e3!ending !he sh#!!le (rogram s(e-ifi-ally be-a#se of b#rea#-ra!i- ins!i!#!ional iner!ia
and re!i-en-e !o fire long s!anding em(loyees& "armong ill#s!ra!es !he dilemma !he engineers of NASA
fa-e %here !hey have !o balan-e !he hard fa-!s of s(a-e fligh! %i!h an ever -hanging r#leBse! of (oli!i-al
-orre-!ness %hen he re-o#n!s !ha! !he 9ol#mbia Kisas!er -o#ld have been aver!ed if !hey only #sed Freon
based ins#la!ion ins!ead of !he environmen!ally friendly foam %hi-h -a#sed !he fa!al damage& 4l!ima!ely,
"armong arg#es !ha!, %i!ho#! !he se! of s(a-e (ro(er!y righ!s %hi-h (riva!i6a!ion %o#ld (rod#-e,
h#mani!ies effor!s in s(a-e are hobbled& He -on-l#des !ha!, even !ho#gh !hey have (aved !he %ay, i! is
!ime for !he (riva!e se-!or !o !ae over and r#n %i!h !he res#l!s&
Andersen 7
"armong is #sing effe-!ive logos !o s#((or! his o(inion abo#! !he fail#res of NASA& He maes a
s!rong -ase for !he ins!i!#!ional iner!ia %hi-h leads !o a NASA !ha! is behind !he !imes and loos lie i!
%an!s !o s!ay !ha! %ay& ,he fa-!s he (resen!s s#((or! his arg#men!& 4nfor!#na!ely $ find !he arg#men!
fairly one sided& $! (res#((oses m#-h abo#! !he (ress#res !ha! lead !o NASA)s mis!aes, of!en defa#l!ing
!o -as!ing !he -hara-!er of NASA in !he %ors! (ossible ligh!& ,his r#bs me !he %rong %ay, b#! (robably
be-a#se $ am (redis(osed !o liing NASA&
"armong is going !o be one of my (rimary >!hey say? vie%(oin!s& His arg#men! is (ers#asive b#!
omi!s a -o#(le of ey (oin!s regarding NASA)s effe-!iveness& $f yo# .#s! loo a! NASA)s fail#res !hen
!hey are a grim gro#( indeed, b#! in !ha! same ligh! %o#ldn)! %e all be* 8any of NASA)s shor!-omings
are d#e !o !he (oli!i-al na!#re of !heir oversigh!G o!hers are h#man na!#re rela!ed h#rdles any organi6a!ion
%o#ld have !o over-ome& $! is a mis!ae !o overloo NASA)s mon#men!al a--om(lishmen!s&
Ina((, Ale3& ;As!eroid $m(a-! %as !he -o#( de gra-e for dinosa#rs&; Forbes& 2 5-!& 201=: 2& 'eb& 4 Nov&
$n >As!eroid $m(a-! %as !he -o#( de gra-e for dinosa#rs? Ale3 Ina(( arg#es !ha! 7#es!ions
regarding !he -a#se of !he Kinosa#rs) demise have been laid !o res! by re-en! findings abo#! !he as!eroid
!ha! s!r#- Ear!h .#s! off !he 1#-a!an (enins#la& +e-en! s-ien!ifi- advan-es in !he a--#ra-y of da!ing
!e-hni7#es have (rod#-ed defini!ive da!a& ,he im(a-!, Ina(( e3(lains, %as !he (oin! of no re!#rn, a >final
s!ra%? from %hi-h !he s!ressed environmen! of !he ear!h -o#ld no! re-over& 'hile !here %ere o!her
fa-!ors, !he im(a-! %as sim#l!aneo#s %i!h !he e3!in-!ion& Ina(( also e3amines !he -on!rib#!ion of
signifi-an! -lima!e shif!s !ha! ha((ened in !he million year (eriod leading #( !o !he im(a-!& ,he s!ress of
!his shif!, -ombined %i!h !he im(a-!, (rod#-ed !he massive e3!in-!ion even! %hi-h -laimed !he las! of !he
dinosa#rs& Ina(( -on-l#des !ha!, %hile se(ara!ely !hese even!s may have been s#rvivable, -ombined !hey
%ere devas!a!ing&
Andersen 8
Ina(( (resen!s a very effe-!ive >-en!ral ro#!e? logos a((eal re-o#n!ing fa-!s s#rro#nding !he
1#-a!an as!eroid im(a-!& He is mos! effe-!ive in lining !he as!eroid im(a-! and !he e3!in-!ion even!& ,he
im(or!an-e of !he im(a-! of -lima!e -hange on !he even! is also em(hasi6ed& 2y effe-!ively -onne-!ing
!he -lima!e -hange and !he im(a-!, Ina(( has ill#s!ra!ed ho% !he im(a-! made i! im(ossible for !he Ear!h
!o -on!in#e s#s!aining !he Kinosa#rs) e-osys!em&
,he -on-e(!s in !his ar!i-le are (ar! of !he airos and (a!hos elemen!s of my arg#men!& ,he
!imeliness is bo!h !ha! %e are e3(erien-ing -lima!e -hange and !he (ro3imi!y of NE5)s& ,he (a!hos is !ha!
!he dinosa#r)s fa!e -o#ld be o#rs& $! sho%s !ha! an im(a-! does no! need !o -om(le!ely obli!era!e o#r
e-osys!em !o deal a dea!hblo% !o o#r ra-e or (lane!& 5#r ra-e has (la-ed !his (lane! in an ar!ifi-ially
s!ressed environmen!al s!a!e& An im(a-! -o#ld %ell be !he !i((ing (oin! for #s as i! %as for !he dinosa#rs&
$f $ end #( #sing !his resear-h, i! -o#ld be -o#(led %i!h !he 4N (ie-e by 2arber in order !o bring
addi!ional gravi!y !o !he reasons s(a-e e3(lora!ion ma!!ers righ! no%&
Smi!h, Josh& ;NASA)s Ne% 8ission: E3(loring !he Heavens on a 2#dge!&; National Journal& 21 Jan
2011: 1LB1L& 'eb& 2 Nov& 201=&
Josh Smi!h %ro!e an o(Bed for !he National Journal en!i!led, >NASA)s Ne% 8ission: E3(loring
!he Heavens on a 2#dge!,? %hi-h arg#es !ha! !here is (o!en!ial for a NASA %hi-h has been relieved of i!s
s(a-e going d#!ies !o fo-#s on develo(ing ne% !e-hnology& He begins his arg#men! by remembering !he
s(a-e ra-e of !he 1AE0)s %here (eo(le %ere en!hralled by !he (ossibili!ies of s(a-e !ravel and -on!ras!s
!his %i!h !he la-adaisi-al a!!i!#de !ha! m#-h of !he %orld has !o%ards a seemingly slo% develo(ing and
#nin!eres!ing s(a-e (rogram& ,his fall from fame has lef! NASA and i!s (ie in !he sy goals %hi-h la-
immedia!e real %orld benefi!, v#lnerable !o b#dge! -#!s& Adding !o !his is !he re!iremen! of !he sh#!!les,
!he only manned s(a-e vehi-le !ha! !he 4S has& Smi!h -laims !his v#lnerabili!y has made i! diffi-#l! !o
diver! addi!ional dis-re!ionary f#nds !o !he agen-y& 5bama has (ro(osed a -om(romise !o (riva!i6e s(a-e
!ravel, %hi-h %ill enable NASA !o -on!in#e resear-h and develo(men! of !e-hnology %hile relieving !hem
of !he e3-e(!ional overhead !ha! s#s!ained s(a-e fligh! (rograms (resen!& ,his %o#ld allo% NASA !o s!o(
Andersen 9
%orrying abo#! !he everyday de!ails of s(a-e fligh! and fo-#s on !e-hnology %hi-h migh! red#-e !he
over%helmingly e3(ensive -os! of breaing in!o orbi!, %hi-h averages o#! a! 10 grand (er (o#nd& Smi!h
-on-l#des !ha!, (rovided NASA s#rvives i!s de!ra-!or)s a!!em(!s !o limi! i!s b#dge!, !his may (rove !he
mos! effe-!ive %ay !o allo% NASA !o fo-#s on (#shing o#r bo#ndaries even f#r!her in!o s(a-e&
Smi!h)s eval#a!ion of NASA)s b#dge!ary -on-erns is (rimarily from !he logi-al (ers(e-!ive& He
begins, ho%ever, %i!h an a((eal !o (a!hos by reminis-ing ba- !o !he s(a-e ra-e and !he golden era of
NASA %hen i! %as almos! #niversally %ell regarded& ,his effe-!ively -on!ras!s %i!h !he ambivalen-e or
even hos!ili!y %hi-h NASA mee!s no%, as i! deals %i!h aging e7#i(men! and b#dge!s %hi-h seem !o never
be me!& He ba-s ea-h (oin! %i!h signifi-an! fa-!s, s#-h as a gra(h ill#s!ra!ing NASA)s b#dge!ary
roller-oas!er and !he e3(ensive -os! of a-hieving orbi!& His dis-#ssion of !he #n-er!ain!y in NASA)s f#!#re
%ell earns !he 7#es!ion (osed a! !he end of !he ar!i-le: is s(a-e %or!h !he money*
,his ar!i-le ill#s!ra!ed !he f#nding !#g of %ar NASA is (er(e!#ally end#ring& Addi!ionally, i! %ill
hel( !o shed ligh! on !he mer-#rial na!#re of !he -hanging (oli!i-al dire-!ives leveled a! NASA&
9onsidering !here are some (ro.e-!s %hi-h s(an m#l!i(le -hanges in na!ional (ros(eri!y and (oli!i-al
vie%(oin!s, !he !e-hni-al -hallenges NASA fa-es be-ome even more -om(li-a!ed& ,hese (ress#res
em(hasi6e !he !#g of %ar inheren! in main!aining a s(a-e going (la!form, ill#s!ra!ing ho% i! red#-ed
NASA)s -a(a-i!y !o e3(lore and resear-h& ,his is one of !he s!ronges! arg#men!s in -onvin-ing me !ha! !he
(riva!i6a!ion of s(a-e fligh! -an even!#ally (rod#-e be!!er resear-h for everyone&
,here are many voi-es s#rro#nding h#mani!yJs endeavor !o brea !he bonds of !he ear!h& Fe% of
!hem arg#e !ha! i! is a #seless s!r#ggle& 8any dis(#!e !he me!hod& ,hese arg#men!s have (ers#aded me
!ha! !asing (riva!e in!eres!s %i!h !he heavy lif!ing is !he bes! %ay !o le! NASA fo-#s on resear-h and
e3(lora!ion& ,his %ill (ave !he %ay for big brains !o s(end !heir effor!s on im(or!an! iss#es lie NE5)s
and (lane!ary e3(lora!ion& $! may be !he -ase !ha! Presiden! 5bama)s de-ision !o (riva!i6e !he s(a-e
delivery (la!forms is one of !he bes! !hings !o ha((en !o NASA, and h#mani!yJs, s(a-e in!eres!s in

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