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Angel Diaz

Lectio: Jn 9, 1-7
There are times when I am driving on lain da!light and I clear the windshield "eca#se I have a
hard time seeing the road$ %r I ta&e m! e!eglasses o'' to clean them "eca#se I can not see
clearl! aro#nd me$ There are times were we can not see (od)s love acting thro#gh o#r lives
"eca#se we still have m#d in o#r e!es$ Let #s go on a *o#rne! o' 'aith to wash awa! what is
reventing #s to see the love$ The light is on, can we see+
Lord allow !o#r servant, a sinner to see !o#r love washing awa! the dar&ness in me$

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