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Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Question Bank of Quality Circle
By Prabhat Pandey
Copyright 2012

Dear Friends,
This book is dedicated to all Quality Lovers, who really have respect for quality by heart. My motto
is only help people who are willing to grow with Quality and for Quality.

I am so much grateful to Mr. B.N. Saxena (First QC Trainer of India), who is my Quality Circle
mentor. Beside this I am also grateful to Mr. J.K.Kaushik (Regional Director- QCFI, Haridwar
Chapter) for developing me as a Certified Trainer of Quality Circle. I am also heartily thankful to
Mr. D.K. Srivastva( Executive Director, QCFI) for providing a platform through QCFI by which we
learned many Quality Concepts like Kaizen, TPM, LQC etc. and successfully standing India at
International Level .

Under the guidance of my aforesaid torch bearers I summarized some key questions in this book.

My emotional appeal to you, please dont copy and distribute this book to your friends, because it is
free on my website ( ). If you really want to help your friends please
give reference of my website so that they may collect a lot of knowledge about quality concepts and
many aspects of life, as a free gift.
cheers ! ! Index

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Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone



Q. Who developed sampling techniques that were used for conducting 1940's census in the USA?
A. Dr. W.E.Deming.

Q. Who taught Quality control to the Japanese after world war-II.?
A. Dr. W.E. Deming.

Q. Who is known as father of Quality Control circles ?
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa

Q. Whose quotation is this "Quality control begins with education and ends with education"
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa.

Q. Basic idea of Deming wheel come from ?
A. Dr. W. A. Shewhart.

Q. Who brought two sub steps in the four steps of Deming wheel?
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa.

Q. Who is known as th man who discovered quality ?
A. Dr. W. A. Shewhart.

Q. A Quality Guru said that Statistical Quality control should be part of
Management Control", who said this ?
A. Dr. J.M. Juran.

Q. During which period Prof. Mahalanobis was a member of the planning commission of
Government of India ?
A. 1955-67

Q. "As long as there is a work place, QC circle activities must be continued" who said this ?
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa

Q. Dr. J.M. Juran encompassed Quality Planning Quality Control and quality improvement into one
word it is.
A. Juran's Trilogy.

Q. PDCA cycle is named after whom ?
A. Dr. W.E. Deming

Q. Who said that "Engineers, who passed judgment based on the experimental data must know
statistical methods by heard ?
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone
Q." Quality control should be part of Management Control" who said this ?
A. Dr. J.M. Juran.

Q. Who is known as " the man who discovered quality ?
A. Dr. W.A. Shawhart.

Q. "However sophisticated a process may be it will be impossible to produce two products
identically same" who said this ?
A. Dr. W.A. Shewhard.

Q. Person who was responsible for propounding the theory of design of Experiments is
A. Dr. Genichi Taguchi.

Q. Who observed that Quality defects are of unequal in frequency ?
A. Dr. J.M. Juran.

Q. Quality is "Fitness for use" who defined it this way?
A. Dr. J.M. Juran.

Q. Quality Guru lived for more than 100 years and died recently is
A. Dr. J.M. Juran.

Q. Which three does not belong to Elementary statistical Method described by Dr. K. Ishikawa ?
A. Brain storming, flow diagram, Mile stone chart.

Q. Who was the found president of JUSE and KAI-DEN-REN ?
A. Ichiro Ishikawa.

Q. Dr. A.V. Feignbaam was best known through his article on?
A. Total Quality control.

Q. Who brought statiscal Quality control to India ?
A. Prof. P.C. Mahalanobis.

Q. Which award was given to Dr. J.M. Juran for his contributions in the field of quality by
President George Bush ?
A. National Medal of Technology.

Q. As per Dr. Deming, the prime requisite for achievement of any goal, including quality is
A. Transformation of organization.

Q. Who has developed methods for on line and off line quality control ?
A. Dr. Ganichi Taguchi

Q. What is the first step of Juran's "Project by Project method" ?
A. Proof of the need.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. Statistical methods were divided into three categories by Dr. K. Ishikawa is
A. Elementary, intermediate and advance. ( Elementary statistical methods used in QC and can
solve about 95% of the problems.)

Q. Who was the first to argue that "Quality should be considered at all stages of the process and not
just within the manufacturing function ?
A. Dr. A.V. Feigenbaum.

Q. Who gave the concept of Zero defect and wrote the book Quality without tears ?
A. Philip B. Crosby

Q. Who are regarded as the originator of modern graphics method ?
A. T.H. Lambert & William Play fair.

Q. Who has first used charling tehniques to improve quality of medical care ?
A. Florence Nightingale.

Q. Who wrote the book Total Quality Control : The Japanese Way
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa.

Q. As per Dr. Deming, what is the heart of transformation ?
A. It is the release of intrinsic motivation.

Q. Who created a course entitled " How to use experimental data ?
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa.

Q. Jurans trilogy deals with planning and control. What is the third one ?
A. Improvement

Q. Who gave the 14 points for Quality improvment to the top management ?
A. Dr. Deming

Q. Who donated his personal library and his manuscripts to Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata ?
A. Dr. W. A. Shewhart

Q. Who said Quality control should be part of management control ?
A. Dr. J. M. Juran

Q. Whose responsibilities to watch the changing trends of market ?
A. Top management

Q. Which quality guru is known through his article on Total Quality Control ?
A. Dr. A.V. Feigenbaum.


Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. The primary objective of Quality circle is-
A. Self and mutual development of employees

Q. What is CWQC ?
A. Company Wide Quality Control.

Q. Expand the abbreviation -
QIT - Quality Improvement Team
SQC - Statistical Quality Control
TOM Total Quality Management
SPC - Statical Process Control
CWQC Company Wide Quality Control.

Q. When Quality Circle concept was started in India ?
A. In the year 1982

Q. How many steps are there in focus P-D-C-A
A. 9 Steps

Q. Quality is fitness for use, who gave this definition ?
A. Dr. J.M. Juran.

Q. The last step of Juran's Project by Project method is -
A. Monitor control system.

Q. What is the third step in six sigma method of solving problems ?
A. Analysis.

Q. As per Dr. Juran's twelve steps method of problem solving the 12 step is -
A. Monitor & control system.

Q. What is the last step to be followed in the Dr. Juran Project by project method ?
A. Control at the New level.

Q. What is the first, second & third stage of industrial cycle as per Dr. A.V. Feigenboun.
A. I Step New Design Control

II Step Incoming Material Control

III Step Shop Floor control.


Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. When Quality Circle was started in Japan ?
A. In the year 1962

A. An Association at Japan's Chief Executives.

Q Who should be the member of quality Circle ?
A. First line employees.

Q. Quality Circle is part of..?
A. Total Quality Management

Q. The basic objective of Quality circle is-
A. Self & mutual Development.

Q. What are thee dimensions of management's role is to sustain Quality Circles?
A. i) Listening.
ii) Teaching
iii) Facilitating

Q. What is QCRG ?
A. Quality Control Research group

Q.When revised definition of QCC introduced by JUSE ?
A. 1995

Q. The two journals published by JUSE, which became the house hold names as per Dr. J.M.Juran ?
A. Statistical Quality Control and Quality Control for the foreman.

Q. What is the JUSEs journal for foreman ?
A. Gemba to Q.C.

Q. What is the name of Chief Executives Association of Japan ?

Q. Primary aim of Quality circle is -
A. To develop people.

Q. Evaluation of work consists of two methods one is checking the causes. What is other one ?
A. Checking through results.



Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. Who chooses the leader of a quality Circle ?
i) Facilitator ii) Co-ordinator iii) Steering committee iv) QC members
A. QC members.

Q. In Quality Circle, when 'L', 'O', 'A' is used to indicate attendance in the Register.
A. L Not presence for work or Leave
D- While the member is deputed on duty.
A- Present at work and absent in QC meeting.

Q. Whose job is to ensure that the Quality Circle meetings are conducted regularly with good
attendance ?
i) Leader ii) Member iii) Facilitator iv) Co-ordinator
A. Leader

Q. Quality Circle leader is ?
A. Elected by the Group members.

Q. To be member of the steering committee for management cadre it is
i) Voluntary ii) Mandatory iii) Formed by external agency iv)None of these
A. Mandatory.

Q. A QC coordinator is ?
A. Overall co-ordinator, educator and a conscience keeper of the steering committee.

Q. Quality Circle leader should be rotated ?
A- after fixed time interval.

Q. Leader's position in circle is ?
A. first among members.

Q. Person who catalyzes and stimulates the Quality Circle is
i) Co-ordinator ii) Deptt. Head iii) Facilitator iv) Management
A. Facilitator

Q. The member who Asks wild questions in a Quality Circle meeting is jocularly called as a -
i) Monkey ii) Porcupine iii) Giraffe iv) Fox
A. Monkey

Q. To show the presence of team members in QC Register.
i) 'P' is marked ii) 'D' is marked iii) Members put Signature iv) Leader will put the
A. 'P' is marked.

Q. What are the three steps we have to take sequentially before conducting a meeting ?
A. i) Establish purpose ii) Distribute agenda in advance iii) Plan for the conduct of meeting

Q. Who nominate the facilitator ?
Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone
A. Facilitator nominated by Management.

Q. Whose job is it to handle requests for formation of new circles in an organization ?
i) CEO ii) Steering Committee iii) Facilitator iv) Co-ordinator
A. Co-ordinator

Q. How many problem can be taken up by Quality circle at a time.
A. One.

Q. What are the responsibilities of Facilitator
A. Responsible to monitor Quality circle activities regularly and suggest corrective actions needed.
- Responsible to interact with QC members freely on a day to day basis.
- Responsible to keep the QC activities on the right track

Q. Quality Circle work when
A. Meet periodically and regularly.

Q. The best method to start Quality circles -
A. By mentally preparing all people by systematic exposure to the concept first & enable voluntary

Q. Who should be the members of Quality Circle ?
A. First line Employees.

Q. Whose responsibility is it to organize annual conventions within an organization ?
A. Co-ordinator.

Q. Where should the presence of an invitee or a potential member be marked in the Register?
A. Special invitee.

Q. Whose responsibility is it to educate the Quality Circles and guide them appropriately ?
A. Facilitator.

Q. Who is facilitation ?
A. Guiding & nurturing Quality Circles as a catalyst.

Q. How many Qcs one facilitator can guide ?
A. No limit but manageable.

Q. What is the difference between a QC facilitator and a QC co ordinator.
A. Facilitator facilitating specific Qcs under him and co-ordinator co ordinates over all the Quality

Q. In the structure of Quality Circles those first line workers, who are not the members of Quality circles
are called as -
A. Potential Members.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone
Q. Is leadership of Quality Circle rotateable ?
A. Yes.

Q. Once trial implementation is successful and approved by the management, whose responsibility
is it to implement in totality?
A. Management.

Q. Primarily leadership qualities in QC leader can be developed through -
A. A Facilitator.

Q. Give 4 important precautions to be taken during the meeting ?
A. i) Start and end on time.
ii) Strictly follow the agenda.
iii) Encourage participation of all.
iv) Encourage listening and thinking ability

Q. Write down 2 important purposes of conducting QC meeting.
A. i) Helps information pooling, sharing.
ii) Generation of more number of ideas is possible.

Q. How does Frog behavior of a member can be wreak a meeting ?
A. By talking and talking.

Q. To fix time for QC activity, which type of chart is used ?
A. Milestone chart.

Q. Who should take the lead in changing the culture for the permeation of Quality in an organization ?
A. Top Management.

Q. As per Dr. K. Ishikawa, which circle is called as "Sleeping circle"?
A. Which meet only once in a month.

Q. Who convenes the steering committee ?
A. Coordinator

Q. Should the Facilitators be permanent or rotated ?
A. Permanent



Q. In a flow diagram, what does a rectangle represent ?
i) An activity symbol ii) Decision Symbol iii) Data base symbol d)Terminal symbol
Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone
A. An activity symbol.

Q. Decision symbol in a flow diagram is shown by; which symbol ?
i) Circle ii) Diamond iii) Rectangle iv) Arrow
A. Diamond

Q.A small circle in a flow diagram is an indication of-
i) Activity ii) End iii) Decision iv) Connecting two flow diagram.
A. Connecting two flow diagrams.

Q. A rhombus or diamond represent what aspect in a flow diagram ?
i) Activity ii) Decision iii)Data Base iv) terminal
A. Decision.

Q. Which tool/technique will help us to have clarity of the process without visiting the actual work
spot ?
i) Stratification ii) Flow diagram iii) Histogram iv) Brain Storming
A. Flow diagram.

Q. This symbol is called:
= Connector

= Decision

= Terminal

= Activity

Q. Flow diagram is used for -
i) Better understanding at a process ii) Change or introduce new process
iii)To amend, alter or replace the process. iv) All the above

A. All the above.

Q. Name the types of flow diagram which show the flow of operations within department and
across the departments ?
A. Matrix; Detailed Flow diagram.

Q. Which one of the actions is not part of the 4 steps approach given by Dr. J.M.Juran to analyse
process flow chart.
i) Examine each decision making symbol ii) Examine each rework symbol.
iii) Examine each terminal symbol iv) Examine each activity symbol

A. Examine each terminal symbol.
Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. In which type of flow diagram do we use different types of symbol?
A. Detailed flow diagram.

Q. Which one of the following actions is not part of 4 step approach given by Dr. J.M. Juran to
analyse process flow chart ?

i) Data Base Symbol ii) Connector iii) Decision symbol iv) Re-loop

A. Connector.

Q. There are 3 types of flow diagram High level and detailed flow diagram what is the third one ?
A. Matrix flow diagram.

Q. in which type of flow gram computer programming symbols are used ?
A. Detailed flow Diagram.

Q. To show process flow in a unit normally which type of flow diagram has to be used ?
A. High Level flow Diagram.

Q. To show the problem area in a process normally, which diagram to be used ?
A. Detailed flow Diagram.

Q. What is the fourth step approach under the delailed flow diagram ?
A. Re loop

Q.Which tool or technique is required to enable understanding of process and locate the problem ?
A. Flow diagrams



Q. Structured method of Brain storming is also known as-
i) Round Robin method ii) Slip method iii) Free wheeling iv) Hitch hiking process
A. Round Robin Method.
Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. In which type of brain storming we do follow the 4 rules
a)contribute in search, b) One idea per search
c) Pass it no idea and d) Do not explain your idea.

i) Free wheeling ii) Slip method iii) Round robin iv) None of the above
A. Round robin.

Q. Brain storming is used for idea generation by -
i) Shop floor personal ii) Managers iii) Politicians iv) All the above
A. All the above.

Q. During problem identification stage, which type of brain storming will be more useful for the
Quality Circle.
i)Slip method ii) Unstructured method c) Round Robin method iv)Reverse brain storming
A. Round Robin method.

Q. The Round robin method of brain storming is also called -
i) Structured Method b) Hitch hiking process iii) Slip method iv) Free wheeling
A. Structured method.

Q. Brain Storming was developed and popularized by -
i) Vlfredo Pareto ii) Henry Ford iii) Elex Osborn iv) Dr. W.A. Shewhart
A. Elex Osborn.

Q. In the context of Brain storming, the ability to look into the future is -
i) Drive ii) Fluency iii) Awareness iv) Flexibility
A. Awareness.

Q. In the context of Brain storming, the capability for maximum number of ideas within a given
time or the rate of flow of ideas is known as -
i) Drive ii) Fluency iii) Awareness iv) Flexibility
A. Fluency.

Q. What are the two types of thinking in brain storming ?
A. Logical & creative.

Q. In Brain storming -
i) Quality is more important than quantity.
ii) Quantity is more important than quality.
iii) Quality and Quantity both are important.
iv) Both are not important.
A. Quantity is more important than quality.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. In the round robin method of brain storming, what should a member do if he has no idea during
his turn ?
A. Pass.

Q. Is Suggesting opposite ideas to what has already been given permitted in Brain storming.
A. Yes.

Q. Out of the 5 key elements identified by J.P. Gilford on human ability to be creative willingness
to contribute to achieve and goal without the fear of failure is termed as -
A. Drive.

Q. In which type of brain storming, Hitch-Hiking takes place ?
A. Round Robin & Free wheeling.

Q. In which type of brain storming ' Hitch-Hiking is not possible ?
A. Slip method.

Q. What is Hitch-hiking ?
A. Building-up on others idea.

Q. How can the ability of a mind to move from one area to another quickly can be measured?
A. By counting the categories of the idea given.

Q. As per Mr. J.P. Guilford what are 5 key elements concerning human ability to be creative ?
A. Drive, fluency, Flexibility, originality and awareness.

Q. Ability of a mind to move from one idea to another idea quickly, belongs to which
key element of Human creativity- as per J.P. Gilford.
A. Flexibility.

Q. What is mean by Piggy-back in brain storming ?
A. Drive ideas on others idea.

Q. Which tool/technique is required for the generation of ideas in problem listing finding out
causes and solution ?
A. Round Robin.

Q. If you want to collect the ideas of customers or suggestions from your customers from all over
India, which type of Brain-storming will help you for this purpose.
A. Slip Method.

Q. When can a leader support Piggy-backing in Quality circle activities ?
A. When meetings become slow.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone


Q. Data collection is necessary for -
i) For comparing results before and after only
ii) For convincing others
iii) Providing a sound basis for decision making and corrective action.
iv) To provide basis for choice of problem only
A. Providing a sound basis for decision making and corrective action.

Q. Best decisions are likely to be arrived at by taking decisions based on -
i) Gut feeling ii) Sixth sense iii) Past experience iv) Appropriate Data
A. Appropriate Data.

Q. Which tool/technique is required to segregate data according to contributing sources ?
A. Stratification.

Q. Who made the 4 steps of PDCA wheel into 6 ?
i) Dr. J.M. Juran ii)Dr. K. Ishikawa iii) Dr. W.e. Deming iv)W.A. Shewhart
A. Dr. K.Ishikawa

Q. Which Guru taught the Japanese through JUSE Statistical Quality Control ?
A. Dr. K.Ishikawa.

Q. What is stratification ?
A. Separation of data into categories.

Q. Stratify your QC members into three categories -
A. 1. Attended CCQC
2. Attended NCQC
3. Attended ICQCC.

Q. Which type of check sheet is useful in the final test of product at the end of manufacturing line ?
A. Product Quality Assurance check.

Q. Which check sheet is most useful for final test of the product before packing?
A. Check list type check sheet.

Q. To know the type of defects and their magnitude, which type sheet should be used ?
A. Defective items checks.

Q. Which kind of check sheet is meant to be placed over a drawing or sketch of a product for the
location of defects to be identified and investigated ?
A. Defect Location check sheet.

Q. How many types of data are there ?
A. Two.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. Generally data are of two types one is 'Measurable Data' what is the second one ?
A. Attributed.

Q. For converging from about 8 problems to one, what method do QC use in case at non availability
of data
A. Priority 1 ranking.

Q. The formats used to collecting data are -
A. Data sheet.

Q. Attribute data are in

a) Whole numbers b) Fraction c) Decimal d) All the above
A. Whole numbers.

Q. If the formats are not proper and adequately prepared and tested in working condition, this may
create error in interpretation. This is called as ------
A. Non Response bias.

Q. Which type of the check sheets is meant to be placed in the drawing or sketch of the product so
that location of defects can be identified and investigated ?
A. Defect Location check sheet.

Q. If the Quality characteristics can be measured with the help of an instrument equipment or
measuring process it is called --
A. Measurable data.

Q. A simple data recording from specially designed so that data can be interprated readily from the
sheet itself is known as --
A. check sheet.

Q. Discrete variables are also called as....?
A. Discontinuous Variables

Q. Right decision can be made by..?
A. Collecting relevant data

Q. Which check sheet is most useful for final test of product before dispatch ?
A. Product Quality Assurance Check

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. Which one is a compound graph ?
a) Radar graph b) Pareto diagram c) Zee graph d) Area graph
A. Pareto diagram.

Q. In compound graph bars are arranged in _
a) Ascending order b) Descending order c) No order is required d)As per given order
A. Descending order.

Q. The originator of modern graphic method is --
a) Mr. Mc Larenz b) Mr.S.Oakland c) Mr.T.H.Lambert d) Mr.W.Pareto.
A. Mr. T.H. Lambert.

Q. Give any two types of special graphs derived from Bar Graphs.
A. a) Flat (Float) b) Belt

Q. "Cause and effect diagram" is which type of graphs ?
A. It is not a graph.

Q. In X-R chart, the moving Range 'R' is --
a) Largest value b) Average of all values c) Smallest value d)None of the above
A. None of the above.

Q. What does 'RUN' signify in control chart.
a) Three point occur on one side of the control chart b) No point occur on one side of the control chart.
c) Seven or more points occur continuously on side of the control chart d)None of the above
A. Seven or more points occur continuously on one side of the control chart.

Q. A control chart helps us to identify deviations in a process due to -
a) Assignable causes b) Chance causes c) Common causes d) None of the above
A. Assignable causes.

Q. In which type of control chart the upper and lower control limits will not be constant but will be
varying ?
a) 'C' Chart b) hp chart c) 'P' chart d)X-R chart
A. 'P' chart.

Q. Which type of graph is more suitable for observing the trends.
a) Bar graph d) Radar chart c) Belt chart d) Line graph
A. Line graph.
Q. Which one of the following charts is not an attribute control chart ?
a) Number defective hp chart b) X-R chart c) Percentage defective d) No. of defects chart
A. X-R Chart.

Q. When are horizontal bar charts used ?
A. When levels are too big to fit under vertical display.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. For a control chart the upper and lower control limits are set at :
a) Plus 3 sigma from the mean
b) Minus 3 sigma from the mean
c) Plus & minus 3 sigma from the mean
d) None of the above.
A. Plus and minus 3 sigma from the mean

Q. When a process is following normal distribution what % of observations fall outside the 3 sigma
limits ?
a) 3% b) 3.2 parts per million c) 0.27% d) 2.2 Parts per billion
A. 0.27%

Q. Which one of the following is not a natural or (rational) sub group ?
a) Items produced in the same machine setting b) Casting poured from the same heat
c) items made by operators of all 3 shifts d) Items made from the same raw material batch
A. Items made by operators of all 3 shifts.

Q. For correct data analysis representative sampling is recommended. This means --\

a) Only best pieces should be sampled b) only worst pieces should be sampled.
c)None of above d) Samples covering the overall population of interest should be sampled
A. Samples covering the overall population of interest should be sampled

Q. For a number defective chart the sample size is fixed or varying ?
A. Fixed.

Q. In a Pareto Diagram one vertical axis is quantity and other vertical axis at the end represents.
A. Percentage.

Q. Average and standard deviation are sufficient to describe which type of distribution ?
A. Normal distribution.

Q. In a bar graph should each bar have the same width ?
A. Yes

Q. Can chance causes be fully eliminated ?
A. No.

Q. In a control chart if all the points are within the control limits, what does it indicate ?
A. The process is stable.

Q. Can we conclude that a process is under control when there are 7 or more points continuously on one
side of the average line ?
A. No.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. In bell shape Histogram UCL-LCL is known as -
A. Process capability.

Q. ------------indicates the inherent variation in the process.
A. Chance cause.

Q. Control charts are classified into two categories they are -
1. Variable control chart.
2. Attributed control chart.

Q. Which tool/technique is called as on line quality control method ?
A. Control chart.

Q. What is the formula for calculating UCL & LCL for X-R chart ?
A. UCLx = x+A
R ; LCLx = X- A

Q. In X-R Chart, the value of A
R is 1.8, calculate the value of sigma i.e. Standard deviation ?
A. 0.6

Q. The chart which helps to measure the stability of the process over a period of time is known as -
A. Control chart.

Q. Why does variation in the dispersion of data occur within the limit of Quality standard ?
A. Due to chance causes.
Q. Calculate the value of sigma of a process, if the value A
R = 3.3, value of A
2 =
0.577 and X = 75.2.
A. 1.1

Q. Which type of graph is used in different type of control charts ?
A. Line graph.

Q. Which are the last & first of the problem solving steps where graph may be used ?
A. Follow-up & review ; Selection of problem.

Q. Graphs can be divided into two main groups, What are they ?
A. i) Commonly used graph ii) Special purpose graph.

Q. What are the 4 commonly used graphs -
A. 1) Line graphs 2) Bar graph 3) Pie or circle graph 4) Pictorial graph

Q. For showing relative portion of the various components, which the commonly used graphs that
will be useful ?
A. Pie graph.

Q. For showing relative improvement in various topics of PST and the area where improvement is
required, which type of graph to be used ?
A. Radar Graph.
Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. In which tool/technique compound graph is used ?
A. Pareto diagram.

Q. Pareto diagram is the combination of two types of graphs, What are these ?
A. Bar & Line graph.

Q. To show the trend for different years in the total expenses and expenses with respect to different
heads of the total, which type of graphs would be better ?
A. Strata Graph.

Q. Strata graph is also known as -
A. Area graph.

Q. To show the sale of a product, monthly, cumulative and comparison with the last twelve months,
which graph will be suitable.
A. Zee graph.

Q. Pyramid graph is also known ----
A. Side by side graph.

Q. Which graph could be used for comparison of district aspects of Data ?
A. Area graph.

Q. To shown the contrasting trends between levels of independent variables, which graph is appropriate
A. Pyramid graph.

Q. Which type of graph is used to show the trend for the total data of a process and for each
component of the label ?
A. Belt Graph.

Q. What are the essential types of graphs which Qcs generally use ?
A. Bar, Line, Pie & Pictorial graph.

Q. Stratify the facilitators of your organization into three categories ?
A. i)Never attends meeting. ii) Occasionally attends meeting iii) Regularly attends meeting.

Q. Which centaury is considered the golden age of graphical methods ?
a) Eighteenth b) Nineteenth c) Twentieth d) Twenty first
A. Eighteenth

Q. Which tool will be more useful for upper management for checking the effectiveness of any process ?
A. Control charts

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone


Q. The purpose of Pareto analysis is --
A. Distinguish between vital few and useful many.

Q. For drawing a Pareto diagram, data has to be arranged in -
A. Descending order.

Q. Cumulative curve is to depict the distribution of wealth and was developed by -
a) Dr. Juran b) Dr. W.A.Shewart c) Mr. M.C.Lorznz d) Vilfredo Pareto
A. Mr. M.C. Lorenz.

Q. At what stage Pareto diagram may be used ?
A. Before and/or after cause and effect diagram.

Q. What type of graph is a Pareto diagram ?
A. Compound graph.

Q. What is Lorenz curve in Pareto diagram -
A. Cumulative percentage curve.

Q. If most of the bars are roughly the same height in a Pareto diagram, what does it include ?
A. Stratification of causes are not adequate.

Q. The current "Vital few and useful many" was a modification from the earlier " Vital few and .....?
A. Trivial Many.

Q. In Pareto diagram, which side represents the percentage ?
A. Right side.

Q. Pareto analysis is based on two types. What are they ?
A. a) Phenomena b) Based on causes.

Q. Pareto diagram is a visual method for -?
A. Separating the Vital few from useful many.

Q. If most of the Bars are roughly the same height in a Pareto diagram, what does it indicate ?
A. Data not stratified properly.

Q. To separate the vital few causes from the number of causes, which tools to be used ?
A. Pareto Diagram.

Q. Pareto Diagram is a tool to help in differentiating problems/causes into two major groups, what are
they ?
A. Vital few & useful many.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. What purpose is served by drawing a Lorenz or cumulative line graph ?
A. Identify vital few & useful many.

Q. Even though C&E diagram is verbal tool, it has been recognized as a statistical tool by
a) JSI(Japanese Standards Institute) b) JIPM c) JUSE d) Kai Dan Ren
A. JSI(Japanese Standards Institute.)

Q. Cause and effect diagram is used to identify-
a) Actual causes b) Root causes c) Probale causes d)Sub causes
A. Probable causes.

Q. While drawing a dispersion type of causes and effect diagram, the sub and sub causes are arrived at
by what analysis ?
A. Why-why analysis.

Q. While doing what analysis did the Halian economist whilferd Pareto observed the famous 80-20 ratio.
A. Distribution of wealth among people.

Q. Cause and Effect diagram is introduced in the period.
A. Before 1950.

Q. Cause and effect diagram is --
A. Cause and effect.

Q. An improvement over cause and effect diagram is called--?

Q. CEDAC = Cause & Effect Diagram with additional Cords.

Q. In which year, Dr. K. Ishikawa used cause and effect diagram in Kawasaki ban works.?
a) 1943 b) 1962 c) 1965 d)1982

A. 1943

Q. The inter relationship between cause and effect in a CE Diagram is..
A. Qualitative and hypothetical

Q. What are the different name of cause and effect diagram ?
A. Fish bone diagram and Ishikawa diagram

Q. Is Cause & effect diagram a substitute for data ?
A. No.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone


Q. As long as variables are within allowable limit, we attribute it to --
A. Chance cause.

Q. At the process is bell shaped, we can say that the process appears to be --
A. Normal.

Q. Histogram is not used for --
A. Assessing the vital few causes.

Q. A asymmetrical skewed positive histogram has more observations to the--
A. Right of the mean.

Q. Histogram is not used for --
A. Showing relation between two variables.

Q. As per Shewhart, the variation in process is due to ---
A. Both chance and Assignable causes.

Q. Can open intervals be used for drawing a Histogram?
A. No.

Q. When the co efficient co-relation between 2 variables is 0-9 What does it indicate ?
A. There is strong positive co-relation.

Q. What % of values lies between plus and minus 3 sigma, when the process is under normal
distribution ?
a) 91.73% b) 99.73% c) 93.83% d) 97.73%
A. 97.73%.

Q. Two types of cause for any variation is --
A. Chance and Assignable causes.

Q. Which tool/technique is required to understand the relationship between two variable ?
A. Scatter Diagram.

Q. SQC Tool used for off-line Quality control is ---
A. Histogram.

Q. Few observations taken for study are called --
A. Sample.

Q. Plateau type histogram is a mixture of several process conditions out-put of--?
A. Several days mixed together in a lot.

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. What is the purpose of Histogram ?
A. To know the pattern of variation in a product or process.

Q. For the totality of all possible observations, we can think of term called........?
A. Population.

Q. How many defective pieces will be in a lot of 20000 pieces of toy? If the process is adjudged as 3
sigma level.
A. 54.

Q. Which of the problem solving tools is a graphical representation of a cause and effect between two
variables ?
A. Scatter diagram.

Q. Who popularized the scatter diagram in Japan in the 1950's ?
A. Dr. K. Ishikawa

Q. Give two conditions under which deceptive co-relations can be visible --
A. 1) Improper scale for X or Y axes 2) Mix up Data

Q. In a scatter diagram, can all the points lie on a single line ?
A. Yes (Formula based relations will show such a diagram).

Q. In a scatter diagram, the closeness of the points to a central line indicates.

a) Positive correlation b) Negative Correlation c)Lower Correlation d)Higher Correlation
A. Higher correlation.

Q. If coefficient of correlation of two variables is 0.8. What does it means ?
A. Strong possitive relation

Q. Which tool or technique is required to study the process variation & capability ?
A. Histogram

Q. Which tool or technique is used for offline quality control ?
A. Histogram

Q. In a scatter diagram, the closeness of the points to a central line indicates
A. Higher correlation

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone

Q. For setting objectives a QC should decide based on _
a) What b) When c) How much d) Where
A. What

Q. The results of Trial implementation and regular implementation.
a) May be same b) May encounter same problem in regular implementation.
c)May be alright in trial implementation. d) All above are possible.
A. All above are possible.

Q. Which one is not used for selection of problem ?
a) Priority number b) Ranking method c) Pareto Analysis d) Gantt chart.
A. Gantt chart.
Q. In 'Root Cause analysis' step in problem solving, Quality circle follow--
A. Validation of causes.

Q. When should be problem identified ?
a) Only at the beginning of the QC meeting b) As and when required.
c)As instructed by the facilitator d) At least once in a year.
A. At least once in a year.

Q. In 'Root Cause analysis' step in problem solving, Quality circle follow--
A. Validation of causes.

Q. When should be problem identified ?
a) Only at the beginning of the QC meeting b) As and when required.
c)As instructed by the facilitator d) At least once in a year.
A. At least once in a year.

Q. Which type of problem should be taken first.
A. A Type.

Q. Which is the best method to select a problem in QC?
A. Priority Method

Q. What tool/technique is used for identification of problem ?
A. Brain storming.

Q. What is the minimum number of problems to be identified for problems bank, as suggested by QCFI
A. 50

Q. In the sequence of problem solving steps, what is the step number of "Regular implementation" in
the sequential order ?
A. 11

Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone
Q. In the sequence of problem solving steps, which is the step that comes just after ?
- Identification of problems - Selection of problems
- Selection of problems - Defining the problems.
- Defining the problems - Analysis of problems
- Analysis of problems - Find out causes
- Find out causes - Root cause analysis
- Root causes analysis - Data analysis
- Data analysis - Development of solution
- Development of solution - Foreseeing probable resistance.
- Foreseeing probable resistance .- Trial implementation and check performance
- Trial implementation and check performance - Regular Implementation.



Q. Hygienic factors of motivation was introduced by --
a) Mastow b) Mc Gregor c) Fredrick Herzberg d) Mlton Mayo
A. Fredrick Herzberg

Q. Which theory conceders that work is as natural as play if it is associated with recognition ?
a) Mc Gregor's Y theory b) Maslow's theory c) Alton Maya's theory d)Masllow's theory
A. Mc Gegor's Y theory

Q. Quality Circle studies are presented to the management --
a) To Impress management. b) To provide motivation to QC
c)To prepare Qcs for participation in conventions. d) As on occasion to share the achievements with
others in the company.
A. To provide motivation to Quality Circle.

Q. Which one belongs to elementary statistical method ( 7 tools)--
a) Brain storming b) Scatter diagram c)Tree diagram d)Flow diagram
A. Scatter diagram.

Q. An appropriate tool to study the problem of process variation is --
a) Bar chart b) Pareto chart c) Stratification d)Histogram
A. Histogram.

Q. Which one is not true for QC meeting ?
a) Helps is generating lot of ideas b) Helps in arriving at consensus decisions
c)Helps the ego satisfaction of a few members d)Helps in better team involvement in
A. Helps the ego satisfaction of a few members.

Q. In setting objectives, which of the following question one should choose ?
a) What b) How c) Why d) When
A. What

Q. In Methodology policy, reply of which one is to be given ?
a) What b) How c) Why d) When
Question Bank Of Quality Circle Helping Hand For Everyone
A. When

Q. What is the prime objective of attending any convention ?
a) To attend the convention as per management instructions
b) To present case study
c)To learn from other Quality circles.
d) To enjoy at the convention.
A. To learn from other Quality circles.

Q. Who showed Dr. Juran that the salary of General Motor's executives is in line with Pareto's theory?
a) M.G. Lorenz b) W. Pareto c) K.Ishikawa d) Mark Hale.
A. Merk Hale

Q. "Ways and means of achieving objectives" is called --
a) Objective Policy b) PDCA Policy c) Concrete Policy d)Methodology Policy
A. Methodology Policy.

Q. When was QCFI established ?
a) 1998 b) 1960 c) 1991 d) 1982
A. 1982

Q. Best decisions are likely to be arrived by taking decisions based on --
a) Gut feeling b) Past experience c) Sixth sense d) Appropriate data
A. Appropriate data.

Q. For planning which activity chart will be better ?
a) Milestone chart b) Gantt chart c)Anyone of these two d)Gantt chart will not be used
A. Any one of these two.

Q. A graphical presentation of the relationship between two variables is known as --
a) Pareto Graph b) Line graph c)Scatter
A. Scatter diagram

Q. Which was the first of its kind in statistical system where verbal information and not numerical data
where used for problem analysis ?
a) Stratification b) Control chart c)Cause & effect diagram d) Scatter diagram
A. Cause and effect diagram.

Q. Control chart and Histogram SQC tools used for ?
A. On-line and off-line Quality control respectively.

Q. Self actualization is the highest motivating factor according to whom ?
A. Theory of Maslow.

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