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Nur Amira Bt Mohamed Sidik

Organize and manipulate numerical data, a

term that stems from an accounts ledger for
keeping records. (Roblyer & Roering 2012)
Can be used for variety of purposes.
Consists of a table of cells arranged into rows
and columns and referred to by the X and Y
locations. X locations, the columns, are
normally represented by letters, "A", "B", "C",
Rows are normally represented by numbers,
1, 2, 3, etc.
A single cell can be referred to by addressing
its row and column, "C10" for instance.

Sort data
Searching and filtering

Provide with a method for tracking and
analyzing data and create chart
Support research of students
Teachers can prepare classroom
instructional materials
Integration of concepts of students
worksheets products, support for problem
solving, decisions making, storing and
analyzing data, projections and simulation
Save time
Organize display of information
Support questions from students
Motivates students
Manage data in various forms
Increase productivity when working in various
types of data
Helps student visualize numeric concepts
Store and analyze data
Visual teaching demonstrations
Support for students products

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