UV-vis - Infrared Optical and AFM Study of Spin-Cast Chitosan Films

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University of Nebraska - Lincoln

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Papers in Biotechnology
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Research
and Publications
UV-vis -infrared optical and AFM study of spin-cast
chitosan flms
W H. Nosal
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska- Lincoln
D W. Tompson
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska- Lincoln, dthompson2@unlnotes.unl.edu
Sabyasachi Sarkar
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Nebrska Lincoln
Anuradha Subramanian
Department of chemical Engineering,University of Nebraska Lincoln., asubramanian2@unl.edu
J A. Woollam
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska- Lincoln
See next page for additional authors
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Nosal, W H.; Tompson, D W.; Sarkar, Sabyasachi; Subramanian, Anuradha; Woollam, J A.; and Yan, L, "UV-vis -infrared optical and
AFM study of spin-cast chitosan flms" (2005). Papers in Biotechnology. Paper 37.
W H. Nosal, D W. Tompson, Sabyasachi Sarkar, Anuradha Subramanian, J A. Woollam, and L Yan
Tis article is available at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln: htp://digitalcommons.unl.edu/

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