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August 25, 2014

Classroom Newsletter
From the classroom of Mrs. Baraff
A lttle a!out me"
I am excited to be your childs reading teacher this year. Some of you already know me, but for those who
do not, this is my fifth year teaching at Concord, and my 8
year teaching for the Pittsbugh Public Schools. I
have a asters !egree in "ducation as a #eading S$ecialist. I have three sons who have all attended the
Pittsburgh Public Schools. y youngest is currently a %reshman at Pittsburgh &llderdice.
I believe whole'heartedly in the $roverb (It takes a village to raise a child). *hat said, I believe that strong
$arent + teacher collaboration is vital to the success of every child. Please look for these ,ewsletters at the
start of each odule -our units are s$lit into odule that encom$ass 8 . /0 lessons that may take 1 . 2 weeks
to cover. In the newsletters I will ex$lain the learning ex$ectations and goals, list im$ortant vocabulary
words, and ex$lain the s$elling + $honics goals that we will be working on. Please know that my door is
always o$en, and I look forward to an exciting and successful year for all.
M #u $ #h Fr
/8 /3 10
4ack to
%irst !ay
of School
16 17 18 13
More nfo
"'mail8 cbaraff/9$ -*his is the best
way to contact me. I will res$ond :uickly;
Phone number8 *his is a new system. "ach
teacher will have a $ersonali<ed number.
Please return all forms as :uickly as $ossible
Individual behavior u$dates will be sent home
every /0 days.
=olunteers needed> Please let me know if you are
interested, and in what ca$acity you can hel$.
Something to talk about. Reading doesnt have to stop when you put
the book down. Talk to your child about books youve read and books
you think he or she might enjoy.
%eadng t&...
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