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Saint Vincent College, Education Department


Name of Student Teacher: Miss Allyson Ulicne
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011
Time: 11:30-11:55p.m.
Grade/Subject/Course: Kindergarten/Phonetic Awareness/Literacy

Stage 1 Desired Results

Enduring Understandings:
big ideas & situated context/your established unit plan goals
Letter/sound recognition is essential for learning how to read
Speaking and listening effectively is necessary for communication

Essential Questions:
what do you hope students will be able to answer/do after this lesson
How will identifying the letters and the sound they make aid the students
ability to read?

Lesson topic and duration:
Alphabetic Principle: Identifying letters and their sounds
25 minutes

Lesson Objectives matched to PA Standards
Given a picture card each student will match the beginning sound of
their picture card to another picture card with 100% accuracy.
Standard: 1.1.K.B.
Use knowledge of letter sound correspondence (alphabetic principle) to
decode words in context.
Standard 1.1.K.E
Demonstrate accuracy and automaticity in phoneme segmentation,
letter naming, letter-sound correspondence, and blending (decoding)
simple words.

22 Picture cards with the picture and word on one side (one per student)
3 Picture cards with the picture on one side and the word on the back (1
per student) *for gifted students*
1 Smartboard
5 Smartboard markers (red, blue, green, and purple)

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Match these to your objectives and
include them in your lesson activities
The students will match their
picture card with another
picture card that has the same
beginning sound.
(Standard 1.1.KB.)

Evidence of understanding
What evidence during this lesson will
indicate that your students are

I will walk around the room as
they are finding their beginning
sound friend.
The class and I will sing our
beginning letter song as I check
each group for the correct

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Introduction, Value Statement, and Motivation
how will you inform students of lessons purpose and hook the
students into learning

Good morning boys and girls! How are you? Today, we are going to
explore some of the letters in the alphabet and the sounds they

Everyone has a picture card on their desk, right?
Have each student tell the class what the picture on their card

Present the picture cards on the Smartboard. (monkey, cup,
duck, and puppy)

Lets look at these picture cards together. Can anyone tell me what
this one is? (presenting the monkey picture)

Nice job. Monkey starts with the /m/ sound.

What about this one? (presenting the cup pictureI may have to
redirect the student to say cup instead of glass)

Very good! Can you tell be what sound the word begins with?

Thats right the /c/ sound.

What about this one? (presenting the picture of a duck)

What sound does the word start with? Good job, the /d/ sound
(have the class say the /d/ sound together)

What about my last picture? (presenting the picture of a puppyI
may have to redirect the student to say puppy instead of dog)

What sound does puppy start with? Correct, the /p/ sound
(have the class say the /p/ sound together)

Awesome job! My class is so smart!


Procedures and content presentation
Provide instruction for learning; attach all handouts, presentation
notes, etc.

Now that we reviewed all the pictures on the cards I want you to
move around the room and find a friend that has a picture card that
starts with the same beginning sound. Each card will either start with
the /m/, /c/, /d/, or /p/ sound.

For example, I have a card that has a picture of a plate. Which card
up here, the monkey, cup, duck, or puppy has the same beginning
sound as ppp-late?

Very good, the puppy card does. Ppp-late and ppp-uppy both start
with the sound /p/.

Now its your turn.

After every student has found their friend with same beginning
sound we will sing our song together as a class while I go around
to check each group.
Remember, we have sung this song many times before.
i.e. Nick has a picture that begins with the /c/ sound. Who has
a card that begins with the /c/ sound? Jessica does. Car begins
with the /c/ sound, candle begins with the /c/ sound yes they
do, yes they do.

After I have checked each group, I will have them return to their

Hold up your picture card if your card begins with the /d/ sound.

Hold up your picture card if your card begins with the /m/ sound.

Hold up your picture card if your card begins with the /c/ sound.

Hold up your picture card if your card begins with the /p/ sound.

Great job.
Collect picture cards from the students.



Stage 3 Learning Plan continued

Differentiation and adaptations
List alterations that meet needs of
included students

The picture cards with have a
picture on one side and the
word on the other side. I will
provide my gifted students
with the side that has the word

The lesson is already set for this
group of students.

Underline the first letter in the
word that is directly below the

Summary and Closure

Review the /p/, /d/, /m/, and
/c/ sounds taught.

Display the picture of
the puppy on the
Class, what sound does this
word begin with?
Class responds: Pppp

Good Job! Puppy begins
with the pppp sound.

Display the picture of
the monkey on the

Class, what sound does this
word begin with?

What sound?
Class responds: Ddddd

Display the picture of
the duck on the

What sound does this word
begin with?

Display the picture of
the cup on the

Class responds: Cccc

Our last one, what sound
does this word begin with?
Display the picture of

the monkey on the
Class responds: Mmmm

Nice Job! Everyone did a
great job today!

Homework, independent assignments
out-of-class work both enrichment and practice

Practice identifying words that begin with the /c/, /d/, /p/, and
/m/ sounds.



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