Week 2

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Week # 2

What do you think are the affordances of standardized, published assessments such as MEAP or the new
Smarter Balanced assessments? Can you offer evidence in support of the affordances that you describe?
Pre-read: If my understanding of affordances is correct then it is described as the actions possibilities. I
would understand that these assessments give us data based on the students performance on the
assessment. The assessment is common to all who take it so the outcomes should be similar for all who
take it. The evidence that I would offer is that students in the same grade would be expect to score
similarly on the test. Although other factors come into play with this so it is not always consistent.
Post-read: After reading the article I think the question is why do we use standardized assessments? We
use them because they are administered under identical conditions every time. The only thing that is
not identical is the students results. Students that take the MEAP are compared to their peers across
the state in the same grade. The test is taken under the same conditions on the same days.
Similarly, what do you think are the limitations of such standardized, published assessments other
than the time it takes to give them? Can you site an example where such a limitation became evident?
Pre-read: I think that the limitations of a standardized test come into play when you look at the have
and the have nots. Standardized test are usually given at a state or county level and within these areas
you have students who have different backgrounds which impact their learning and the experiences that
they bring to the table. You also have different classroom instruction and the resources available for
that instruction.
Post-reading: As the examples in the reading sited, students performance is subjective and not all
students perform on the test to the best of their abilities because of several different factors. I don't
think that it is right for teachers/ districts to be evaluated when these key factors to success are out of
their control.

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