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Inquiry Project Rubric

I NTRODUCTI ON Distinguished Progressing Proficient Unacceptable Score

IRA 2.2

4 points
The basic requirements are included:
content area, grade level, and
required standards. Includes content
standards (1-2), one language arts
CCSS, one technology standard.

3 points
The basic requirements are
included except one: content
area, grade level, and required
standards. May include content
standards (1-2), one language
arts CCSS, one technology

2 points
Two basic requirements are
missing of the following:
content area, grade level, and
required standards.
0 points
Three or more of the basic
requirements are missing:
content area, grade level,
and required standards.
TASK Distinguished Progressing Proficient Unacceptable Score
Alignment of the
Task to Standards
and Cognitive
Level of Task
IRA 2.2

5 points
The task is clearly connected to
standards and identifies what
learners must know and be able to
do to achieve high proficiency of
those standards. Task goes beyond
literal comprehension, is specific in
what students need to learn, is
engaging, and presents a real-life
The task is clearly connected to
standards but does not clearly
identify what learners must
learn and be able to do to
achieve high proficiency of
those standards. Task goes
beyond literal comprehension,
is engaging, presents a real-life
2 point
The task is connected to
standards, but it unlikely that
learners will be able to achieve
proficiency of the standards
upon completion. Literal
comprehension is relied on.
May not require a real-life
situation or high level of
0 points
The task is not related to
standards OR it is related,
but it is merely a cute
activity to complete with
the internet. Higher-level
deep thinking is not
PROCESS Distinguished Progressing Proficient Unacceptable Score
Clarity of Inquiry

IRA 4.3
5 points
Every step is clearly stated. All
steps of the inquiry process are
utilized and share how students will
complete the discovery of the
4 points
Every step is stated, but there is
missing information. The
process steps share how
students will complete the
discovery of the information.
2 points
Every step is stated, but there is
missing information. Some
process steps may be missing
or it is unclear exactly how
students will discover the
0 points
Process is not clearly
stated. There is confusion
with how discovery of the
information will occur.
Scaffolding of

IRA 2.2, 2.3
8 points
The process provides two strategies
learned in the course to access and
gain the knowledge needed to
complete the task. For each
strategy: rationale for choosing,
how it supports reading of text, text
used, description of use, benefits for
5 points
The process provides two
strategies learned in the course
to access and gain the
knowledge needed to complete
the task. Missing one of the
following for each strategy:
rationale for choosing, how it
supports reading of text, text
used, description of use,
benefits for students.
2 point
The process may have less than
two strategies learned in the
course to access and gain the
knowledge needed to complete
the task. Missing two of the
following for each strategy:
rationale for choosing, how it
supports reading of text, text
used, description of use,
benefits for students.
0 points
Many components of the
strategy use are missing.

Name: Sara

4 points
A clear explanation is provided of
how differentiation will be used to
meet the needs of various children
in the classroom.
3 points
An explanation of how
differentiation will be used to
meet the needs of various
children in the classroom is
2 points
Differentiation is explained but
it is unclear how students
needs will be met.

0 points
The explanation did not
address differentiation or
the process used was not
described clearly.
Relevance &
Quality of
IRA 4.2, 4.3
15 points
There is a clear and meaningful
connection between all of the
resources and task. Every resource
carries its weight. Resources include
seven high quality texts (copyright
2007 or later), five interesting online
sources, and one topic related video.
All resources must provide current,
accurate, and interesting
information. Resources are
appropriate for students ages and
can be navigated easily by age
9 points
There is a connection between
all of the resources and task.
Every resource carries its
weight. Resources may include
seven high quality texts
(copyright 2007 or later), five
interesting online sources, and
one topic related video.
Resources may not be current,
accurate, or contain interesting
information. Resources may
not be appropriate for age
group or somewhat difficult to
5 points
The connection between
resources and task is unclear.
Some required resources are
missing from the categories
needed. Resources lack current
and accurate information.
2 points
A connection between the
resources and task is
unclear. Many resources
are missing and/or are of
low quality.
EVALUATI ON Distinguished Progressing Proficient Unacceptable Score
IRA 3.3
4 points
The ideas for assessment tools
clearly measures what learners must
know and be able to do to
accomplish the task successfully.
Criteria for successfully meeting all
standards are clearly stated through
one formative & one summative
3 points
The ideas for assessment tools
somewhat measure what
learners must know and be able
to do to accomplish the task
successfully. Criteria for
successfully meeting all
standards are stated through
one formative & one
summative assessment.
2 points
The ideas for assessment tools
are unclear in what learners
must know and be able to do to
accomplish the task
successfully. Criteria for
meeting some of the standards
are stated though one
assessment type is missing.
0 points
Assessment information is
not included.
5 points
Presentation is organized and clearly
defines categories of project.
Websites are hyperlinked. Resource
list provided in APA format.
3 points
Presentation is fairly organized
and defines most categories of
project. Websites may be
missing some hyperlinks.
Resource list provided in APA
2 points
Presentation lacks organization;
categories unclear. Websites
missing hyperlinks. APA
format missing from resource
0 points
Presentation lacks clarity
and organization.
Information difficult to
find. Resource list
TOTAL SCORE: _50___/ 50 possible
Comments: Sara- I enjoyed looking at your project! It looks like it will be fun to teach and a great learning experience for you
students. What a great way for your students to learn about a new community as well as learn more about the community
that they live. Not to mention it is always fun to share with others when you are an expert on the topic. Your Process it laid
our very nicely and very easy to follow. I liked that you included teacher prep, and broke it down by days. I thought of doing
that, now seeing yours I may revise mine and do that! You found some great resources. I love the quiz! The strategies that you
choose go along nicely with the process and will support your students learning. The Venn Diagram is a great way to compare
Tokyo and Grand Haven. Thanks for sharing!

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