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Rubric for Inquiry Project EDR 627 (Content Literacy): Bobbe Mills

IRA 2.2: Candidates use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and
reading- writing connections.
Distinguished Proficient Progressing
Provide targeted, appropriate in-depth instruction and strategies in the
inquiry process for all readers and writers, especially those who struggle
with reading and writing.
Provide appropriate in-depth instruction and strategies in
the inquiry process for all readers and writers, especially
those who struggle with reading and writing.
Provide instruction in the inquiry process for
readers and writers.
Differentiate with high quality instructional approaches in the inquiry
project to meet all students reading and writing needs.
Differentiate instructional approaches in the inquiry
project to meet students reading and writing needs.
Limited differentiation displayed with instructional
Demonstrate an understanding of the need to vary quality instructional
materials and teaching approaches in the inquiry project to increase
success and understanding of English learners and students who struggle to
learn to read and write.
Adapt instructional materials and approaches in the
inquiry project to meet the language- proficiency needs of
English learners and students who struggle to learn to read
and write.
Adapt instructional materials or approaches in the
inquiry project to meet the needs of English learners
or students who struggle to learn to read and write.
IRA 2.3: Candidates use a wide range of texts (e.g., narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional print, digital, and online resources.
Demonstrate a high level of knowledge and a critical stance toward
selecting a wide variety of high quality traditional print, digital, and online
resources for the inquiry project for students to utilize.
Demonstrate knowledge of and a critical stance toward
selecting a wide variety of quality traditional print, digital,
and online resources for the inquiry project for students to
Demonstrate a limited knowledge of selecting print,
digital, and online sources for the inquiry project.

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