Lesson Plan - Edab161

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Timing: Introduction and Motivation: Teaching Approaches and

5 mins Play the youtube clip on Racial
Discrimination from beyondblue
campaign to whole class.

Ask students to write down a template for
KWL Chart on their piece of paper
(teacher may need to model this on the

Then get students to write down what
they know about Racial Discrimination,
What they want to know about Racial
Discrimination and advise that we will
review what we have learnt about Racial
Discrimination at the end of the lesson.

*** Students are sitting in
Talking circle setup***

Teaching Approaches:
Explicit Instruction
Modeling technique

1. beyondblue youtube
2. Plain piece of paper
3. Writing tools
4. Whiteboard
5. Whiteboard markers
6. Whiteboard eraser
7. Interactive
8. KWL Chart

Timing: Main Content: Teaching Approaches and
10 mins Have students pick up the piece of paper
in their hands.

Ask students to say racial comments to
the piece of paper.

Have students then scrunch up the piece
of paper and crumple it but remind them
not to tear the piece of paper.

Ask students to throw it on the floor and
stomp on it.

Then ask students to pick it up and
straighten it out.

Ask students to make an apology to the
piece of paper.

Ask students to have a good look at the
piece of paper.

Ask them what they notice about the
Teaching Approaches:
Explicit Instruction
Questioning techniques
- Open ended questions
- Closed ended
Guided Discussion

1. Piece of paper
2. Whiteboard
3. Whiteboard markers
4. Whiteboard eraser
Teacher will then explain to students that
it cannot return to its original state and
explain the connection between this task
and how Racial Discrimination affects
people. (Guided Discussion).

Have students imagine if this piece of
paper was a person that they had done
this to.

How do you think they would feel?
- Teacher may write responses on the

We may not be able to see peoples actual
scars or marks from Racial Discrimination
but it is something that deeply effects

Timing: Conclusion: Teaching Approaches and
5 mins Teacher will revisit the KWL Charts with
the students on Racial Discrimination and
see if there is anything we can tick off or
add to our KWL Chart.

Next lesson we will be looking at the Anti-
Discrimination Legislation.

Teaching Approaches:
Explicit Instruction
Questioning Techniques
- Open ended questions
- Closed ended

1. Piece of paper
2. Whiteboard
3. Whiteboard markers
4. Whiteboard eraser
5. Writing tools

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