SD-Gov Nielson Brothers Aug 6 2014

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For immediate release:

Date: August 5, 2014

Survey: Nielson Brothers Polling, South Dakota Election Survey, July 23 to
28, 2014
Subject: South Dakota Governor Election Match up and Candidate
Contact information: NBP or 605 496-0911; NPN or 605 351-5021.

Daugaard Holds Large Lead in Governor Race; A Majority Do Not Know
Democratic Challenger Wismers Name

Incumbent Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard holds a 24-point lead over
Democratic challenger Susan Wismer in the Nielson Brothers Polling/Northern
Plains News (NBP/NPN) poll conducted in late July.

Governor Daugaard led State Senator Wismer 52.9 percent to 28.5 percent,
with independent Mike Myers at 6.8 percent and undecided at 11.8 percent.

Nielson Brothers Polling polled 572 South Dakota likely voters on this
question, from July 23-28. The margin of error is 4.07 percent.

Daugaard draws more support than does Wismer from both men and women.
While 49.9 percent of women say they will vote for Daugaard, 30.1 percent
support Wismer. Among male respondents, 56.3 percent plan to vote for
Daugaard, compared with 26.7 percent supporting Wismer.

The NBP/NPN poll also asked respondents about Susan Wismers favorability
and name recognition.

Just over 17 percent (17.1) had a favorable response to Wismer, with 20.6
percent unfavorable and 11.1 percent undecided. Over half of the
respondents (51.1 percent) did not know Wismers name.

The NBP poll did not ask about the favorability of the other two candidates.
Rather, the poll asks about Governor Daugaards job performance. Among
respondents, 64.5 percent say they approve of Daugaards job performance
(30.4 strongly approve, 34.1 somewhat approve), while 19.3 percent
somewhat disapprove, 16.2 percent strongly disapprove.

Among Democrats, Wismer had a 30.1 percent favorable response, with 16
percent unfavorable and 13.1 percent undecided. Just over 40 percent
(40.8) of Democrats did not recognize Wismers name.

As to Republicans, Wismer had an 8.2 percent favorable response, with
23.7 percent unfavorable and 11.6 percent undecided. Over half of the
Republicans (56.5) had not heard of Wismer.

For independents or those registered to other parties, Wismer had a 15.7
percent favorable response, with 23.6 percent unfavorable and only 3.2
percent undecided. Over 57 percent (57.6) had never heard of Wismer.

With regard to party support, Independent Mike Myers pulls support from both
parties, as 6.7 percent of Democrats say they will vote for him, 4.9 percent of
Republicans, and 15.7 percent of Independents.

A large percentage of Democratic voters seem to be waiting before
supporting Democratic challenger Susan Wismer, perhaps because of low
name recognition, said NBP partner Paul Nielson. Nielson added, Only 55.8
percent of Democrats say they will vote for Wismer, compared with 77.4
percent of Republicans that say they will vote for Dennis Daugaard.

Nielson Brothers Polling, an independent company based in Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, conducted this South Dakota survey of likely voters from July
23 - 28, 2014. NBP is releasing its findings in conjunction with NPN ( Northern
Plains News), an online news and distribution service in Harrisburg, South
Dakota. Previously, NBP and NPN have released findings on the U.S. Senate
race. In the next few days more findings from the survey will be released on
the U.S. House race, the ballot initiative on minimum wage, direction of the
country, and on the issues of same sex marriage and immigration reform. For
more information contact NBP at or 605 496-0911 or
NPN at or 605 351-5021.

Questions, response numbers (%), and margins of error (MOE)
How do you rate the job done by Governor Dennis Daugaard?
607 responses; 3.95 % MOE, Answers: Strongly Approve: 30.4
Somewhat Approve:
Somewhat Disapprove: 19.3
Strongly Disapprove: 16.2

Susan Wismer: If you have a favorable opinion press one. If unfavorable
press two..
579 responses; 4.04 % MOE, Answers: Favorable: 17.1
Unfavorable: 20.6
Do not know the name: 51.1
Undecided: 11.1

For South Dakota Governor would you vote for Republican Dennis Daugaard,
Democrat Susan Wismer, or Independent Mike Myers?
572 responses; 4.07 % MOE, Answers: Daugaard 52.9
Wismer: 28.5
Myers: : 6.8

Undecided: 11.8

This NBP statewide survey of likely voters was conducted from July 23 - July
28, 2014.

The schedule for the release of additional polling results from Nielson
Brothers Polling and Northern Plains News:

Wednesday: South Dakota U.S. House race.
Thursday: South Dakota Ballot Issues.
Friday: South Dakota politicians job performance.
Saturday: Direction of country and state, impact politicians taking positions on
same sex marriage and immigration reform.

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