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Milwee Middle School

Pre-Engineering Magnet
RISE Respect, Integrity, Safety, and Excellence
SCPS PreI!"ifted Earth Space Science
Teacher: Ms. Melissa Cole E-mail Address:
Location: Alert Einstein !uildin" #hone: $%&'( '%) * +,)1
-oom * 11& .esite: ///.sciencecole/esite./

#ext$oo%& #earson Earth and 1pace 1cience
.elcome to )
"rade #re2!34i5ted Earth 1pace 1cience6 2 hope all o5 0ou ha7e had a
/onder5ul summer. 2 am sure that 0ou /ill 8nd this course challen"in"9 ut 2 am
also sure that 0ou /ill en:o0 it and ha7e some 5un /hile /e /ork to"ether. This
0ear9 to"ether9 /e /ill master the skills o5 ein" a middle schooler $/hich can e a
challen"e(9 and the Earth 1pace 1cience Curriculum. This course is desi"ned to
del7e deep into the Earth 1pace Curriculum9 ased upon the intellectual le7el o5 a
"rader. .e /ork 5rom the inside o5 the earth out to space. 2n addition to the
Earth 1pace curriculum9 2 /ill e introducin" asic concepts related to Li5e 1cience
and #h0sical 1cience9 in order to "i7e 0ou a head-start.
!e sure to check 1k0/ard /eekl0 5or an update on 0our "rades9 and to monitor
1k0/ard emails9 in addition to m0 /esite $.;2C; -EALL< 21 C=M2>4 1==>( to
remain current on assi"nments and due dates. 2t is important that 0ou complete all
home/ork assi"ned9 /hen it is assi"ned or re?uired to complete a class
assi"nment9 as it ser7es as critical practice 5or /hat /as learned in class.
Lookin" 5or/ard to a 5aulous 0ear666
Melissa Cole
Classroo' Re()ire'ents&

1. #encils.
1tudents are e@pected to suppl0 themsel7es /ith either a A2 pencil
$/ith an eraser( dail0.
2. Composition !ook31piral >oteook $minimum o5 5our(.
1tudents are e@pected to ha7e their composition ook3spiral
noteook dail0B this is their *+E-S#*P S,*P for all things
+. 1tudents are e@pected to 5ollo/ an honor code at all times re"ardin"
classroom supplies9 home/ork9 class /ork9 ?uiCCes and tests.
%. #lanner $supplied 0 the school(.
1tudents are e@pected to ha7e their planner dail0.
D. 1cience Eair is re?uired 0 ALL #re2!34i5ted students. The pro:ect /ill
e"in at the end o5 Au"ust and /ill end at the end o5 >o7emer.
There are se7eral TE>TAT2FE turn-in dates alon" the /a0 and those
can e 5ound at the science 5air /esite9
Co)rse .escription&
This course /ill incorporate the dail0 use o5 prolem sol7in"9
cooperati7e learnin"9 critical thinkin"9 Gscience thinkin"9H and pro:ect-ased
learnin". .hile this course is #re2!9 it is also9 a #re-En"ineerin" course9
/hich emphasiCes a ri"orous curriculum9 and /ill "o in depth to increase
student kno/led"e o5 Earth 1pace 1cience.
"rading Policy&
"rade Scale
A I& J - 1&&J %.&
! ,&J - ,IJ +.&
C '& J - 'IJ 2.&
K )&J - )IJ 1.&
DIJ and
Co)rse of St)dy&
1ince m0 "oal is 5or each child
to reach master09 there are
times that 2 /ill ask them to
re-/rite or complete an
assi"nment a"ainLthe 1, ,
C, do o2er9 theor0. 2t is not
m0 "oal to make him3her
miserale ut to ha7e them
reach 5or the E3CE//E+CE in
-21E $-espect9 2nte"rit09
1a5et09 and E@cellence(.
5-wee%s * >ature o5 1cience9 EarthMs 10stems9 and 4eolo"ic Time
5-wee%s * #late Tectonics9 -ock C0cle and Land5orms9 and ;0drosphere
5-wee%s * .eather and Troposphere9 ;uman 2mpact on Earth9 and Npper
5-wee%s * 1pace E@ploration9 1olar 10stem9 and the 1un and 1tars
Either print and detach the ottom portion o5 this pa"e to return to me in
class9 or simpl0 email reco"nition that 0ou ha7e
read the introductor0 letter.
__________________#-2>T9 detach and return the ottom
.e ha7e read and discussed the Earth 1cience academic plan. This si"ned
polic0 /ill e collected 0 Mrs. Cole and kept on 8le. #arents9 please9 include
0our email address so that 2 am ale to contact 0ou /ith an0 necessar0
in5ormation. Thank 0ou and 2 look 5or/ard to teachin" 0our child this 0ear6
St)dent Signat)re Parent Signat)re
__________________________ ____________________________________
#arent Email address: ___________________________

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