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Flower Shop Management System

Product Owner: Noelie Christy Catolin

Scrum Master: Keia Joy Harder
Team: Dave Villote
Francis John Conde
Lizlie Angel Holleza
Allen Grace Tabi
Syvyl Arlette nserto
!S"# ST$#"S
A. As a manager, I want to manage the inventory so that I will be able to update all of my products.
B. As a customer, I want to view the available products so that I will be able to customized my order.
C% As a &anager' (ant to &ani)*late &y cash register so that (o*ld be able to acce)t )ay&ents +ro& the c*sto&ers%
D% As a &anager' (ant to vie( &y daily sales so that can ,ee) trac, o+ &y re&aining )rod*cts
"% As a manager, I want to view my daily sales report so that i can track my Earnings
Sprint #1
Days Sprint Task Volunteer Initial Remaining Hours of Work
of Effort
1 2 3 4 ! " # $ 1%
# 1
As a manager, I
want to manage the
inventory so that I will
be able to update all
of my products.
esign !"#
$ode %roduct &Add, Edit, elete,
$reate product database
$ode to update database after every
# 2
As a customer, I want
to view the available
products so that I will
be able to
customized my order.
esign !"#
$ode customers order
$reate database to save customers
$reate a notification for unavailable
$reate interactive interface for
available products
$reate a display of customers order
with individual product price, total
cost and priority number for the
# 3
As a &anager' (ant
to &ani)*late &y cash
register so that
(o*ld be able to
acce)t )ay&ents +ro&
the c*sto&ers%
esign !"#
$reate database for money earnings
$ode cashier for payments change
and earnings
$ode to update money earnings
$reate cashiers *!I
# 4
As a &anager' (ant
to vie( &y daily sales
so that can ,ee)
trac, o+ &y re&aining
esign !"#
$reate notification for unavailable or
nearly out of stock products
$reate a display of product inventory
As a manager, I want
to view my daily
sales report so that i
can track my
$reate an interface that display
scheduled money earnings
Product Backlog To Do (Sprint Tasks) In Progress Done
Person Days Aaila!le Days "or Scum
#ours per Day $apacity o" person
Dave Villote
Francis John Conde
Lizlie Angel Holleza
Allen Grace Tabi
Syvyl Arlette nserto

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