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13 years: 6
15 years: 8
14 years: 6
11 years: 10
High School
Female: 7
Male: 23
1. - What are the risks or cose!"eces o# a se$"a% re%atio &itho"t
- Sexually Trasmi!e" #$ec!ios: 15
-%&a!e" 'regacy: 10
-S!u"ies "eser!io: 5
). Do *o" ko& ho& to 're+et se$"a%%* Tras,ite- i#ectios(
)es: 22
*o: 8
Wich Oes(
-+o"o: 15 -Fi"eli!y: 1 -,-s!iece: 2
.. Most at the i#or,atio a/o"t cotrace'ti+e ,etho-s co,es #ro,:
-.are!s: 15
-Teachers: 5
-Frie"s: 8
-Family Mem-ers: 1
-(!hers: 1
0. What -o *o" thik is a a''ro'riate a1e to ha+e se$"a%
- 12 -14 years: 1
-15-1/ years: 7
-18-20 years: /
-20 o: 13
2. Do *o" thik "si1 a Co-o ,a*
-,0oi" 'leasure: 5
-.re0e! sexual "iseases: 11
-.re0e! .regacy: /
-1i0ig !he -a-y i a"o'!io: 0
-So$!e !he 2oy o$ sex: 0
-3ise a -a-y: 0
-,-or!io: 5
3. What -o *o" thik a/o"t the 're1ac* i the a-o%escece
-*ormal: 2 25
-# "o4! 5o&: 3
!he sur0eye" !eeagers me!io !ha! !he mos! ris5 o$ ha0ig a sexual
rela!ios &i!hou! 'ro!ec!io are !he sexual "iseases a" !he &ay !o
're0e! !he i!4s usig co"om
mos! o$ !he !eeagers cosi"ere" !ha! !he correc! age !o s!ar! ha0ig
sexual real!ios is a 20 years
,ccor"ig !o !he resul! !he a"olescece ge! i$orma!io a-ou! ST6
7 S89%,: T,*SM#T86 6#S8,S8S; $rom !heir 'are!s< a" !he seco"
'lace is $rom $rie"s=

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