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Miss Romero Syllabus 2014-2015 1

Miss Angelica Romero
English 11 CP 2014-2015

English Syllabus
Grade College Prep Course
Course Description
The 11th grade curriculum for Rancho Buena Vista High School centers itself on the exploration
of American novels and plays, as well as non-fiction pieces written by American authors. An
exploration of
this literature and expository writing will be a springboard for the students continued
development in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Students will be expected to
participate in oral and written discussions using acquired knowledge, critical thinking, and
communication skills, which they will develop through portfolio reflections, full-process essay
assignments, and on-demand writing and speaking activities. Students will prepare for college
and state assessments through literary, vocabulary, and grammar analysis.

Curriculum. The curriculum for English 11 is aligned with the current CA English Language
Arts Standards. Throughout the year, Common Core ELA Standards will be implemented. In
addition to ongoing vocabulary, grammar, writing units, and study of rhetoric, students will
participate in exploring the following:

Fall Semester:

Rhetoric and Argumentation/SAT and EAP College Writing and Reading Preparation
(R2.1, 2.4-6), (W1.1-5, W1.9), (ELC 1.1-3)
Bless Me Ultima
(R2.4-5, R3.2-4), (W1.2-2, W1.5-7, W2.2-3), (LS1.4-, LS1.7-10, LS2.1,
Career Research Project, Outline, and Speech

Spring Semester:

American Literary Movements Survey
(R2.1-1. R2.4-5, R3.1-4, R3.8-9), (W2.2), (LS2.3)
SAT/EAP College Writing Preparation, continued
(R2.1, 2.4-6), (W1.1-5, W1.9), (ELC 1.1-3)
The Great Gatsby
(R2.1, R3.2-3, R3.5-6), (W1.4, 2.2), (LS2.2-3), (ELC 1.1-3)
The Crucible
(R1.1, R2.2, R2.5, R3.1-R3.7), (W2.4, 2.6), (LS2.2, 2.5), (ELC 1.1-3)

Miss Romero Syllabus 2014-2015 2
Students will be expected to be in class and on time daily.

Failure to comply will result in the following consequences:
1. First Tardy:
The student will stay after class and make a phone call home.
2. Second/Third Tardy:
A 15 minute detention will be assigned after class and the teacher will call home.
3. Fourth Tardy:
The student will be referred to his/her assistant principal.

Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices

Cell phones are not to be used in the classroom during instructional time, unless specified by the
teacher for use as an educational tool pertaining to the class lesson.

If a students use of a cell phone is distracting to his or her learning, the following consequences
will follow:

1. First Offense:
The phone will be taken and kept until the end of the school day.
2. Second Offense:
The phone will be kept until the end of the school day.
The parent will be contacted.
The student will be assigned a lunch detention.
3. Third Offence:
The phone will be taken away and placed in the assistant principals office.
The phone will need to be picked up at the end of the school day by a
The student will receive detention.

Dress Code

The teacher will follow RBVs Dress Code Policy. (Page 6 of the Student Handbook.)

Prohibited Clothing and Prohibited Personal Items:

Any clothing or personal item that promotes behavior that is crude, vulgar, intimidating,
profane, illegal, sexually suggestive, racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory.
Jewelry or accessories that pose a safety hazard to the wearer or others.
Belt buckles with Roman numerals, letters/images tied to gang affiliation, or drug use.
Hairnets, do-rags, or bandanas.
Bedroom slippers.
Miss Romero Syllabus 2014-2015 3
Clothing or school articles that promote tagging or graffiti.
Clothing that is similar throughout a group of students (believed to be used as a form of
intimidation or affiliation to a crew or a gang).

Clothing/ Personal Property Restrictions:

Clothes must conceal undergarments at all times. Garments that expose the following are
prohibited: midriff, cleavage, buttocks, and bare backs (no skin exposed below shoulder blades).
Using a jacket or sweater to cover an inappropriate top does not excuse the dress code
Shorts must conceal the majority of the thigh.
Teacher permission is required for wearing hoods, hats, beanies, sunglasses or other head
coverings indoors.
Tattoos that promote behaviors that are unsafe, disruptive or illegal must be covered at all
Footwear must provide adequate protection from hazardous debris.
Teachers may further restrict clothing or footwear for safety reasons.
Changing of clothes is only permitted inside bathrooms and locker rooms. Changing clothes in
the parking lot or inside a vehicle is prohibited.

Class Materials
Students are responsible for brining standard lined paper, a pen or pencil that writes clearly, and a
three-ring binder with a section dedicated to English. In the English section of the binder, create 2
dividers that identify the following:
In-class writing/Extra binder paper (No spiral paper)
Unit Handouts

Late Work
Work will be accepted only twice per semester. You will receive two late work passes that you
must fill out and attach to the late assignment. It must be turned in by Friday of that week for full
credit. By the end of the semester you may turn in your two late work passes and get full credit
on your lowest assignment grade.

Make-Up Work
1- Assignments given to a student before an absence are due on the day he or she
returns to class.
2- Assignments missed during an absence will have the same amount of days after the
return to be completed.
3- Responsibility for making up work and tests rests with the student. Students
should check with another student and then Miss Romero for the class activities
and homework of the day(s) missed. Talk to Miss Romero to arrange for a make-
up time.

Class Website:
Miss Romero Syllabus 2014-2015 4

This is our class website; you will need to check on occasion to complete homework
assignments. On there you will also find this syllabus and other helpful/interesting information.

The grades are weighted as follows: Class work 25%,
Formal Writing Assignments 20%
Home work 25%
Unit Assessments & Quizzes 30%

Academic Honesty
Sharing answers, copying anothers homework, test, or essay is cheating. Turning in anothers
work, words, and ideas as ones own, including the homework of another student, is plagiarism.
Students involved will receive zero on the assignment, a meeting with a parent/guardian will be
set, and the incident will be reported in the students discipline file. See page 27 of the Student

Character Statement
Students of Rancho Buena Vista High School will demonstrate Good Character on and off
campus. Each student will show qualities of good character: He or she will be Trustworthy and
consistently show Respect and Responsibility to him/herself and others. Students will also show
qualities of being Fair and Caring in all their actions and model appropriate Citizenship. These
Good Character behaviors will be expected of students in our class; we will explore them in the
characters in English literature, as well.

My two biggest expectations for all my students is that they be respectful and consistently put
forth effort do well in this course.

Miss Romero Syllabus 2014-2015 5
I am looking forward to a great year with you! At any time, if you have questions or need
something clarified, please ask! I am available to help you after class, at nutrition, and at lunch.
You may also email me at

I have read and understood the class expectations and policies for English 11CP

Student signature:

My Student and I have discussed the above course expectations and policies.

Parent/Guardian Signature required below:

Printed Name:

Please circle one: parent/grandparent/guardian/other:___________

Signature due on _______________________

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