Telecommunication Is The Assisted Transmission Over A Distance For The Purpose of Communication

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Telecommunication is the assisted transmission over a distance for the purpose of

Advanced Research Projects Agency initiated project to connect researchers with computers
Adopted new technoo!":
o #ac$et switchin!
o Internetwor$in!
%esuted in s"stem for remote access to e&pensive resources
Packet switching
'ata transmitted in sma( independent pieces
o Source divides out!oin! messa!es into packets
o 'estination recovers ori!ina data
)ach pac$et traves independent"
o Incudes enou!h information for deiver"
o Ma" foow different paths
o Can *e retransmitted if ost
Many +mutua" incompati*e, networ$ technoo!ies
No one technoo!" appropriate for ever" situation
Internetworking !ues to!ether networ$s of dissimiar technoo!ies with routers
%esut is virtual network whose detais are invisi*e
History and growth
A%#Anet *e!an in ate -./0s +not usin! TC#1I#,
TC#1I# deveoped in ate -.20s
A%#Anet switched to TC#1I# in ear" 30s
Start of Internet
o 4ew hundred computers
o 4ew tens of networ$s
Probing the Internet
Two toos:
o pin! 5 sends messa!e that is echoed *" remote computer
o traceroute 5 reports path to remote computer
Sends pac$et to remote computer
%emote computer repies with echo pac$et
6oca computer reports receipt of rep"
Can arran!e to send mutipe pac$ets
%eports round trip time
C:\users>ping is!nyu!edu
Pinging is!nyu!edu "#$%!#$$!$&!#'( with &$ bytes o) data:
Reply )rom #$%!#$$!$&!#': bytes*&$ time*#+ms TT,*-$
Reply )rom #$%!#$$!$&!#': bytes*&$ time.#+ms TT,*-$
Reply )rom #$%!#$$!$&!#': bytes*&$ time.#+ms TT,*-$
Reply )rom #$%!#$$!$&!#': bytes*&$ time.#+ms TT,*-$
Sends series of pac$ets aon! path to destination
o )ach successive pac$et identifies ne&t router aon! path
o Uses expanding ring search
%eports ist of pac$ets
/asic Idea
)ncode data as energy and transmit ener!"
'ecode ener!" at destination *ac$ into data
)ner!" can *e eectrica( i!ht( radio( sound( ...
)ach form of ener!" has different properties and re8uirements for transmission

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