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> This event will allow the organization to make itself known not only as an academic
org, but also as a group that knows how to let loose and have fun.
> It is a new way of delivering a movie to the public, unlike block screenings held by
other organizations
> It covers a very wide target market, not only publicizing UP MBBS to the college, but
also to the university and other outside people

> We need a lot of manpower for this event, and its success is dependant on attendance.
Not a lot of people have vehicles they can use.
> Since this will be Project Xs first event, we may need to partner up with other
> Logistics will be difficult. Since this is an outdoor event, we need to find a good venue,
a good sound system, and a reliable enough electrical supply to make this event even

> When our event becomes a success, this may allow other orgs to get to know us and
will provide a partnership that further establishes our name
> It may also be an income-generating project (though not necessarily) because of
tickets and souvenirs (we were thinking popcorn necklaces/bracelets hehe)

> Since MBBS isnt a big org compared to the others who do these kinds of events, and
Project X is only on its first year, we may not be able to have enough experience to make
this event a very successful one.
> Mems might not be able to do their part with as much efficiency as possible because of
their workload.
> The weather may pose a threat since it the drive-in theater is an outdoor event.

Food + Drinks
Logistics (ticketing?, emcees for the program, projector and screen, sound system,

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