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Fast Car -by Tracey Chapman

The persona feels trapped and oppressed in his her poverty stricken world,she is desperate to
escape from reality and become someone more important and achieve greater goals in life.Her poor
backgroun has restricted her opportunity to be educated and get a job to support herself and her
family,she had to leave school to earn money for provision for her dad.The persona
wishes to ddrive away from her home and to get away from all her problems (dad
Drinking,responsiblity to support her family).Theres is a optimistic,hopeful tone when she talks
about all her idealistic dreams.

Metahpor-the car represents the power to escape from reality
person voice- to suggests that she in a relationship and that she and her partner are working
together to escape. You got a fast car
Emotive Language- We leave tonight or live and die this waywe see her desperation to escape.
Irony-There is a sad irony about the song,the fact that the cycle of poverty continues and shes is
nowhere in life.
Repetition-The repetition of 'no' stresses her feeling of helplessness in her circumstance. I got no
plans I ain't going nowhere.
Motif -The Motif of the car represent her desires to move out of her world and break of the chains
of poverty.

I have a feeling I could be someone,be someone...-Shows her desire to break away and be
someone significant,to be a difference.
Buy a big house and live in the suburbs- This shows her naivity,her ideasticlis dreams are too
unrealistic and dimpossible to achieve.There is an awareness of reality.
i got no plans and I ain't going nowhereshows her aimlessness in life,the tone shifts and
becomes more negative.
Live or die this way-The protagonist feels trapped in poverty stricken world.

Contrast to billy
Rather then being successful like Billy in moving into the world and havingthe support that she
needed,she is unable to fulfil her dream and has no support.

The persona links to the character of mrs Wilkinson,they both feel a sense of imcompletion about
their dreams

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